NewsMeralb WICE A WEEK SEE PLATTSMOUTH SUCCEED NlWS. EUblihed Not. 5. 1991 I rnMA, i. i lax HERALD. EUbU.hd April 16. 1864 CoMolidted Jln-1- 1896 PLATTSMOUTH, tfKHUASK.A, MONDAY. MAKCfl 21.11H0 vol. xlvi no. ue Th CLARENCE VS. STATE Opinion of Supreme Court in Murder Case Has been Under Consideration. OPINION DELIVERED BY JUSTICE REESE Report as Given by State Journal In that Paper This Morning Interesting Reading. The following is the syllabus just issued by the supreme court wherein the reasons arc stated for its reversion ia the well known Cass County mur der case. Clarence vs. State, Error, Cass. Reversed and remanded. Reese C. J. 1. Upon a trial of accused under a charge of murder, certain witnesses testified that they were in a corn crib shoveling corn into a slieller and that at the time of the tragedy they were standing upon corn in a crib not yet removed, and,' looking through an opening between the boards consti tuting the wall of the crib witnessed the affair which resulted in the death of the deceased, their testimony being favorable to the defendant and his theory of self defense. At the time of the shooting of the deceased there was a team and wagon and the corn of the instructions already given and of the use of words "at least," the in struction was prejudicial error. 4. The jury are the sole judges of what is shown in the testimony of the witnesses. An instruction which iinforms the jury that certain facts arc shown by a witness, naming him, and quoting his testimony, is errone ous as ,usurping the function of the jury. It is for them to say whether the testimony of the witness estab lishes the fact detailed. 5. I is error to submit the ques tion of the materiality of evidence to the jury before whom the case is being tried. In Justice Court. (From Saturday's Dally) The old case of the Frank Moipan estate vs. Fred Murphy, for the se cuiing of $0!) owed the plaintiff lor clothes purchased at the Morgan store, was brought up yesterday in the justice's court, and the matter now rests in the hands of the judge w ho w ill make his decision Monday morning. The case was first filed in the court No vember 8, 190!) since which time Mr. Morgan died, the case being carried along by his wife. The matter is so ancient that it would have been out lawed from the courts long ago had the defendant not been out of the coun try for some time. Murphy is a clerk in the United States War Depart ment and for sonic time was stationed in Cuba where the summons of this court could not reach him. The case was tried last December and a judgement secured against Murphy but the man did not possess enough personal property to pay for the amount of the claim. According to the laws of Nebraska in a case of this kind, the property of the man's wife stands liable, if the man s property is not ol surticient BELOVED OLD PIONEER PASSES TO HIS REWARD Conrad Schlater, One of Cass County's Oldest Citizens Passes Away at His Home. VERY PROMINENT FIGURE IN DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY Seventy-Eight Years of Age at Time of Death Most of Which Were Spent in Cass County. Todays Legal Doings. (From Saturday's Dally) A petition for divorce was filed today at the office of the district clerk by Mrs. Nellie Brittain on the grounds of cruelty, desertion and drunkeness on the part of her husband Walter Brittain. Brittain is an employee of the Burlington Railway in this city, and the father of two young children. The case w ill be brought up at the next session of district court in about six weeks. A suit to quiet title on a number of farm tracts south of the city was filed at the district court this morning by Charles E. Schwab. The land in question comprises about 300 acres of the Rock Bluff precinct. sheller near the crib which were there- j vaiUC an(J shp j mnv hvng hy after removed and the boards, between which the witnesses testified they sawj the transaction, were knocked, or taken off. Over four months thereafter the .s ate procured persons to go to the place in question who, over the ob jection of the accused, testified that they had caused a team and wagon to be placed where they were informed the team and wagon had stood and they procured boards to be placed where the boards were said to have formerly been, and that by standing on tho floor of the granary they could not sec the spot where it was said the trgedy occurred. The admission of the testimony, without proof that the conditions as existing at the time of the affray had been restored, held erroneous. 2. "When, in a trial for murder, the defendant procures evidence tend ing to justify the killing on the ground of self-defense, an instruction which limits the right of self-defense to one in the lawful pursuit of his business is erroneous." Hans vs. State 72 Ncvb. 288 100 N. W. 419. 3. In an instruction given to the jury upon a trial of one charged with the crimcof murder the law of murder in the first and second degrees and manslaughter was fully explained. Upon the request of the state, the court, later, instructed the jury that "a malicious killing, although done upon a sudden quarrel, end in the heat of passion, is, at least, murder in the second degree." Held, that in view the plaintiff's for the amount. LINE THROUGH CASS COUNTY THE PLACE About Ready to Ask lor Bids on Improvements to be Made Which Will be Extensive The Missouri Pacific is about ready to ask bidders to make figures on some work of ' considerable magnitude in the neighborhood of Nebraska City and Union. It is understood that one cuoff is to be built that will involve the moving of a large amount of dirt and that a number of smaller grading contracts arc a part of the general scheme for line improvement in that vicinity. The company is planning to rebuild all of its Nebraska system, and this line straightening and grade elimination is a part of the rebuilding scheme. After this is completed, the new rails are in place and the bridges strengthened it is understood the Omaha and Lincoln lines are to be ballasted. Ballasting it is under stood will follow next year. Slntc Journal. A hearing for the appointment of administrator in the estate of Mary J, Guthman will be held in the county court late this afternoon. A petition for probate in the estate of Robert Storey, dispensing with the regular administration, wherein the creditors of the estate arc barred, was presented for filing in the county court today. A petition of similiar nature in the estate of William J. Storey was also presented. WILL TAKE NO PART Proident Taft Has Nothing to Do With the Scrap Now Going On. RIGHT LEGISLATION ALL HE WILL ASK Very Much Interested In ceedlngs oi Yesterday. Not in the Fight. Pro-But MR. AND MRS (From Friday's Dally) Conrad Schlater, the beloved old Cass county settler, answered the summons of the grim reaper and passed away at an early hour this morning at his I'lattsmouth home. Mr. Schla ter has been of ill health for several years and since last November had been confined to his house and part of the time to his bed. Feeling much better with the approach of the bright sunny days of the last two weeks, lie ventured forth a number of times to visit among his old friends in town. Contracting a severe, cold which settled in the form of grippe, he was forced to his bed, growing steadily worse until his death occurred today about 7 a. m. The pleasant old gentleman always CONRAD SCHLATER. CopriwhtNIO Th Houk of Kuppenheimr Que go Do You Want an Individual SUIT FOR EASTER ? One that is all your own an exclusive pattern no one else in town to have one like it. You can get it here in our Quality Line. Just call for one of our special single suits. Prices $20 tO $35 out they are beautiful in design workmanship. We've a strong line of blue serges, so pop ular this year, with all those little "differences" in model and style that you appreciate. C. E. WESCOTT'S S0N5 THE HOME OF SATISFACTION run and Social at Johnson's. The Christian Endeavor society of the Christian church held an enjoy able social at tho home of Miss Ruth Johnson last evening. It was one of the many St. Patrick's entertain ments of the week, being originally scheduled for Thursday night, but on account of other parties, it was post poned for a day. The time was pleasantly whiled away with Irish games and musical numbers by Misses Ruth and Mildred Johnson. About forty of the members were present, and, towards the close of the affair, light refreshments were served tinted with the Irish and not the Paris article of green. BUFFALO, March 19-Presidcnt arrived here las evening and was very much interested in the news from Washington as shown by the papers, but when asked about tho matter he said that while he was very much, interested in the doing of the house it had nothing to do with him. lie was mainly interested in seeing good laws passed and pledges redeemed. bore a prominent place in the highly respected circles of the city and his death will cause much grief to his many friends of Cass county and the state. Mr. Schlater was born in Germany December 25, 1S32, going through a German school at Waurestein and coining to this country when 17 years of age, locating in Indiana. In 1S50 he was married to an Indiana girl Mary J. Donelan and was the father of five children, three of whom are .-till living, residents of the state of Nebraska. He came west in the year 1S5J and about that time made his first visit to the village of I'lattsmouth. His experiences in those early days were as thrilling as they were inter esting, and many of his stories have been published in the papers of the state and in the News-IIerald of years ago. He travelled the trail from this vicinity to Pike's Peak as freighter a number of times, later following the trade of painter. Giving up this line of work in 1S70, he located on a farm a few miles south east of Louisville. He worked this place for about f out teen years, when he built a nice residence in I'latts mouth and moved into the citv where he has lived ever since. In the later part of his life, he be came very talented in music, and it will be remembered by some of the old residents that he played the first organ that was ever placed in the tow n, many years ago in Jie Methodist; church. He is survived by his wife and three married children, two daughters and one son. They are Mrs. Joseph Tighe, of Havelock, Mrs. J Fitzgerald of this city nnd County Treasurer Frank i;. Schlater. The funeral services will be held i M.iiwi..t. .. I.)...-- f,.i,..r,.. lib ii. iiiiiii n vaiitt'iti. church, being conducted by the local priest, Rev. Shine. Pretty Window Display. 1 One of the prettiest window displays in the city is to be seen at the depart ment store of Dovcy on Main street. It is an Easter decoration prepared by F. S. Ramsey with the assistance of Miss Herman, representing a woman beautifully gowned in the royal purple with a background of a cross, scattered with Easter lillies. The window pre sents a very dainty appearance with its proverbial trimmings of white and purple mingled here and there with the largo artificial lillies. Christian Endeavor Social. A pie and coffee social was held Thursday night by the Christian En deavor Society of the Christian church at the residence of O. C. Hudson. A small admission fee was charged and all those who didn't appear green enough were fined for the negligence. This fine, was not like the police court fines, for it was only remitted after the person had sung some Irish song, or told an Irish joke. The old Blarney stone was one of the prominent fea tures' of tho "evening and the guesty expressed their affection for the old rock by going through the ceremony of kissing it. Numerous games were indulged in and the following interesting pro gramme was given: Selection American Orchestra Instrumental duet . . . Misses Mildred and Amy Cook. Vocal solo.. Mr. J. W. Livingston. Reading Miss Josephine Hall. Selection American Orchestra Mrs. Root, wife of the supreme court judge of Lincoln, is in town for a few days vuil with Mrs. J. N. Wis. Our Boys' Department Is more than full this spring of new things for the Boys. For the small boy from 2 to 7 we are showing the Rus sian Blouse, Sailor Suits and Norfolks. For the boy from 7017 we show the double breasted 2 and 3 button sack coat, with center or side vents. Pants are all made bloomer style. All buttons arc riv itcd, all seams taped; made to stand the wear and tear. We'd like to show you. Very Good Ones $3 to $4.50 Xtragood, all-wool, pants lined $5 to $8.50 The Home of Hart Schiffner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thierolf Value Giving Clothiers. A, A I kJ- If. TRACOOJ