I THE ELEPHANT TURNED. A Bit of TreecHery ana Badly Bat tered Train in Carl Ilagcnbcck, the eminent owner, exhibitor and trainer of Wild animals, had muny adventures. in his half century of exjerience. j Some of them are described in p. ' book entitled "Beasts and Men." On more than one occasion an ele phant came uncomfortably near putting an end to Mr. Hagonbcck'a career. (Jne of the worst accidents happened at the end of the sixties. About that time he purchased a menagerie at Trieste, which includ ed among the other beasts a fe male elephant which stood about eight feet high. It seemed to be a thoroughly good tempered animal, its only fault being that it occa sionally had the sulks "a not un common characteristic)," comments Mr. Ilagcnbcck, "in all feminine creatures." He soon made friends with the elephant, which he named Lissy, ana he never passed its stall with out giving it a handful of food. Ho was therefore, he believed, justified in thinking ho had quite won its heart, and as it never showed any signs of violence it did not occur to Mr. Ilagcnbcck that ho might be dealing with a crossly deceitful creature. ml t e i me eicpiiant was learning a trick in which it had to swing its keeper into the air with its trunk and then slowly set him upon the ground again. The word of com' mand which was given to the beast when it had to perform this simple exhibition was: "Lissy, apportl" "One day," to continue in Mr. Hagenbeck's own words, "I found Lissy alone in lcr stable, the keep er being absent. It must have been a devil that made mo feel a desire to be raised on high by her, after tho manner of her affectionate treatment of her keeper. I stroked and fed her and then, taking hold of her trunk, called out the word of command : "'Lissy, apportl' "Then followed ono of tho most vilely treacherous acts of which I have ever heard. Lissy began to obey the order, but I soon felt that she was bent on mischief, for the embrace of her trunk was unpleas antly vigorous, and I soared high into the air. "But I was not quietly deposited once more upon my feet. "Instead of this Lissy dashed me violently against tho wooden bar rier in front of her stall, and I went flying over into tho menag erie. "I lay almost senseless upon the ground until the old keeper, Phi lippe, appeared to help me home. "Fortunately no bones were broken, but I was terribly battered and bruised and for weeks could only hobble about with great pain," BIG ENTRY FOR PENN MEET. All Told 210 Colleges and Schools Will Compete In Relay Races. The University of Pennsylvania re lay races on Franklin Held. Philadel phia, April 30. will tie ono of the hip gest athletic meets of the year. The entries up to date include nine paro chial schools, forty-one grammar schools, forty-seven high schools, flfty. eight preparatory Bchools nud flfty-flve colleges. This makes a total of 210 colleges and schools with teani3 In tho races. As there ore ten colleges and schools that will have more than one team, there now are ZM teams entered. Pennsylvania will have teams in the one, two and four mile championships and In the freshman championship; Dartmouth has n team In the ono mile and auother In the four mile, and so on. Nearly every big; college In the east and west will bo represented. How Fortune Changes. How Strangely baseball fortunes dtf jmutate: Some years ago Tat Tebcau ;gave hi brother George a temporary Job la the Cleveland outfield Just to help him out with a little money. Now George is ono of the biggest magnates, with probably twenty times ns much money as Pat has tucked away. COMING SPORT EVENTS The grent western handicap shoot will bo held In Den Moines, la., May 24 to 20. llaverford college, Just outside of Philadelphia, will send a cricket elev en to Lngland this summer, starting on June 1 1. The Stanford track team again ex pects to participate In tho western conference meet at Chicago lu Juno. It will meet Utah nnd Colorado teams on Its way. The first long distance outdoor in tercollegiate swimming meet has beou planned by representatives of the lead ing colleges, to bo held at Travers Island, New York. July 4 or 0. Tommy P.urns, who lost the heavy .weight championship to Jack Johusou, l Coining hack to America. He has accepted an offer to battle forty-five rounds with Sam Lnngford In Colma, Cal.. Sept. 5. MAYOR IS VERY MAD Continued from page.1 the books," continued the mayor, "then it is my duty to eec that it is Htiictly enforced." "Vull it be enforced so far as the churches are concerned?" he was asked "Clergymen work for pay on Sun day don't they" he answered, "so do many choir singers, as well as most of .the organiHts. In other words, under the strict interji-ctation of the ordinance they break tho law every Sunday of their lives." "Then there are the street car em ployees, drug clerks, cigar salesmen, ana several other small businesses If it is against the law for theatres and moving picture shows to be open on the Sabbath, then my idea of the law is that it is wrong for everyone else, regardless of his kind of worjt, to be employed", on that say. I am here here to enforce all laws and I am going to do it." Mr. Billard was elected mayor of Topcka April 5. The churchmen of the kansnB capitol made a fight on him on the ground that he did not believe in God. Kansas City Star. WILLIAM GREW COMPANY PRESENTS A COMEDY Light Farce Last Nlgtit Spices Up List ol Company'sWeekly Productions. (From Saturday's Dally) the Parmele last cveninir the At Grew Company put on a laughable comedy farce that created a good many side-splitters. The play itself was hardly more than a conglomeration of laugh, but the parts were very well played and the result was a pleasing one to the well filled house. The play was entitled "The strange adventures of Miss Brown." The scene was laid in England at a strict girls seminary, where a lover of one of the girls, dis guised as a student in the school, had many trying experiences before he safely managed to pull off their elope ment from the building. The leading characters in the play were English officers and the ladies were students in Miss llomney's Academy in Glou chester. William Grew in his double part of Captain Courtenay and Miss Brown kept the audience in a continual round of laughter with his masculine way under the feminine garb. His work in both parts was very good. Mcharry as Major O'Gallaghcr kept up his standing with the audience as one of tho favorites of the first water. ti:.. i : . v. i i ma ai uug was nnc aim ms easy manner before the foot lights always make a hit with the people. Miss Pet tea in the role of Angelina Bright well took especially well.' She seems to fit into her varied parts from week to week as though she were raised for that particular character. Miss llowman as Mrs. OGallagher and Miss Bomney appeared in the most pleasing part she has been in lor mouths. "Boby Endcrs as the music master took well with audience and played out his part of the German musician very capably. Scrccant Tanner of Scotland Yard presented by Mr. Bennett was a comical specimen of humanity of. the Sherlock Holmes type. The part of Mr. Hibbcrtson. a stern guardian of the ward of chancery in the school, was nicely played bv Mr. Bennett. Toward the close of the play, the dinner set that was to be given away was raffled off by Mr. Grew, the draw ing being done by Chief Amick's (laugh tcr. The lucky holder of the drawn No. loO lias not shown up today to claim his prize: On account of a previous engagement the company has made with the Ncligh Theater to play in that city during the Nebraska Banker's Convention they will not appear in their usual day next week, but will be in Plattsmouth Wednesday night. They will put on a good southern play, "The sweet est girl iu Dixie." Broke Ills Arm. C. C. Despain had the misfortune to receive a bad fall yesterday about noon which resulted in a broken arm slightly above the wrist. Mr. Des pain was walking along Sixth street and in attempting to dodge a team, while crossing to the opposite side, he slipped and fell, striking his left hand heavily on the ground. On ex amination it was found that one of the bones near the wrist was quite badly shattered. The injured mem ber was bound up at a physician's office and the gentleman proceeded to his home where he is getting along nicely today. W. E. Morgan and County Clerk Morgan returned on an early train this morning from Omaha. Clerk of Court Robertson and wife spent the day in Omaha. Articles ol Incorporation. Know afl men by these presen's I hat v e, Gustavo It. OLson, T. II. Pollock, II. X. Dovey, F. L. Cummins and E. W. Cook, all being of full age, and residents, Cass county, Nebraska, do associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming and beocom ing a corporation in the State of Xe braska, for the transaction of the business hereinafter described. ARTICLE I. The name of this coiporation shall be the Olson Photo machine com pany. ARTICLE II. The principal place of transacting business shall be in the City of Platts mouth Cass county, Nebraska. 4 ARTICLE III. The nature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be the procuring of patents on new improvements, the manufacture and marketing of Photographic printing Machines, photograhic supplies and apparatus, and the making and mar keting of photographs, and the manu facture and marketing of other ma chines and machinery, and ihc pui chase of material therefor, and the erec tion and maintenance of such build ing or buildings and structures as may be necessary, and to purchase real estate as a site therefor, and the purchase of such machineiy as may be necessary for the operation of said business, and to do any and all things set forth in this certificate as objects, purposes, powers, or otherwise, to the same extent and as fully ns natural persons might do, and in any part of the world. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be the sum of Twen ty-five thousand ($25,01)0.00) dollars, to be divided into shares of One Hun dred ($100.00) dollars each, and the whole number of shares being Two Hundred Fifty (250) of common stock, to be subscibed and paid as required by law and the Boaid of Directors, and when said stock is issued the same shall be fully paid and nonassessable. ARTICLE V. The existence of this corporation ihall commence on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1910, and shall continue during the period of 9!) years. ARTICLE VI. The business of said roipoiation shall be conducted by a Board of Di- tectois not exceeding FIVE in number, to be elected by the stockholders, such election to take place at such time and be conducted in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said corporation. ARTICLE VII i ho officers of said corporation shall be a president, vice president secretaiyand treasurer, who are to be chosen by the board of Directors, and shall hold their offices for the per iod of one year, and uiuil their suc cessors shall be elected and qualified. ARTICLE VIII. The highest amount of indebted ness to which said corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not be more than one third of the paid up capital stock. ARTICLE IX. The manner of holding the meetings of stockholders for the election of officers and the method of conducting the business of the corporation shall be as provided in the By-laws adopt ed by the stock holders. ARTICLE X. These ARTICLES OF INCOR PORATION' may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all stock represent ed at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose by the board of directors, provided that notice there of shall have been mailed to each stockholder at his last known address at least ten days prior to the time of holding such meeting. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, The undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 29th day of March A. D. 1910. Gustavo R. Olson. T. II. Pollock. II. N. Dovey. F. L. Cummins. E. W. Cook. State of Nebraska ) ( ss. Cass County ) ; On this 29th day of March, A. D. 1910, before me, A. L. Tidd, a notary Public duly commissioned and quali fied in and for said county, personally appeared the above named Gustavo R. OLson, T. II. Pollock, II. N. Dovey, F. L. Cummins and E. W. Cook, who arc personally known to me to be tho identical persons whose names arc affixed to the above and foregoing ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION', as parties thereto, and that they sever ally acknowledged the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. WITXESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year last above written. (soul) A. L. Tidd, 4t Notary Public. My commission expires Oct. 5, 1915. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Notice. In the county court of the County ui v. ass, iciiraska. In lie hstate of Nicholas Bintnc r, deceased. To all persons interested: You are hereby notified thac petition has been filed for the probate oi the last will and testament of Nich olas Bintntr, deceased, and praying for the appointment of the Executtix therein named, Katie Bintner; that a hearing will be had upon said pe tition on the 30th day of April, A. D. 1910, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office in the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, before which hour all objections thereto must be filed. Done this 9th day of April A. D. 1910. By the court. (Seal) Allen J. Becson, Byron Clark, County Judge. Wm. A. Robertson, Attorneys. 102-6 Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska ) ( ss In County Cass County ) Court. In the matter of the estate of George Sitzman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the Executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 10th day of May A. D. 1910, and on the 10th day of November, A. D. 1910, at 10 o clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months arc allowed for the cred itors of said deceased to present their claims, and one year and six month for the executrix to s.-lttle said estate from the 10th day of May A. D. 1910. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Plattsmouth, Xe braska, this Cth day of April, A. 1) 1910. Allen J. Becson, (Sen!) County Judge llham C. Ramsey, Attorney. 102-8 Legal Notice. State ofXebraska ) ( ss county Cass County ) dourt In the matter of the estate of Waclav (called James) Krowlek, deceased. To all person interested in said estate. You are hereby notified that a hear ing will be had on the final report and final petition of the administrator of said Estate before this court at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 29 day of Aptril, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m. and that all objections, if any there be, must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court of said county this Cth day of April, 1910. . SEAL Allen J. Becson, 102-G County Judge Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. In Re Estate of John Tavlor, Baird deceased. Notice is hereby given that at nine o'clock a. m. on the 30th day of April A. D. 1910, and at nine o clock a. m. on the 31st day of Oct, A. D.1910,at my office in the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, hearings will be- had upon all claims against the estate of the above named deceased, by which last named hour all claims must be filed, and all claims not filed will be adjudged barred at said time. Done this 2Gth day of March, A. D. 1910. By the Court, (Seal) Allen J. Becson, Byron Clark, County judge Wm. A. Robertson, attorneys. 100-st Sheriffs Sale. By vitrue of an order of sale issued by James Robertson, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on tho 16th day of April A. D. 1910 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the south door of the Court House in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing real estate towit: Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Block Twenty Seven (27) in the City of Plattsmouth, County of- Cass, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of J. R. Cardiff, first name unknown, Rebecca Cardiff, William W. Coatcs, Iva M. Coatcs, Frank II. Dunbar and Adolph C. Swanson. Defendants to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by E. Y. Sarlcs Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Neb. March 14th A. D. 1910. . CD. Quinton, 91-10 - Sheriff Cass County, Nob. Byron Clark' Wm. A Robertson, Attorneys. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A ART STUDIO and CRAFT SHOP Inmructinn in atm color, rt lunlher, hr ml copper. Hotim diromtinn A ittnd op- puituniiy to Unin art. Wlirn vou once know It, you caa in irent di-l of money in your hotna Hnt of insti uction by teacher who spent many yean in art canteia in tha east, aud in Atlinra. Faria. Writs for frea particular!. Mrs. M REX COTTON. 607 Bo Hldo., Omaha, Neb. Positive Proof. anouid convince the Greatest Skeptic In Plattsmouth. Because it's the evidence of Plattsmouth citizen. Testimony easily investieated. The strongest endorsement of merit The best proof. Read it: J. W. Hickson, Oak street, Platts uiuuui rcor., Bays: "i win never cease to praise Doan's Kidney pills, as they proved of such great benefit to me several years ago. For some time I was caused much suffering by attacks of lumbago that came on without the least warning. The simplest movement was painful and I was annoyed by irregular passages oi me Kidney secretions. I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pills that I finally procured a box from Gering & l,o s drug store. I was gratified with the results of their use that publicly recommended them in 1906 and at this time, I willingly renew- that statement.. I hope that otlu i. : .1 iy u o . . Muiicy suiicrers win pront by my experience. lor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. I-cster Milbum Co.. Huffnln Aew iork, sole agents for the Unitec States. Remember the name Doans and take no other. License Notice. Aotice of application of Peter A. t! r.. i: it - . ouiiiu mi liquor license, notice is hereby given that Peter A. Smith on the 11th day of April 1910, file his petition with the Village Clerk of Greenwood, in Cass county, Nebraska as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska and the ordinances of the Village of Greenwood, praying for a license to sell malt, spitrious and vinous liquors in the building located on lot No. 277, Greenwood, Nebraska for the coming fiscal year ending on the 1-irst Tuesday in May, 1911. Any objection thereto must be file on or before April 25, 1910. Dated at Greenwood, Nebraska April 12, 1910. 104-4 Peter A. Smith, Applicant, SYMMES" HOLE. A Monument That Was Reared t? Remarkable Theory. A queer looking monument stands in the city park at Hamil ton, O. A globe, hollowed at each pole and marked with the lines of geographical measurement?, id mounted upon a marble plinth. It was erected by Americus Symmes in memory of his father," John Clcvcs Symmes, a short time before the civil war. The elder Symmes was the author of the remarkable "Theory of Concentric Spheres, Demonstrating That tho Earth fa Hollow, Habitable Within and Widely Open at tho roles." He was a nephew of the first landlord of the country that runs along the Ohio river. Symmes first announced his "dis covery at ht. Louis in 1818. In a well written brochure he asked for "100 brave companions, well equip ped, to start 'from Siberia in the fall with reindeer and sleighs on the ice of the frozen sea. I engage we find a warm and new land 6tocked with thrifty vegetables and animals if not men on reaching one degree north of the latitude of 8? degrees. Wc will return the fol lowing spring." In 1822, after delivering a series of lectures, Symmes requested congress for a subvention in order to equip an ex pedition. The senate unanimously rejected his appeal, as did tho gen eral assembly ot Uhio two years later. Ono of his converts, Jere miah N. Reynolds, with the co-operation of Rush and Southard, both members of President John Quiucy Adams' cabinet, and Dr. Watson, a rich resident of New York city, fit ted out the ship Annawan in 1828 and set sail in October for tho warm nnd fertile cavity they believ ed to exist at the south pole. When they arrived at a latitude, of 82 de grees south the incorrectness of Symmes' theory was impressed upon them. But before they re turned the author had died in tho spring of 1829, fully believing that his calculations were correct. John Cleves Symmes was never nearer to tho north polo than southern Canada, where he fought ns a soldier in the war of 1812. Ilia geography of the polar regions ex isted only in his imagination. His arguments were so plausible and his pleas so ingenious that thousands of men firmly believed in "Symmes' hole. Lcsl'o s. Lievelt a Star Possibility. ritcucr Liovelt, tho Detroit younjj Btor, Is regarded, by many critics as a star possibility If he can get the arm which troubled him last season Quite cured. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office tnd we will save you trouble and expense in getting: dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate. til I 1 M"Ml...tnl.l..l..l...it. lti,tii,i,.. John Durraan Expert Blacksmith! Has taken charge of the Wil liam Puis Blacksmith Shop 4 1-2 miles west of Murray. All kinds of Fine Horseshoe ing and all kinds of Black smlthlng. Satisfaction guar anteed. Call on Him. $25.00 to California The World's Greatest All-the-Year Resort Double Daily Through Service VIA 3 Choice ol Scenery The True Southern Route via El Paso Scenic Colorado via Pueblo and Denver Ask for Rates and Schedules Hugh Norton, Agent. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . ' Signature of COTffi; Smoke an ACORN And be Happy f JAILEY L1AGH THE DENTISTS flMllttoKMteWMi, . MOIAl DISCOUNT T ITT VI BIT a, M Wot Pmtnn wm., nth rmtm, OMAHA, KtB. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Enfllihman Invent New Sport Game Over lu England a nCW Kaiue has lorn Invented culled "vlgnro," which tho promoters declare, will supplant' cricket nnd baseball. It is called tho "world's exercise." From the dcscrlp. Hon of it it seems to be a cross be tween lawn tennis nnd cricket and is Raid to possess tho element of "da. Ilng quickness" nnd "exhllaratine excitement"