The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, May 02, 1910, Image 6

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Local Items
(From Friday's Dally)
II. C. McMaken headed for Omaha
this morning to attend to a few busi
ness matters.
asm mm
,r process which
the print all
The printin
lives you in
that your negative contains.
Will not fog when you force
the developement. As all
other developing papers do.
Judge Travis left this morning for
Nebraska City where he will open
the session of distriet court.
Mrs. Simon Hanson and family
arrived in the eity today for a brief
visit from their home at Nehawka.
Sole Agents in Plattsmouth.
Barclay's Restaurant
1 1
.7 7 W.J wJr r I
. Open
Everything neat and
clean and a good place to
go for your SUNDAY
DINNER. Board by
the week. Lunch counter
in connection.
All Night
Center of Block Between 4th and 5th Sts.
m 1 1 1 1 .t..........l.inn1,lilll,lll,,iMj.liMl,i,llll,ll1 ,t i m mi i
0 AL that burns,and
bums right. That's
the kind we handle.
Deliveries in large or
small amounts made,
on short notice.
i: J. V. Egenberger
4 H K H H II U l 1 1 mi in M 1M.,,
January and February have passed through
And the pleasant month of March too;
But April, with its dusty showers
Its end so close can count it by hours.
And May is coming soon,
FoHowed by the month of June.
Some do say that one day in May-
We will all see a very discouraging day.
We hopa that all prophets fail
In Saying that we'll be dashed with Halles
comet's tail,
It certainly is our earnest desire
That our end shall not be in a monstrous fire.
But we will leave it as it is.
'And will say something that may not come
amiss. '
'Tis very true, we all know
That in a city they have much to show. ,
When you go to the city, go only for pleasure,
Trade at home to benefit your own treasure.
In a town there is always a throng,
But divided; some for right and some for wrong.
Try and exterminate the obnoxious weed
And thereby "See Plattsmouth Succeed."
A few words more and we are through
'Tis for the benefit of you and you.
We have Furniture, Carpets and Rugs galore
Please remember you're welcome at our store.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Elizabeth Verliuel and
Harry took an early train of the
for a brief visit at the (late (.'it v.
Mrs. Don Votrk bought a Burling
ton ticket this morning reading for
Omaha where she went to spend the
Henry Knoba of Nehawka was a
ly's caller in the county seat coining
in this morning on a short business
D. 0. Dwycr and family are making
round trip to the metroplolis todav
going up on the eight fifteen train
this morning.
Mrs. K. N. Harman and children
eft this morning for Ashland to visit
at the home of Mrs. II. A. Abbott,
Mrs. Harmon's mother.
Ham Record the horse buyer of
,'acific Junction, came Sin on a busi
ness mission this morning and will
remain in the city dfor a few days.
Arthur L. Anderson boarded
G this morning for Glenwood.
Hugh Miner of Lincoln returned to
lis home on an early Burlington todav
after being a guest at the home of
M. S. Briggs for the past two months.
Mrs. W. II. Freesc and Mrs. L. V.
Copenhaver were Plattsmouth caller?
at the state metropolis today, being
passengers on the eight-fifteen train
or that city this morning.
Mrs. Simon Clark was a morning
traveler to Omalia today, expecting
to return on an afternoon train.
Miss Isabel Wilrs left this morning
on the early Burlington for a day's
visit to the metropolis.
Miss Vera Yardley of Murray was
in the city this morning on her way to
Omaha where she will make a short
M. It. Brash was a morning traveler
to his home in Omaha having been
a guest over night of his brother in
law II. Weintraub.
T It 1
mollis vtou oi Kavenna took a
morning train today for his home
after being in the city for some time
at the residence of his sister Mrs
Louise Klinger.
Glen Hawls spent yesterday in the
I. S. White of Murray was in the
city today on a brief business mission.
Miss Gertrude Beeson Jeft this af
ternoon for Alliance.Ncbraska, where
she will visit for a week or ten days at
the home of her brother I rank Beeson
Final settlement was made today
in the James hrowhek estate and
the administrator William J. Strcight
was discharged.
L. It. Upton a resident of Union
was a business caller in the city yes
terday regis' ering a one of the leding
C. D. Morgan, W. E. Rosencrans
and Dr. Cummins drove over to Gleiv
wood today in Mr. Cummins autO'
mobile for a day's outing.
Marriage license was issued yestcr
day at Omaha for Louis Schultz
aged 60 and Alice Boneline ago
both residents of this city.
Tonight is the occasion ofthcJun
lor-Senior reception at the home
Henry Herold and a big time has been
planned for the two upper classes,
Given by the News-Herald Publishing' Co. for one
year's subscription paid in advance to the Plattsmouth
Daily News or the Semi- Weekly News-Herald as follows:
Daily News in advance, by mail, $3,50.
Daily News in advance, by carrier, $4.50.
Semi-Weekly News-Herald, in advance, 2.00.
This policy pays $1,000 for loss of life.
This 'policy pays 1,000 for loss of both eyes.
This policy pays 1,000 for loss of both hands.
This policy pays 1,000 for loss of both feet.
This policy pays $1,000 for loss of one hand and one foot.
This policy pays 250 for loss of one hand.
This policy pays 250. for loss of one foot.
This policy pays 2o0 for loss of ene eye.
As will be seenjby the figures given above, the subscription to the
Daily and Semi-Weekly has been advanced 50 cents to cover the cost of
the insurance policy. The publishers want it distinctly understood that
the North American Accident Insurance Co. is considered the most re
liable in the United States and its policies are being sold in connection
with subscriptions by the Great Hearst papers and other leading papers
of America. We absolutely guarantee the insurance. Our arrange
ments with the company is a limited period only, for so you will have to
get busy if you want an accident policy for one year for 0 CENTS.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Special Council Meeting Called
A special meeting of the city coun
cil has been called by Mayor Sattler
for Saturday evening at eight o'clock
ii :i . i r. ai i
in me council cuamoer ior me Hearing
of Gcring & Co., against whom a re
monstrance was filed for a druggists
permit at the last council meeting.
It Is claimed by the signers of the
paper that the saiu company have
failed to make the required semi
annual report of the amount of spirit
uous liquor sold, to whom it was sold
and for what purpose. A permit
for the dispensing of the wet goods
was given the other druggists of the
city but the Gering permit was held
up pending the hearing which has now
icen called for Saturday night. Mr.
Gcring of Omaha was in the city yes
terday seeing about the matter and
considerable interest has been aroused
among the citizens to sec what the out
come of the affair will be.
Read The Daily News
The Ladies Aid of the German
Lutheran church met yesterday after
noon at the residence of Mrs. John
Bauer, Sr., and the largest attendance
of the season was reported. Follow
ing musical number's by Misses Mumm
Sattler, Kline, and others light, re
freshments were served.
William liergsten, C. W. Carlsoa
and L. O. McCarty three employees
of the Burlington signal department
at Lincoln left this morning for their
headquarters after being in the city
for the lust two days putting in new
switches ion the trucks near the depot.
Good Rains In Missouri.
J. P. Falter returned today from a
visit at Tuscunibia, Miller county,
Missouri, where he owns a large am
ount of farm land. He reports the
condition of a large crop in that sec
tion are ideal. The cold snap did not
penetrate into that country and they
were having an abundance of rain. It
rained a little every day he was there
and many days before he arrived so
the roads were quite muddy. The
outlook for the coming fruit crop
was fine and the farmers in the "Sltow
rae" state were in fine spriits.
Reports from many sections in
the east and south show bountiful
rains but still no prospects are visible
for moisture in this part of Nebraska
and the small grain arc said to be set
back nearly a month in their growth.
To California.
New through tourist car lino Jto
Los Angeles, Calif. Leave riatts-
mouth'cach Friday 12:03 a. m. via
Kansas City C. It. 11. 1. & P. W 1'aso
arrive Loa Angeles Monday 7:05 a. m
Returning leave Los Angeles Thurs
day 3 p. m. arrive Plattsmouth 5:03
p. m. Sundays.
Hugh Norton,
tf Agent Mo. Pac
The Water Wheel.
The water wheel is probably the
oldest method of obtaining me
chanical force apart from the em
ployment of animal force. This
wheel was no doubt at first work
ed by a flowing river and then by
a falling stream, and it would not
bo a very great advance on this
method to dam back the stream so
as to obtain a continuous supply of
force even in times of dnnight.
Such storing of water at a suffi
ciently high level is the simplest
method of storing force. If care
fully arranged the loss by evapora
tion and leakage is small and may
be partly or wholly replaced by
rain, bo the fdrce is always availa
ble, and but little labor is needed to
keep 6uch works in repair. The
water clock of the Romans was an
elaboration of this method of stor
ing force and was for them the
only form of "motor."
At Fanger's Department Store
Without Exception the Great
est Bargain Sale Ever Pul
led off Here.
Two Friends Fall Out.
Adam Zawiox They say Rockefel
ler's Income Is $24,000,000 a year.
Wot'd you do If you bad all that
Job 8turky Gosh, 1 know wot I'd
do wltb part of It! I'd treat you to
Turkish bath.
(They flgbU-Chlcago Tribune.
Cheating Father Time.
"So," remarked a gentleman who
... M i I
was caning on a iascinuuug wmow,
"you are mamtna'a little man?"
"Not when they'i gentlemen call
ing," answered the widow's young
hopeful. "Then I'm mamma's baby
boy." Birmingham Age-Oerald.
The teak, wnicii lias passed into
proverb as tho best material for
shipbuilding, is superior to all other
woods from tho fact that it con
tains an essential oil wlucti pre
vents spikes and nails driven into
it from rusting. This property is
not possessed by any other wood in
tho world and furnishes an cxplana'
tion of the fact that ships built of
teak are practically indestructible.
Some have been known to last for
150 years, and when broken up
their beams were as sound as when
firt rwt. tncrpt.hftr.
We want to close out our entire
line of Fine Spring Millinery and are
willii.g to make a great cut price in
order to do so. Wi have on hand over
200 Swell Trimmed Hats, all brand
new, bought for the spring trade.
We also alive a large line of Flowers,
Fancy Feathers, Ostrich Plumes, and
Wings, Ornaments, Velvets, Chiffons,
Mullins and everything pertaining
to the Millinery department, all of
which will now bo sold at greatly
reduced price. Also bear in mind
that we trim your hat free of charge.
Look out lor old Goods.
When you purchase your hat at
some other store you are in danger
of getting old goods and styles, which
is not the case at our store, for all
our hats arc new and will bear the
closest inspection, for, as well as every
lady in the city and community well
Know that last summer we closed out
our entire lino of summer hats at as
low as 5c each, and in order to clean
up the old line entirely, the winter
hats were burned in front of our
store this spring. Other places you
might find an out-of-season hat, but
here you cannot Ipossibly get anything
but new goods, bought for and made
up for this spring's trade.
Now, tho spring season is drawing
to a close, and our trimmers may not
be with us many weeks .longer, so we
impress upon your mind that if you
want your hat trimmed free of charge
our expert trimmers arc now at your
service, but we ask you to come in
soon as they will not remain long.
Bear in mind that we afe offering every
thing at a great reduction and will
prove this to be true if you will call in
and see.