The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 23, 1910, Image 8

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    International Tress Bible Question
We commence today the publica
tion f a series of suggestive questions
on the International Sunday School
Tinsmiw I'nr Kiinie time nast these
weekly questions have lct n stirrinjs
it gri'at deal eif national interest.
They are published in nearly a thou-iand
newspaper toWns and arc studied
by million of read. rs. They are re
ceived warmly by the public and en
thusiastically endorsed by clergymen
of all the churches. Sunday school
superintendents, teachers, and adult
lliblc class scholars use them in every
town where lliey are published, ami till mililic me much interested
" r. i ill
Contracting for this umiic. hil.le
study question service forms the
Daily News and its readers into a lo
cal club of one of the classes of the
International Press Bible Question
Club, and uives the right for all our
leaders to compete for some very val
uable prizes. There are four classes
organized each year composed of the
newspapers which take up the publi
cation of these qutstions at four dif
ferent periods, viz : Those that comment
commence April-.lune are Class A;
Julty-September are Class 1$; October-December
are Class C, and Jan
uary March are Class D. Hence the
Daily News local club belongs to
Class A. There are fifty valuable
prizes to be given to our class, Five
solid gold gold medals, five sterling
silver medals, five teachers' bibles,
price ?5.o() each, and thirty-five cop
ies of the book "The Heart of Chris
tianity," price ?1.50 each. The med
als are specially eh signe d and engraved
and each will be inscribed with the
name of the winner, lie conditions
of the contest are so simple that any
person can comply with them. The
contest will rot commence until the
I 1 I I! I . I . I . .i ...
iiiiesl ions lia c ie n puniiMu u uiu ici n
weeks, in order to give everybody a
chance to become familiar with them.
One condition is that the' questions
must be read each week and as the
Daily News will be necessary for this,
you-had better s(,nd in your sub
scription on the attached coupon,
ircltiiitr the advantage of our special
price for new MihsrilxTs.
Continued from page 1
The Question Club Contest lasts
sixty-hve (65" weeks. Till out
coupon and enclose money for
subscription. Covering the En
tire Period at the rate ol S3 lor
out of town subscriptions and
$1 for city.
Cut Out and Send to This Office.
V Count ne a member of the local club.
Send the Plattsmouth News-Herald from now
to 19 the close of the Bible Ques
tion Contest, for the special price of $3 enclosed.
Name - -
Cut Out and Send to This Office.
International Press Bible Question Club.
I have read the suggestive questions on the
Sunday School Lesson published in the The Platts
mouth News:Herald,also the lesson itself for Sun
day 19 and intend to read the
series of 52.
Name - -
(From Saturday's Daily)
J. W. Heverage of Mynard was in
the city last evening as u gue'st of one
of the hotels.
Joseph Lihcrshall and C. Koubek
were among the platlmouth people
who made the round trip to the me
tropolis today.
, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jiran of this city
are expecting a visit from their cou
sins, I'M ward Jiran and sister of Sa
vannah, (5a., w ho will arive in the city
on one of today's trains.
P. S. liarnes, a resident of Weep
ing Water, paid the city a short busi
ness call last evening. '
II. J. Oartelman bought u Burling
ton ticket for Omaha this morning
to which place he went for a day's
Thomas llajcck made n business
trip to Malvern, la., today, leaving on
No. G this morning.
M. C. Joy bonded the north bound
Burlington this morning for n brief
Omaha visit.
M. Robertson is in Omaha
on a short business mission.
W. A. Sharp an Omaha citizen,
returned to his home this morning
after being in the city several days
at the rcsicdcnce of his mother Mrs.
II. A. Sharp.
E. A. Kirkpatrick, It. C. Pollard,
1). I). Adams and J. E. Banning from
Nehawka were in attendance at the
conferring of the Royal and Arch
dcuive, last night, and, incidentally
of course, were at the banquet which
was served afterward.
out into the yai '. to feed the chickens
and the sheritl w: ; standing at the
back door, when Allen picked up a
pair of trousers and asked the sin riiT
how they would do for the trip.
Mr. Quinton replied they were good
enough for any man, and with the
garment over his arm, the n un step
ped into a bedroom across from the
kitchen saying "I'll put them on and be
with you in just a'second." lie pull
ed the folding door f the room partly
shut and proceeded to change his
clothes. The man had been in the
.,,.1, t,ii o f iii iiimnti c iijI.oii ii ei.n, ii i
I JUI 11 I ll t ." nniiuu 7 1111 li t 1 1 I'Wi b i
start ltd ttie omeer wno was Maiming
a few yards from the door. He hur
riedly cuttred the room and beheld
the man silting on the floor in front
of the drc.-ser, Li ..tad m a drooping
position and a smoking 5S in his right'i
hand. As the sheritl opuicd ihe door
the little boy came into the house,
having finished his chores. Quickly
pulling the door in order that the lad
could not see his father, the sheriff
hurried him across the street 10 the
home of lt. E. Contryinnn, returning
a moment later with Contryinan anil
Wm. Cherry. County Coroner B.
I. Clements, of l'lattsmoutli and un
dertaker E. J'atnour were immediate
ly summoned and the body was not
touched until the coroner arrived
a short while later. It was found
that Allen had taken off his shoes
changed his trousers, placing his money
and keys into the pockets of the new-
ones, and was evidently about to put
on his coat when he noticed the re
volver in the trunk, and on the im
pulse of the moment, he prt.-x.el the
muzzle against his right temple and
pulled the trigger. Death was in
stantaneous. In the opened trunk
in one corner of the room lay Lis coat
and vest all ready to put on whin
it is supposed, his eyes fell upon the
lite coroner on arrival did not
deem it necessary to hold an inquest,
but on account.of family troubles
and the members of the household
being indifferent parts of the country,
some of the men present thought it
best to have n jury nalne the cause of
the death. The jury was immediately
impaneled from the people at the resi
dence anil verdict was given that he
had met death by a revolver wound
in the head caused by his own hand
Allen w as ainan of about sixty years
having lived in this section of the
country for years and at one time be
ing very well to do. He was a miller
by trade and had owned a large mil
at Plattsmouth and later worked
the mills at Ca.'Cidc and Weeping
Water. He had been married twice
having by both marriages, eight or
nine children. The deceased has been
in the state insane asylum and in the
inebriate ;asylum about two years
ago. The last few years of his life
he had spent dealing v.s a junk man
and at the time of his death he had
over $500 worth of old metal at his
place. Interment will probably be
made tomorrow in a cemetery near
Itock Bluff.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
In lie Estate of Nicholas Bintner,
deceaset 1.
Notice is hereby given that at nine
o'clock a. m. on June 4th, 1010 ami
at nine o'clock a. m. on December
5th 11)10, at my olliee in the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
County of Cass, Nebraska, hearings
will be lunl upon all claims against
the estate of ihe ' e 'i.atnrd de
ceased, by which I., v l; uned hour all
claims must he filed .ml all claims
not filed will be a i judged barred at
said time.
By tl.e
..i . ,. .'. i n.
(suit County Judge
Byron Clark,
Wm. A. Robertson, attornevs. - -1-S
They all Demand it
Do you want an
Plattsmouth Like Every Other City
and Town In the Union
Recehes It.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Cass County
In the matter of the estate of Edwin
It. Todd, deceased.
11 persons interested in said estate
ure given notice that a petition nas
icon filed for the probate of the will
of said Edwin It. Todd, deceased, ami
the almoin! incut of the executrix
named therein. A hearing will be had
on said petition in said Court in the
Court House at Plattsmouth, Neb.,
on the 4th dav of June 11)10, at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day.
(hkiI) Allen J. Beeson,
I). O. Dwyer, County Judge.
Attorney. '-t
Mrs. C. A. Berggren and mother
Mrs. Carrie Ekbon were passengers
on the eight-fifteen train this morning
for Omaha, expecting to return home
on oen of the late trains of the day.
People wi
cun d. W
of an aehi .
sought for.
dies today
cure, lhi
that Diian'.
the cure is ..
Frank S.
- be
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
;v :
i i la
. i .. . v'.ir :. .. ill
i'. i, i., i'i-ii' f is i
I . i -iv i ie man;.
.!. ; i t lie o but i
i cvet- :ice to
Iv nev i 'Ms e.'.iC
Briiikman, Eleventh st.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: 1 can vouch
for Doan's Kidnev Piiis, knowii.g them
to be a good kidrfe-y remit dy. My
back in times been i oe so lame that the.
simplest move me i t was painful and I
had frequent he aeachts' end elizzy
spe H.-i that caused me no e nd etf annoyance-.
Mun,inr on getting up,
I eouh'i hardly drag myself about
In spiie of the many re'meilies I trie-el
I found no relief until finally I began
Using Doan's Kidney Pills, proeureel
from tiering iv. Cos. Drug store-.
They effecteil a prompt ami perini.n
tnt flue."
For sale by nil elealers. Price 50
cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agems for the 1'iiittel
Remember the name Doar.s anel
iukv no othe r.
Telegmb or Writ?
Robert Wilkinson,
Ctnb " , Nt br.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate-
y( John Durman
I Expert BlacksmitlijL
He Writes that Work on the Post-
office Building Should
Begin Soon.
D. 0. Dtvyer of this city has received
i letter from Representative McCluire
stating that work on the new peist
olfice building should begin about
July 1st. The letter has been haudeel
us for publication and is given here
with: House of Representatives, Washing
ton, May 1), 1010.
D. O. Dwyer, Esq.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir:
I again awaited upon J. K. Taylor,
Supervising Architect, in the Treasury
department, today to ascertain what
progress was being maele on the draw
ings, etc., on the proposcel Plattsmouth
postoflicc building ami to urge that
no delay be had, I was informed that
the architectural drawings and plans
were just completed anil would be
chet-keel over in time to advertise for
bitls on the contract next week. He
also advised me that under the regular
order ef procedure work should begin
on the building about July 1st.
Very truly yours,
John A. Maguirc, M. C.
Has taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kinds of Fine Horseshoe
inn and all kinds of Black-
' smithing. Satisfaction guar
X anteed.
Call 'on Him.
Workmen have
ing a large plate
just finished plac
mirror around the
interior walls of the J. E. McDaniel
liquor emporium, which gives the
room a most up to date appearance.
The liulios Aid seiciety will meet
Thursday aftornoem at 2:50 with
Miss Corey at the Perkins House.
Jsseph Sedhieck, jr., of (Iranel Island
who has been in town visiting since
Tuesday, departed this nietrning for
his home.
Prank Bukacck headed for Omaha
toelay on an early rtaln, expecting
to return late this evening.
Guy Allen, who has been employed,
at the Louisville quarries this spring
was in the city this morning on his
way to Omaha where he expects to
take up other work.
Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald and daugh
ter Grace went up to Omaha this
morning for their regular weekly
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hiatt, of Sid
ney, lowa, arrived m Plattsmeiuth
yesterday on their way to Murray
where they go to be present at the cele
bration tf the birthdays of Mr. and
Mrs. I. S. White, Sunday. The vis
itors are the parents of Mrs. Frank
Goodman of this city.
Played Joke at Louisville.
A bunch of practical jeikers over at
Louisville the eithet nighr trie'el to
scare the natives out ef a few years
of their growth by setting eifT a quan
tity of dynamite about the time Hal
ley's hobo was due to commence
its capers. Six or eight former quarry
employes maele a haul of several
sticks ef dynamite from the company
poweler house and buried it uneler some
big nicks in the south part of town.
Abeiut 1 1 o chick at night the charge
was set off with a report which shook
the town freim one end to the other
as though the comet had struck the
town pump. A number of residence
windows were broken by the explo
siein and many of the citizens got on
their knees for the first time in years.
Gerlng Case Goes to Court.
The transcript of record in the mat
ter eif application eif Goring & Ce.,
ftir permit to sell malt sniritious
ieiuors in the city, was fih'd in elis-
trict court today ami the case will
probably be brought before Judge
Travis for settlement at the first meet
ing eif the eenirt next wee;k. The permit
was granted the company by the city
council but the pmsccuting attorney
ins entered the case in district court
on the grounds that they are not
legally entitled to a permit on account
tif violating n section of the Slocumb
aw. The complaints that were leiokcel
for from the assaults at the special
council meeting have not been file!el
and it is not expected the matter will
be revived.
At the Court House.
II. Anthony, government in
Mrs. William Sharp and Miss Lena
Sharp of Elmweiod were in the city
last evening signing af one of the local
Miss Henrietta Martins was a trav
der for Omaha this morning on the
early Burlington, going up to spend
the day with fricnels.
Thomsein Woodson, a former resi-
tlent of this pluce who is now living
nt Des Moines, is in town for a few
days visiting his old acquaintances
Burned at Foundry.
Fred Gerber, a young man whose
hemic is at Avo, Mo.,was painfully
burned yesterday afternoon at the
brass foundry of the Burlington shops.
He had been employed in the machine
shops as helper feir several memths and
was transferred to the foundry but two
days ago. The helper was working
over a piece of brass when the warn
ing was given to look out for the metal
pot. In hurrying through the. door
way, he saw an iron rod in his way.
taking both hands he pushed it from
him, net realizing for a few seconds
that 'the bar was nearly red hot and
that the palms of his hands had been
frightfully burned. The rod which
he had taken in his hand was a skim
mer's stick used in skimming and Btir
ring the molten brass. Oerber was
hurried to the company physician
who dressed the burns and partially
relieved him of he pain. He was not
able to report for duty but is remain
ing in his room at thePerkin'sIIousc.
spector of naturalization papers, was
in the city toelay conducting hearing
on the admitting of aliens to full cit
izenship of the United States. Sven
A. Alexen of Louisville was given his
second papers, but citizenship was not
granted Max Horman on account of
one of his witnesses, Nathan Horman,
not being a naturalized citizen of this
Final settlement was made today
in the Anna Krowlck estate, the at!
mmistrator, Wm. J. Streight, being
An order was mnele tins morning
by District Juelgc Travis, directing
the city council to revoke tho drug
gist's permit granted bv them to
Gering & Co., on April 50.
J. A. Lloyd of Ccelar Creek was a
caller at the county scat last night
Children Ory
Ill the District (Vint of the County'
of Cass. Nebraska.
John. II. Spi:r:gh r and John W.
I.lnyd, Plaintiffs. s. Pihg Davis,
it id., eh ft-iidaiits.
To the ilefohiiiu ls in the above
entitled cause, to-wiv: Pe-hg Davis,
Albeit M. Davis, H, .isun Davis,
Lueiaii Davis, Darwin Davis, Lovorne
Dais, Ih h n Davi.s I.avoia Davis,
Emma Dais, Matilda L. Worth n,
Lucmda Cidkii.s, Maltha Jones nmi
the unkuow n heirs and devisees eif
William A. Davis, demised, and Mrs.
Ann Jare 'lotion and husband, C lin
ton Tot te n.
You and each ef you are hereby
tmtjfed that on t1 e 2Sth day e;f April,
A. D. 1D10, plaintiffs filed their pe
tition in the'kt Couit of t.;t
County of Cass. Nebraska, elairr.ii "
title to the east half of the southeast
quarti r of Stctiuii 1 .vei.ty-t igl.t, towu-
lip eleven, north ef range tliiileen
east of the (ith P. M. in the County
eif Cass, Nebraska, by reason of their
adverse possession of said land for
more than ten jears by themselves
ami granteiis prior to the time eif filing
said petition and its venfie'atie.n,
ami that the eh fondant Ann Jane Tot
ten and husband Clinton Totten arc
notifieel that the purpose- of said pe
tition as to them is to correct, be
cause of mutual error and mistake, a
eleetl by them executed to the Plain
tiff, John II. SpangliT, on February
2nd, A. D. 11)01), recorded in Book IS
at page 127 of the Deeel records of
the County eif Cass, Nebraska, anel to
substitute the; name of the plaintiff
John II. Spangler, for that eif said de
fendants in the habendum clause-,
which rends as follows:
"To have ami hold the premises
above described together with all
the tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging,
unto the said Ann J. Totton and Clin
ton Totton, and to their heirs ami as
signs forever."
and to ejuiet the title to said premises
against each ami all of said elefendants
forever. Each of you are required
to answei said petition on or befeire
the 13th day of June, A. D. 1910.
John II. Spangler, anil
John W. Lloyd, Plain
tiffs. Byron Clark.
Wm. A. Robertson, Attorneys for
Plaintiffs. . 4-St
$25.00 to
The World's Greatest
All-the-Year Resort
Double Daily Through
Choice ol Scenery
The True Southern Route
via El Paso
Through Scenic Colorado
Pueblo and Denver
Ask for Rates and Schedules
Hugh Norton, Agent.
bailey & mm
Utut AM'l.lice tllofi-Or.n 0ttM' -I
flc l ,fw ,;!, mC
M riMr Puton Hit. i.tx rrw. OMAHA, M8
Cigars Pleased Firemen.
The city firemen met in their regu !
ar monthly meeting last night at the
council chamber and their customary
routine of business was gone through.
Before the meeting hael progressed
very far, it was turned into a smoker
by tho arrival on the scene of a big
box of cigars presented to the boys
for their quick work in preventing a
serious conflagration at the redidencc
of Frank Cummins a short time ago.
The treat greatly pleased the fire boys
and they got busy with tho weeds
until tho atmosphere looked like they
might have been called to the place
for duty. Mr. Cummins, token of
appreciation of tho firemen was the
big hit of tho evening and before the
meeting was adjourned tho boys un
animously gave him a vote of thanks
for his remembrance of them.
Buy your cotton flannel gloves and
mittens of tho Plattsmouth Golvc
Co., Plattsmouth, Neb., Ind. Phone
White 435. w-tf
For Sale Q
Rubber lined top buggy in first
class shapo alo one set of double
buggy harness rubber trimmed hand
sewed, tf John Bower
Peanut Stand Makes Trouble.
A little squabble ensued last even
ing between n well known newspaper
man and a prominent oall leader
that threatened for awhile to disturb
the harmonious, and peaceful condi
tion of the base ball situation m our
city. Hie trouble arose over tnc
placing of a peanut stantl at tlic ban
grounds by, local confectionery man.
The newspaper man had his idea of
the slant! ns well as did the ball fan,
and before the argument was set
tled there was some mixing that look
ed like bent countenances would re
sult before the dust hnd cleared.
However, things were squared up
without any lives being lost but it
remains to be seen whether the man
will sell his peanuts and chewing gum
at the location he desired near the
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
It Didn't Happen.
"Miss Zackly." savs the inquisi
tive lady to the selfoolteacher, "1
have often wondered why you nev
er got married. How does it hap
pen that"
"It doesn't happen," Interrupts
the toucher tnrtlv. "bprfmsn it nev
er happened to happen. 1 couTdn't
happen not to be married, could I ?
jf anything happens it has to be a
liappening. and if a happening does
not happen then 1t neither may
happen to happen nor happen not
to happen. 1 trust this explains
matters to you, Mrs. Quizzle, and
now I understand why it is that
your children happen to be so back
ward with their studies." Life,
common laiert.
One morning a popular young
minister was presenting his view
upon an important subject under
discussion and insisting that he
held certain things to bo true, the
commentators notwithstanding. He
tuuituutu, i. uuiu iuia 10 pa true
even though the commentators dis
agree with me, and again I say even
though the commentators disagree
with me." At this point anold
lady was seen to leave tho church.
On his way home from the service
the minister was met by this old
lady bearing a basket. She stop
peel and handed it to him, saying
"Dear brother, I hecred you say
the common taters disagree with
vaii ca T'vo lirnnnrtif vau 1 , . .
irtrinia vams." National Mnn,
Bears th
Signature of
Children OrA