The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 17, 1910, Image 2

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    A Hardwood Floor of any Color
You may Choose for $2.50,
Floors which are in too
pxr condition to be im
proved with varnish alone
can be made to imitate a
genuine hardwood floor
with this new patented
Graining System.
This process does not
require the services of a
professional wood fin
isher. The Graining Tool
takes the place of skill
and can be successfully
used by the inexperi
enced man or woman,
thus making it possible
for any one at a very
slight expense to enjoy
the luxury of a new hard
wood floor.
This Graining Com-
una when protectea
-an effective fetilh. mmmmwws$mmm:m:mmmMm:&mMmQimm
rh 8urprii Stanlty Prepared For an
African Chief.
Ngalyerna was an African and an
mterprising trader in ivory and jgy
slaves, holding the position of chief w
of the Stanley 4'ool district, lie J
had demanded, wrote Sir Henry M. M
Stanley in his "Autobiography,"
and also received a goodly sum for '(Qjj
granting Stanley the privilege of '0,
establishing a station where up nv- jptf
cr navigation begins. Time passed, Uj
and Ngalyerna chose to forget this
transaction and made an impudent. S3
demand for more money. Duly
warned, however, Stanley had pre
pared a surprise for him:
I had hung a great Chinese gong
conspicuously near the principal
font. All mv men were hidden.
pound wnen proiecieu , - -
by one or two coats of 6ome in the steamboat on top of tne
Chi-Namel produces a wasron, and in its shadow was a cool
surface that will out-wear
any ordinary varnished
floor, many times over.
It came like a lamb. It
may leave like a lion.
Sold Only By
The Red Cross Drug Store.
Let us give you a sample card.
X x
.Judge W. l' Norris, formerly of
.McookNebr., who for a number of
jearsrcpreaeiitcd the United States
in a judicial capacity in the bench
in tbc Phillipine Islands, was the prin
cipal speaker at the monthly meeting
of the Nebraska State Ass'u held at
"Neighborhood House" inthia city
Just week.
"Ncigliboihdod Houso" is in all
essentials a settlement
House, and is under the charge of
former Ncbraskans, Mr. ansd Mrs.
Neligh , Mr. Neligh being for many
years a resident of West Point. They
havo been settlement workers for
years. It lias been but recently that
"Neighborhood house," which is lo
cated in southwest Washington, amid
squulur and want, has come to the
front m an institution which has
changed conditions immeasurably in
a neighborhood bounded on one side
it looked like "Old Settlers' Day"
in Nebraska to see the number of well
known and familiar people present.
Senator Isador Raynor, of Mary
land, in his answerrr to the speech of
Senator Burkett, has taken occasion
to use some thoughts presented by
the senior Senator from Nebraska on
the Postal Savings Bank bill, by hear
ing his speech in the Congressional
Record as follows: "A Few Obituary
Observations Lpon the Constitution'"
It will be recalled that Senator Bur-
kcttpaid his compliments to the Senior Chinese gong.
nlace. where the warriors would
gladly rest alter a ten mile march.
Other of my men lay still as death j
under tarpaulins, under bundles of
grass and in the bush round the
camp. By the time the drum taps
and horns announced Ngalyema's
arrival the camp seemed practically
Ngnlyema was strangely cold at
my hearty greeting and said: "lias
not my brother forgotten Ins road."
hat does he mean by coming to
this country ?"
"Nay, it is Ngalvoina who has
forgotten the blood bond that ex
ists between us. It is .Ngalyerna
who has forgotten the mountains of
rroods which I paid him. What!
words are these of my brother?"
Speech and counterspeech fol
lowed. Ngalyerna had exhausted his
arguments, but it was not easy to
break faith and be uncivil without
plausible excuse. His eyes were
reaching round to discover an ex
cuse to fight when they rested on
the round burnished face of the
A Foul Tip
Chief of Umpirc-3 Jack Haskell of
(L. n.t.iii I nrifTiin uniiHC fi L r 11 i i It . w
in..- n:oi.-tu - .. t he vein :il mini v uro isrsse 1.. a
David F. age 8, Raehael age 2.
Administrator Appointed.
(From Tuesday's Dally)
The appointment of Guardian and
administrator in the Robert Kendall
estate was made today at the county
judge's oflice. Robert II. Kendall was
the prosperous farmer of Union who
shot himself a few months ago, leaving
a very valuable farm of considerable
size to his heirs, The estate is valued
at about 852,000 over which Andrew
Taykr was named as administrator.
Mis. Robert Kendall mother ci "he
unfortunate children was appointed
theii legal guardian.
Big Meeting at Lincoln Calls
Upon All Parties to De
clare For the Plan.
Senator from Md., who is a strict
constructionist on the constitution,
by stating that Senator Raynor, if
he had been a great' musician would
nave always insisted upon singing
requiems; that if he had been a preach-
"What is that?" he said.
"Ah, that that is a fetich."
"A fetich 1 A fetich for what ?"
"It is a war fetich, Ngalyerna.
The slightest sound of that would
fill this empty camp with hundreds
er he would have always been found of angry warriors. They would drop
delivering homilies for the departed, from above, they would spring up
Raynor came back the other day with from the ground,, from the forest
a vitriolic attack upon Senator Bur- about, from everywhere."
kett, forgetful of his position, as "Sho! Tell that story to the old
constitutional lawyer (self appointed! women and not to a chief like Nga
and really made a laughing stock of
himself in his answer to Burkctt's
closely prepared speech. Raynor was
by the LVijmaj River,, on another undoubtedly mad all the way through
lyema. My boy tells me it is a kind
of hell. Strike it and let me hear
"O Ngalyerna, my brother, the
Bide by i.k'.Mi, and on still another wmi he made that reply to Burkett, consequences would be too dreadful 1
and while it convulsed the Senators Do not think of such a thing,
and interested the galleries, the con- "Strike it, I say."
census of opinion is that Burkett not I struck it hard and fast, and the
only had the best of it, but that his clangorous roll rang out like thun-
refusal to reply to Senator Raynor der in the stillness,
showed that he had a farther reach- . Only for a few seconds, however,
ing knowledge of the situation than for a tempest of human voices was
uaynor; tor tnc rostai uanic imu heard bursting into ingnttui dis
was passed by every Republican vot- cords, and from above, right upon
aide by a gii'-agc planC, the fourth
bide open '. dumping grounds, gov
ernment sliiugc ptaoea and the like'
iudgc Norris faced a hundred or
nornNebraskans, and he was accorded
close attention in his heart to heart talk
about conditions in tho Philippines.
Whilo the address seemingly was ex
tcmponuieoAia, it showed careful prep
aration, lose, analysis and a states
manlike arraignment of conditions as
lie found them during his seven years
on the Philipiiie bcnrli.
Summed up it wan a complete en
dorsement of the pulicics of Pres.
Taft, whom he regarded as one ofthe
very greatest missionaries who ever
carried, not only religion, but the flag,
to a peojde who seemed ready to re
ceive entightcjn'tnent, and who he bc-
liaved regained the Stars and Stripes
s the Itcacou standing for square
dealing in the Orient; and that around
tho emblem of the stilted the nations
of the world would foregathei at the
close of the present century.
Almost every county in Nebraska
was represented at the meeting, and
the Sunday Bee which prims it with
n big picture of the Chief and his dog.
Umpire Haskell says some good things
in his letter, but the richest is mat!
Lmpire Clark needs no recommen
dation. By the position of Ji.ik's
hand in the picture it is cvidi-nt thai
he has his fingers crossed. Despain
will probably give Clark a recommen
dation, but not as an umpire, !.t least
in the Western League. Clark would
make a bully good umpire do n in
Those bnse ball fans over at Super
ior are gciing into the game in good.
shape, and we will not be suprisid to
see that town, while one of the smallest
in the state league, turn out the best
crowds. It is not always the size
of the town that counts for the success
of the game through the box office
We were up in Lincoln last Friday
and went to Antelope Park and took
a work out with manager Jhr.mie
Sullivan and some of the rest of the
bunch who will do things in the
capital city this season. For the first
work out of the season we covered
ourselves with glory and mud. Had
four chances and accepted them all
without the semblace of a bobble.
That is going some I guess for an old
man fifty years old. Wc had to dodge
Despain all the rest of the day to cs-
The children in
e 15,
ing for it, and every Democrat vot
ing against it, save one. That was
Burkctt's triumph.
I'tacek-Kunzman Nuptials.
James Pucik, age 24, one of the well ;
known young nun of the city, and
Elizabeth Kunznian, age 18, a popular
miss of this eiiy, were united in mar-'
riage today by County Judge Bceson.
The ceremony took place at one
o'clock at the home of the; bride,
being attended by about fifteen of
the couple's closest friends. Miss
Kunzmun is the daughter of one of
the old settlers of Phittsmouth, Fred
Kunzmun, and is widely known and
liked by the people of Cass County.
Mr. Ptacek, commonly known as
"Bird," is a son of Mr. Vincent Ptacek,
one of the respected citizens of the
town. lie ht s been employed for
s;me time as cigar maker at Wuil's
cigar factory and has many friends
among the young fellows of the city.
The newlywcds left this afternoon
for a few days wedding trip, after which
they will return to make their home
here in town.
Received With Great Enthusiasm
and Passed by Unanimous
Dr. Elsters Boy Was Sick.
Richard, the seven year old son
of Doctor Klster, has been confined
to his bed for a number of days with
a very high fever but his condition yes
terday showed a marked improve
ment, and the doctor now feels sure
trat nothing serious will devolop in
the child's case. The lad was just
pane simiine a contract for this year recovering from an attack of the measl-
with Wanner trimmings. I cs, and perhaps being somewhat af-
the heads of the astonished warri
ors. leaned veiling men, and from
tents, the hots, the forest round
about, they came by sixes, dozens
1 1U . .1 mnA
Mr. J. B. McNurlin of Greenwood. ana scores, jnimg mc uuuu, .. -
I rAAmmivl. nntmAfarl unth tmeATltrm
m.a in thn itifir iro.fni.Hiiv f t arwl infr I 0
nao in vuv wuj ' , lable POffe,
to a few legal matters. Mr Mc- w,a nn;niti warriors became
Nurlin returned not long ago from panic . stricken. They forgot their
Balaria Countv. California, where he chief and all thoughts of loyalty
w rmnhwoil fireman in n hr-ct su- and fled on the instant, iear lining
. it a. t .u.J their heels high in the air.
ganacwry. us repuru uie hiwit v ,, uia nn f1i(i
, . I U U l A' iiW 1 vltia uiivj uw
pretty hot out there during the sum; t fl Th ht the tails 0
.i i i r i .
mer inonins, oui very gooa wages are my coait anci we began to dance
paid in that district, and McNurlin from side to side, a loving triplet,
expects to go back this summer and myself being foremost to ward off
locate in the city of Bakersfield.
Building Material
Estimates Furnished.
Prompt Attention to Orders.
the blows savagely aimed at my
"brothers" and cheerfully crying
"Hold fast to mc, my brothers! I
will defend you to the last drop of
my blood! Come one, come alll"
Presently the order was given,
'Tall in!" and quickly the men
stood in two Ions lines in beautiful
order. Ngalyerna relaxed his hold
of my coat tails and crept from bo
und, breathing more Ireeiy.
"Eh, mamma!" he exclaimed.
"Where did all these people come
"Ah. Ncalvema," I said, "did I
not tell you it was a powerful fe-
tichr Let me striKe n again uuu
show you what else it can do."
"No, no!" he shrieked. "I have
seen enough."
It looks like Davidson for the Cubs,
according to reports sent out by repre
sentatives of the Chicago papers who
arc with the boys in New Orlcancs'
Of the season is a little green
yet, b it Davy will make good all
right if given the chance.
Falls City has made Application
to enter the "Mink" league. The
noise from that town speaks success.
The Mink league looks like it was go-
inir to be a winner, if enthusiasm at
the present time can be taken as the
thing to judge from.
The Cubs downed New Orleans
Sunday by a score of 2 to 1 . As usual
the recruits from the Western League
seemed to be the real thing.
That man Barrows who leads off
in the batting order of the White
Sox is a relativ? of the editor of this
If he doesn t make
fected by a fall he received while re
turning home from schocl one day last
week, the galands of the little fel
low's neck became somewhat enlarged,
which probably was the cause of his
high temperature yesterday. He is
getting along very nicely now, how
cvcr.and will be out and around in a
day or so.
(From Tuesday's Daily)
The County Option convention
which was called in Lincoln yester
day seems to have been a very enthu
siastic one, taking the Lincoln papers
for it. A resolution introduced by
cx-superintendent J. L. McBrian, call
ing on all patties to take up the fight
against the saloons was passed by a
unanimous vote, and was as follows:
"Resolved, That the state county
option convention of Nebraska in
sists thsrt all of the political parties
in the state incorporate in their re
spective platforms this year for the
reason that the people demand it."
L'xGovernor Hanley of Indiana,
W. B. Price of Lincoln, Ex-State Sen
ator E. E. Brown, C. B. Anderson,
regent of the University and other
prominent men were there and address
ed the meeting. Senator Aldrich of
David City w as also one of the speak
ers. Senator Aldrich is a candidate
for the republican nomination for gov
ernor and has already adoptecfa county
option platform.
The meeting was so well attended
and enthusiastic that it was decided
to continue the session today when
other speakers will address the meeting.
C. F. Royal, hailing ffrom Avoca,
was in the city ou legal business yea-terdav.
ead The Daily News
...... 1 1 I
paper. 11 lie ooesn i iuhm; ,
why he.ought to just for the sake of j y
ln mimn.
A Quten't Wit
In a biocraphy of Leech, the
painter, who at one time acted as
drawing master to yucen Victoria,
the late Mr. W. P. Frith related an
amusing story illustrating her maj
esty's wit.
One day, in the course of a lesson,
the queen let her pencil fall to the
ground. Both master and pupil
stooncd ot tho same moment to pick
it up, when, to tho horror of Leech,
there was a collision, tho masters
head striking that of his royal pupil
Before he could stammer out an
apology, however, the queen smil
ingly said:
"Well. Mr. Leech, if wo bring our
heads together in this way I ought
The Chicago Cubs of the National
and the Cleveland team of the Amer
ican league played a game at New
Orleans yesterday the score standing
in favor of the htcr as follows: Cubs,
2-11-1, Cleveland b-4-2.
Frosno defeated the White Sox No. i
1 as follows yesterday: Sox 4-7-2,
Fresno 10-17-1. 17 hits off of Walsii
and Scott is doing nicely for a starter
I don't think.
Notice to Pay Up.
In the most friendly manner pos
sible I desire to notify all who are in
debted to me m any amount tnai l w in
vnrrt. a settlement of their account
v..,"-- , .
at the time ol the coming pay uuy.
is absolutely imperative that an dims
be paid and no further notice will
hn a ven. If you owe mo m uny
II n.l.lHinlinl nv.
Hlim. VOU Will UVUIU AUIH'" "
. . , . , 1 1
pensc and legal diuicumes uy gaumK
.,,, i At tho time specified. If I
owe you, present your bill and you
will get your money. Again I say
that this is positively the last notice.
70&75 t-f M. Fangcr.
That is what our groceries
are. Our Store is filled with
not bargain counter stuff
and you would do well if
you would give us atrial,
if you want some special
delicacy, call us up by
phone we have a full line
of them.
Soennichsen's I
to irrtnrovfl rapidly.