The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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    The MewsHeralb
NWS. btebttehfd Nov. S. lfl
HBRALD. btobluhad April 16. 1864
CoueHdaUd Jan. U 1896
Old Soldiers and Others to
Observe Day Which is
Monday. May 30.
Memorial Day Sermon at Presby:
terlan Church by Rev.
I. IV. Qade ,
Memorial Day, winch is one week
from Monday, the thirteenth, is to
be observed in the 'most patriotic
manner this year. The general plans
for the honoring of the day were made
at the last meeting of the Grand Army
of the Republic held at the G. A. It.
hall May 14.' The plans for the
event are in the hands of Ajutant
It. B. Windham who is now busy in
trying to secure a speaker for the pub
lic exercises. At the Post meeting
it w&fl Voted to invite the other pa
triotic organizations of the city to
join with them in making the day
one long to be remembered in the rap
idly decreasing ranks of the old soldiers.
Comrade Morrison was elected as
Officer of the Day. Mr. Morrison was
at one time head officer of the Nc
braska G. A. It., holding the title of
District Commander. He is a most
capable gentleman and the day willnvc
march to the cemetery where appro
priate services will be held and the
graves decorated. The committee
will have the church assume a mar
tial air for the occasion of the mem
orial sermon, and have it decorated
in a simple manner with Old Glory
and stacks of guns.
The opera house has been secured
for the afternoon of Memorial Day.
Public services will be held here, in
cluding an address by a Lincoln man,
patriotic singing and orchestra music.
The soldiers have been rather disap
pointed in the securing of their
speaker, not being able to secure one
of the three men with whom they have
been corresponding. Mr. Windham
is in Lincoln today and hopes to se
cre a good man for the talk. The
Post will probable send someonn of
their men' to the different schools
to give a few patriotic words the Fri
day before Decoration day. The fol
lowing is an extract from G. A. It.
General Orders of April 15:
"Forty-two years of reverent com
pliance with the Order issued by Com
rade John A. Logan in 18SG, whi'e
Commander-in-Chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic, has made the
annual observance of Memorial Day,
the expression of a nation's tribute,
of respect to its deathless dead. This
observance will continue not only as
long as the Grand Army of the Re
public survives, but as long as our
people appreciate the value and the
services oi tne men who lougru so
valiantly and sacrificed so much to
save the nation.
Let us therforc prepare for the prop
er observance of Monday, May 30,
1910, as Memorial Day. Depart
ment and Post Commanders w ill is
sue the necessary orders. The work
should be so well and thoroughly
done that no Comrade's grave will be
issed, but wreathes and garlands
should be placed upon every mound
that marks the last resting place of
of our departed and heroic dead.
These men died that the nation might
We aonor ourselves when we
Does Not Care a Rap and Bids
fiance to His Critics.
Pays His Respects to the Breweries and Talks Initiative
, and Referendum.
undoubtedly be a mont successful
one under his able management.
Comrades Thonias Wiles, and Thomas
Carter were appointed on the church
committee to see to the preparation
of the churches for the special pa-
pay tribute to their memory.
"Comrades, while remembering our
dead, let us not forget the living
I urge you if possible to the exercise
of the greatest eharity toward those
who arc suffering from disease or
frinlip HnrvipfH U'tiwh will lw imli l Ahn W'ounds, and toward all those who
Snndav tVeeredinir Memorial I1v 1 hy reason of infirmities of age arc not
Comrade Burke was appointed to ttbIe to support themselves and those
attend the decorating and flaeirine of dependent upon them. Others may,
the heroes' graves at Eikcnberry
cemetery and Comrade Thomas Wiles
was named to take charge of the work
at Oak Ilil' cemetery. Hilt Wes
cott and Mrs. J. W. Gamble were
placed on the committee in charge
of the musical program. ,
Commander of the Post Thrasher
has charge of many of the details
and requests that all old soldiers
whether members of the Confederate
or Grand Army, to meet at 10 o'clock
one week from Sunday morning at
the G. A. It. hall when they will
march in a lody to the Presbtyerian
church where the memorial scrvicts
are to be held.the sermon to be given
by Rev. L. W. Gade. At the same
time on the morning of Memorial
Day they arc requested to meet and
march with the other orders of the city
which arc all requested to join the
veterans in honoring the day, and
but we should never forget their sac
rificrs and brave deeds.
"It is recommended that wherever
the grave of an ex-Confederate sol
der is found that flowers be placed
thereon, as tribute to the bravery
of the man, who fought on the other
side, remembering that he, too, was
an American soldier. We were once
enemies but now friends. The long,
dark night is over at last we arc a
united people. Out of the darkness
conies no echo of discord between
brothers, no noise, no strife, no blood
shed, but universal fellowship lights
the lamp to guide the feet of our young
II. E. Becker and wife and sister
Mrs. Katheirnc Becker bought Bur
lington tickets reading for Omaha
today, to which point they went for
a day's visit.
Best Grade Letter Heads,
heavy or light, worth $4.00 per
1000, while they last, per M.
$2.75 at this office.
OMAHA, May 17.-W. J. Bryan'
poke in defense of the initiative and
referendum and county option to a
slim audience that barely filled Wash
ington hall, one of the smallest halls
in Omaha, tonight. A deliberate at
tempt had been made by the Dahl
man democracy of the ' metropolis
to frost the leader, who came advo
cating what they did not want. No
one met him at the depot. He came
to the hall m a hack, entered unat
tended, took the platform alone,
though it was studed with empty
chairs, and proceeded to skin Omaha
democracy and the brewers with all
the vehemence and power that is in
urn when worked up to.a high pitch.
The audience was composed of a
mixture of democrats, republicans.
and socialists. It was with the demo
cratic leader at every turn, and the ap
plause came loud and long at each hit
he made at the expense of the brew
ers. Mayor Dattlman sat in the hack
of the room, but did not come forward
at the close of the meeting to greet
Mr. Bryan. None of the Douglas
county senators at the last session
were persent. Representatives Con
nolly, Holmes, Howard, and Butt
were present and all but Holmes voted
when a pollof the room was taken by
Bryan, both for the initiative and
referendum and for the right of each
county to say whether it will tolerate
the sale of liquor within its borders.
When Mr. Bryan entered the room
he was greeted with but modest
applause, and it would seem that the
audience was against him. When he
appeared alone on the platform the in
congruity of such a position for the
leader struck the audience alitl it
burst into spontaneous applause
which was renewed when he quietly
asked those in front to receive the
empty chairs. When he had handed
them down, and only the chair on
which his hat and coat were placed
and one other were left, he turned
and surveyed the assembled listeners
part of whom were women.
"Mr. Chairman," said he sarcas
tically, "looking around the empty
stage, "I came here uninvited. This
is my meeting. I paid for this hall.
I am going to make a speech. The
democratic party in Douglas county
docs not seem to stand for what I
do. I do not think it right to ask
any of the regular organization to in
troduce me. Last year you declared
against the initiative and referendum
in this county and got licked. You
got what you deserved.
"Isn't it strange that I, a member of
the democratic party, can come to
your city to speak on the "initiative
and referendum, a plank in the last
state democratic platform. I say,
Isn't it strange that I should come
to you to speak on this question
and not a member of tlie Douglas
county democracy raised his voice
or offered to aid mo in holding this
meeting. To such a degree is the party
in this city terrorized by the
brewers." '
Before .starting in on his speech
Bryan asked leave to answer an e li
torial that appeared in the Omaha
' Bee yesterday morning under
At the Coort House.
The trial was entered upon this
morning in the case of Fred Patterson
county surveyor, against the county
commissioners, compelling the pur
chase of proper sun-eying instruments
but the session was adjourned until
Saturday without any decision being
rendered by the judge, although the
court intimated that before very long
Patterson would be able to lay aside
the old stick that his father had used
for surveying when he was a boy
and for the first time in the history of
Cass county, use a good set of couuty
A wedding lieenso was issued this
afternoon and the contracting parties,
Francis A. Robinson, age 33, and Mrs.
Maud I. Baird, age 28, were quietly
married at the court house by County
Judge Beeson. The couple came down
on the afternoon train today expect
ing to return there late this afternoon.
The groom was a former resident of
Plattsmouth having lived here about
fifteen years ago, but is now making
his headqurters at Omaha. The
couple will make their home at Paci
fic Junction.
caption "A Free Advertisement." He
read the editorial which toll! how
the leader had hired a hall which was
owned by a brewery, and on the
first floor of which a saloon was being
operated. The editorial declared that
he was to make a speech on prohibi the hall a hire of which was to
go to the brewery. He declared that
when the Bee printed that editorial
declaring that he was advocating
prohibition it told a falsehood, a thing
not surprising in that paper, and knew
that it was deliberatly misrepresent
ing. He charged vehemently, amid
loud applause, that such an attitude
by any paper was that of a coward,
that to hide behind a charge of pro
hibit 'in when the paper could not de
fend its attitude in opposition both to
county option and the initiative was
the best it could do. He said he' was
glad the Bee had stated that the buil J
ing was owned by a brewery and that
it was running a saloon therein under
another name. It had long been his
suspicion that breweries in Omaha
were allowed to violate the Slocumb
law which the papers of the metrop
olis say is good enough to let alone,
and that such violation was winked
at. He served no'.icc that he would
like to write another plank in the demo
cratic platform other than those he
was to defend in the main address,
and this was a law which should de
clare the Slocumb law was to be en
forced in Omaha. He hoped the Bee
would be with him in his endeavor
along this line,
Mr. Bryan read his address, depart
ing from the text repeatedly in vehe
ment explanation of the points he
made. Jle expiameu mat lie was
reading what he had to say because
he would be out of the country for
six weeks and could not answer
any misrepresentations which the
Omaha papers might make. He knew
they were all friendly to him. and
he had learned from experience that
in that city the newspapers did not
hesitate to put words in his mouth
which he never uttered. He would
have the manuscript so that he could
hold them to the truth.
Hurt In Lumber Yard.
Oscar Green, a laborer in the Bur
lington lumber yards was painfully
injured al)out three-thirty this after
noon while at work on a stack of
heavy lumber. He was working with
two other men in the yards when the
lipo of lumber fell, badly straining him
in he back.nd hips. He was rushed
tothe company physician where an
examination showed that he ,as not
as badly hurt as at first thought,
although the exact extent of his in
juries could not be definitely ascer
tained at the time. Mr. Green is a
married man living near the Colum
an 'school at Seventh and Silver
Mrs. Fred Gobel, Mrs, Peter Vallery
and Miss Elizabeth Bergnmnu started
out on the eight fifteen train this
morning, the former going to Omaha
for the dayand the two latter proceed
ing to Council Bluffs for a brief stay.
Distance Recorded by Go? enuneat
Squad According to Chi
cago Newspaper.
According to the ancient and faded
Missouri, stored away in the array
headquarters building here, the of
ficial distance by the regular routo of
travel between Fort Crook and Omaha
is 438 miles, while as a matter of fact,
it is only eight miles. The record
bears h date of fifteen years. ago
when Gen. Coppinger was command
ing officer of the department.
Soon after his arrival here Gen.
Coppinger ordered a measuremcnt,of
the distance between the fort and the
headquarters building in Omaha. Two
privates and an engineering sergeant
were detailed for tho work.
Fort Crook was not equipped for
apparatus for doing field engineer
ing, so the sergeant in charge se
cured a wheelbarrow and to the
axle attached an odometer. Leav
ing the post, the sergeant marched in
front, then followed a private trund
ling tho wheelbarrow, while the sec
ond soldier brought up tho rear,
ready to spell his comrade.
A mile north of tho post was the
town of Fort Crook, with fifteen sa
loons. At one of these places the
engineering party stopped, and not
till darkness did the three men rea
lize the duty they had been called upon
to perform. They knew no excus
would be accpted by the officer at the
post, so they turned the wheelbarrow
over and lor an hour made the wheel
buzz. Then they trundled tho bar
row back to Fort Crook and reported.
The reading of the odometer showed
the distance to Omaha and back
as being 870 miles. And tho of
ficial record stands to this day.
Dr. E. W. Cook left this morning
for Lincoln where he will attend a rally
of the Modern Woodmen which will
take place iherc this evening. It is
practically the same affair the Platts
mouth delegation will take in tomorrow
night at Omaha.
Here From "Show-Me "State.
F. T. Cain, of Sedalia, Missouri,
owner of the two store buildings on
Main street occupied by the M. E.
Smith factory and 1). P. Jackson's
furniture establishment, is in the city
today looking over his property and
if he concludes it to be necesary,
will make a number of repairs and
improvements on the buildings. He
has not had time to make an inspection
of the structures yet, but he believes
in keeping the places in good repair
and if there isn't anything needed
to put them in such condition he ex
pects to get it. Mr. Cain is well
pleased with the town and the progress
it is making. He is one that is going
to help Plattsmouth succeed.
The lads of the eighth grade base
ball team claim that Don Seiver was
not the fan who handled the glove
out in right field last week at Weep
ing Water, but the honorable position
the was held by James Higley.
jl Copjftljlit HirtScbiffnerfc M
THE plain truth about
Marx clothes is all
Hart ScharTnerfr
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doesn't need to bo stretched any. All wool fabrics,
perfectly tailored, right fitting, correct in style; satis
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The Home of Hart Schaff ner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts - Stetson Hats
Juit Received I
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of New Mtit
haJlen Shirts.