The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, March 03, 1910, Image 2

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    Commissioners Proceedings
Tlattsmouth. March 1. 1910. Q
.. M. Archer Costs State va I.
Board met pursuant to adjourn-
Bicnt. ujjuwopi
i'resent u. it. Jordan, u u. iWn,
icr mwt ivt ; -ii.- ttwtncft, tmrnmOrcher VWJ
Commissioners, U. Morgan, city TiriSKrv
Clerk. l. .u r a v kxvw aiu CD. Quinton costs State vs
jmhuitch pn-viou """7 '"If fV'"1 - ifW-Hrimi
ana approved, when the lollc
Si. Mairs was tins day appointed
Constable in Stove- Oeek' l'rccinct.
Bond of N. P. Lefler. Justice of I i.U -W"4' i.?.VU2 JUtf3'.AH:d
T approved, when the loltowinglijj. j H. H(1L Inebriate Ed-" ,
ainess was transacted "'A'llW kvjitfl ft'-Liaic'r r"lu t,''7 S1 0(J':,fi
rm: A I Uflfft'
IirPAY5 i18, iaJkaJTAntc? '&hiaTer ..V?1. . '00.
.MfI AfFffMlIifAC Creek L. T,.i..,Jt';AuiX.JMai bnii ,n sj ff
, 4 48i iMAtoal!3S
Stove Creek precinct apjiroved.
Bond of Dr.lJKBCI Martin, Co.
PlivHiriiui. Dist No 1 annroved.
Bond of Wr-BJ-IpJBrcrrtlM 3W
TCiyfVWU l?o 2, approved.
Bond of Dr. M. M. Butler Co.
Physician, DiBt No 5 approved.
Bond of Dr. E. O. Lewis, Co.
Bond of (5eo. P. Barton. Consta
of Liberty1' freclficir'apiiroVM.'
Bond of J. II. Tanis, Supt., Poor
Farm, approved. "
Contracts were entered into with,
Dr. J. B." Martin, Diat.- Nb : 1; Dr.
J. IVIhrrtdcl,' Dist Np 2, Dr. M. M.
Butlcf,' Dist'Nd 5, ' khd'Df;.' E( 0:
Cofiimuhleiitlort' f('cpiled fran. 'Dr.
J. M." Xee'!ey,' fn'-'whfch' hUeeVmed
to act lis C6.V Phpiciflil', in' HijiilAirii
di8lrict'N8'5'nhd Ytf. A.'!L?'Mimger
was this 'day'a'ppirttea' tV'thfr'po
tiori at a'salary' of ?50:. OO'per 'aftuuii..
Petition from Geo. Horn and other
praying1 that a lieetiMi be 'fcranted"ti
Andrc-r1 Th((miHt)lifor'''! ttid" HftlcR fit
Malt' S)1ntitt)iw "and' ' Vinous Miqwore
in th'd' VrtitvKC1 6f CVdcT''t:ivek; ah
Co.ptfcbraska', 'for1 "the iornv- bf ' one
year lVtitiiifll'weHVcd and nJ further1
actioA thldrt: lbwioo Jon ' L-ui.
ComthuhiM'ttn. ' -from " the (IB. Jc:
Q.n.n, asliiifr kiiftt' iM-K6'-i7r$v
SV Bcfe:73-13-1434 y taken from the
assessment'' rolV and 'that, the litlirtad
taAfcs';'beJ 'cancelled on "the crouild
that tha lot liad 'been returned t th
iiw nn iiiiiiripui iiii.iju",,.. ,. .
hriatc Edwafff cHlafcrJiHOt WT8
a: n:ma'niiotrtifr88'jil!M-L"1 ,AO?n ...
ate 'Kdward fechWclrit . r"3 .:80
Jolin BaUe'r; Repairs to jail (e,'Uti''!' '
iiiiu vwui u iiuunvti . - "
Weyrich A'lfaxlr'aba,' SupplieB
to Court louse. 3.90
Wmi'llolly Idse' tooor farm 3 . 25
C. D, Quints'Boarding City
Priflbncra ', . ti6.65
E, MaiiMpeaicr) Serving paper"' .
I and shoveling snow 24.63
W. C, IItnscy Salary and ex- " ' " '
penso.'". 124.04
L. B. Egenbcrger, Mdse to ' '" J ' ' J
farm.,, ; . 49. 50
C. D. Quintori; Salary and '
Boarding County Prisoners 2l4'40
Hammond & Stephens" Sup- " - '
,r; iJlH's'io Supt.,. . . WW-35:33
B,l.' Clements, .Inquest Robt '1,.
0 Kendall,: ; .-:?:;J,'14.55
CJ t). Ouinton. Inquest Robt ' 4 . 80
C'h.W. Ree'es. Jurv Inauest'''1"
Roht. Kendall . . T--."1'"''! :'00
. Elmtir Blncketer, jury ihqtlest' i
:.: 1). Quint onjury innuest
Robt ' ralf
State' BUard'ls'lricluddd' in: Hglit'-of
way; Whereupon the Co. Treasurer
tax and tlt "Co) Cterk mts infitfUCTed
to tftkb'it? lnilll,itlk?''iiisfl.snteltit'oll;
Th1 MlWlhg"dilihii Vfere'allowod
on tho General fund: .(xn-fii did
C. R. Jordanr salary and ex-
Dense.. . .-MWP'.V.O? W.50.00
MJ'li! ' Wedrt Salary and . a- 7 n.!.)l
L. TJ: -8 Wlt'A'f; ialiry and i-n 1 iii iJ ;
pcn1w, A;i.iwm .A : .n'! 21 1 nDii J
T. W.'SV(k;ftlary atlcfqriiifrt aiv
latindrj;oi ftt.y.7v;nh-vn. ;ri;fl2iaobAjL
S. F.C.irardetjMHc Voptxtf.. .T'2rtloi4
nrmtiVi" MWi .Xlv J). im 2jfl)
HaW 'A'iyAIUBflitdrioor,?.! .u: IttJn
J. H. Tarns, Salary, uji.T"bA)
Ham ji, mil mini tn piuf
farm 4 . 00
Jf. n;'Bmrtf7aJitlleKii8ilooO iTMiltf
, due RUMfltfMOTtelhd. ,r9"Ho9
ChrillMwdJteiHafth- dil SS
." (ititKWiWiiAlsn aid 3o sdiOfeia
FraiJeMilliAt9fl3tU('oiiid o olda arw
BurllngtoM Tim Tabic
6. Chlraokra Pant Train 3 . ra
4. IxK-nl to riilraifo 9:M a. m
u. xii. niun m riu'inc joi z:4U p. in. I
No. 2. ChlcAtfO (ant tmln A (Ml n m.
no. zu. nmii irom uiiiani IK) p. m. I
No. 29.
.k'.'ouL' telephone Co k
uirmA-a - I
nil rnYriWc nH
iiii rnriiiiir nni.n
oral from Cfdar Creek
veral Club Have Offered Good Sized
Pursea For tha Conteet HoldeTf
ii I .
ugntwatgnt jitie uniy Twanty-twoJ
d. 3dj onimou ncou
f NW-404i PankcniTT to K Rasas
City A St. Louis ...10:25 a. m
No. 10(1. K. O and St. L 12 0H a. m
No, 1S Ixx'ttJ fn-lKlaM . l0 2.Tr a. m
03 p. m
:( a. m
10 p. ID.
nWho win be Ad woigasft Trtis5qifSTO.v::.::::: SiS?
ponent? Thin Is tbe main topic of No. Iv!. Local freight 2:;i(
conversation In the pugilistic world, at
present Since he wrested the llRUt
weight championship crown from
kelson tbe "Milwaukee Wlldeaf't'liiiH' 1
Gans and Freddie Welch, the British
champion. There Is little doubt'that
Wolgast will take things easy for
tbe last two years or more. When be
.does decide to fight he wllj .-f&jmt 'Ike
ly taKe on veicn. wolgast ugures
that several clubs would be willing to
hang up good sized purses for tbe
contest nnd that be would experience
little -difficulty In stowing away the
BritlsheTji .Wolgast has. also promised
to take, on Owen Mora ft --AM
i Adplph Wolgast. ; cRthesrwelght a
t;ycnr ngp.and, today 9hampIon, Hght-
.wcigpi qx :TUk w.onunas .nnu a .wpu-.
dorf lil piifltlHtie.careeF. 'and ",tta vks
tory bver 'Nelson" wK'inil ',that.rwil'
nwded 'to Wa'r the'"finirttrre Wwcii'
dorftil' nprhrlnff ijwerti'lttn(l"Kft'mVhesfl
built. With rtfeont totftliug setenty
otid . (Ujlit a 'Wulgasr! rfi aa bn t . once beeu
hiheil bam aj MJ ''' ''!'
tt ttliOJ.nii.hda nt.Mtmtd iit -oViMiiJI.
Fi(TutWh4 Hfri.5Jidw Trf4dMfUH fSf11 ?:
k)tAmoil bnuiai.adl baa fcttUiiSaiw
The following claims were allthwaohb
the Road THlnd:
ill a ' iu v i . m i I
dl baa YnboJ aauod aid biwim
tyfo"1118 wi . .'wo1!.
ijpioa op oJ bad iMicl sQoip
the Bridso fund: .RnoamjTanM
W. 11. B
Emma Allen, v
D1). Dwyer, Iii.saiie'ac'T O
Eiunia Allen, . . . .4
Jajjtics Robertson, Insane case
Emma Allen, f -r"
Ci). Quinton, Iuflaitb case
Zinnia" Allen. I: ..,.J
DjpjJ. B. Martin, Vijtncss 1
jjane case, Emma Allen, I
Hliam Allen, fwUne8s cast
mma Alei.'. ....... j
Mrw. Martha Johnson wir
.caso Lmnia Allen. ,
Cyil, Quinton) Serving nfiii'uU
of Perry Road, . . , . . v;-, ;SV5
Cj ' W. B ylof;Coal to piuipef ,'
1), C. Morgan, Salary boJx : -''
Fwart Mercantile Co., Mdc
l$o poor 2.00
ourd "ilji)Ul'l)(!d"llJ"liirr?
15,' 101
"J'ean You.
of March 21
; News will ac
iscribers for a
911. This is a
jfrom the rogu-
i i .
wees uy f
loon question and then the coming P
inatruWed t refund Jp7ito8terflYtfli4-i3L
iojjiity Trenstirer was tfrn day! leRislatHmto say nothing about the If
Lime joe vuiiuuii uuu a
llal cxpendituBeg.forithsiit: .? w UhiikwwiO,cJn.IieJiraa
year from Match J. 100(1. . . member, Lmcolfr m your
lo March vmd,1 ,?f2mmitmii.iUvM knw
tlj stunioi flJlM) acovitViiLA'rror JlAjiidljLguns. You cannot afford
DieiToTl? of J. II. Tairn Supt., of to be without a live, independent,
rr farm, t(ml UbciknYrLth, rittw-r?JPSIv -Sjilot in
hooks of cmliti,.,rf fVnl,,lePKVt5lk,,6VW the
krd vottdyifaitilBOoiM'WrV-thtlBiahw Wa ftoiVVWJun'3jncdiealad8
and free from bossism. It is human
fHVriiglAWtin((waylN)Aing things
9tua lJ ,XX baHMTir a lad isnidfi
v)ddAJ ojub sruioT a Mall .iota
abfljr o9 bfl luldiiel b&t auoiiid
- ti "s. w n. J r J. .
I h-. tin.
. i.i
)a 'f:;-.-irr
Ouf fh'eiB ft'lttitya opch. We' have
aoirio' 'eyeeptidrialfy'' feood ' bargains !ri
farms "and ' other' j jfe(at.' '.ij
.will gyTiranU'C.thnt!:., )(. ,!,.. : ,-;
i: VpUl.rij 'get ;('SmpedY
:if yoUkoJden jVitri us tlie best'
.asstj ojr.'' aVc'osinewTs'
.ths vvn ? j tr Jp, tj-Jlp clwj-u, ;. j?a y. us
tomcrs,! 'far our aratilal Ijmid 'we afe
floiS wif- bnd 9rtTJaris-oAddWrUftitf.'!t6htf-.-llli.
Vr-4u booiLiaaiAW j dl bna vl hd -.-. Iciini -
dih?Mwmdm ohm
-ihd-i id ai awibaJL .vCl
d, wol ban btnimba
wnxYVi a nop
81 .81iY
at n& ynid
dir 1 TW9i: tiUo daw ti I
I "MfVwmus do i i
aieaic ii xbeiui '
VdTI v i
ririoiil a jift ) 7.'I i! I am
1 - i r III
1 : ft i"1
iff i I
wl uW vkl taarf
lioAwMb sifT II
snj ilguod
ion aa w
-inaminoo sruwm el ,yiri adl
noitU-jq od dJrol WI enoii
4afefl) JWfin!tkdafiHpqitKldaiiOn
t7la 'i-nvfnnmi hn tn'
aVnofhfd b!
W3ibdJrT a)ua ad ,)o'ioiq l!r.
joi uninib oi1
a Lf.;rH'':?.
WO WHffif Sell1
IU fc j
'f Td)W HJnfAWa inWfl"iiVJff8Hf'.i
)AaUl lni .rpiuli'ii'iL Tin- worst i. Wol i
K 3 T JT7 rr) J m crriTffO . .Y7TK lOVI I T ..1 1
United g(4faMi ti1WWflW:lLlWrtp?W. i h
over the sa- HVlte'W'likD'Uc nuwaUub MHWdukrrjv
IU.W4 umTH iramwnuwvAijviiiviijiivirf
incss-like Jnaniv iA...w)iich,.-he and free
m his LATCH. T Uii4
kans. Re-
town and
lome fromtfiAFtsMfto tJWw JftA5 r?PV 'W Rht to
kving total elipenditufes 853T3fFlaM?, amVlVnWlhMore March
jtal cost per year for each .w rfiv''cV.fi4SViftylira'rfiar' Don't
ray money to strangers for any paper.
nit cost per day tor each
uuli i dipfit ii the
1 .T
aiiy iea or to your
II itnk cost per day for eaiTi " S
lutnl cost per each meal, lageid.
J f D. Iiaiiisell,witiu:s8 liuimhl Wi tluit !
Hlobt. Kendall 1 .00 will pardt n us for suggesting a matter
mpp& BartfclliMih) ktaU iffli4a-!,iltlWflQ;fS?,,lffVl'e in min(1
taL Dist. 5, 30.00
Ml Kfllktlcr, Quarii tirle (f
ftTv a tr
Mutate vs ('has. II. Nelieh '. .t ..r7Q lee Nvdcr the dirt a chance to thaw outRln'i hLU:aJwiifutiuiiiaJh.liiiti'b
.Ml .. -I . .1 M U W vl 1"A A m. . . . m iu Hio imui- nvi uri niTi.- . ... - v-f
jyrluiRton Houto, Tickits to pna tno atrms a chance to dry up,B.uH Miitrcirtl
and which they propose to put into
executun withohVrtaliHWemry
'injft Uke a ciitamouut ever tumc
htle Milwaukee tVWWllWWT
-jtbPQft tVteWNrtukaiiiJl&( tnhtlierin
iityiaouOo aMnklDaiiUh(tbtqqbiWN4l
laou-Young NurMjJla
inun whom he kiuJckeOT ouriu Three
Hunds. Thi6WiaCllJISaaifcla ouly
(oikile toou todtoaifflto,.trarC
lWfarjth,tacwa .0 .0 ,9)aioo8sa bna notili
q ghtfiiii 11 Wi); ):m If.iiri?.
7.aoqmo9 vefflirt odl inl mi--
jui&i 'jui vi
urn baa 9mii9inoa lol in;jJq
"hluafHW ?MiWiHWfK5V.It.
od aa ,souirai. a 9di moil Mew in
t . j ma tin iv.
9oaiq sni raaj rwjaiqmoo j-otn tj!
-to'I .iaaa moJlod sdt ot i-nroa 9fft:
WMWftup9iit j-Al ifclil
9f5UC MB tmiOt v13-8 fld 915
')ili btia won Ihoa 9d Hiw oidul
bolai'JYiqqa ibui J lliw Ynftqnl
.dluo.naf.Q R ANITE W ARE
I --rorioji e ii unli IiV.ii1
! .... I
j v(.!irR:f:i& ibij-i .uio.ti Uo.i:a oai
nIO) WV ITtlJj li ,J:!OOMC T)sl1 1
, n o--.Buflines 'rate.5per.J3ioiith ... J2LDQ
! ?: Residehctf mTtfioViih $1.00
ltnoJibj ;iUj pis:! i Mo iiui-l i lm 1 if ' ;i rr
jiwknt bna ,-,v.? sd r b anoi.ii-,r. i CiJ0Y 0J ,JSX
':-H Stiff t lufldfl rtl l It'lru'f rtd w W-a
(650 : Telephone ;on Jhe PMtts-
. iv.i.fw ,Ii:i.!,iyii.,'u. ncllLidjC-idt.
vihni fi'o ij!l i. IDUlllll
fi! ill::
!i'l ) ,
,f( ; ;
-: :. n ).') no fliii qyJ oj)
0fficW;ext Door to Post OfficeT"
;:.i -id i fj tr.c
M The Plallsmoulh Telephone Co
'tiil. icMilUi5erV'0rrartrn. rt'b'f in fiigW'
ji, partnicpthtore will l,fn;orc.ccmp!ite than Air 'and it will be
ojid ntw,H,.J.o M'-pf .opl;. .J)a14f mouth and vicinity to know ibpl
i MISS i MARY. LYNCHhas befnenirgc(ti'flijdj.w
ShflrvY' rueans. that tho i'rfia-.'
' g. l'tl6ns i n'i fV ii'll'i V.yTKr7r. VHl lp; fctf.d at 4-Vn'gets 'and :tJiat"''
ic Vr iv.l'atcfc irrrti'6i!;.i '
.Jl . ........ ,. ,,.,1,,, ,,4 C,,;l,,
Mens Furnishings just purchawd 4M,4i,f .,,tci,di Qomp
and see sormr thing nice and novej'aifci grti al bnrgdiiii : i vjii
a 5ii;J&:ii V) ;.t;ui.t;
uoitiino ana t urnisnmns
urfnlqii.'a n-rl yr;::i tmr,-j :;n rriiii'-nq t,t iriiii'jrM vt
rTdj in coin unoTa .ojhii i:a bsfr.a-ttotii nr'iimfn iiiib im!ji;fn nilT .cifj
1 1 oai) ,ila yJ.!l ni hlnax ihr;: ni.trin
(Wi t I'TB W -1W!)
. . a : m.
. .-' ..J Ai AA-J '-J.1.4I . ..'.'Ii'
bomiolni ?.i mio iMu bail nil nt:' y.ijiiq i kj i j.I:nu,i oi.iibjrjiii iTTH hp
bv.n'r-)7T.!nc 01
I if I bad ii
s lir.gljiw I'llT l i'd t::,
li 9MOUU u: i Txii.!) tii j j ia o4 -j
9di u ,baiiOT3 'idi h iu iii'nm aV:l; b obin 'jno fw.ina Jiii.xT 0lh-,
A li ..II.. IX ' I ' A - '
juj iuuii J'I1K A I HR ' -iN 01 r5 '"-'-:!q .1,,
9a 9dT .diiej b.r.'v))1.:.; u .,,. r.,,,
a bna TJ79iol Joel of nwi ,; t.t.ii b- .:;i; i.-jii) tj lU'i
noyhb 9i9 BSniliiDir'1ifai'-l..'u i'b:i nil: ) ,W,
a t t II IIIIJLI III! mutm "M t mj W M M
jyjnn9iiiae3WnAilJ2IUlIlU ITlfiLHl lOl K
! n.ih fcfc'vjq v;un 'iil oj ni Iwiiar
niCWlrottlile WWeii mMsM-JTJI 9
jjwfttom rJiH;atifcbliiiiTtvXVolXst
f . . . I. A 11. I - M
delnfl We refer to.tlfr ad vrtWityIs,ww,, ftifM4wW WVM1
CD. Quintin. Stnto ve Flo-
rence I. Meyers ,F5
Jnmes Rol ertstn vs Flo
rence I. Mcyerr, 10.45
Ct R. Sayles, House rent to
pedestrians. By so doing many of
ns wouldiU0t .be guilty of thinking
had thoughts and saying a few bud
words every bo often and then saying
tlcm again more often.
thai Ibedtetfridtiai
JbyfpBiiiroathi'rtii-arjrJtwhtl W bttli!trof
errnl n soft mark.
The day before the fiuht he said that
"Woljrnst wna In for the dnest trim
nilnu of hts younjr career. Ilml Nel-
J ton put the reverse Enjrllsli on tho
arlr ! would harp tinnort U r:?n
vuAbrMf.- lo--on3 a .oijitjorf I
l-llaSl 9U( VC7V'C,) ECl.
j :
,bmNrfJpjfl boSe
-boa ndi Ba qui HHftib9idai! 9H
1 1 ""
I ."rtl rpah
riwiwiiM Aia 141 A i ui a. . a'
rvnn 4a T t O - . . . A . . ai J , .
.bjwy.ji ! .i-;i ."-.(!::: o;'i t -i
no nl
aanod or! .mid srtinunsio rjtw .1
9ir1fnttfey nfllRi8n
of our business.
in hittrtinttjiysiJtaitli
UhftjpitrfliQtiioawiii) tiVYte.
vLlavimi JiidK, bnii ,b-trtr q!
tnnnuA.IWnnlvS 4..l lliV
lESlfiipSes Furnished.
n to Orders; v
woA?. itMO to booO
81? 0) tt
that you willbe a
IKOnr ffinl ig tbf W ppnl woatW
ible to hnd in town.
1 1 V.
: miort
to winRf
x our c:i 1
to utUi cU
J. V. Egenberger
.V-.. ; .
ii y,