The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, June 06, 1910, Image 3

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Two Preity Weddiu'S Take
Place intlie City Last
Elaborate Church Ceremony ol
Mollle Seiver and Ernest Tuey.
(From Thursday's Daily)
, The Month of Brides opened strong
yesterday with a decided increase in
t he marriage license business at the
court house, and two pretty weddings
in town last evening. Dan Cupid
has got a number of other vistims on
the string that he is going to tie up
before the month is over but he got
a good start on his spring work yester
day when he united two couples from
the youjiger set of the city.
At seven thirty in the evening,
Miss Helen Alfrida Roman and Carl
J.I. Holmbirg were made happy by the
tying of the knot by Rev. Mr. Swanson
of Wahoo. The ceremony took place
at the Gus Roman residence a couple
of miles south of town and the house,
prettily decorated with fist onus of
colored paper and fragrant flowers
was filled with a erowdof merry makers
numbering nearly one hundred. Short
ly after the appointed hour, the bridal
couple proceeded into the parlor, to the
sweet strains of Lohengrin wedding
march very effectively played by Miss
Ella Carlson, where the minister
performed the simple services. The
bride was beautifully gowned in a
dress of silk, having as her maids,
Miss Delia Roman, Miss Hulda Holm
berg and Miss Ruth Roman. The
best man was Edwin Roman, brother
of the bride.
Following the wedding ceremony,
the nartv sat down to a gorgeous ban
quet, elegantly served in many courses
and it was along towards midnight
when the last chair was pushed under
the table. About nine o clock the
counle was paid a call by a charivari
party of over fifty members part of
whom were organized as Koubek's
band. These carried any avail
able instrument from a tin can up to
a cornet and the music they rendered
could be heard for a mile. As a
matter of appreciation, they were
rewarded with a green back which sent
them hurrying down town to find a
nlace to spend it.
The out of town guests present were
Amiel Holmberg and wife of Wausa,
Neb.. Conrad. Holmberg and family
of Lincoln, Neb., August Johnson and
wife or Roval. Neb., Mr. and Mrs
O. Johnson and son of Omaha, Frank
Anderson of Sioux Citv and Miss
Delia Roman of Sioux City.
The more elaborate wedding of the
evening was the Seiver-Tuey nuptial
at the First Methodist church. The
auditorium of the church was de
cant lv decorated with large bunches
of flowers, the principal flower of
the evening being the Anteriaen beaut j
The bridal nartv gathered in the En-
worth League room at the rear of the
church and at the allotted hour
marched forward to the altar where
the couple were united by the pretty
riiitr service. Down the center aisle:
led the two little ribbon bearers,
Miss Gladys Wray and Miss Thelma
Denson, following whom was little
Doris McDaniel, bearing the ring in
the blossom of a large American
Beauty. The bride, daintily dressed
in a beautiful white silk messaline
followed with her father and the pastor
of the church, Rev. Mr. W. L. Austin.
Down the right aisle, proceeded the
groom with his best man and grooms
men, while the maid of honor and
bride's maids took the aisle to the left.
In front of the altar the parties met
and paused, the groom taking his
bride from the arm of her father,
stepped to the platform where the ring
bearer was waiting with the monstrous
bloom which held the ring. The scrip
tural reading was given by the minister
and with the uplifted right hand,
the couple was declared man and wife.
The music for thcV-casion, Mendel
ssohn's Wedding march, was beauti
fully played by Miss Jennie Tuey.
The maid of honor for the ceremony
was Miss Zeltna Tuey, sister of the
groom; the bride's maids, Misses Alice
and Hazel Tuey, Lillian Thompson,
Edna Wray and Clara Austin; the best
man, Jennings Seiver, groomsmen,
Herman Elders, Andrew Moore, Glen
Rawls, Don Seiver and George Hall.
After the cTemoiiy, the bridal party
and gucMs were ushered to the home
of the bride, the J. W. Seiver residence
where a bountiful spread was served
and congratulations were given the
newly wedded couple. The house was
decked in an abundance of flowers,
sweet peas, carnations and roses
and sweet music from the Platts-
niouth band helped to make lhe cv
ning an enjoyable one. During the
evening hours the place was the scene
of visitation of two different charivari
parties who made the night hideous
with their noise and blasts from mimi
cal instruments.
The oui of town guests at the cere
mony were .Mrs. J.ouis .McUumu
and daughte r of Council Bluffs. Mr.
and Mrs. William McDaniel of Thur-
man, la. Mr. II . 0. Elders of Omaha.
Mr. Davits of Omaha. Miss Lottie
Foote of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Seiver of Oklahoma. Mrs. Mrs. Frank
Rennie of 'Madrid, Neb. Mrs. Lee
Gunnison of Atchison, Kansas.
The One That Got Away.
"Doc" Young, merchant's police,had
a thrilling experience last night in
capturing a man at the rear of White's
store where the moon was making
ghastly shadows and the torn cats
were giving their evening serenade.
By the dim light of lima, the officer
discerned the faint outline of a form
near the window of the store. Stealth
ily appraoching, with noisless tread,
the blue coat drew near the objesct
and when the form slipped under a
board near the window, the officer
had him in his grasp. Hurrying him
over to jail, he was found to be a
young lad about fifteen years of age,
who had been assuming a temporary
bunk at the rear of the store. No
charge was made against the fellow
and be was shortly released, but the
main part of the story is much like the
fishing narrative, "the biggest one got
away." The policeman was sure there
was another man on the scene who
made his getaway, although some
people think it was the cat he saw
scrambling over the fence.
x sS
Mrs. T. J. Fountain has been very
ill the past week but glad to state
at this writing that he is much better.
Chas. Campbell was a Louisville
visitor Friday..
School closed Friday after giving
the closing program in the hall Thurs
day eve. Much credit is due the pupils
and their teachers for the program
rendered which was enjoyed by a
full house.
G. F. Monroe of Omaha was the
guest of E. Sturzenegger Saturday and
Sam Long was a passenger on the
Schuyler Friday morning vherc he
transacted business at the metropolis.
Mrs. Geo. Towle and son Roy spent
the latter part of the week at thcMcIIu
McIIugh home.
Cards were received the first of the
week by the many friends of the
Denning family announcing the mar
riage of Miss Jessie to Mr. Stevenson
of Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. Byron Dill's father and mother
from Springfield spent Sunday at the
Dill home.
Erma Kroop of Louisville was the
guest of Ester Reinke the last week.
Henry Timm and family from Mur
dock came in Friday for a day's out
ing on the river.
II. Tarpenning has had a nice
monument placed on his lot in the
Hill cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Richardson
are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten
pound boy at their home May 20.
J. J. Hill and wife of Lincoln visited
the home folks Sunday and Monday.
Carl Hameister came in from his
Colorado home to remain for a short
time with his mother here.
B. F. Dill was a Lincoln visitor
Sunday, going up to attend the Dec
oration Day service s.
Dr. I. D. Jones came in Tuesday
morning from Murdock to meet his
niece nad elaughter who hda been
visiting the Monn's in Ashland.
Grandma Sawyer came in from Los
Angeles, Cal., Saturday to spend a
few weeks with her son Wyman and
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hill left for
Lincoln Tuesday evening where they
will visit J. J. ami then go to Fair
bury to spend a few days with Mrs.
J. C. Kline.
Mrs. Vandervirt and family left
Monday for a visit with her people
at York.
Mrs. II. P. Long and Mrs. O'Brien
of St. Joe were De'coration Day visi
tors in Lincoln.
Sarah Campbell returned luttcr
part of week from Leiuisville where
she has been attending High sehoeil
the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lansing are Ash
land visitors Wednesday.
Geo. Yegle took the local freight
to Murdock Wednesday morning.
Miss Nora Roseiierans left this after
noon for South Omaha to remain a
day or two with Miss Ethel Ballanee.
The annual election of Red Men
officers will be held this evening at
Red Men hall. A large attendance is
(From Thursday's Dally)
Mrs. Emily Morrison is among the
callers in the city tosday.
J. J. Xowacik left this morning fur
a few days stay in Omaha. (
R. M. Shlaes was a business trav
eler to the Market Towntodav.
Miss list her Larson was an Omaha
traveler icdav.
John Osscnkop of Louisville is on
the Plaiismoinh streets this afternoon.
Nick Halines, jr, a resident of Weep
ing Water, is a caller in town this af
ternoon. R. C. King of Nelnaska City,
County Superintendent of Otoe county
is in the city today.
J. M. Keeiiey left for his home in
Central City today on the morning
Mrs. 0. A. Thomas of Kearney de
parted for her home at Kerney this
R. A. Duff and party drove up from
Nebraska City this morning in his
big Mercer.
W. E. Roseiierans and wife were
in Omaha last evening returning
on the late train.
Miss Estelle Baird anel Miss Pearl
Staats arc visitors of the day in the
Gate City.
Mrs. A. E. Stevenson was an Om
aha passenger on the eight fifteen
train this morning.
L. B. Applcman of Alvo was a caller
at the county seat yesterday, signing
up at one eif the leading hotels.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Iske boarded the
north bound Burlington this morning
bound for Omaha for a silent trip
Mrs. J. W. Peters made the round
trip to Omaha today, expecting to
return on thae late afternoon train.
Martin Ilouk a former resident
who now lives in Omaha was a visitor
among his old friends in town last
Mr. an1 Mrs. 0. W. Johnson of
Umaha returned home tins morning
having been in attendance at the
Tuey-Seiver wedding last night.
Mrs. George Horn of Cedar Crek
who has been entertained for the past
few elays at the Charles Herger home,
tleparted this morning for Omaha
for a day's stay before leaving for
Cedar Creek.
J. G. Russe'U started this morning
for his home at Lincoln having been in
town a few days as a guest at the
home of his some James L. Russell.''
Misses Delia and Errrn Sevdlit
and Guido Seydlitz were mornine
- o
travelers to Omaha toelay, going up
for a brief stay with metropolis friends
Mrs. C. A. Campbell of South Bend
has been a guest at the home of Mrs.
A. X. Long. She left toelay for Omaha
from whe re she will return to her home
Rev. H. E. Swanson of Wahoo rr
turned yo his home this morning afte
being in the city last evening to of
ficiatc at the Holmberg-Ronian wed
ding. James Hadraba the painter,elepartcd
on Xo. G today for Pacific Junction
where he has some work to attend to
which will take him three or four days
to finish.
A. E. Class bought a Burlington
ticket to Ashland this morning
where he went to se'e about the
transfer of managers on the Indepeneleti
dent phone.
C. C. Reynolds of Council Bluffs
who has been in the city a short time
visiting his uncle Andrew McKinney
loft this morning for Lincoln where he
will apply for a railroad position.
Anthony Xesladeck, the well known
young man who has had charge of
the line work on the Plattsmouth
Phone Company in the city, left to
day for Ashland where he will shoot
trouble to kee p lines in repair for the
summer. Healwaysliked Plattsmouth
pretty well anel rcgiets conside-rably
to make the change but he hopes it
will not be for the entire season.
J. M. Kee'fiey of Central City and
daughter and grandson Mrs. L. M.
Adkinson ami Robert, started this
morning for Omaha from where they
will preieee'd tei York where- Mr. Ad
kinseui ' reside s. After a short visit
at York, Mr. Ke-i'iiey will return to
his home while' Mrs, Keeney will re
main in this city until the last of the
week. The party was in the city to
be prese nt at the Davis funeral yesterday.
Old Mill Has Been Razed, Trees
Cut Down and Poles are
Being Moved.
Preliminary work for the macadam
pavement on Chicago avenue is now
proceeding at a gooel rate and the ap
pearance of the highway and its
general surroundings are greatly chang
ing. Many of the big tree's along the
creek had to be cut down in oreler to
make room for the wide paving. The
ase ball park with its former setting
of scrawny trees now looks as barren
as Cook's decsriptiem of the pole
and the sign covered fence looms up
like the price of living. The bridge
over the creek which served as an ap
proach to the park hasbeen removed
and the- fans are now forced to use the
north entrance to the diamond.
A force of over a dozen men are busy
at work in moving the poles of the Bell
company. It is quite an undertaking
and will consume the rest of the week
Some of the' poles now have to be placed
near the bottom of the creek which
necessitates cedars sixty feet in length
This takes a good many hours of hard
work to raise them into position anil
substantially brace them for their
strain. The changing of the line
makes it necessary to put in many new
poles and a carload shipment eif large
ones has decn received from Omaha
for the- work. The Plattsmouth Phone
company has long since finished
moving its poles. By the middle of
next week, at the latest, the road will
be ready to be turned over to the graft
ing gauge.
There is but very little remaining
of the ld mill, an ancient landmark
of the city which jutted defiantly out
into the thoroughfare; workmen have
torn the structure down and the ma
terial has been carried away until
all that now stands is the eild boiler
and part of the foundation.
Burlington Team Play Again.
There is going to be some more real
base ball in Plattsmouth next Sunday
when the C. B. &. Q. team of Omaha
come back for another mixup. Platts
mouth trimmed them up at the last
game they played with them by the
score of 4 to 3. It will be remembered
it was a fast nine inning game with
both teams playing classy ball. The
bunch went back to Omaha with the
defeat on their shoulders but deter
mined to bring down a team next
time that would skin the . Platts
boys A phone message last night
announced they were coming anel
coming strong. Bardwelland Herold,
the two Pekin men, will be usee! for
the battery. Hereild caught the Iowa
twirler for some time early this spring
and the pair work very well toge ther.
Mann who has been wearing the mask
will play third taking Heboid's place
on the bag.
Peru Graduates.
Graduation exercises were held this
wee k at the state normal school at
Peru, Plattsmouth haing three mem
bers in the graduating class, Miss
Delb Tartsch, Chiistinu Hanson anel
Emma Falter. The course at the state
pedagogue school reaquire'S two years
of work which is rewardeil by a state
certificate which will obtain a position
for the holder in nearly any school
in the state. Miss Elizabeth Falter
was at Peru to witness the commence
meiit exercises of her sister, the Platts.
nrouth party returning home last
eve ning. The local girls who attended
the school include Misses Vesta Doug.
lass, Mary Kaflcnbcrger, Stanficld
Jones. Delia Tartcsh, Christina
Hanson and Emma Falter.
Wedding Announcements.
Wedding announcements were re
ceiveel in the c'uy this morning of
Miss Alice Smith of Lincoln and Morris
Walker of Denver who are to be mar
ried Wednesday the fifteenth at the
hemic of the bride in Lincoln. The
bride to be is the daughter of Glen E.
Smith, u we'll know n bridge contractor
w ho has done a large share of the coun
ty work, for years. The grrom
is an enterprising automobile man of
Denver who has a substantial line
of taxi-cabs in operation at that
city. The couple will be at hemic in
Denver after July 1.
Wl!l Serve Out Fine.
' Juelge Archer made a committment
yesterday afterneion for Ahx Hunter
who was given a fine in the morning
for being drunk and elisorderly which
was suspended till Sat unlay night,
but he iinme'eliate ly tell eiii me water
wagon again as soon as released and
he wi'l now have to serve out his time
wl.ieh will be a week in the city
ba-tilo. It is stated today for
that it was not the Baker house where
he trie-d to sleep eifT his jag, but it was
the residence next door, the keys if
which were in Mrs. Baker's pose-ssiem.
George Dovey has taken the posi
tion in the First Xati inal Bank for
merly held by his sister Florence.
River Road Work.
The big i'Ievater was set in motion
this morning and the dirt commenced
to fly for the new river road across the
bar from tin' subway to the ferry.
In taking it through the subway
there was in t three inches eif room
left on cither side, it taking quite a
while to get the- machine through the
narrow passage and ready for act ion
on the either side. Ten heirses were
hitchetl onto it shortly after nine this
morning anel the plow elug itself into
the soft sanely hiaiu eif the bar. The
pieces e)f old tin which are scattered
through the groiiml offer the gre-atest
obstruction to the ope'ration of the
machine while bricks and small si ones
are readily thrown on the traveling
belt and dumped on the new reiad bed.
On account of the uneveness ..f the
ground, it is rather hard to get the ma
chine to show up at its best, but the
worst part of the work is now over and
as a be tter path is beaten the grading
will progress faster. All the stumps
and rubbish were hauled from the right
of way yesterday afterneion and the
work is being pushed rapidly.
Ex-Governor Dead.
Ex-Governor J. H. Mickey died
at Osceola, Neb., this morning at 1:10
o'clock following a long battle with
disease that hail affected him at in
tervals feir five years. The governor's
entire family was at the bedside,
his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Smith of
Denver, arriving yesterday.
When he took the office of governor
five years ago Governor Mickey was
warned by his family physician that
he was physically unable to bear the
strain of the task, lie suffered at
intervals from hardening of the ar
teries and in the last year had several
severe attacks, the last one enduring
ten elays. One son, James, graduated
at the Osceola High Seheieil this year
and the other, Benjamin, at the Ne
braska Wcsle-yan university. He had
been unconscious since Sunday. The
funeral will probably be held Sunday
Sort of an Apology.
Mr. Shlaes, manager of the Majestic
theater, desires to announce that he
was unaware of the character of the
vaueleville acts which were produced
at the little play house Monday,
Tuesday and Wcelnesilay nights anel
he wishes to state that from now on he
will permit only such acts as he knows
to be of the best appear helore his
foot lights, so all who attcmlcd the
performance of the first of hc week
may feel confident that they will
never witness such inferior acting
Alter Post Office Job.
L. G. Larson started for the metropo
lis this morning with the plans of the
new post office buileling unelcr his arm
He went to the city to get bids on the
cast iron work and one or two other
kimls of material for the construction
eif the building. Mr. Larson is going
after the job in earnest and has his
bid all mnele out with the exception
e)f one or two details which have been
delayed until he was able to make the
Omaha trip. It is Imped the big con
tract for the structure will go to a
Plattsmouth bidder.
Benf er's Office Wrecked.
An attempt was niaele last night
to elenieilish the Register, a socialist
daily, run by A. C. Benfer at Lead,
S. D. when unknown parties broke
into the office and proceeded to smash
the machine ry including a press and
linotype machine with an eight pound
sledge hummer. They were frightened
off by men who slept next door ami her
heard the racket. The damage is
about 11.000. Benfer is eiuite well
known in this city, having been a rei
dent here some time ago.
Damage Claims.
Three damage suits on the new Hock
BlufT road were presentee! at the court
house toelay, totaling 75'.), which will
be pushed by the owners e,f the land if
nroiiosed row! cuts through their
land on the west side of the slough
instead of hugging more closely the
bunk eif the river. The claims were
presented by James A. Decker, 8150,
Be njamin G. Decker $150 ami II. P,
Sheldon $150.
NaliejnalC l ie r.i in Asseici i'Ln, Pos
tern, Mass., July 2 to 8, 11110.
Tickets on suh via Mo. Pac. June
28 to July 2 inehnive, IUturn limit
July 17th.
Sec, Mo Pac agent relative to side
trips, externum of limit etc.
Hound trip SM.OO.
Jl. .a on em,
1 1DS-23 Agi nt.
I C. 1). Gre'be set oui, i his morning
' on his ret urn trip to I.aneler, Wyoming,
j lie has bee'ii in town a couple eif days
I anel while on his visit he has had his
j eyes examined by a specialist of Om-
' aha who iiifm nied him tin re was noih -
, 11 iii ...
ing to he none wnicn wemiii neneui
him tei any gnat extent. It is thought
a blood vi'.-se 1 in the back part eif the
eye has been broken which makes it
i'pno-sii I" for him to have full use of
,the member.
Politicians at Washington
Take up Postal Saving
Bank Bill.
Desire to Establish Savings Depos
itories Backed by Uncle Sam.
WASHINGTON, June 1. The re
publicans of the house tonight went
squarely on record for prompt passago
of the postal savings bank bill, which
is part of Tuft's program. The bill
has finally agreed on at a four-hours'
caucus, lasting until midniirht. nt.
" o- t w
which the following resolutions sub
mittal by Representative Tawncy
of Minnesota was adopted:
"Resolved. That the postal savings
bank bill, agreed on by this caucus
be and the same is hereby adopted
that the same be reported by the com
mittee on post office's and post roads
and that it is the sense of this caucus
that a rule be reported fremi the com
mittee on rules feir its consideration
in the house."
The caucus was largely attended
and the only bolt was by ty-prcscnta-iive
Smithwick eif New York, who ve
hemently denounce'd the bill as radi
cally 'so;iilistic ami withelrew, de
claring his intention to fight it on the
floor of the house. Mr. Southwick
signed the call for the caucus and has
attcneleel the three previous three
caucuses on the bill.
Tonight's caucus had left only sec
tion nine relating to the disposition
of the peistal havings funels to be dealt
with. The bill establishes postal sav
ings depositories for deppsiting sav
ings at interest, with the security of
the governme nt for repayme nt.
The caucus fixeel at 05 per cent the
amount of the funels placed in the pos
tal savings banks that must remain
I on deposit in banks in each state and
territory and 50 per cent as the pro
portion of such funds that the trusties
may withdraw forinvcstini'iitinUnited
States securities. The otlu r 5 per cent
must be held as a permanent reserve
in the United States treasury. This
exposition eif , he funels which ws con
templated in connection with t lie pro
posal postal savings banks legislation
was provided for in the Davidson
ainciielment which was adopte d by th)
The original bill provided that
47 1-2 per cent of the funds that
might be put in the postal savings
bankssheiild be deposited in bank
and lhe same percentage was author
ized to be withdraw n for investment
in United Mites s.cuihies wiih 5 per
cent ri serve fund in the tieasuiy.
. The caucus voted elow n the Yreeland
amendment which cxtsndid the per
centage of deposits aliwtd in the
local banks to 72 1-2 erccnt, the in
vestment in federal si cuiitie s to 22 1-2
percent, wit lithe 5 percent permanent
reserve. The Vreihind amendment,
was first defeated on a lising vote
by 51) to 53 and nguin vote el down
when tellers were ordered by 59 to
57. The Davidson amendment was
then aelopted,
The adeiptie n of ihe Davilelson amen
dment was by a aye and no vote and
there we're only a few seiittend votes
against it. Speaker Cannon was
among these who voted first for the
Vreeland ame ndmei.t and later voted
feir the Davidson anutielme nt. TJic
speaker, Mr. Mann, of lliineis; Mr.
Tawney of Miuncst,ta; Mr. Madison
of Kansas and Mr. Kicfer of Ohio,
were among the numerous members
who addressed the caucus. The caucis
continued until almost n idnigh.
Representative Southwick of New
York, created a st'iisa'iin by launch
ing a l itter aitack on the ground that
it was socialistic. He withdrew from
the caucus announcing his intention
to vote against the measure on the
fleieir of the house.
j Card of Thanks.
ne wish io express our sincere
thanks for the many thoughtful kiiul-
nerses shown by our friends durimr
i ihe sie'kness and eb'ath of our. sainted
I mthcr Mrs. Ann M. Davis. We fully
i appreciate the swee t music, the hcau-
tiful fleiral offerings and the kinel
j words of encouragement and sympathy
: all eif which we acce pt as offered,
. ....... !
in me spirit ot t lie .lasWT.
Mrs. ). C. Col vim
Mrs. 1. P. Kennedy.
Mrs. 1. Z. Kerney.
Mrs. Laura Peterson.
Mrs. Lora Davis.