STRIKE OF FIREMEN CALLED ON ALL WESTERN ROADS Let Me Tell You Something If you want to be properly dressed, you should have you. elotiies made to order. You can't get up-to-date styles in ready-uiades, for they are made six months b(fore the season opens. BLUE SERGE SUITS The" Kansas City Weekly Staj The most comprehensive farm paper All the news Intelligently told Farm qusstlons an swered by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly what you want In market reports. One Year 25 Cents. Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo. Twenty-Five Thousand Men Will Quit Work on Date to be Decided in the Near Future. TWO JACKS Will sell or trade one, at my barn. SAM C. SMITH n n- m n rsNvnunfnf ! i ? t t ? t ? t DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $450 to $3,000. Don't Eay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. ,et me show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska, South and North Dakota. Missouri or Texas. FIRE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BONOS. Get your bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income white you are onable to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. f ? t t ? ? t f Y CITY COUNCIL IN REGULAR SESSION. Metropolitan Plan of Paving Vine Street Taken up and Discussed (From Tuesday's Dally) The council of the city of Platts mouth held forth in its regular semi monthly meeting at the council cham ber lust night. Every member of the council was in his chair, and besides the general routine of business, mat ters pertaining to the new paving and the improvement of the city's walks and crossings,' were discussed in some rather heated arguments by the city dads. Minutes of the last two meetings were read and adopted, and reports from the town fire departments were beard, wherein the hose and apparatus was stated to be in a generally satis factory condition. A small hornets ' nest was struck when some talk was made of chang ing the hours of the night police, with the result that no action was taken and the matter was left untouched. It seemed advisable to Chief of Police Amick, and some of the council men to let one of the night men go on duty at about three P. M. and work till midnight, as there is little need of two men during the early hours of the morning, but the hours were left stand ing as they were. A motion was made by D. O. Dwycr and referred to the Streets, Alleys and Bridges committee, to have the grad ing done, and the grade established for a permanent stone walk on the Catholic church property. A number of walks and crossing improvements were brought up, but none were definitely ordered, on account of the financial stringency of the city's pocket book just at this time. A motion was made by D. O. Dwyer to have the city attorney draft an ordinance making it possible to park Vine street, in connection with the proposed pavement. The proposed plan, as talked of yesterday afternoon, by some of the council members and the estimating engineer who was in the city, is to pave about a forty foot atrip down the center of the street, leaving a small plat on each side of the pavement to be sodded down and parked. This form of paving is prov ug very popular in- the larger cities, and it presents a very pleasing and artistic appearance, which would cer tainly be a welcome plan for thc:City of Plattsmouth. Many of the coun crimen, including the Mayor, seemed in favor of this method, but the trouble arose in the varying width of the street as proposed by seme of the men. i The plan which is most advocated calls for a thirty foot pavement with a nine foot park on each side, between Fourth and Sixth on Vine street, and a forty four foot'surfaee, with a four foot pirk between ixth and en- cnth. It was thought advisable to mukc this block of wider paving in order to carry off the water dining the heavy rains anfd thav.s, while the thiity foot paving was expected to be plcniy wide enoueh for a resi dence district and it would save con siderable expense for the adjoining tax payers. However the general symetry of the street would not be hurt by such arrangments. For this reason, an'd thinking that they should wait until the report of the estimating engineer was secured, the motion was lost and no other action was taken on the mattez. A five minute recess was allowed in order to name the judges and clerks for the coming election of April 2. The officers named were as follows: First ward: Clerks; Fred Black and John Cory. Judges; J. H. Thrasher, John Linderman, W. D. Messersmith. Second ward: f Clerks; Henry Goos, Denny Iliatt. Judges; John Kopia, Claus Boetel, J. W. Johnson. Third ward: Clerks; Henry Jess and George Sayles. Judges; A. N. Sullivan, Albert Despain, Emil Ptak. Fourth ward: Clerks; John Halt and Charles Peterson. Judges; Aug ust Tartsche, Louis Dose, John Wey rich. Fifth ward: Clerks; Robert Pat ton and Fred Hesse. Judges; John vondran, August Bach, William Kin niman. The following bills were allowed: Road Fund. John Harkins S 1.75 J.W.Elder 3.85 Philip Harrison 2.03 James Mrasek 2.45 E.W.Carter 7.00 W. II. Scott 17.50 ANNOUNCEMENT MADE LAST NIGHT BY W. S. CARTER, PRESIDENT Cleveland Men However Say They Will Not Obey the Order of the President. CHICAGO, March 15.- At mid-1 l ucl to parley further with the Library Fund. James Donnelly 4 . 50 Library expense 6 . 05 Olive Jones 25.00 C. W. Baylor, coal 7.00 Neb. Lighting Co 2.50 Business Tai Fund. Neb. Lighting Co 1.00 Police Fund. Boarding prisoners 3.15 D. L. Amick. . 50.00 Henry Trout 50.00 M. Archer 30.00 Fire Tax Fund. Kroehler, mdse 75 W. II. Ssott 75 Lighting Fund. Nebraska Lighting Co., street lights 125.00 Dog Fund. Frank Kauble night W. S. Carter, prcsiJent of the brotherhood of locomotive firemen and cngincmcn, announced that a strike of 25,000 firemen on practically all the western railroads had been called. Mr. Carter said that the decision to strike had been reached at a meet ing of forty-three members of the wes tern federated board of the brother hood, each member representing a western railroad. The exact hour at which the men arc to walk out, he said, would be decided upon tomorrow, and every member of the union between Chicago and the Pacific coacst would then be informed by telegraph when to quit work. "The strike has been called that much is certain," said Mr. Carter. "It means not only 25,000 firemen, members of our union will go out, but perhaps that many other em ployees will be thrown out in conse quence. We gave our ultimatum to the railroads that the men had voted to strike, and that we were prepared to call one unless we were grunted an arbitration of all questions in dis pute. The railroads refused to ar bitrarte anything, but the wage ques tion. "At midnight tonight we decided and application, for the same will be made at once. How soon it will be possible to get them installed after the application is made it is difficult to tell' This alone is an indication of progress of the business interests of the city. Other evidences of the success of Plattsmouth, for the coming season are abundant, and one does not have to look long to see a better town than we had last year. The efforts which have been put forth by the citizens, the Commercial Club taking the initiative, is bearing fruit, and we look for more to follow. Why cannot the citizens work together for a condition which will bring about free city delivery, we can have it if we only will, and then why not have it. railroad managers. We adopted resolution culling a strike. "Owing to the lateness of the hour and in ordei that the men would not go out in confusion and not know the true state of affairs we agreed to wait until tomorrow morning before telegraph ing the order." "Will the men quit work tomorrow " Mr., Carter was asked. "The men will quit work within twenty-four hours after the order is issued." he repliesd. The railroads issued a statement declaring that to prevent a strike, they would if necessary, appeal to the authorities at Washington. Cleveland, March 16. Officers of the brotherhood of locomotive engin eers, when informed of the strike of firemen called in Chicago, declared that they knew nothing about it, and under no circumstances would the engineers in their organization go out. They asserted that the engin eers would carry out their contracts with the railroads, regardless of what action might be taken by the firemen, and if necessary would employ non union laboi. The strike is repre sented here as a fight in the labor orgin ization and is not regarded as important. 1XXXXXXXXXXXXX ! SOME SORTS. XXXXXXX35XXXX (Written by our "Devil" with the Mallet:. .50 path of Philander and his best and only to upset the happy little party and spill them into the briny deep. Just at present Philander Jr., and his bride are far out from shore and apparently, so far as Pa is concerned, have lost both oars and seem to be up against a proposition as hard to beat as a Maybray specialty. . Pa Knox is angry because his son did not consult him in regard to when he should marry, and also to whom he should marry, and we think that Pa is right, for it's Pa of cource who has to live with the little miss, and its Pa who has to take the cold feet on a wintry night. Pa was to be the whole thing in his son's family when Philie married, and to be disappointed in this manner, is a cruel blow. Mr. Knox should move to the Orient where his offsprings could be given in marriage while the bib and rubber ring were yet a part of their every day needs. The only place in the city where you can get a good blue serge, fancy worsted, cheviot or Scotch tweed suit to order that are actually worth from$oo to o-K), for only $20 FOR NOTHING All suits made by me on ytKefore March 1st, will be cleaned and pressed as long as they last for nothing. SPECIAL From now until March 15th, I will clean, dry clean, and press clothing for 50 cents to 1 dollar. ALL WORK GUARANTEED James Socher The Tailor. ROOSEVELT ALL RIGHT Lands at Khartoum and Feels Good to be on Dry Land Once More. LARGE CROWDS OUT TO MEET BIG MAN Meets Mrs. Roosevelt and the Chil dren and Enoys the Family Reunion Immensely. Llsh Stm Having Troubles. John Lish the fellow who recently had such a time with his unrulv spouse, when she took it into her hea to leave her happy home and seek a new stamping ground up near Grand Island, leaving Johnnv behind, finding the world full of hard spots. Now that he has got the trouble with his better half straightened out, he finds himself the star boarder at the county cooler. Mr. Lish is charged with selling intoxicating liquors with out a license at South Bend and was placed under Brrest this morning. He was released this afternoon on a $500 bond signed by Fred Egenberger and John Evans, both of Plattsmouth. Boxes at Premium. The demand for boxes at the post office for the past few weeks has been such that all the empty ones, of which there were a number some thirty days since, have been taken, with the ex ception of three at the close of busi ness last evening. The prospect is 'Name your terms, sign the papers, and the ghost will walk as per stipu lated in the contract." Besides be ing handed a bunch over the eye by her irrate spouse which caused that organ to resemble a canabal sandwich, Mrs. Cudahy was the other day hanued a bunch in the form of the above liberal offer from Jack Powers, the actor man, who has ideas of his own. And Mis. Cudahy really would be pleased to accept were it not for the fact that she is the mother of two little saus age makers, who might need her at tention were the maid to suddenly get into a shady mixup with her valet, and to leave the premises poco tempo. Of course it is not the glimmer of the footlights nor the plaudits of the pleas ed that would induce Mrs. Cudahy to take to the stage, but "one meets with such a jolly lot that such a life would be a dream, and as lengthy as a Rip Van Winkle slumber too Now who would think that an inno cent little smoke-wagon joy ride and the fizi of two small bottles could put a banker in the hospital, a husband in the police court, a wife on the stage, little children home to grand-pa and at the same time make so much rich dope for the papers of the land Late reports from the Lillis bedside give out the information that Cudahy is quite a "cutup." Notice of Republican Convention. The Republicans of the City ot rlattsmoutn are called to meet in a City Convention at the Council Cham ber on Fiiday night of Maich ISth, 1910, at 8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of placing in nomination two members of school board, one coun cilman from each ward, and to tran sact such other business as may properly come before the convention The primaries will be held in each ward at the usual voting place at 7:50 P. ' M., of said day for the pur pose of selecting delegates as follows first ward 6, Second ward 8, Third ward 8, Fourth ward 6, Fifth ward 5 A.LTidd, II. A.Schneider. Secretary. Chairman COUNTY ATTORNEY TALKS TO CLASS. Young Men's Bible Class Enjoys an Evening and Literary Treat. KHARTOUM, March 14. Look ing the picture of health, and physical fitness showing in every line, Theo dore Roosevelt came back over the ong trail over which he had spent nearly a year in the pursuit of game. Thousands gathered here to see him decried from afar the familiar form and the more familiar smilt made so to those who had not before set eyes on him by the countless pictures of him which have been recently pub- licshed. Later there was a joyous reuiiion of Colonel and Mrs. Roose velt and their children, Kermit and Miss Ethel, in the north station of Khartoum, where Mrs' Roosevelt and her daughter arrived about half past five o'clock in the evening. A launch carrying the representa tives of the governor general of the Anglo- Egyptian Soudan, Major Gen eral Sir Frances Reginald Wingate, sirdar cf the Egyptian army, wet the steamer Dal up the river. On the small Dal Colonel Roosevelt and the members of his party had voyaged for more than thirteen hundred miles from Gondokaro, in Uganda, where they embarked on February 28. The last of the weekly meetings of the Young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist church which have been held during the winter took plac at the elass room in the basement of the church last night. County .At torney Ramsey was the guest of the young men and spoke to them for an hour and a half on "The Mam Who Didn't Know." His address was along the line of those common every day laws which should be familiar to every person, and which many seem to be so ignor ant of. He told of instances under his own experience since he had been county attorney where if the parties interested had only known the law they would have been saved much ex pense and trouble. ine address was listened to very attentively and at its close the sneaker upon the matter of our every day laws, or rather thoi e which arc broken every day through ignorance of tlx m. Take it all around the evening was another of the best the club has enjoyed. x- ry er Horse Took a Fall. The old gray horse of Allen O'Neal met with a mishap yesterday after noon in the Burlington yards that it will remember for a long time to come. Mr. O'Neal is employed in filling up a deep excavation made near the tracks some time ago when the sewer was installed. The horses crowded too close to the edge of the place, and when some of the dirt began to cave in under their weight, the big gray went sprawling to the bottom. It was soon gotten out of the hole, and luckily escaped without any broken bones and with a few bruises on its legs and head, which Mr. O'Neal is doctorinz up today. Philander Knox is very indignant because his little boy has torn him self loose from the moorings of his sweet and innocent babyhood and shoved his little canoe out into the matrimonial sea, where the billows good for the need of additional boxen, roll high and hidden rock lay in the The annual r. h. U. election was held last Friday at the home of Mrs D. C Morgan. The officers elected for the coming year arc: Mrs. Mar vella Howland, President; Mrs. Mary Roberts, Vice President; Mrs. Fannie Dickson, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Bertha Crabill, Corresponding Secre tary; Mrs. Alice Cummins, Treasurer; Mrs. Belle Gaff, Chaplain; Mrs. Gertrude Morgan, Guard. A petition of Probate Will was filed this afternoon at the county judge's office for the deceased John Weichel, formerly a resident of Elmwood, who died last November. Mr. Weichel is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Weichel, two sons and two daughters and left an estate valued at $50,000. Mrs. S. A. Davis, a very close friend of Mrs. C. E. Wescot, retuincd to her home in Lincoln yesterday after a few days visit in the city. IF I SHOE SHOW IS READY ! You 'will certainly lake pleaswe in seeing these handsome 'shoes, and we will certainly take the greatest pleasure in showing them to you. Then, if you buy your Easier shoes here, there will be another pleasure in store for you in the way of satisfai'tion afforded you, by the correctly dressed feet. There's a touch of style and wdlbredncss to our shoes, and we have such a variety of models and leathers that you are sure of finding here JUST YOUR EASTEP gHniri show There are handsome Patent bather, Suedes, Gun Metals a 'enettcs tn (h fords, Ties, Pumps, Ankle Strap Sailor Ties i n for spring. So we say, come, see our Easter shoes! ' FETZERS' SHOE STORE and just