The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, April 18, 1910, Image 2

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Mrs. Norton
He has just received some
fine new
He also will convince you if
you call at his store that he can
fit you out with
in a very satisfactory manner.
Jeffries-Johnson Fight Biggest
, Drawing Card In History,
Noblemen From France, England and
Germany Coming No Other Single
Combat Ever Attracted So Much At
Tho many fine points about this
store, should induce you to buy here
when it comes to cigars, tobacco, con
fectionery, ice cream and cold drinks.
It is not price alone that makes our
values, but price and quality. Note
tho following: Cream, 35c quart;
20c pt.j cones 5c; and they, arc always
filled. Try our Blue Seal Fruit Tunch
5c. Ice Cream Parlor.
Perkins House
Cigars, Candies and
J cordially invite my old
friends, as well as new, and
all others in search of a cosy
corner for an hour's rest, to
come to my place, where you
can enjoy a refreshing smoke
An unexcelled line of choice
Tobaccos always in stock.
Ed. Brantner, Prop.
Who has the butter? If you arc
looking for butter made from the
cleanest and purest cream butter
that has a golden color, an exquisite
flavor and creamy taste, then
is certainly the place to find it.
Wc keep the first grade only. No
seconds found in our stock.
For reliable groceries at reasonable
prices, call on us.
v Methodist Baxaar.
Tho Methodist ladies will hold their
annual bazaar on May Gth and 7th
and will have on Bale a nice line of
flowers, aprons and fancy work. tf
In the history of the world there
have been several fights that stand out
as truly great . Everybody knows or
ought to know all about the battle be
tween David and Goliath. Mythology
celebrates the desperate struggle be
tween Hector and the Invulnerable
Achilles, and we all know that Sparta
cus was a great scrapper, and nearly
every male child has heard of the Sul-llvan-Kilraln
right But none of these
can compare in point of Interest before
the actual combnt with the Jeffries
Johnson battle, which is scheduled to
be held at the Emeryville race track,
Emeryville, Cal., July 4.
It Is estimated that the crowd that
will cheer the victor on that day will
be ten times as great as that which
turned down Its thumbs at the bout in
which Spnrtnous won tho gladiatorial
championship and as many times as
big as the gang that saw Hector do his
sprint around the walls of Troy before
Achilles finally put him out.
At first the promoters planned to
erect n structure that would hold
20,000 people, then 30,000, and now
Rickard and Gleason have shaped up
arrangements to seat CO.000 wild eyed
fight fans. Reservations for seats have
been received from all over the world
People who have never before taken
any Interest in boxing aro going to
eeethe fight of the century. Hugh
Mcintosh of Australia is to leave the
antipodes for San Francisco with a
party of 200 or more. From England
half a dozen lords are coming to take
in the big mill. The pnrty is expected
to arrive la this country early In May.
Noblemen from France and Germany
are also bound to see the big mill.
Jack Gleason says he has a request
from China asking him to reserve 150
Beats. Nearly every big city In the
United States is to have one or two
special trains headed for San Fran
Cisco. It looks as if Rickard and Glea
son will have to Increase the seating
capacity of the arena once more.
Of lute there has been a lot of fren
zied writing about the probable re
ceipts, and some of the unthinking
have estimated that $500,000 or even
$1,000,000 will be raked over the box
office desk. It Is to be said that $250,
000 will very nicely" and generously
cover receipts.
They are saying that a full million
will be bet on the result of the great
est of all fist fights. A million is a lot
of money, but there are many wise
boys and hunchees who are quietly
stowing away the dollars against the
time when the betting begins to be
lively, nud it is possible that the ag
gregate of the wagers at the last will
look like a picture of the national debt
Is It not barely possible that retire-
inent of all this coin to stakeholders'
hands might bring on stringency, tight
money and largo uncertainty? This is
not the financial editor's department,
but it Is humbly suggested that if the
Jeff-Johnson mill takes the money out
of circulation, as some of the sport
writers say It will do, the treasury ex
perts had better arrange to have all
the big prizefight transactions carried
out by check.
At least it is wise to leave enough
money in circulation to handle pros
per' -. Wo want no more clearing
house certificates.
The promoters have made arrange
ments with nearly all of the leading
railroad lines to the coast and with
their co-operation will put into effect
a system of supplying tickets for the
big fight that caunot fail to satisfy
In brief, the plau Is to make reserva
tlon for a certain number of seats for
each railroad. A person intending to
make the trip to Frisco to see the fight
has only to apply to a railroad agent,
deposit tho price of the ticket he de
sires, and the railroad company will
Issue to him on order on Mr. Gleason
or Mr. Rickard for a seat in the res
ervatlon secured for them.
This order will be countersigned by
an ngent of the railroad when the rait
road ticket is issued. Under this plan
speculators would have to buy a rail
road ticket with each ticket for the
fight. The tremendous expense, of
course, bars them from doing this.
Every safeguard will . be taken
against counterfeit tickets, and Glea
son and Rickard will be indemnified
by a substantial bond by the ticket
manufacturers. Tho whole scheme
has been thoroughly worked out and
pronounced flawless.
Gleason has mapped out a color
llieine In conjunction with the tick
rts that promises to prevent tho con
fusion usually attendant upon big
events of this kind. There will be
eight prices of admission. Each differ
ent priced ticket will bo of a certain
rolor. The entrances to the arena
will bp painted In colors to correspond
with the ticket. A man holding a
line tl k t will kuow that ho can't go
nstrny if lie enters the arena through
tin eutrnncp pnlnted blue. The same
will of eonr.p, apply to the other col
All Told 210 College and Schoole Will
Compete In Relay Races.
The University of Pennsylvania re
lay races on Franklin field, Phlladel
phla, April 30, will be one of the bijf-
gest athletic meets of the year. The
entries up to date Include nine paro
chial schools, iorty-oue grammar
schools, forty-seven high schools, fifty-
eight preparatory schools and fifty-live
colleges. This makes a total of 210
colleges and schools with teams in the
As there are ten colleges and schools
that will have more than one team,
there now are 220 teams entered.
Pennsylvania will have teams in the
one, two and four mile championships
and In the freshman championship;
Dartmouth bas a team in the one mile
and another In the four mile, and so
Nearly every Jjlg college in the east
and west will be represented.
How Fortune Changes.
How strangely baseball fortunes do
mutate! Some years ago Tat Tebeau
gave his brother George a temporary
job in the Cleveland outfield just to
help him out with a little money. Now
George is one of the biggest magnates,
with probably twenty times as much
money as Pat has tucked away.
Both Wood.
Somebody had thrown a stone at
the village constable as he patrolled
his beat at night, hitting him on the
The perpetrator of the outrage
was not recognized, but on search
ing for the missile the constable
found a peculiarly shaped stone,
which, lie averred, he had seen or
namenting the window sill of a man
whom he charged with the assault
"I experimented with the stone,
your worship, said tho constable
"I threw it at an old 'elmct of mine,
and it made exactly the same mark
u that made by the Etono which
struck me."
"Cut what good was that when
your 'end wasn't inside the 'elmet?"
asked the suspect. ,
I thought of that, triumphant
ly retorted 'the officer, "so I put a
block of wood inside the 'elmet, and
it was just the same as if my 'ead
was in it !" London Fun.
(From Friday s Dally)
Mrs. C. M. Shultz is spending the
day in the city with friends.
Mrs. Lorctta Ault took one of the
early trains. today for a short visit
in Omaha.
Mrs. John Woster departed on a
Burlington train this morning for a
brief visit in Omaha.
Mrs. August Anderson departed
this morning for Lincoln for a few days
visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wynn boarded
a north bound Burlington today for
a trip to the metropolis.
Mrs. Charles Hanasek was among
those who spent the day in the Gate
city going up on No. 15.
Mrs. Charles Rcnner, Mrs. Lois
Blunt and Mrs. Allen Itenner consti
tuted a party of Omaha travelers today.
Mrs. G. M. Patton went up to Om
aha this morning expecting to make
a short visit with her son L. L. Patton
in that city.
Mrs. Joseph Wampler was among
the Plattsmouth callers in the metrop
olis today, going up on the eignt
fifteen trajn.
Mrs. A. T. Fitt and sister Mrs.
P. H. Field took one of the early trains
for the metropolis today for a day's
pleasure trip.
W. F. AVarga and wife were day's
visitors at Omaha today.
Mrs. C. S. Forbes made a day's
pilgrimage to the metropolis today.
Mrs. Robert Richter was a morning
sojourner to the metropolis.
T. 0. Wilson made a combined
business and pleasure trip to the Gate
city today.
California Visit Was Pleasant.
In a pleasant letter received yester
day from Mrs. Isaac Pollard she spoke
of the enjoyable time she and her
two daughters, Mrs. Barnum and Mrs.
Wallace had had during their winter's
stay in sunny California. They met
many of their old friends from Cass
county at Long Beach, where they
spent most of their time, and their
stay was made one continual round
of pleasure by the hospitality of the
former Cass county residents. They
returned to their homes at Nehawka
about the first of April and were glad
to get a glimpse of old Nebraska after
seeing the blooming flowers and vege
tation on the sunny coast for so long
Old Mcb
Will Be
Welcome In Every Home
Because it keeps the house,
from cellar to attic, in spick ,
and span condition, and sav
es the housewife labor,
time, trouble and expense.
Just you try it!
A. S. Will was among the Platts
mouth business callers at South Om
aha today.
Miss Helen Dovcy spent the day
with friends in Omaha, going up on
the 8:15 train.
Mrs. W. T. Smith and son went up
up to Omaha on No. 15 today for a
short visit.
Misses Matilda and Christine Soen-
nichsen are in Omaha today spending
a short visit with friends.
Oswald John of Elmwood is in the
city today, on legal business.
B. A. McElwain wont up to Omaha
on some business errands this after
Sonic small repair and improve
ments are being made in the plumbing
at the court house.
L. F. Sallee of the Masonic Home
was among the morning passengers
to the Market town.
Mrs. C. M. Parker left early this
morning for a visit with her sister
Mrs. I. L. Longworth of Omaha.
The Burlington laborer injured yes
terday on the bridge in Iowa is reast
ing easily and is getting along very
Miss Elma Wright of Wyoming,
Nebrus-.a is in the city a guest of
Miss Mary Foster, county superin-tenednt.
There will be prayer meeting at
the Methodist church Saturday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. You will be
welcome. Come.
Washing Dishes
WlthoutDrudgery I
FUct dishes in pan of warm
water, sprinkle a little Old
Dutch Cleanser on dish-cloth
(don't put the cleanser In water)
and wash, each piece, put In sec
ond pan to drain, rinse in clean
water and wipe dry. Easier,
quicker and hygienic; no caus
tic or acids (not a soap powder) .
Old Dutch Cleanser wil re
move the hardest "burnt in" crust
from pots and pans, without the
old time scalding and scraping.
Mrs. S. Gochonour and Mrs. Maude
Gochonour were travelers this morn
ing in the direction of Omaha going
to the city for a day's visit.
Mrs. 0. E. McDonald of Murdock
departed on one of the early trains
today for her home after being here
for some time at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. J. R. Kelly. Mrs. Kelly ac
companied her daughter as far as
Barclay's Restaurant
r .v v,; rwj'-'yv&s. w. . ii THE PLACE
' sV;;;'te;i'. Everything neat and
fc4NS& limSC " " SVXDAY
teiCf'.v Ifjj DINNER. Board by
11m!? i! J ' the week. Lunch counter
HSllU $L i.- M'&'&ki, I in connection.
Lli T ' ' ' " 'Open All Night
Center of Block Between 4th and 5th Sts.
Lads Get Spring Fever.
Truant Officer Amick rounded up
seven little kids that 'us playin hookey'
this morning and marched them up
to the office of the superintendent of
schools. They were sent to their re
spective rooms and after this if they
are not in attendance as they should
be, and as the law requires, there are
liable to bo some cases up in tho jus
tico court in the near future. During
the winter jmonths they have been
rather lax in the enforcing of the or
dinance relative to compulsary at
tendance at the public schools, but
now that the warm days are approach
ing, there arc too many of the lads that
arc getting in the habit of skipping,
and the school officials have decided
put a stop to it.
Fit out at Frank's get a suit up to date,
Right in the fashion of woolens first rate.
A suit that will fit goods sound as a bell,
No outside shops will fit you as well,
Keep track of Mac's good value he sells.
Mac builds good clothes garments all neat,
Chicago's ready made agents cannot compete.
Examine his line and prices all through,
Look him up for a suit, saves money for you.
Reliable goods, all through his Hne,
Order a suit for, the on coming spring time,
You find value for money here every time.
Building Material'
Estimates Furnished.
Prompt Attention to Orders.
House Furniture and Undertaking
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc.,
South Sixth Street.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Michael Hild, John Saltier
Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
Phones 137 and 247.
i 1 I HI I I l l H"i"l"ill"l"l"l"lil I UIHUnilfMtMl
COAL that burns,and
burns right. That's
the kind we handle.
Deliveries in large or
small amounts made
on short notice.
J. V. Egenberger jj
S..MhIm.,I.4i,I,4,I,AiiI I I 1.1,1,1 I t I I 1 l-t-H-l 1 1 I MM I 1 1 t I7
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