The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 17, 1910, Image 8

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Of Jacks, Mares and Mules
On the Kendall farm near
Union, Neb., on Wednesday,
March 23, commencing at 8:30
a. m.
2 JACKS, large individuals,
quick performers. 20 MARES,
16 of which are safe in foal. 47
. MULES from 1 to 3 years old.
Complete line of farm ma
chinery, including one J. I.
Case Steam Threshing outfit,
which is in good condition.
For Further Particulars Address
0 1 1 10
, From Monday's Daily.
JAn. VY. Fi.iloHencuuu spent a short
iime in Omaha the last of the week.
William Gillipie, the city mayor of
Mynard was 'an over Sunday visitor
in the city.
Emma Kaulman took a Saturday
evening train for Cedar Creek to make
a short visit with friends.
Miss Lena Meisinger was one of
Saturday's visitors from the neigh
borhood of CuHom.
Mrs. Harry Meisinger made a Sat
urday trip to riattsmouth from her
home near Cedar Creek.
Harry Thomas and son were in the
city Saturday evening and after
short vi:,it returned to their Elinwood
Henry Gering, the Omaha drug
gist, returned to Plattsmouth the
latter part of hist week for a short
stay at his home.
Miss Emma Gauer from near Ce
dar Creek returned to her home
Saturday evening after a shopping
tour to our city.
Mr. J. M. Dunbar has been visit
ing a number of days in the town.
He returned Saturday afternoon to
his home in Avoca.
The city streets are beginning to
receive their spring cleaning and arc
giving up their winter coat of mud
Ben Dill, e resident of Murray,
is making a short stay with his father,
Andrew Dill of theis city, who is
little under the weather.
Arthur Rhodes, representing the
Fioncer Insurance Company, having
finished his business here, returned to
Ids headquarters at the Capital City
Earl Hasslcr, a pham acy student
at Oicighion College of Omaha, is here
for a short visit with his folks, and is
helpiug out on the Saturday trade at
Mrs. J. B. Higley started this morn
ing for a short viit to the Gate City.
Mrs. F. S. Curtis was among the
passengers who went to Umaha tor
the day.
M's. George Barr was among the
morning visitors in the metropolis
Mrs. R. B. Brissey and son left to
day on a pleasure trip to the city of
Ernest Brown boarded a morning
Burlington, bound for Omaha for a
brief visit.
Edward Brantne r was among those
whose business matters called him to
Omaha today.
A. J. Trilcty combined business
and pleasure in a short stay in Omaha
today, leaving on the early morning
Fred Warner, who lives about four
miles west of town, journeyed to Om
aha this morning.
Fred Billrtein headed foi Lyons
this -morning where he will work at
his trade as a blacksmith.
Mrs. Charles Parmelc took ad
vantage of the nice weather and paid
Omaha a short visit today.
Mrs. J. A. Silence is making a visit
to Havelock this week starting this
morning on the early train.
.Mrs. a. t. nnoinccK was among
thejse who headed for Omaha today
on a little pleasure irip. r
Elmer Meisinger and brother Clar
ence, from Cedai Crock were among
Jic Saturday visistors here.
Mrs. A. F. Brown was a morning
passenger to the city of Omaha, travel
ing on one of the early Burlington's
Mrs. J. E. Roylo took a morning
train headed for ulcnwooel whore
she will make a nhort visit with friends.
Mr. G. F. Kroeger, who haiU from
Mynard, was in town Saturday and
called, on business errands, at the
News-Herald office.
Mrs. Joe Wampler and son Grendlyn
arc flpeninn the day in he metropo
lis, leaving on the early train this
Mr. J. P. Falter, the president of
the Commercial Club, attended a
number of matters of business in Om
aha today.
The Burlingoon pay car was a wel
come Bight in the eyes of the Burling
ton men last week, when it rolled into
the local yards about ten o'clock
Saturday morning.
Robert Mauzy is paying a visit here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mauzy. Mauzy is holding down a
position as news agent at the Union
depot in Denver.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Miss Ida Boedekcr of Murray was
a visitor the first part of the week with
Miss Ethel Crabill.
Attorney B. Frank Wiles and family
from Omaha arc making a short stay
at the home of his father, Cuptuin
Isaac lies.
line St. Marys Guild will meet
with Mrs. E. W. Cook on Wednesday
afternoon at 2o clock.
Attorney Charles Graves of Union
was in town last evening attending to
things in his line of business.
J. . Itodefer from the Masonic
Home was a morning passenger to
Omaha today.
Judge Travis who has been holding
court in Nebraska City, adjourned
court today until Mgarch 28.
William Stohman, one of Louis
ville's leading farmers, was in the city
today, and is visiting his friends, paid
a short visit at the News office.
Frank Ilawkswoith, a Burlington
engineer who handles a run between
Lincoln and McCook was in town
yesterday with his father, who is not
having very good health.
Mrs. Carl Fricko who has been con
fined to her bed for some time, is now
able to be out and around, and her
many friends will be glad to hear that
her condition is greatly improving.
A petition for adoption was filed at
the court house yesterday by Thomas
J. McKinney for John W. Hunter, the
little son of Mrs. Alec Hunter, the
w oman who shot herself near Murray
last fall.
II. W. Thomas was a welcome visi
tor at the News-Herald office yester
day. Mr. Thomas has sold out his
place in Cass county and will locate
in Jordan, Montana, where he is ex
pecting to enter into the stock busi
A petition for the appointing of
a guardian tor Charles ISordenson
was presented at the county judge's
office yesterday. Frank W. Boycr,
of Omaha, was recommended as
guardian of the papers, the matter com
ing before the Court March 20.
The marriage license was issued
yesterday of John A. Johnson age 62,
and Mrs. Sarah E. Stoekham, age 35
The groom is s resident of Semth Bend,
while the bride live-s at Riverton, Ia.
The wedding will take place Wednes
day afternoon at South Bend.
Mr' G. M. Porter and wife of Lin
coln are in the city for a short stay.
The Porters lived in Plattsmouth a
cw years ago, and they arc greatly
enjoying themselves, visiting among
their old friends, while Mr. Porter
is attending to his local work of col
ecting for the Omaha Bee.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. August Ileideman
were among the umana passengers
Mrs. F. S. Ramsey and children
were among lucselays visiytora in
J. M. Roberts made a brief sojourn
to Louisville going out on the early
Mr. and Mrs. Upjohn, ef Sarpy
county were in town yesterday on
a shopping expedition.
Mrs. Joghn Lutz starte'd on a trip
to Omaha this morning for a visit with
her niece, Mrs. Hartley.
Mrs. T. L. Murphy accompanied
by her daughter May left this morning
for an Omaha visit.
Mrs. Minnie Reeder. a resident of
Elm wood was in tow n vesterdav.
spending her time at the Perkins.
Judge Newell boarded an earlv
train for Louisville today, where he
will look over his rock quarries and
attend to some business matters
connected with them.
Mrs. C. B. Woodworth and daughter
Miss Mayme Woodworth after a short
stay in the city at the home of Mrs.
C. L. Hartford, Mrs. Hartford's sister.
started for their home yesterday at
Boone, Iowa, the Tlattsmouth lady
accompanying them as far as Omaha
Miss C. S. Jones of Walthill after
spending a few days here with her
sister, Miss Hanna Jones, left today
for her home'
Albert Funk left yesterday for Co
lumbus where he is engaged in build
ing a new rialroad bridge over the
Mrs. Mabel Smith started this
morning for Courtland Kansas, after
spending a little time in Omaha.
She has accepted a position as trimmer
in one of the millinery stores of the
Kansas tow n.
E. Manspeahr,
McGuire, j'irxt nnme vn'.novn.
Notice is hereby piven that cn the
12th day of April, A. I). 1010, at ten
o'clock, a. rn. of said day at the resi
d nee of Ed. Slocum, two miles south
and thirty reds west of Mynard, Ciis
County, Nebraska, there will be sold
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, one Durham Bull past three
years of age, the same being levied
upon and taken as the property of
one McGuiic, first name un
known, to satisfy an Agister's I icn in
favor of M. E. Me.n.spcnker against
said McGuirc, first name un
PlattsnuAith, Nebraska, March 11,
1910. M. E. Manspeaker.
Byron Clark,
Wm. A. Robertson,
Attorneys. 94-6
Notice of Sale.
In the Distritt Court of Cass County,
In the matter of the Estate of Waclav
(called Jame!)'! Krowlek, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in
pursuance of an order of the Honor
able Harvey D. Travis, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska
made on the 21st day of February,
1910, for the sale of real estate here
inafter described, there will be sold
at the south doof of the Court house
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska
on the 2.Jrd elay of March, 1910,
at 11 o'clock a. m., at public, auction
to the highest bideler for cash, the
following described real estate, to-
wit Lot 81, being the west half of
the west half of the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of Section
12, township 12, range 13 cast, in Cass
county, Nebraska. Sale will remain
open one hour. Dated this 21st day
of February, 191.
Will J. Streight, Administrator of
said estate. 88-S
Sheriff's Sale.
By itruc of an order of sale issued
by Jamb's Robertson, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to mc directed,
I will on the 16ih day of April A. D.
1910 at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day
at the semth door of the Court House
in said county, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the fol
low ing real estate tow it : Lots Eleven
(11) and Twelve (12) of Block Twenty
Seven (27) in the City of Plattsmouth,
County of Cass, Nebraska. The same
being levied upon and taken as the
property of J. R. Cardiff, first name
unknown, Rebecca Cardiff, illiam
W. Coates, Iva M. Coates, Frank
I. Dunbar and Adolph C. Swanson
Defendants to satisfy a judgment o:
said court recovered by E. Y. Sarlcs
Plaintiff against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth. Neb. March 14th A
D. 1910. C. D. Quinton,
94-10 Sheriff Cass County, Neb
Notice of Probate oi Will.
State of Nebraska
88. In County
County of Cass Court
To all persons interested in the estate
of Georgo Sitzman, Deceased:
You are hereby notified that a pe
tition has been filed in this court, to
gether with an instrument purporting
to" be the last will and testament of
George Sitzman, deceased, praying
that the same be admitted to probate
that a hearing will be had upon said
petition on tho 5th day of April, A. D
1910, at 10 o'clock, a. m. in my office
in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebras
ka, before which hour all objections
thereto must be filed. .
Witness my hand and official seal
this 14th day of March. A. D. 1910.
Allen J. Beeson,
William C. Ramsey, County J udge.
Attorney. 94-6
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska,
. SS.n Counti Court.
County of Cass.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Frank
G. Brown, deceased.
To all Persons Intereatcd:
You arc hereby notified that there
has been filed in this Court the report
of N. H. Meeker, administrator of
above estate together with his peti
tion for final settlement thereof.
You arc further notified that a hearing
will be had upon said petition before
this Court at the County court room
at Plattsmouth is said County on the
22nd day of March 1910, at 10 o'clock
A. M., and that all objections, if
any, must be filed on or before said
day and hour o( hearing. '
Witness my hand and the seal of
the County Court of said County
this 21st day of February 1910.
00 f. County Judge
Legal Notice.
In he County Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska.
In the Estate of John Taylor Baird,
To all ptrsons interested:'
You 'are hereby notified thut a
petition l.tis been filed for the ad-mini.-t
ration f the estate of John
Taylor Baird, I'ccuiscel, and that
George L. Parity has been nominated
es such p.diri.'i-itrator; that a hearing
will be he 11 uj n s'ii-1 petition on t!:c
2(;th day of March, A. 1)., 1010,
at eight o'ch-ck, A. M. at my office in
the city of PlaltMiiouth, before which
hour al! oi joeiiuis thereto
By the Court,
Courty Jue'ge.
Byron Clark and Wm. A. Robertson
Attorneys. t)2 f
If you own a chunk of dirt, in
the shape of a farm or a lot
It will cost you nothing, but the
amount of advertising jcu gain
trough our eiToits will be of value
to you.
We will sell for you or buy for
1 1 . . !
you or maKe an exenange mat win
please all parties. Sec us today.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
t,,tH"t"H -H 'l 1 i H,.i..M"M-4"t
Smoke an
And be Happy
The New Way
Smoking Meat
is with
Wright's Condensed
(Made from Hickory Wood)
Per Bottle
Enough For 300 pounds
at r
The Rexall Store
F. G. Frickc & Co
Expert Pill Mixers.
Tlatts. 'phone Bell 'phono
Do you M'uivt an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgfrrent
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Ounbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate.
John Durman
Expert Blacksmith
JIas taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kinds of Fine Horseshoe
ing and all kinds of Black
smlthlng. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Call on Him.
bmt k son
Poultry, Butter,
Eggs and Cream
S3.00 $3.50. M.00 X
& 5.00
Best in the World
Fast Color Eyelets (Vierf
W I DnusUa fioe are tha lowest
price, quality contidered, in the world.
Their excellent style, easy fitting and
long wearing qualities excel those of
other makes. If you hare been paying
high prices for your shoes, the next time
you need a pair give W. L Douglas shoes
a trial. You can save money on your
footwear and get shoes that are just as
;ood in every way as those that have
'iirn costing you higher prices.
if you could viiit our large factories
r.t Brockton, Mais., and see for yourself
how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are
n.nie, you would then understand why
they hold their shape, fit better nd
wear longer than other makes.
I ll'Tlll-W. I. Dnnirta iMmr mt price I
lainpml "fi th hotlnm In protect the wm r amirat
Inith prii-M aii'l mf rlor aliiva. Tiili S
l-it. U W. I- linifi ah arrnni fnr in jour
t. ...... 1
Joseph Fetzer
$ rS y
The W01 lei's Ocutcst
All-the-Voar Kosort
Double Daily Through
Choice of Scenery
The Truo Southern Route
via El Paso
Through beenic Colorado
Pueblo nnd Denver
Ask for Rates and Schedules .
Hugh Norton, Agent.
m r i v i'