She Re, ndi.ted the Charg. At the iwu'x service In u Yorkshire pnrinli t?it vlrar tried to convey th; lossou that I ho irucst heroic mid hero ines are those who tin nolile deeds la the secret corner of tha home, where Done cut) we or nilnud. "Few of you seem to think," he con cluded, "(hut your wives staying at borne uiKximplalnliiKly to nilud tho children and riure the lunula are heroines, ami yet tbelr touching devo tion to duty proves them to be bo." It certainly hadn't struck one old farmer In this way before, and as soon as he got home he promptly told his wife that the vicar bad called ber I heroine. "Whatever does that meanT asked the good lady. "Oh, It means a woman who stays In f bouse Instead of goln art to show herBen," explained the farmer vaguely. "Then I'm not a heroine, an' I'll thang t' vicar to mind what he's say In'," snapped the wife. "I go to bis church as much as f other women do, an' be must be blind If he can't see me. Why, I'd five different colors in t' bonnet I wore last Sunday!" Lon don Spectator. The First Balloons. The chemical philosophers have dis covered a body (which I have forgot ten, but will Inquire) which dissolved by an acid emits a vapor lighter than the atmospherical alf. This vapor Is caught, anions other means, by tylmt a bluddcr compressed upon the bottle In which the dissolution is performed. The vapor, rising, swells the bladder and (Ills It. Tho bladder Is thou tied and removed and another applied till as much of thin llht nlr Is collected as is wanted. Then a large spherical case is made, and very lnrt;o It must be, of the lightest matter that can be found, secured by some method like that of oiling silk against all passago of nlr. Into this are emptied all the bladders of lljjht nlr, and If there is light air enough It mounts Into the clouds upon the same principle as a bottle filled with water will sink In water, but a bottle. (Hied with ether will floaty It rises till It comes to nlr of equal tenuity with Its own If wind or water does not spoil it on the way. Such, mndum, Is an air balloon. From Dr. Johnnon's Letter, Sept. 22, 1783, to Mrs. Thrale. Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonsta." The story runs that Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonntu" ulwnys so called, though he so rarely gave a descriptive name to any tf liU works wus com posed on an occasion when he hud been playing to some stranger folk by chnuce. Walking with n friend, he overheard In a humble house some one playing with much feeling a bit of one of his sonatas. He paused to ' listen. In a muuient the music ceased, und a girl spoke luiiin,ly of her wish to heur some really good concert. The volco was so appealing that the com poser stepped wlifcnut hesitation to the door and knocked. Admitted to the wondering host, lie said, "I will pluy for you," and played wonder fully till the lamp burned out. Then with the moonlight tilling the room he , began to improvise the mysterious delicate breathings of the beginning of that wonderful sonata, then the tricksy elf-like second part, and the glory of the close. Christian Science Monitor. Long Words. While our language docs not contain such long words as are found in some other tongues nor so many words of uuusual length, still we have several that aro awkwardly long for conversa tional purposes. Wo have "phllopro genltivenecs." with twenty letters; "in terconvertlbllitles," with twentj-oue; "iiitereoinmunlcabllllles," with twenty two; "dlsproportlonableness," with twenty-three, and "transsubstantlatlon nllsts" and "eontradistlnguishnbllity," each containing twenty-four letters. An effective little word Is "syuncategore niatlr," as It manages to compress eight syllables into seventeen letters. The longest monosyllables contain nine letters, and there are four ex amples: "splotched," "squelched," "strengths" and "stretched." New York Tribune. Printers' Marks. The Interrogation mark or "point" (?) was originally a "q" and an "o," the latter placed under the former. They were simply the first and last letters of the Latin word "questio." .So, too, with the sign of exclamation or Interjection (!). In its original pu ,rlty it was a combination of "1" and "o," the lutter underneath, as in the question mark. Tho two stood for lo," the Latin exclamntlon of Joy. 'The paragraph mark is a Greek "p," the initial of the word paragraph. The early printers employed a dagger to show that a word or sentence was ob jectionable and should t c'Jt out A Silent Man. Jorklns There's Terkins-you know Ferkins entered into an agreement with his wife soon after their mar riage, twenty, years ago, that when ever either lost temper or stormed the other was to keep silence. Bob And the scheme worked? Jorklns Admi rably. Terklns has kept silence for twenty yeurs. ' Take Your Choice. From Sir John Lubbock w e take this ennobling thought: "You may see In a shallow pool cither tho mud lying at the bottom or tho imago of the blue sky above." Feed Him. ' If you want to wlu the gratitude of a doe. feed him. As to men, tne ma terial difference is the quality of the food.-BaltImore News. Flcure It Out Far Y'turtslf. If you want a hard case there Is the case of a man who late ot night bought a bottle of whisky lit a public house price. 3. (Id. says the Loudon Globe. lie handed over a five pound note, and the publican would not chnngo it. "All right," said the cus tomer. "Give me the whisky and Ms. Cd. and keep my five pound note." Next morning the customer came in, plauked down four sovereigns and said, "Give me back my five pound note and we shall be straight." The publican and the sinner looked at each other. Can you tell at a glance which got the better of the bargain when the customer went away with his Ave pound note In bis pocket? The question puzzled a whole office full of literary, financial, sporting, philosophical and editorial men until It reached a girl of eighteen who la en gaged In dealing with cash. All the rest were calculating on paper and reaching the cesult by devious ways. The cash girl saw It In a flash of the eye. ' Do you? . 8 but your eyes and do It In five seconds If you wish to beat the cash girl. Wonderful Victoria Falls. "It Is well nigh Impossible to de scribe a scene of such wonder, such wlldness." says Lady Sarah Wilson In her "South African Memories" of the Victoria falls. But Bhe gives this graphic description: "Standing on a point flush with the river before it makes its headlong leap, ' wo gazed first on the swirling water losing it self lu snowy spray which beat re lentlessly on face and clothes while tho grent volume wus noisily disap pearing to unknown and terrifying depths. The sightseer tries to look across, to strain his eyes and to see beyond thnt white mist which ob scures everything, but It is an impos sible task, and be can but guess the width of the falls, slightly horseshoe in shape, from the green trees which seem so far away on the opposite bunk and are only cuught sight of now and then as the wind causes the spray to lift At tho same time his attention Is fixed by a new wonder the much talked of rainbow. Never varying, never changing, thnt perfect shaped arc Is surely more typical of eternity there than anywhere else." Curran and Lord Clare. Curran, the Irish advocate, was on terms of Intense enmity with Lord Clare, the Irish lord chancellor, with whom, when a member of the bar, he fought a duel and whose hostility to him on the bench, he always said, caused him losses In his profession al income which he could not esti mate at loss than 30,000. The inci dents attendant on this disagreement were at times ludicrous in the extreme. Oue day when It was known thnt Cur ran was to make an elaborate state ment in chnnccry Lord Clare brought a large Newfoundland dog to the bench with him and during the prog ress of the most material part of the case began In full court to fondle the animal. Curran stopped at once. "Go on, go on. Mr. Curran!" said Lord Clare. "Oh, I beg a thousand pardons, my lord! I renlly took it for granted that your lordship was engaged In con sultation!" Two Smart Actors. In a popular historic drama the ac tor who takes the part of Napoleon is required to read aloud a document of considerable length which is brought to him by General Berthler. This, being written at length. Is seldom com mitted to memory. A short time ago, however, the property master at an English theater mislaid the document, ond Napoleon, who was new to the purt, received instead a blank sheet of paper. For a moment ho was aghast; then, eager to escape from his pre dicament even at the expense of a fellow actor, he handed the paper to General Berthler. saying, "Rend It to me." Tho other actor was not In tho lenst confused, "Your majesty." he said. handing it bnck. "I am only a poor soldier of fortune, and you must ex cuse me. I do not kuow how to read!" His Emancipation. Away back In 1771 Josluh Woodburv of Beverly, Mass., thus published his happy emancipation from matrimonial woes: Beverly. Sept. 16, 1771. Ban away from Joslah Woodbury, coop er, h house plague for seven long years, llusury Old Moll, alias Trial of Venge ance. He that lout will never seek her; he that shall keep her I will give two Bushel of Beans. I forewarn all Persons In Town or County from trusting said Trial of Vengeance, l have hove all the old (shoes) 1 can Unci for joy, and all my neighbors rejoice with me. A good Rid dance of bad Ware. Amen! JOSIAH WOODBURY. Not Troubled. Xrat Tenntit-I abkefi yci when I snted this place if you toad ever been tfouMed by e'ukkeu itaeta, and you Bald no. Every one of my chickens was Btolen last night, and I am told that the neighborhood has been Infest ed with chicken thieves for years. Suburban Agent I never keep chick ens, A Narrow Escape. "What! You n widow, dear cousin?"' "Yes," "Well. that'B a lucky escape for me. Do you know, I nearly married you once." Bon Vlvant ' A Roatt. "It takes Freddlo so long to make up his mind." "Why should It? He has almost no tnaterlal to work on." Cleveland Lead r. Frugnlity Is founded on the prlncl le that all rlclcn have limits. Burke. No Toadying. Among the good old ways of "merrle England" is thp tendency to democracy prevalllLH 12 h"r boys' schools, par ents can be u.wured. It is said, that no pampering will full to the lot of their sons, however exulted may be their rank or great their possessions. An English paper tells the story of an Indian official of high rank culling upon tho house muster in a famous Jubllc school, where a young prince. Ion of a rajab. was being educated. This official brought a special message from his master, the rajah, to the ef fect that be wanted no favors or ex ceptional treatment of any sort ex tended to his son on account of bis ex alted birth. "You may set the mind of the rajah at rest on that score," said the bouse master, struggling to keep back bis smile before the dignified anxiety of the Indian official "If the authorities were inclined to discriminate in the prince's favor, the boys of the school would set tbe matter right Among them generally the rajah's son an swers to the name of 'Nigger,' and I understand that with bis Intimates he Is familiarly known aa 'Coal Scuttle.' " ' Sinieter Motives. Two men William Jones and John Smith were neighbors and deadly en emies. They often crossed swords in court and out of it. and Jones, being what might be called more clever than Smith, Invariably got the better of the encounter. In the end so cowed was Smith that the slightest move on the part of Jones mude him nervous and suspicious, and with the remark, "1 wonder what object he has lu this?" he colled up all his reserve faculties to combat the fresh attack which poor Joues never contemplated. Oue day a friend called on Smith and greeted him with: "Well, old man, have you beard the uews?" "No," said Smith. "What news?" "Jones Is dead. He died last night at midnight," replied tho other. Smith paused, drew a hard breath, raised his hand to bis forehead and thought, then blurted out: ' "Dead, did you say Jones dead? Grent heaveus! I wonder what object be has In this?" Lights His Pipe In a Gale. I write as one who has smoked in his tine more matches than most people, and it will be understood how I regard tho bus driver's ability In lighting a pipe. A gale may be blowing, tho horses requiring special attention, his left eye engaged on the reflection of tho omnibus in shop windows, a pas senger inquiring who won the Derby In 1SS4, constables issuing directions with tho right arm, a fare balling blm from- tho pavement, and nmld nil these dlstructlons he can strlko one wooden match, hold It In the curve of bis baud and the tobacco is well alight Also while hats are blowing about the streets in the manucr of leaves in uu tuuin bis headgeur never goes from its place, rarely moves from the angle de cided on the first Journey. I have al ways assumed that bo takes It off at night before retiring to rest hut to purt with it must mean a terrible wrench. London Express. Spontini'c Decorations. Casparo Spontlni, the composer, re garded himself lu tho light of a demi god, and when inspirations crowded upon blm he douned a wide, toga like gown of white silk with a border of gold and a fez of white silk em broidered lu gold from which a heavy tassel hung down. With great dignity ho But down before his desk, and if a grain of dust was visible on the paper on which he penned his music be rang the bell Impatiently for his servant to remove tho obstacle. Spon tlni owned so many medals and deco rations that they could no longer be accommodated on his breast At a grand musical reunion at Halle an old musician remarked to a comrade, "See how many decorations Spontlni has, while Mozart has not oue." Spon tlni. who overheard it replied quickly, "Mozart, my dear friend, does not need them." A South African Animal. There is a curious looking animal, in South Africa that looks for all the world like a piece of toast with four legs, a head and a tall. It resembles a pussy cat about the forehead and ears, but its nose Is distinctly that of a rat while its tall Is not very dis similar to that of a fox.' This strange animal is called the aard wolf and doubtless dwells In South Africa be cause, Judged by his looks, he would not be admitted Into good animal so ciety anywhere else. Why He Deaired a Cannon. It Is related that an Indian chief once approached General Crook and wanted to borrow a canned. "Do you expect me to loan you a cannon with which to kill my sol diers?" tho old veteran inquired. "No," the chief replied; "kill soldiers with a club. Want cannon to kill cow boys." Thermometer Down. Little Willie Say, pa, doesn't It get colder when the thermometer falls? Ta-Yes, my son. Llttlo Willie Well, ours has fallen, ra How far? Little Willie About five feet, and when it struck tho porch floor It broke. Her Prize. Daughter Did you have to fish much, mamma, before you caught papa? Mother Fish, my dear fish! I was bear hunting. London M. A. P. . Josh Billings used to say that when a man begins golug downhill all cre ation seems greased for the occasion. PLAY TWO GOOD GAMES Continued from page 3. and by a brilliant throw home made Mr. Kelly stick to third like a barnacle. McAndrews btruck out, but Mann dropped the third one, and the throw to first enticed Kelly off third, but Mac planted his Douglas, on the sack and returned the ball in time to catch Kelly at home and the boat snnk Falcnr's two-base hit waa over the right field fence and Beal'a alacrity in the barbs and the horse- weeds stopped Hickey at third. Herold, Bardwell and Kellev down like a. Lynnhaven and as short work waa made of McCreary, Drum mey and Brassman. Mr. Bardwell sawed McCreary, the Hollys' cork screw specialist who uses Magnolia Balm and thinks Cut Off lake is as big as the Pacific) for a starter. Drnmmev out on a pop. -up to Droege and Brass- man went the JUctreary route. Here is where the sox scored fortho last time. Mann struck out and Beal hit safe over short, stole second on Delia Fox while she was replacing a stray hair. Droege lammed a pretty one out to center and Beal came linmp on the hit. Fitz struck out and Droeire took more ground thai he could re cover in a week, and was caught off second which sent the Sox to the pines. At the close of this innincr the senrp stood 5 to 5 and the Holly captain and Manager lirantner had agreed to call the game here to allow the Onmlm lasds to" catch f,he4 train for home. It was finally decided, however, even though the eighth was finished, to declare a draw game from the fact that the Hollys agreed during the sixth to call the game at the end of the seventh, and at that time received their expense money, and should they play more than seven innings it was with the understanding that they fin ish the nine, but in this they dealt from the bottom, turned a Jack, and took the chips without standing for the lust shuffle. It was a good game, nevertheless, free from dirty ball playing, and everything went off without a bobble. All kinds of boqucts were handed Umpire Larson for his good work, and rightly too, for the old hend is on the job all the time, thoroughly understands the game and makes his decisions promptly and decisive C 1 rcore oy minings : IMatts. 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 Hollys 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 05 38 Hits riatts. 10; Hollys 7. Errors Platts. 7; Hollys 2. Umpire Larson. When You "3ee Stars." The man who when struck violently on tho bend says he "saw Murs" Is not fur from telling the truth. The t;ict Is thut there Is u phosphorescent pow er in the eye which does not attract u persou's intention uuder ordinary ci.n- dltlous. but which Is distributed mid reveals Itself whenever the liend gets a sudden shock and sometime even in the act of sneezing. A blow mi I lie hend results in a pressure i.t the blood Vessels upon the retina, causing eiilier total darkness or a f.ilm blue light Which flouts before the eyes, nml it Is in this fnlul blue light the Imagination discerns the thousands of fantastic forms and figures Unit by general ac ceptance are termed stars; hence. while the astronomical display so fre quently meutloued may be said to be entirely a creature of the Imagination. there Is nt least some foundation for tho Idea. (The true unture of the sen sation Is never very apparent even to the victim, for the simple reason that It Is invariably experienced under cir cumstances which render a searching introspective Investigation out of the question. An Odd Nugget of Gold. There have been many large and oddly shaped gold nuggets found lu the United States and elsewhere, but the oddest of them all was that dis covered at the Midbus mine, on Sulky gully, near Melbourne, Australia, in 1887. Tho nugget was flat and almost the exact counterpart hi contour of a colossal human band held open, with the exception of the thumb and fore finger, which were closed together in a manner so as to moke It appear that tbe thumb was holding the finger in place. Its greatest length was twelve and a half Inches and Its greatest breadth eight inches. It was of the very purest gold, with but a llttlo ot foreign substances adhering, mostly between tho "fingers." and weighed C17 ounces. It was found In the north west main drive of the Mldbas mine, 120 feet below the surface of the earth and at a spot only fifty feet from where the famous Lady Brassey nug get was discovered the year before. It weighed fifty-one pounds of pure gold. Nothing More to Say. "Sir," Bald the candldato, "you prom ised to vote for mo!" "Veil," said bis Dutch Mend, "and vat If I did?" "Well, sir, you voted against meP "Veil, vat if I did?" "Then, sir, you lied!" "Veil, vat II I did?" !(CMT The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, aud has been made under his per-Zy-- sonal supervision since Its infancy. , CUCA4U Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits Imitations and"t7ust-as-good"dre but Experiments thit trifle vr'.ih and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. . TMt eiNT.UM OOMMMfi TT MUNMV STREET, NEW KH OITV. The Kansas City Weekly Stai The most comprehensive farm paper All the news Intelligently told Farm questions an swered by a'practlcal farmer and experimenter Exactly what you want In market reports. One Year 25 Cents. Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo. A 1 J. E. BARWICK DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $450 to $3,000. Don't Eay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper, et me show you some good chance to acquire farma in Ne braska. South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIRE JNSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BODS. Get your bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great aa that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income whil you are onable to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. t t t t ? ? ? ? ? Barclay's B Ml h L? Center of Block Between 4th and 5th Sts. MICHAEL HILD House Furniture and Undertaking Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., South Sixth Street. Michael Hild, John Salller, Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phones Thft Mv M 3 1 A 2 LA Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of Signature of t ? t T i X ? Restaurant THE PLACE TO EAT ything neat and clean and a good place to go for your SUNDAY DINNER. Board by the week. Lunch counter in connection. Open All Night f Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 137 and 247. fonts n' Waft tni! 1J Ml I a m a m