The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 28, 1910, Image 1

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The MewsHeralb
NfWS. Etabliiihd Not. 5. 1891
HSRALD. Established April 18. 1864
Consolidated Jan. 1. 1895
.l si
Some of Veterans Get Erroneous
Notions Concerning Same.
From an article appearing in the
National 1 nbunc of the 21st mat. some
of the ex-union soldiers of the fit v con
ceived a wrong impression, and some
way came to the conclusion that a bill
was about to be passed whereby all
the old soldiers were going to "be
naid off" in accordance with ihn time
served in the late war of the Rebellion.
The writer has carefully read the ar
ticle and to clear the matter up offers
the following:
The article starts out with this
statement "on the 31st instant Mr.
Prince of Illinois representing the Com
mittee of Military Affairs, submitted
to the House a favorable report on
the so-called Warner Townsand vol
unteer retired list measure, being Mr.
Townsands House Bill No. 1S899,
with the recommendation that it
pass with certain important amend
ments." The bill purports to establish
in the war department and navy
department, a roll designated as "the
civil war voulntcer officers retired
Heretofore it seems that the govern
ment has made no provisions for car
ingfor the officers of the volunteer army
while it has arranged by law to retire
, 'ill officers of the regular army at a
K certain aire limit and continue 1 heir
v fiT it miiur t ii n 1 1 nun ii i uninww
present proposed measure fixes the
pay for the ex-volunteer officer at one
third his regular pay, per month.
Sec. No. 5 of the bill provides as
follows for the enlisted men: "That
any person who served as an enlisted
man 90 days or more in the military
or naval ser ice of the United States
during the civil war and who has been
honorably discharged therefrom, and
whose physical or mental condition
is of such degree as to require the fre
quent and periodical aid and attention
of another person, shall upon applica
tion have his named placed upon the
volunteer retired list created by this
et, and shall receive, in lieu of all
pensions 830.00 per month during
his natural life.
The foregoing section is one of the
amendments to the measure referred
to, and the committee in defending it
say "Not only arc these stricken and
rapidly departing veterans entitled
to the relief thus furnished in lieu
of the insufficient pensions which they
now recei e, but in as much as the dis
ability provided for is not required
to be of service origin, this legislation
will go far to render unnecessary,
and therefore to discontinue the pres
ent unbusiness like and costly, but hith
erto apparently unavoidable system
of passing through each Congress a
great number of special private pen
sion bills, which in many cases arc so
belated as to bo of little value to the
beneficiaries. It is also due to the gen
oral body of surviving veterans of the
Union army, who are now fraternally
aiding these old and helpless comrades,
that the later should bi thus nvsiom.
$3.- :
atically and adequately cared for in
their closing days directly by the Gov
ernment which they helped to preserve.
It will thus be seen that the pensions
of the soldiers are not to be interfer
ed with and only those enlisted men
having reached the age of seventy
years and are physically or mentally
disqualified from caring for themselves
requiring the aid of some other
person frequently will be benefitted
bv law.
Organized Country Clubs.
Miss Gertrude Rowan of the Uni
versity at Lincoln was in the city yes
terday and with the help of Miss Mary
Foster, County Superintendent, or
ganized an experimental class in agri
culture and domestic science consist
ing of the boys and girls of the vicinity.
This form of work is being carried on
all over Nebraska by the state superin
tendent of Instruction at Lincoln
and very pleasing results are being
obtained with the younger generation
of the state.
Monthly reports of the experiments
carried on in each department are sent
to the superintendent and in the fall
of the year, contests are held at the
county scats, where the specimens
of the work, grain, etc are exhibited.
These exhibits are then sent to the
state fair at Lincoln and later to the
National corn show at Omaha. It
is a rather new wrinkle in the educa
tional work of the state but in it's
year of existence it is proving a great
Miss Rowan, who opened the work
here yesterday, is a very cultured
young lady and arrange mcnts have
been made for talks from her at the
teachers institute which will be held
in the city in August. A. E. Nelson
who was to have charge of the work
in agriculture was not able to be in the
city yesterday, but the class was or
ganized by the county superintendent
and Miss Rowan.
Starts on Long Term.
James M. McMichael was taken
to the state penitentiary by sheriff
Quinton this morning where he will
begin to serve out his five year sen
tence which he drew for grand lar
cency. It will be remembered, he
switched diamongd rings on the ex
press agent at Mynard, leaving a
cheap initation in the box and coining
to I'lattsmouth with the real stone
which he tried to dispose of in the
city. It was later found that he had
played the same game on the company
at Wyoming last month. While at
the depot waiting for the train this
morning, he seemed to prove his claim
that he was a railway telegraph opera
tor, for he recognized the calls on the
wire and gave the sign of the 0. II. T.
to the operators at the station. He
claims to be a member of that organ
ization and had a ring with the seal
of the organization on the inside of
which are the initials "J. M. M."
however, he insisted that McMichael
is not his correct name.
Miss Alberta Thomas took the early
east bound Burlington for a few days
visit in Iowa. She will stop a short
time with friends in Glenwood and
probably with her sister Miss Daisy
Thomas at Clarinda.
for slip-on'a and sudden
changes in the weather.
We have the full line
in all grades from the $6
zepher coat to the silk
lined, light overcoat at
$40. Look in our corner
window at the all wool
rain coat we show there
at $13.
See us for automobile coats,
caps and gloves.
C. E. Wcscoll's Sons
The Home of Satisfaction.
Green's Tribe of
The Game With the Fast Nebraska City Mink Aggrega
tion is Scheduled for
Next Friday
The Plattsmouth ball team will
have to get busy in the next ten days
if they expect to fill their end of the
score card a week from Friday when
they will meet Green's Nebraska
Indians in a game on the local dia
mond. The red skinned aborigines
are on the trail of the lied Socks and
will soon swoop down on them in full
war paint but with the modem base
ball bat to take the place of the an
tique tomahawk which they have
buried many moons ago.
The team is one of the most widely
known in the country and it will give
the city quite a name in the ball
world if they can hang a few over
poor Lo and his brothers. The team
was originally organized in 181)7 and
has been continually in the field since
then, having played in nearly every
state in the Union in its dozen of
years work on the diamond. They
have maintained an unusually high
standing and at times have defeated
some of the strongest teams in the
Most of the Players have indian
blood in their veins and some of them
arc full blooded articles of the plains.
The tribe of duskics is owned and
managed by a Lincoln man and the
cost of bringing the aggregation to
Programs Have Been Completed
and Arrangements Made -for
The date of the commencement ex
ercises of the class of 1910, the graduat
ing class of the Plattsmouth high school
has been set for Friday evening, May
27. The program will take place at
the Parmelc theater, the participants
being principally members of the
graduating class.
Invocation Rev. L. W. Gade
Instrumental Duet 7 Trovalore
Virgic McDaniels, Frances Whelan
Vocal solo Rockin' in de Win'
Harrictte Adams.
Normal Training in Nebraska
High Schools.
Mattie Larson.
Industrial Training in our Public
Marie Douglass.
Instrumental Solo Grand Valse
Hattie Hoffman.
Class Address
V. M. Davidson, Superintendent
City Schools, Omaha.
Presentation of Diplomas
J. M. Robertson..
The class is an unusually large one
having thirty-two members with a
goodly number of boys. Miss Marie
Douglass was elected at a recent
class meeting as Valedictorian, but
the highest class standing has not
yet been announced. According to
a custom of the state a free seholorship
for nearly any one of the Nebraska
colleges is awarded the person with the
highest standing for the four years
of high school work.
The class sermon will be preached
at the First Presbyterian church Sun
day evening, May 22, by Rev. W. L.
Red Skinned Ball
the Home Grounds '
this city is quite an amount, so large
crowds are hoped for to pay the ex
penses of the visitors. There is a big
responsibility in bringing the costly
out of town teams to the city and
what the management needs at pres
ent is hearty support and large atten
dance at the games. It takes money
to keep the players going find, the
managers have so far booked games
that are worth more than the price to
For the coming Friday, they have
secured the Nebraska City team,
which will play in this city. They arc
members of the Mink league, a fast
aggregation which is stirring up a big
bunch of dust in the base ball circles
in this section of the country. It is
hoped that the weather will be more
favorable for the fans on the coming
Fridays j.hait it has been on the first
two days that were chalked up as
base ball dates; and as the weather
improves the crowds are expected to
increase accordingly. The boys arc
getting anxious for a game now. It
has been sonic time since they have
had a chance to show what they could
do and they have set their teeth to
get the skin if the Mink that is going
to come Friday and the prospects for
their accomplishing it seems bright.
Austin of the Methodist church.
Communications have been made
with Wahoo and it has been decicded
to hold the district championship
debate at that place on next Tuesday
evening, the contest being between
the Plattsmouth and Wahoo teams.
The High school ball team goes to
Ashland Saturday to play a return
game with the nine which they beat
on the local grounds in the first game
of the season.
Majestic Opens.
The new moving picture theater
"the Majestic" opened last evening
and Manager Shlaes is more than pleas
ed with the first evening's work. The
crowd packed the little house to it's
doors and many were turned awav.
while everyone who attended spoke
very highly of the pictures and of the
pleasant appearance of the place.
Miss Mario Fitzgerald has taken the
position of the piano player. On
Saturday and Sunday, however, Miss
Anna Priesman, a fine musician of
Omaha, will preside at the keys and
Mr. II. Prissman has been secured
to sing at the afternoon and evening
performances Saturday.
, Twenty live new chairs have been
ordered which will enlarge the seat
ing capacity to a little over 200. On
a week from Tuesday, Mr. Shlaes an
nounces he will hold his first "Ama
teur Night," when besides a few pic
tures, there will be a number of musi
cal selections by local talent for cash
prizes. The proprietor expects to
hold the amateur entertainment every
other Tuesday night commencing with
May 10.
F.arl Travis was ill Omaha last night,
returning to the city this morning.
The chief of police was out this
morning notifying the business men
of the city to clean up their back yards
and place their gasoline tanks under
ground and the men are getting busy
with their shovels and rakes in an effort
to obey the order. Incidentally, they
might take a look at the river sand bar
which could stand a little cleaning up.
Funeral of IV. P. Bailey.
Services of the late William P.
Railey will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2:00 from his old home on
Figth street. The funeral will be in
charge of Rev. II. R. Rurgess who
was a fond friend of the deceased,
spending much of his time during the
last few weeks at the bedside of the
old gentleman. 'The services at ihe
home will be very simple and the body
with that of Mrs. Railey will leave on
an afternoon train for Schenectady,
N. V. the former home of the de
ceased. The remains witll be accom
panied to their final resting place" by
Mrs. II. G. Garrison and Charles
Railey, daughter and son of the late
Mr. Railey, both of whom made their
home at the Railey residence in this
Dancers Elect O Ulcers.
The Dancing Club of the Young
Men's Turner society held a meeting
last evening at Turne Halle and
elected officers for the club as follows:
President, Glen Rawls; Vice Presi
dent,Nelson Jean: Treasurer, Fred
Mann. The young men's organiza
tion is one of the leading dancing
clubs of the city and their select little
crowds that meet occasionally at their
hall are always royally entertained in
the hands of the capable officers.
The last dance given by the boys was
about three weeks ago and it has not
been definitely derided when the next
one will be held, but the date will
probably be announced in a few days.
Need Two Names.
All the Nebraska Lighting Com
pany needs now to complete the
list of signers on their street lighting
proposition is two names. They have
given up the hope of securing 80 names
as was originally intended, but have
now set the goal at 70 ami two more
subscribers arc needed to make this
number. Reforc the day is up, they are
expecting to find the two men who are
willing to cough up 50 cents a month
for the maintenance of the three arcs,
and their list will then be full. 'If
your name is not on that agreement,
you had better get busy or you're
liable to loose the chance of helping
on this good advertising proposition.
Mr. J. N. Wise and Itcv. L. W.
Gade left this morning for Lincoln
to attend a big Presbyterian meeting
where Mr. Gade will formally accept
the position of pastor of the Presby
terian church in this city. The gentle
men will return to their homes on the
late train this evening.
SEVERAL things
once when you
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Plattsmouth Delegation Hill At
tend and Hear Prominent
Men Speak.
The sixth annual session of the Ne
braska Association of Commercial
clubs, of which this city is a member,
is to be held today and tomorrow
at Columbus. Some very interesting
sessions have been arranged for and
if the plans of the Plattsmouth repre
sentatives turn out all right, the three
men, J. P. Falter, A. L. Tidd and Hilt
Wescott who were appointed as repre
sentatives of the local club, will Ieavo
the city tomorrow morning to bo
present at the day's meetings. They
arc meetings well worth attending
and representatives from all the live
towns of the state will gather and talk
over the work of the hustling clubs
and the results they are obtaining
in the different citires.
The seession will open for registra
tion and acquaintance this afternoon
at three. The opening program will
bo held this evening with an address
of welcome by the Mayor of Columbus
and the president of the Columbus
Commercial club. The resnonse is
to be made by Charles Ryan, president
of the Grand Island club, following
which there will be the annual address
by the president II. M. Rushnell.
and a short speech by U. M. Dunaway
of the Kearney club.
Tomorrow at ten will be a talk on
"Ruilding Communities by advertis
ing." by N. A. Huso of Norfolk and
"Home money for home development"
by V. E. Wilson, president of thn
Stromburg Commercial club. At the
afternoon meeting short reports will
be heard from the different clubs.
the year's officers will bo elected and
the adoption of the resolutions made.
In the evening at 7 o'clock, a com
plimentary dinner will be tendered-
the visitors by the Columbus club
followed by a short program with the
following as speakers;
Chancellor Samuel Avcrv. Univer
sity of Nebraska; Francis A. Rrogan,
Omaha Commercial Club, ex-nresi-
dent of State Rar Association; Hcnrv
T. Clark. President Nebraska Rnil-
way Commission ; L. W. Pace. Director
Good Roads Dicvision Department
of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
will strike you at
inspect our show-
ins: of spring goods.
You will be impressed
witli the quality, pleased
with the style and sur
prised at the reasonable
These clothes are
made to meet ideas of
men of taste superb
creations of the tailors
art, fashioned and fin
ished in the most ap
proved manner. Your
satisfaction insured in
every detail.