k-Ak.k. fc. fc. .Aa, AA AA Afc. AavAfc-AfcAk-Afc-Ak.. $ THE NEWS-HERALD ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? T ? ? I'UATTHMOUTH, NBUHAHKA Entered at the postoffice at riattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY THE NEWS-HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers P. A. BARROWS A. E. QUINN Editor Magager RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year in Advance, $1.60. Six Months in advance, 75c f T riattsmouth Telephone No. 86. Nebraska Telephone No. 85 ? ? t t Y ? ? ? ? t t ? t ? ? y aTa Ington in the state of Washington 0f it, the latter jiapcr is at once set which caused the death of nearly down by the general public as a poor forty people is the beginning of the excuse for a newspaper, and as a trouble. The heavy snows in the ennsenuencp thn runli An nnt rnrA section are beginning to feel the waim to read it. The paper which can get rays of the sun and in consequence Up the most sensational article des- every stream is a raging horrent, cribing the horrible condition which resulting in filling up and overflowing has overtaken the city in some calam- the larger streams. Families are ity which has befallen it will be the moving out of their homes along very one which the members of the those streams and before the week commercial club will buy to send to is over much suffering will be felt their friends in the east. Thut is as well as damage done. The great commotion stirred up a ! couple of months ago by the op ponents of Senator Kurkctt who thought that they saw a chance to get even with him by defeating him for the rcnomination, has subsided to such an extent that verv little is The people of Lincoln ought to transom it stands Mr. Bryan in hand l rf morc f thc matter 0cca. . . 1 a. 1 1. . 1 l.wini mn 1 i x fin I n w ni-. 4n liV.4 A . n J March 7, 1910. some of them. . The problem thus reverts back to the orginal question before the house: "What is a newspaper." DOUBLE VISION. It Affected th Oculist at Well at the Patient. A well known oculist of New York city tlls a story of one of his patients who proved rather more than a match . J A 1a4 If.natinn nn find fl cmff onrit in lirrKf onI it ia Ar:- thnrt decided by not at all strange or sumrwine if a 8,onally a falnt aflueak w hcard from for him. The patient was an old fel- ,u t:m,, the irrand-children of the new party is formed. If Mr. Bryan smc editor who "houted so loud low f-om one of the rural counties of present high school pupils get ready still tcels that lie could not lie easy a couple of months ago that he lias lu" D",lc- , "V . 1 ' . to graduate from thc eighth grade, in his .grave unless over ij i was placed yct Rot the microbe in his system SH. However it is not necessary to be a slab having engraved thereon Here an( thinkfJ it u nccP8sary to ki(.k ventory of the ,,.,,, remrked thai in a hurry about it, for some of the lies a dead President as he cannot q he wn9 nfrald lllHt hI eves were ..glt. ..... ..i...i i,np,U mv have loca- hone to secure that emtanh and oruLr 10 Bet 11 l,urt ls.anv "-MPosl- .. . . , . ,.,,... nn(1 ho tions which they like better than remain a democrat, he may see in anywhere down the line. As a general guessed the aM.lor Ull(j better "take I A I. - i X -1 111! . ! 1 I !aL I . . ..... . . - .'"a 1 1 either the Davenport or uavis iracis. ine icmprance movement a cnance ining nis wan is answereu wuii op- a pees iu iiiein. ue was st'iura nu, ana make the leap lor life. Anyhow, prcsHive sCMe an,i jie begins to think ns 0 ITPiimmary. whh uvueu to anv move between now and 1912 . . , .... Ihrough a prism at u photograph. taut juroiuij iiic niiuR uiiKim tiu.v "Whv. now." said he after "snuint- on thc part of Mr. Bryan, no matter Manv admirers of Mr. Itooseve't what it is, must be expected. ....I are getting nervous over reports tnai he and his party may nave wvu iu nnl,iii uifli flm fever ircrms in Africa and that at any time they "ow wouia you hkc io live in mav be attacked bv the fatal disease London and have the kind of fog The fact that a gentleman who sat that prevailed this morning for break at thc same table wi h them was jast cy j a short time later taken with it and died in a short time is making people in the United States fed very anx ious over the outcome. Mr. Roose velt has an iron constitution, but that a man in tha wkked Jt con. ...l.il lL ..1,1 1J 4e ti itli. I y stand the onslaughts of thc dreaded a 8ev"c Wl CLUB CRITICIZES. Thc action of the commercial club been overloaded. Should the primar- Ing" awhile, "this Is curious! 1 see :.. i. ki.i v, ,....i, two nhotocrraphs. What makes ne . ' see like that?" Senator liiirKett would undoubtedly The wi,0 S something of a win with a good margin to spare, humorist and inclined to be Jocose with certain of his patients, replied that this phenomenon was certainly very Interesting and that, while pos sibly it Indicated some slight abnor mailty. It yet had its compensating ad vantages. "With double vision you have a creat advantage over me, for at its meeting last night in condomning prnmnle." he continued, smiling, "for Thc Chicago Record-Herald says , i: voir will be able to see twice as ninny . J the papers of thc city for sending out ; . ... . .A . nn l L't'n Ul 11 ill luiiin in i in iwi iv uu stuff in the papers in the matter of You will have twice aa many friends. AdSefcmKqion chewing straw. It seems to be news which would tend to give the asr 'e and are worn'inir over. t.ct us nope inai as naiurai ior a man io pick up a uuvuue unu a wiuhr uh u-w - " . . 1 . , .L.. . ..i v..J ,.f ii, , L ... ' ! . . The old man did not say much in mere win uv hu oum vnu...B siraw anu enew it, as li is ior a woman 0 the conditions which exist in this repiv t,ut HOemed to be pondering It earccr of a brilliant and very popular tQ UHC & p0W(ier Ttg . I. whilo it be takpn b 80ine Mean'WhI!o the oculist completed hi La nAini a 1U1a inn far aa far no tlm Daily News is concerned we believe o. Tnn n nn,.imfniinr ia nH,navi. that the point made by the members Very slowly the old man. still pon w vri u avv ivv-n uil U M ll lllkj 1 ... "7 "Lr.T..::: a scheme wherebv he is to disnose the club is a good one. tirnr i- ii.nrmn mat ne wui u u tun- v . I 1 . . II . At 1 fA didate for the republican nomination i minions ior ine Dcnent oi cnarny American. Thc announcement of State Trea- hls exomluation. nnd the time came to re- which In this case was derlng. lrew forth a roll of notes and rnrpfullv nelwtliiir a five dollar bill However in the race for news be- looked hard at It for some moments """"""" -.. " .. ... .1 1 1 1 I mi... I. . nl.,l.. for congress up in the third district education and other things which tween thc papers oi a city, ineywKe Z n AnZ, If. nno " " - . Spoiled Her Ply ' A very promising love affair. If not up in the third district nearly thirty years, we feel interested in seeing the republicans up there put up a man who can make n successful race, and we believe that L. 0. Brian is thc man will have the effect of making rcpub- nce(i the attention of moiiev. The into consideration this fact licans up there feel pretty good; or k- propofi(lg to' Kree8e tho track PPcr does "not print thc ncwK'.-thc atlcastitoughtto. air. unan carried iL .... ,,. nnA it ihprt -M -hvthinir the third district in 1908 by something lu ,,tAk wu"u 80 uiai uie ung , .. - nI ed ln the budt recelved nn ugiy like eisht hundred majority, not- will be easy. W'mch a rcPorter on a Paper lhallke8 Jolt through be medium of that "In- wit.hstAndini? that the district went ru it is to see the reporter on tho other fernal little b-other" the other even democratic. This shows his popul- sheet scoop him on an article of news nt the ho".e of the young lady arity up there and there is little doubt it i8 now estimated that the popu- which is of considerable interest . ..' mnl .,, . ,- nroff. I A A A I T iL. -A- A - I I I M aMAVI - - I DUl inai nc is uie sirongcsi muu io4;. ,j 4v ..u t etAKtnnnn 1 ..J... . n ..nW foiinw trhn hiwl who could possible be nominated. ... .,.nmnrai. m..:...:.. s.:.i .,.:u - t . i. J been verv marked In his attentions to Furthermore, if elected he is thc kind v,......, the don(Chter of the bonne had her fr of a man that could do things for thc 300,000,000 Confucians, 214,000,000 commercial club members spoke of h,9 pnrtner In tne rod!,t 0f the pluy district. This mi;ht not be con- Brahmins, 175,290,000 Mahammedens especially was that somctimcvkist "little brother" popped up with this siderei our fight, but havintr lived I i-i nnn ooo nri.it,; inc;nnnn t...J., t,n tiu n; 1,0 mna trnnKIn I Query and thc remainder belong to oth because of high water, one of,' the I ' denominations such as pagans and daily papers sent broadcast over the "Yes. very well, Indeed," replied the - 1--- .. insurgents. - - country in big headlines a lot of stuff Bn, r- 41 Wfn '. nnfl which had a tendency to make the ghouted the youngster, "'cause I heard public believe that floods were a f re- mother say that If she ployed her ine unicago uoard 01 Aldermen 'l"1"" "vlu,v"v " sm rnfrimr uor niminuf i, -ino.it., I the facts are that it is not so. lie Thc Lincoln News says that Senator . . . . . . , . t. A, . , sft:(i t.at fls n ingtance of the harm Charles Sloan would not make a ' " 1 -f..m ...mfl r.n!idRt over in tho fourth not to be considered in the line done by such a publication, district for the reason that in years of safety to the public, but like the he received a letter a few days ago gone by he was not considered among horse pistol and thc bowie knife will from a nittn vno llesirc(l t0 , l)UV the progressives, but chat possibly have to j,e reBtrictcd We would ProPcrty hcrc Dut wanted it to be tC ""'lllfi." uggest that thc ladies stick a cork "tide of the flood district." Now of fellows who claimed"to have front topple on the end of thc pin and then mouth has no flood district, seats in the nroeressive arena un at there will be no danger. ' yct the impression has gone out that Lincoln a few wecka ago have changed it has. !! ! l ll. I I.. . .... '11 migniuy, in laci arc naraiy recog- This and other incidents were niiable, and thc News was backing . . , . . , snokpn of in which thc Dubiication of them wivh -all- its vigor .uujic ui mirm uuh Cannot others change without being 'n Missouri contracted leprosy through happenings by the local papers, while eed with suspicion -by the News, wearing their hair elongated in the dono in 800(1 failh na( a tendency Change or no change, Charles H rear $0 far that it came in contact to detract rather than assist in the Sloan 's one of the solid republicans with the disease That in ordcr tQ welfare of thc town As far as the Daily News is concern FUTURE SPORT EVENTS The national motoruout show will bi !ield lu New York Feb. l'J to Feb. 2U. Boston will bold its annual autoim tile show during the week of March i". The British open golf cbanipiousul will be held at St Andrews June I to 'J: The eastern thoroughbred horse ra Ing immikou will open at Aqueduct Y.. April 15. Sam LanuforuV the colored ' heavy weight puKllist. has made arrung meuts to arrive Io Paris n bout March San Francisco Is likely to witness sis day auto race this summer. It wll be ruu ou ihe bicycle plan, three Ui-iv era to n team, working eight hour and the greutest mileage wins, Secretary Crow of the Canadlau A. U. Is corresponding with the fW every wild . steer ..which breaks its had got the product from some 'dead 'n anv wy work to a misunder- ton A. A., with a view to excbangliu lariet and makes a dash for. the open ,j u , ... .... u4B,linir nf.mndit.inna whiih PUt ooxers at tne annual cDainpiousmpK rraire with wild bellow and tail T" """""" ? "".. ,' r A Boston Is to bold the New Englauo ' 1 4i,.AM.tn ui.,.i... il .. .111 1 . n inn pit v n nnvo nia'nva 1 .riAunn 1. . . . .. ... in ,, nr ia nn rM.nn thot ha UBim" m uiuar whs win nave a ..-v "......" j ,.pvv. tourney in wfl rcn ana biso me nationa An .,v:n in.. ,.n.a tendency to make the sirls brine the publishing of such matter which championships April 11 and IT It 1 - " o I ... i .... . .1 . aa kn:. k.:. ! . I ini.rl t tnnil in harm rathor than hn n ' . wh... .. u. ... posmon near "-p.-. championship dates are suitable a Bon enoueh so thev can keen t from wnni - me city, uui we nave aiscoverea v llJ me iiuk ntiuiu tvi diuiivi vit 1.111:11 I 4l 1 , . vnnwA on1 n. n ra novnr ofrni.l 4f gci ins back part of their hair to take a stand and fight for .it. Do- RSUtnc distant rear they purchased ed we are heartily in favor of cutting cause he cannot be Btampeded by some hair from a hair factory which out a11 reference to incidents which 1 I I . 1 . Mtint If iViA Tloiltr VAnre AA i-t nnk. Tn . .nnnnK r,nfnr K ,,n!vri e""K UWBy Wliere grim ueam SirUlS ' v"v ..v-ou. " de'iocratic club at Lincoln- the othor abroad is another question. It is the lsh these Hems andJth5othcr. paper L ...... .... n .1 . - v.tjr..t fJ jjiVil... . L . 1 mgnt uicnara Li Aicicau, Air. isryan s general opinion 01 a great many of theu'ai"ul "innJ Hiwuuers 01 editor, alluded to the republican gentler sex that one better be dead the commercial club, noticing the party as a ainking ship, and pre- than bo out of fasi,ionand 80 the omission , would be the first to con- ton team will try to attend. Misf)sritd. dieted that in 1912 the great leaders of the party will have abandoned ii to its fate. He said that he was sun that one or the other of the two groat parties of the present time would die and that a new party would spring up which would fill the aching viod. This would indicate that it is pos sible that when Mr. Bryan gets back chances aro that the hair will still demn the Daily News beeauso its oontinuo to back off the reservation. reporter was hot up to date and did not get into the game in competition with thc reporter for the opposition While people all over the country paper. have been anxiously waiving and wish- H is the same old problem which ing for warm weather to come its com- confronted the newspaperman as to from South America he may found a ing brings danger and disaster. With 1 what is news. To be able to dis- new party and with himself as its the warm sun thc snow and ice is tinguish what should le printed leader save the country from ever- beginning to melt and manysections of and what should net be. When one lasting distruct:on. ith his own , .... . s , 1 . -i ' party which he has valicntly led to u,c I-nai.y me mountain- Fi'- v,.. . defeat at three- dim rent times, on! 0lw Port'ons are beginning to feel misfortune which has overtaken the the point of throwing him over tho tho effects. Tho'avalanch nrar Wei.- cty, and thc other makes no mention III - "' Fifiy Fesrs the Standard nil? Mil II ik I li I a A Guarantee cf Light, Sweety Pure, Vihoicsomo Feed DEATH OF PROMINENT CITIZEN OF THIS CITY I. E. Wilson, Resident of Plattsmouth for Several Years. Dies Leaves Wife and One Son. DEATH WAS THE RESULT OF VERY BRIEF ILLNESS Many Friends and Acquaintances in This City Who Will Miss Him; Died: In this city about 11 o'clock Thursday March 3rd. at his home, II. E., Wilson, aged. 58 years. The many friends of II. E. Wilson were greatly saddened this morning by the announcement of his death in this city at eleven o'clock this morning. Although Mr. Wilson has been ailing for some weeks past resulting a stroke of paralysis, yet his demise comes as a distinct shock to the community at large of which he was during his lifetime one of the most useful and efficient members. Mr. Wilson has been confined to his home for some BIG CUE MATCH IN SIGHT. Denvar Will Back Eames Against Di Oro For $2,500. If Alfred De Oro accepts the prop 08ltlou made to blm recently by Den ver backers of Fred Games, the new three cushion b'lllard champion, the Colorado metropolis will be the scent next spring of an angle game for the blfrgest stake ever contested for In ao Individual billiard match. The west erners say they will put up $2X00 ou Eames If De Oro will wager as much on himself in a special match of lftO points to be played In Denver. After De Oro finishes bis engage ments on the coast be p.-obably will visit Denver ou bis way east and consider this proposition seriously. He feels sure that he is the superior of the new champion at the angle game aud is inclined to look npon the Den ver proposition as easy money. Dv Oro expects to Ut to Denver whei Hueston plays Eames next March, u be has a challenge In to meet th- wfi ner. weeks, but up to thc beginning of his illness he was' engaged in the busines of 'painting and 'decorating; and did an entensive business in partnership with his son Rex Wilson. Besides this son Mr. Wilson leaves a widow to mourn his loss and these mu iiuvc iiiu ui-i-ii'Db ojiinmuij ui wig community in their bereavment. Definite arrangements have not been made for the funeral, but to morrow's edition of the News will contain announcement of the time and place, together with a more ex tended account, of his life and work. Fresh Cow For Sele. I have a Jersy-Holstenn fresh milch cow for sale at my farm one milo southwest of Mynard. Phone 3-k. . Earl V. Cole. Dodged. During a lecture on history in a Baltimore educational institution the instructor had given a lengthy disquisition on the character of George Washington, incidentally touching upon his work as the or ganizer of the Revolution. "Now.1' asked the instructor. "if George Washington were alive to day what practical part do you think )i. n,n..M ! 1 .1 . .. wnun nc nouiii piur 111 present uiir politics, judging from the past?" A prolonged silence on the patt of the pupils followed this. Final ly, however, one lad saw a way out. "Sir," he queried, "wouldn't h be too old?'' Lippiacott'i. During a geogtaphy lesson in Baltimore school one day the teach er ppoke at great length touchinf that wonderful stream, the Missis sippi. Incid ! ally she afforded tht pupils some interesting account oi the historic events associated witl the great river. "Finally," said Bhe "we must not overlook the poetit value of the name Mississippi, li means 'Father of Waters.' Don't forget that, boys and girls." . One lad, however, was not mucl impressed by this later contribu tion to his store of knowledge. "1 beg pardon, ma'am," paid he, "bul if the name of the river means 'Fa thcr of .Waters,' why don't they cal it 'Misler Sippi P "Circle. HA V E YOU? Have you called at LARKIN'S lately? Have'you looked over "our 5 & 10c counters?-" Have you sampled our fresh candy? Have you examined our new stock of paper nap kins and shelf paper? Have us slow to wait on you? Have you EVER found our goods below standard? Have you ever given LARKIN & CO. a chance to prove these things? HAVE You?