The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 25, 1910, Image 2
Tht ParMtt. The rarsces are Bun worshipers, and it is an interesting Bight to see thongs of them on the shore of the bay as the snn rises, apparently from the sea, performing the sim ple rites of their religion, the flut tering robes showing their fine fig ures to the best advantage as the day begins. Their religious prac tiees are simple in the extreme, con sisting mainly in strict dietary rules and personal cleanliness. The rigid observance of sanitary laws pro duces the natural result of perfect health among the adults large families of active, healthy children and immense numbers of old men, gray bearded, white haired, but erect and princely in their gait and attitude despite the naturally ener vating character of the tropical cli mate. An Interesting Link. One curious incident in the siege of Badajos may be related. The day after the assault two Spanish ladies, the younger a beautiful girl of four teen, appealed for help to two offi cers of the rifles, who were passing through one of the streets of the town. Their dresses were torn, their ears, from which rings had been roughly snatched, were bleed ing, and to escape outrage or death they cast themselves on the protec tion of the first Jtritish ollicers they met. One of the officers was Cap tain Harry Smith of the rifles. Two years later he married the girl he had saved in a scene so wild. Cap tain Harry Smith in after years served at the Capo as Sir Harry, and this Spanish girl, as Lady Smith, gave her name o the historic town which Sir George White defended with such stubborn valor. "Wel lington's Men." Why Teakwood Is Uuratnn. The teak, which lias passed into proverb as the best material for shipbuilding, is superior to all other woods from the fact that it con tains an essential oil which pre vents spikes and nails driven into it from rusting. This property is not possessed by any other wood in the world and furnishes an explana tion of the fact that ships built of teak are practically indestructible. Some have been known to last for 150 years, and when broken up their beams "ro us sound as when first nut toi.'cllier You should use a BiSjlgggl &nd double their life. . dm2g f' 1"' ' if .11 " ii ii y?,sz. 'iriO'.'AtiZLM Carpet, Rug or Linolium Question No doubt there are people in and around Plattsmouth who are looking up mail order catalouges on the carpet, rug or linolium question and have not seen our stock or had our prices. Don't you know you are missing it, we can and will sell you the goods at as cheap a price as the mail order house's and save you the freight, and then again you see what you are buying, you don't have to take what is sent you. We have a special in carpet end rugs in velvets and axminester, 9x 12 feet at from $15.00 to $20.00, the quality of these are as good as the regular rugs you pay $25.00 to $28.00, for. Let us show you our floor coverings and give you our prices. E. G. DOVEY & SON Horseshoe. There were horseshoes as far back as history can take us, but they were not iron ones fastened by nails to the hoof. When such shoes first came into use will probably never be known. The ancient horse shoes those used by the Greeks, Romans and others were plates covering the entire bottom of the foot and fastened by throngs fixed about the animal's ankle. The old est horseshoe nails found by an tiquaries date back to the time of Childeric 1., who died in 4St. It is generally understood that horse shoes were introduced into England by William the Conqucior in lOo'G. New York American. The Way of the World. Four-year-old James awakened early one morning and found his fa ther dressing by lamplight and ask ed why he was up so early. "To earn potatoes for you, my lad," was his father's reply. Presently James slowly climbed out of bed, "and his father asked why ho got up so early. "Why, to eat the potatoes," came the answer. Delineator. Millinery Opening M r jr- v-V I FREE FREE FREE I will trim your hat FREE of charge if you buy your hat and trim mings. I have an ele gant line of medium prices andjmedium size hats. Call and see. " m JiiiiVvvvjTjxrLnn.rij MISS MYERS 5SSE8 0. tit 0 m 0 m ft a ft ft ft m ft ft H ft ft. ft eANNOUNCEMEWTe to the public in general The Majestie Theatre will open on or about April The attractions that will be shown in this house are positively in a class by themselves. The pictures will be clean, pleasing and enter taining. Our shows will always please and entertain both young and old. You will always find the Majestic Theatre, a good place to spend a pleasant hour. Two shows every night, matiuee every Sat urday, 2 :.')( p. m. Watch papers for opening date. Thanking you in advance for your valued patron age, we are Kesnectful v Yours. 1 ' 7 THE BAZZAZAZ BALK. Kilroy's Throw to First Base While Looking at Home Plate. 'Tlaycrs of the present day are prone to scofl at the tales of the prowess of Matty Kilroy, better known as 'Bazzuzaz,' a left handed pitcher, who performed marvels," writes Hugh S. Fullcrton in the American Magazine. "Most mod ern pitchers declare that under present .conditions Kilroy would havo been a failure. The little left hander, after years of triumph, re tired becauso his arm was hopeless' ly worn out. In spite of that fact Tom Rums, when ho assumed charge of the Chicago club in 1898, resurrected Kilroy, whose arm was bo weak, according to his own ad-1 ken ju UjS of missions, he 'couldn't break a panei jptlc fairness. ATHLETES TO VISIT ENGLAND 8heppard and Gissing to Sail For Europe Shortly. Fired by the success of Nat Cart mell, the former University of renn Bylvanla sprinter. Melvln M. Sheppard and Harry Gissing, two of the great-j est runners la the country teday, are planning an Invasion of England. The! pair are to sail shortly and expect to! be aliroad until the end of the sum-1 mer. Sheppard lias Loeu anxious to j return to England since the Londou Olympic games, nearly two years ago, w hen he disagreed with the majority I of the American athletes who werej members of the United States Olympic team and declared that the Ltritisbj athletic authorities had accorded blm: fair and Impartial treatment. Since that time he has always leen outspo-! the Hritlsh ath-! THE MAJESTIC THEATRE CO., R. M. Shales, Manager. of glass at fifty feet.' Yet for one season and part of another he pitched against the strongest clubs and beat them regularly. "Kilroy's bucccss was due almost entirely to his 'bazzazaz' balk, which he evolved by persistent training. lie was the only pitcher who ever balked without balking, if such a thing is possible. In the first four innings of the first game he pitched against Baltimore after burns resurrected mm nine men reached first base. He caught 6ix of them off the base, and, although two umpires watched every move he made, they declared that under the rules he did not balk. "Kilroy explained to me after his permanent retirement his system of training by which he acquired the bazzazaz balk.' "1 see the old soup bone was ready for the undertaker,' he said, 'so I goes to work on the balk. I always had a good balk motion, but wanted a better one. I spent half the winter in the side yard at home with a chalk mark on the wall for first base and another on the fence for the homo plate. I practiced morning and afternoon, making from 2)0 to -100 throws a day with my wrist and forearm trying to hit the first base line while looking at the other one and without moving either my feet or body. By prac ticing I got so I could shoot the ball faster to first base with wrist and forearm than I could pitch it to the plate with a full swing, That's all there was to it. Just look straight at the plate, pull your hands up against your breast, raise your left one to the level of your ear. then drive the ball to first without looking until after it starts, and you've got him. The umpire can't see whether you look before you throw or not.' "He did get them. Probably he made 20,000 practice throws at the chalk mark, but he perfected the motion that enabled him to pitch two years after his arm was 'dead.' " How Bella Are Tuned. When certain bells in a chime produce discord they can be tuned. The tone of a bell may be raised or lowered by cutting off a little metal in the proper places. To lower the tone the bell tuner puts the bell in his lathe and reams it out from the point where the swell begins nearly down to the rim. As the work pro ceeds he frequently tests the note with a tuning fork, and the moment the right tone is reached he stops the reaming. To raise the tone, on the contrary, ho shaves oil the lower edge of the bell, gradually lessening or flattening the bevel, in order to shorten the bell, for of two bells of equal diameter and thickness the shorter will give the higher note. A notable instance of bell tuning was at Lausanne, where twelve bells in three neighboring steeples pro duced only seven distinct notes and produced a most curious discord. Harper's Weekly. The two athletes will be watched closely by the Amateur Athletic Unloa K' ;-( MELVnt 6HEPFARD. of the United States and the Amateur Athletic Association of England, al though it Is freely predicted by promi nent athletic authorities here that the pair will follow the example of Cart mell and turn professionals should in ducements to do so prove satisfactory. There is one polut about the trip that is puzzling to the Amateur Ath letic union otllcials, and that Is how men of the moderate means of Shep pard and Gissing can afford to spend the summer lu England. The cost of the trip, including the passage by steamer, will be not less than fl.OOO each, Irrespective of the loss of salary during the summer mouths. In the London Olympic games two years ago Sheppard won the 800 me ter run lu 1 minute 54 4-5 seconds and the 1,500 meter event In 4 minutes 8 2-5 seconds, creating new a record lu each event. Emilio Lunghl, the Ital ian, was second to Sheppard lu the 800 meter race, while Wilson was ruu ner up lu the long distance event. Hoth of these men competed lu this country last summer under the Irish American Athletic club colors and are In Englaud at present. This quartet constitutes the fastest middle dlstauce runners lu the world and will furnish some spectacular races in England the "tnin gti miner. mozart and Beethoven. The stories of how men of gen ius have had future fame predicted for them in their early youth must generally be taken with a consider able grain of salt. As authentic as most is the account of the first meeting of Mozart wiMi the young Beethoven, which took place on the letter's first visit to Vienna in the year 17S7. Mozart, then at the height of his fame, asked him to play, but, thinking his performance a prepared piece, paid little atten tion to it. Beethoven, seeing this, entreated Mozart to give him a sub ject, which he did. and the boy, get ting excited with the occasion, play ed so finely that the composer of "Don Giovanni," stepping softly into the next room, said to his friends there: "Pay attention to him. lie will nuike a noise in the world some day or another." Chambers' Journal. Barclay's Restaurant THE PLACE TO EAT Everything neat and clean and a good lace to go for. your SUNDAY DINNER. Board by the week. Lunch counter in connection. Open All Night Center o! Block Between 4th and 5th Sts. THE TAILOR'S SONG Fit out at Frank's get a suit up to date, Right in the fashion of woolens first rate. A suit that will fit goods sound as a bell, No outside shops will fit you as well, Keep track of Mac's good value he sells. . Mac builds good clothes garments all neat, , Chicago's ready made agents cannot compete. Examine his line and prices all through, Look him up for a suit, saves money for you. Reliable goods, all through his line, Order a suit for the on coming spring time, You find value for money here every time. MICHAEL HILD House Furniture and Undertaking Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc., South Sixth Street. Plattsmouth Nebraska. Michael llild, John Saltier Funeral Dircctorsand Embalmers. Phones 137 and247. i I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I M 1 1 I M i IH-H I'l'K i l l I 1 1 I 1't Mf Mt COAL that burns,and burns right That's the kind we handle. Deliveries in large or small amounts made on short notice. i! J. V. Egenberger j .tM..lll.lM.llUltli4.U,HI,l I I I I t U.J., ; , . , , , , , , (J Read The Daily News t ? ? T f ? f t T t t t t