IS NOT A CANDIDATE Hon. E. M. Pollard Not a Candidate for Nom ination. ' BUSINESS MATTERS GIVEN AS REASON Lumber Company of Which he Is Member Requests this Action (From Thursday's Dally) A telephone message from lion. E. M. Pollard to the News this after noon announces that he has decided not to become a candidate for the con gressional nomination in this district. lie gives as his reason for taking this action that after a two days ses sion of the lumber company of which he is a heavy stockholder they unani mously decided to ask him to retire from the political field and take the business management of the company. This is the company which owns a large acreage of timber on Ilayti, where Mr. Pollard spent the winter and from which place he returned last week and they consider that his management of the same cannot be dispensed with. The people of the First district will receive his announcement with much regret, for he made a good record the four years he served the district and would be in a position if elected to give the district valuable service. WAS A BUSY DAY FOR THE FIREMEN Called Out Early In the Morning and Again In the After noon to Small Fires. Plattsmouth has been having more than her share of excitement in the fire line in the last day or so. Be sides the fires which necessitated the use of the department apparatus, there have been one or two conflagra tions for which there were no alarms turned in, but which created quite a flurry in their immediate locality. The blowing of the fire whistle in one of yesterday's scares was only pre vented by the people at the telephone offices. Yesterday well brought out the ne ccsity of the statement recently issued by the firemen who demand that a blaze really need the attention of the city department before the alarm is turned in, three or four score men called from their work, and the ex pense of hauling the apparatus thrown on the city. " There are many in stances where a tea cup and the proper treatment with a quart of water would give much quicker and better results than the tooting of the fire whistle, and the calling out of the good laboring men, who perhaps are working by the hour and before reaching the scene, find the flames have been extinguished by a pot of tea. A conflagration that might indeed have been a serious one, was narrowly prevented yesterday after noon about 3.45 oy the timely arrival 'jf the fire hose. A small frame shed in the rear of the Otto llerold resi dence on South Sixth was discovered ablaze and after a few minutes of use less fighting, the alarm was turned in which brought the boys to the spot in a very short time. In the shed w as a five gallon can of kerosene that got nearly hot enough to melt the solder before the flames were extinguished, but very luckily the oil did not ignite. The cause of the fiie is a matter of doubt to the residents of the neigh borhood for there seems to have been no one near the place that afternoon. There was a gasoline stove explosion not far from the Herald place in the south part of town later in the day, but little damage was done and the fire department was not called out. Eastern Stars Initiate. The Eastern Stars held forth last evening at a big meeting in their lodge rooms. One of the largest crowds of the year was present and nearly every member of the lodge was in attendance. Four new members were initiated into the mystic rites of the organization and following the ini tiation a delicious banquet was par taken of. The new members taken into the lodge were Mr. and Mrs. Guy McMaken, Miss Clara Wcyrich and James Mauzy. Different forms of amusement were indulged in and it was alate hour before the jolly party was adjourned. A GOOD SOUTHERN PLAY BY THE GREW COMPANY Miss Iva Bowman as "Aunt Ca'llne Scores the Big lilt of the Evening. (From Thursday's Dally) To say that the drew Stock Co. pleased the house which greeted them last night is employing a term of micro scopical significance. The Sweetest Ciirl in Dixie" is a drama of the South ern type and was well handled by Mr. Crew's corps of players. Miss Pettes as usual attained the high standard of quality of work as in for mer appearances and it is with regret that we learn that last night was her last appearance with this excellent company, and in the future her role of leading lady will be taken by Ma bel Cullen. "Bobbie" Enders who played "Uncle George", the old color ed servant in Major Howards family, was the cause of much hearty applause and many outbursts of laughter equal led only by that coat ripping variety with which the Colonel, in the palmy toddy days, was possessed. Occasion ally "Bobbie" in his black face dialect would play a measure or two from "aeh lieber stein" but this we all know is due to the fact that Mr. Enders is a "faderland" character and as a Cermau comedian is as strong in his place as an onion in a hamberger, and has few superiors. His interpre tation of the negro of the Southern type was near perfect, and very clev erly displayed the ignorant humor 'with which this class is noted, and today the South has many black men of which he was a counterpart. Taylor Bennett as "Col. John How ard," again pleased a Plattsmouth audience, and while there was nothing of moment to the part he played, yet he was possessed of those stern character istics which are always admired in true Southern gentlemen, und when virtue, in the balance with money was weighed, his emphatic decision in favor of the former brought forth applause that proved beyond doubt the realistic impression he had left with the house. Manuel Snyder, as "Matthew Mar tin" played in his usual form, and the cold heartedness towards those over whom he had financial control, was so well handled that he won the "hatred" of his audience as easily as that of the Colonel's when he tried to "buy" Barbara with the price of a mortgage. And who would have thought that chocolate colored Amazon "Car'line" was Miss Iva Bowman? If an actor ever made a hit at the Parmele it was she. Every detail of her make up, every move in her actions was in accord with the "Aunt Jemima" character she diplayed. Her peculiar laugh, that care free outburst of the negro wench, was soon grasped by the audience and every time Car'line turned it loose there was a hilarious echo from all over the building. Her walk was something great and could be compared only to a one legged man with the St. Vitus dance trying to do the Aasnville salute. Her manner of perambulation could not be improv ed and she had the real crow hop of a black mammy down to a frazzle. The sense of sympathy toward Bar bara one moment and the sudden change to terror at sight of her worth less spouse was a fair exhibition of the Jeykle-IIyde stunt, and altogether her interpretation of a most difficult part won everlasting admiration. As stated above Miss Pettes w ill not appear again with the this company and Miss Cullen who is to take her place, will no doubt handle the part in a pleasing manner, for while a stranger in Plattsmouth she is not a stranger with the drew company, having played with them in St. Joe and many other cities and has received many flattering press notices. Miss Cullen last night took the part of Ma- tilda Martin, a minor role, in which it was impossible to show her talent us an artist although the haughty airs und, egotism of the character she represented were perfectly handled. Next week's appearance of the company will be on Friday night when they present the drama, "The burglar and the lady." It is a little different type of play than the company has been producing lately and there is no doubt but what it will draw a large crowd. County Eighth Grade Exams. The eighth grade pupils of the county are busy today taking the annual examination at the superin tendents office in the court hoiue. Before being admitted to the High School without payment of tuition it is necessary for every pupil from the various towns of the county to pass the examination which is being given today. Those who are taking the test are Grace Fight, Doris Vallery, Glenna Barker and Mildred Snyder of My nard and Nellie Cook, Alice Tschirren and Emil Parkening, of Plattsmouth. BILLY HEARST EN DORSES BILLY TAFT Visits the White House and Comes Away Enthusiastic Over the President. HAS CRITICISM Mr. Hearst Says That Taft is Doing What Teddy Roose velt Ought to Have Done Long Ago. WASHINGTON, April 20,-Wil-liam Randolph Hearst, former aspir ant for the democratic nomination for the presidency, issued a remark able statement over his own signa ture, in which he unqualifiedly en dorses Mr. Taft. In doing so lie also criticizes in se verest terms the administration of President Roosevelt and in so many words warns the American nation against a renewal of the political domination of the former president. Mr. Hearst called at the White House this afternoon. He spent a half hour with the president in the execu tive office. Upon leaving Mr. Hearst said he had called merely to pay his respects to Mr. Taft, whom he said he admired. Later he issued his endorse ment of the Taft administration. "No oik; can talk with the president without appreciating and respecting his earnestness and sincerity, the statement proceeds. "Personally I believe also in his efficiency. He has been one year in office, and he has cer tainly accomplished more in that one year than Roosevelt did in his first year. "It is hardly fair to compare Taft s one year witn nousevciis seven, and I am not sure that even at that CENTURY PLANT OUT FOR SUMMER AIRING Big Plant Has Been In the City For About Thirty Years and Never Bloomed. It looked like a sure sign of spring today when the big century plant, the property of the Burlington, was brought down from the shops and placed in it's usual summer position on the depot lawn. If the ancient old plant could speak, it would tell some interesting things about it's experience for it has been a resident of Platts mouth for thirty year. For about 26 years it held a prominent position in the Perkins house but of late it has been turned over to the care of the Burlington and ever summer it adorns the little plot of grass at the foot of Main street. It is now looking rather pale, after being brought out of its winter con finement in the shops and it is a matter of doubt whether it will ever become hale and hearty again. It did not do very well last year and a number of the large leaves had to be cut off of the big plant on account of their poor condition. It has been in a warm steam heated room at the shops and is thought that the heat had a bad ef fect on it, for when the aged plant made it's winter headquarters at tho hotel dining room, the place was only heated at meal times, and the plant was in the coldest part of the room, yet it always seemed to be in good condition. There is a general supposition that the rugged old century plants do not bloom till they have reached the age of 100 years. How true this is, cannot be stated, but no one seems to have ever observed a blossom on the Plattsmouth fpccinien, and if the story of its blooming is true, there are few that will be present when it does bloom about TO years hence. Mulvaney to Wed Chicago Girl William J. Mulvaney, head elec trician of the Burlington shops, started out Tuesday to seek himself a bride at the Windy City. Mulvaney is one of the most popular young men of the city and is considered a "good FOR ROOSEVELT the comparison not be to Taft's disadvantage. Taft's methods are not those of Roosevelt, but then Taft will not conclude his term with a panic. "On the whole it seems to me that a quiet, earnest gentleman who came into office when the country was in a slough of adversity, and after one year in office has placed the country on the high road to prosperity, is quite a valuable a president as a more showy and spectacular person, who found the country in the height of prosperity and left it in the depths of adversity." . Mr. Hearst admits that he does not charge Mr. Roosevelt directly with responsibility for the panic of 11)07, nor does he undertake to give Mr. Taft the entire credit for the restoration of prosperity. He declares however.that an administration which is producing more dividends for busi ness men and finding work for the un employed, "should not be too carping- ly criticised for certain minor faults of ommissi6n or com mission." "Taft is carrying out Roosevelt's policies in one way that they ought to be carried out. That is to saw he is doing the things that Roosevelt should have done but did not do. Stale Journal. Indian" by all the fellows even though his blood is more green than red. He is one of the old Btand bys behind the scenes at the Parmele and last night was the first time in many moons that lie has not been at his post at the theater. "Bill" has been planning on this adventure for some time, but has kept the fact quite a secret to all but a few of his close friends. The lucky young lady who is to become the bride of the well known Plattsmouth boy is a Chicago maid, Miss Alice Brown. The know till be tied next Wednes day at the home of the bride on Ra cine Avenue in that city and the newly weds will remain in the east a few days before returning to Plattsmouth to make their future home. The exact date of their return would not be given by Mulvaney, but it will be sometime between the 27 and 30 of this month. Here's success and happiness to Mul vaney and the young lady he is bring ing as a bride to this city. On Man-Killing Train. (From Thursday's Dally) Sheriff Quinton had the grewsome experience night before last of being on a train that crashed into a horse and buggy, killing the two ladies. occupants of the rig The sheriff was taking a man to Lincoln, leaving here on the 3:20 train in the afternoon, and as their train drew into Lincoln, the horrible accident happened. The two ladies in the fated rig, attempted to cross the tracks at Ninth street and seemed to be watching another train wheu the crash came. The pas sengtrs on the train felt the jar caused by the sudden impact but the sheriff did not think of there being an accident until he saw a shoe lying on the ground near the track. As his car passed the scene he observed the forms of the women and realized w hat had happen ed. One of the train's victims was kill ed instantly and the other died before reaching the hospital. At the Fair Injunctions secured by the Wrights against the Curtiss company and Louis Paulham will probably cause aeroplane exhibitions difficult to sc curs this year but the State Fair manag ment, who realize the necessity for new attractions, are making every effort to close a contract whereby the people of Nebraska w ill habve a chonce to see a real flying machine the week of the State Fair, September 5th to 0th. (From Thursday's Dally) J. W. Pitt man of Union is a visitor at the county seat todaty. C. 11. Harmon of Auburn was one of yesterdays callers in the city. Mr. L. A. Moore is one of today's callers in the Gate Citv. Mrs. 1). L. Rcdfcrn of Lincoln is in the city a guest at the home of her mother Mrs. F. S. White. Judge Travis has confirmed the sale of Riley hotel block w hich was made by the sheriff a few days ago. Dan Allen of Glenwood was in the city yesterday on business, register ing at one of tho leading hotels. Mrs. A. F. Knoflick left on the 8:15 train today for Omaha where she will make a short visit with friends. Judge Travis and Martin Friedrich left today for a fecw days visit in Kanass where the judge is an owner of a valuable farm. Mrs. Edward Johnson and daughter Josephine of Lincoln are in the city for a brief stay as guest at the home of . Johnson. Mrs. J. E. Nemetz and Mrs. Jo seph Ilibcr.took the eight-fifteen train this morning to make a short cvisit with friends in Omaha. Mrs. V. V. Leonard returned yes terday from Lincoln yesterday where she has been making a short stay with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Worley. The shoenicn of Plattsmouth are being visited today by representatives of two large foot wear factories, one at Chicago and the other at Columbus. J. P. Meisinger a resident of Cedar Creek was among the callers at the county court house today. Mr. Meis inger is the precinct assessor of Eight Mile Grove. Mrs. Walter White and (laughter Mabel were among the Plattsmouth people who are spending the day in the metropolis, going up on one ( of the early trains this morning. As a gentle reminder, it might be well to say, the revival meetings are still in session at the Methodist church and every evening's program is and Interesting an instructive one Charles Brightman, one of the pros perous farmers of this preceinct was in the city a short time this morning on his way to Omaha w here he is com bining business and pleasure in a brief stay. Mrs. J. II. Johnson of Greenwood was iu the t'ty last evening at the home of Mrs. Philip Bachelor south of town. She and Mrs. Bachelor left this morning for a brief stay in Omaha where the lattcris under medi cal care. Robert Newell is confined to his bed with a painful attack of appendi citis, lie was taken sick Monday and his condition has continued about the same. It has not been decided whether he will undergo an operation or not. Miss Louise Glenn of Gothenburg is in the city for a few days visit at the home of her mother Mrs. Thomas Glenn. The huiies went up to Omaha this morning on a short pleasure trip expecting to return either this even ing or in the morniiig. The commitments for James Mae Michael, the diamond sswindler, ar.d Iroil Osscnkop, the murderer were issued by the district judge this morn ing and it is probable the men will be 4akcn to the penitentiary tomorrow to commence on their long terms. Joseph W ties is today mourning the loss of a fine four year old marc that died at his place south of town last night. The animal was an ex cellent horse that had recently re ceived an injury in some unknown manner, which caused its death last night. The new headquarters of the Olson Photo Priming Machine company are beginning to put on the appearance of a real manufacturing plant these days. When the new machinery is all installed and the plant completed it will be thrown open to public in spection, this will probably occur the later part of next week. J. B. Austin, train master of the Burlingtomn with headquarters ' at Omaha and Earl Gcis who holds a position in the local store house, returned to this city last evening after being out on the line since Sat urday checking cars. Mr. Austin returned to his home in Omaha after being here u few hours while Mr. Geis resumed his work at the shops. SANDBAR AT RIVER AN EYESORE FOR CITY Scene from Foot ol Main Street Gives Travelers Bad Impersslon There is a condition that exists to day and has been existing for some time before the eyes of not only every citi zen, but of nearly every traveler who passes through the city of Platts mouth, and that is the filthy condi tion of the river bottom at the foot of Main street. The big rugged sand bar that juts out into.thc river at this point, instead of being a pretty characteristic bit of nature has been . converted into the vilest dump heap . by the thoughtless people of the' community until the place is a damn- able eyesore of which we are reminded every time we take a train at the Bur lington depot. The travelers on the through trains that go speeding through the city without giving the passengers but a single glance at the city, must carry a lingering remembrance of Platts mouth as being a little place built on the edge of a great dump pile. Of course if they were to tarry longer in our city, tfiey would be shown more interesting scenes, but the first im pression is oftcnest the strongest. The bar dotted here and there with few scrubby trees, irregularly cut by wandering creeks, along which grow patches of rank grasses and sunflowers; with its shining dunes of white river sand ami imposing back ground of the brown waters of the Mis souri, spanned some distance down by the gracefeul railroad bridge; the scene should represent a peaceful, rugged example of Nature's landscape artist. But how different it looks today after a few years work by the hand of man. Stuck imposingly in the fore ground, is a brilliant sign of "Bug Duckson," an Onmhog, who is trying to hog a fair portion of the Platts mouth landscape. To theJeft of tho big sign board is the "bum shanty" an aw e inspiring piece of architectural execution which is used as a club house for the Anti-Laborers society. Its rough walls would give out the im pression to a passing traveler that the city was making a hog run of that portion of the sand bar. Immediately in front of the Main street subway, lays a pile of smoulder ing straw that might serve a purpose were it in the time of the mosquito, but at present, it's smudge is very disagreeable to any people who are forced to the leeward side of the stench. Between the straw pile and the river banks arc piles of old metal, pieces of delapidatcd furnaces, and tin cans enough to furnish a goat's diet for years Nearer the river are piles of garbage, litter and old paper that have been set on fire and arc now sending up a stench that would put SouthOmahnjto shame. The smell from the place at certain times yesterday morning was enough to make a traveler ask if this were a glue or tannery town, or to cause inquiries as to where the pack ing house was located. The bleach ing bones of an antiquated horse and dog, partly cremated by the executors, and nearly concealed by a growth of weeds, may be observed not far from the water's edge. To make it plain its nn awful looking frontespiecc for Plattsmouth. It's time some definite action were taken on the conditions of the place, when the warm months come on, it is going to form a breeding place for deathly diseases and it's ui.healthy effect can not be overestimated. It would not be a matter of great expense or labor to make the spot a smiling introduction to the Plattsmouth vis itor and a permanent source of pleas ure to the resident of the city. With a few hours work of the ax, the proper application ofa quantity of kerosene and a match, the coiner stone of a natural beauty spot would be set. What do wou think about it? Hadn't we better get busy. Boys and Girls Will Meet.a The State Superintendent 0f ll.. lie instruction has arrange'! u County Superintendent, Uie state to call sneeial meet .i.lH. ;.. .,... county for the pur 0f organizing a boys club in .griculturc and a girls club in DjTmtitic Science. Next Tuesday April 2C, is the date of this special meeting in Cass county. The meeting will be held at the office in the court house of Miss Foster, the County Superintendent and will be gin at 1 p. m. Mr. A. K. Nelson, director of the University Short Couixe in Agriculture and Domestic Science, will be present and outline the plans for conducting the work for the boys. Miss Gertrude Brown, of the State Agricultural College, will organize the girl's club in Domestic Science. A large attendance of the young people of Cass county is expected and all boys and girls under 21 years of age, whether in school or not, are eligible to membership in the clubs. Large line of sterling and plated silverware at Crabill's. tf