pQCITOOF INTEREST! From Monday's Daily. John Hiltor and wife Bpent the day in Omaha, going on the morning train. II. C. McMaken was a business caller at the metropolis this morning. Mrs Itickard Osburn was a pass enger to Omaha on the early train today. f ' W. A. Robertson, returned from Omaha this morning where he spent Sunday with friends. Frank Gobelman transacted busi ness in Omaha this morning, going on the early train. II. Tarns went to Omaha this morn ing, having spent Sunday with his family in this city. Ed Sehelif returned to Glenwood this morning having spent Sunday with the home people. Judge Travis returned from a. trip to Kansas this morning, and opened the term of the district court. A. Fomoff, of near Cedar Creek, was a Plattmiiouth visitor on business this morning. Will Fritclmian, spent Sunday with his family, returning to Council Bluffs this morning. E. E. Wurl and John Nowacck were passengers to Lincoln on the early train today. George Wood, the Canada land man was in the city today looking ' after his rcalcxtate business. Edward Duffy departed for Sheridan Iowa on No 4 this morning for a ten days visit with relatives. , Mrs. E. Schutafch and three daugh ters spent the day in Omaha, going on the early train this morning. Col Pelf A. Barrows, Editor of the News was a Nchawka visitor Saturday, and a guest at the commer cial club banquet in that thriving city hat your dinner at the A. 0. U. W. Hall Tuesday (tomorrow) evening from 5 to 8 o'clock, served by Uie ladies of the Christian Church. Don't forget the chicken dinner to be served by the ladies of the Christian Church at the A. 0. U. W. Hall Tues day evening Fevruary 15th. . v George I Hue, the Union citizen, who looks after the interests of the republican party in Liberty precinct was a Plattsmouth visitor today. Christian Church dinner at the A. O. U. W. Hall Tuesday evening Feby. loth. Many good tilings to eat. A genuine chicken dinner. John Bogard and E. L. Dowler, of Avoca, are serving on the regular panel this week, having arrived on the early train today. B. A. Rosencranz, who has been with the Lincoln Construction Co. at Lincoln for the past two years, will come to Plattsmouth and become associated with his father, W. E. Mrs. John Urish and Bon Henry ("id daughter Miss Mattie, drove ia from the farm and boarded the morning train for Omaha. Mrs. MeLeunen, of Fairbery and Miss Biddlecom, of Havelock, who have been guests at Mrs. Judge Travis for a few days, departed for their homes this morning. J. W. Bullra, John Domingo, and TI. A. Hart were three Weeping Water t ten registered at the Perkins, who will ftssiiH the court in the trial of law cases this term of court. Joseph Mullin, William Kun of Elmwood were summoned to Tlatts moutU this week a.nd appeared today to serve on the petit jury during the present term of court. Sam Kohem, of Omaha, was an ocr Sunday guest at the home of 1 is sister, Mrs. Max Herman, Mrs. Herman accompanied her brother to ' maha thu morning. jv. J. Staddlcman and wife and ' t-tlc son arrived Saturday and visited lattsmoutli friends over Sunday. Ir. Staddlcman is in the telephone dustry at Norfolk. A. Nasi of Nchawka was in town jay on business and called on the " itor and loft some of those little round things which go so far to make life worth the living. Mrs. M. Wintrob spent the day with friends in the metropolis, going on the early train today. Mrs. Will Shera, of Rock Bluffs, is reported quite sick, but yesterday was said to be some better. John Chapman, visited his mother and family overnight, departing on his run for the west this morning. Mrs.. Will White and Miss Carrio Oliver were among the Omaha pas sengers going on No 15 this morning. James Archer and wife, of Omaha, spent Sunday with friends in this city returning to their home this morning. George Sitzman, of Ceder Creek does not improve as much as his friends would like to sec him do, and is very weak. Mrs. Geo. Lushinsky and Mrs. Joo Wales spent the day with friends in Omaha, going on the first train this morning. C. F. Harris of Union, is a Platts mouth visitor this week, assisting in settling some knotty litigation in the district court. Mrs. J. R. Hunter and daughter Jennie, went to Havelock to spend the day with relatives, departing on No 15 this morning. J. O. Sitzman, wife and children returned from Cedar Creek this mor ning, where they had been to visit Mr. Sitzman s father, who is seriously ill. Cecil Thomas who is managing an auto garage in Omaha, spent Sunday with Plattsmouth friends, returning to the metropolis this morning. John Kruegcr of Minard was in town today and dropped in at the office to see the editor. Mr. Kraeger is serving the county as a juror at the present term of court. Miss Amelia Martin the Kinder- garden teacher at the Central building was reported on the sick list this morning, and required J,hc service of a substitute in her room. - Charles Jackmnn of Louisville, will serve his country this week acting as one of the twelve good men and true, in the adjustment of difficulties in the district court. A. Fomoff and his brother Philip accompanied by J. P. Falter the land man, will depart for Plainview, Neb raska this evening "to look at a real estate proposition offered there. W. A. Endecott and wife returned to their home at Glenwood this morn ing having spent two days in the city in the Ilolliness meetings held at the residence of . I. B. Green in South Park. Miles Drake, prominent Louisville citizen is in the city having received a written invitation from Sheriff Quinton to participate in the adjudu cation of controverted cases in the district court this week. Victor Peterson and Charles Ramel, of Omaha came down last evening to put a new flue in the condenser at the light station. A leak caused by the defective flue was reason for light .action last evening. The Knights and Ladies of Security are progressing nicely with their preperations for their fourteenth an niversary, wh'ch will be celebrated next Monday evening at their hall in the Coates block. Some of the National officers have already signi fied their intentions of being present. George Larue of Union was in the city on business Monday and made the editor a pleasant call. Mr. Larue wears one of those little bronze buttons which always appeals to the editor and he feels like it is always an honor to grasp the hand of the man who faced flying bullets in tho CO's. John Wcidcman and F. M. Davis, of Greenwood, were in Plattsmouth today having come in to act as witness es before the court.in matters pertaining to ttio nnal naturalization papers of four Greenwood gnetlemcn. The gentlemen becoming full fledged citi zens of tho United States are: James and Henry Green, natives of Ireland, William C. Boucher, native of England and Carl G. Anderson, originally from Sweden. Mr. L. G. Larson was employed, today repairing the show window for William Holly s clothing emporium at the cornor of Maine and Fourth streets. When finished Mr. Holly will have one of the nicest show windows in the city. From Tuesday's Daily. Remember the Motion Pictures at the Parmcle. G. R. Taylor, of Auburn, transacted business in the city today. Peter Kcil of Ceder Creek, tran sacted business in Plattsmouth today. C. E. Metzger, of Cedar Creek, was registered at the Riley today. Henry Horn of Cedar Creek was in the city today looking after bust ncss matters. Mrs. Henry Donat and son Frank, spent the day in Omaha, going on No 15 tins morning. John Wagner and John Buskirk, of South Bend, transacted business in Plattsmouth today. William Puis and Alfred Gense- mier were in the city today looking after business matters. J. M. Campbell, of Union, was a vinitor in the city last evening, and registered at the Perkins. , Ed Barker, is in Cedar Creek today starting a new car for a prosperous farmer in that vicinity. hard coal. Every one was about out, and the present cold snap makes the base burner ones best friend. " Don't fail to attend the Parmcle each night and see the best moving pictures that money can buy. Miss Susie Brittian spent the day with Omaha friends, going on the early tram this morning. II. G. Frcy, Burlington agent at Cedar Creek, is in the city as a wit- ncss m the Bower vs Burlington suit L. M. Orr the real estate man was a passenger to Omaha on the morning train today. John Albert and wife spent the day in Qmaha, looking after business matters. Mrs. Eva Reese and daughter. Mrs. J. W. Baylor and little son Bpent tnc day in Umaha visiting friends. Mrs. John Vondron and daughter Miss Rose were visiting in the met ropolis today, going on the morning train. J. E. Mason has ac'd nl to his stock a full and handsome line of posta cards nnd has lately received a lot of fresh fruit, tf . Mrs. W. II. Lair, who has been visi ting her daughter, Mrs, Charles Freese for a few days returned to her home at Havelock this morning. R. A. Troop, went to South Omaha on the morning train today, where he shipped a double deck car of sheep last night. Mrs. W. T. Scottcn and daughter Miss Lorctta, called on their Omaha friends between trains today. County Judge Beeson today granted marriage license to Fritz Lutz and Miss Mata Puis, tho wedding to occur tomorrow. Mrs. William Taylor, who has been visiting at Ralston, Nebraska for several days returned this morning on No 4. Prof. Harrison and W. C. Ramsey, were called to Dunbar last evening to attend a meeting of tho Masonic order, expecting to return today. John Opp of Nchawka and Miss Anna Black of Nebraska City procur ed a marriage licenso and were joined in matrimony in Omaha yesterday. Claus Jess and family departed for Hugo Colorado, on tho morning train today, whero Mr. Jess will engage in farming. 0. P. Edmonds, from tho Iowa side, was an over night visitor in the city, returning to Tacifio Junction this morning. Tomie Moore and wife, who have been visiting relatives and friends in this community and near Union for a few days returned to their home at Walt Hill, on tho morning train. J. W. Newell and wife of Omaha arrived last evening and were tho guests of relatives over night. Mr. Newell returned to Omaha this morn ing, but Mrs. Newell will remain for a short time. Mrs. Joseph Klein, of Lincoln, who has been the guest of Plattsmouth friends for u Bhort time, returned to her home via Omaha this morning. L. D. Switzer, of Weeping Water, and C. R. Jordan, of Alvo, arrived last evening and will meet with Mr. Frederich and hold the regular session of the board today. 0. E. Moreland, B. F. Eikleberg and wife and Miss Bocttcher, of Tabor who have been conducting services for the Holiness people in South Park, closed a two weeks meeting last night, returning to Tabor this morning. J. W. Tubbs, of Omaha who has been employed for soveral days re pairing the boiler of the light plant at the Masonic Home, returned to the metropolis on the morning train today. From Wednesday's Daily. T. P. Kennish, wns called to Omaha today on business. William Holly, the clothier vas a business caller in Omaha today. B. F. Hyde, of St. Joe, was calling on the trade in Tlattsniouth last evening. Earnest and Leroy Bentner were Omaha passengers on the morning train today. Miss Effic Benedict departed for Lincoln this morning where she will visit friends for a time. A. II. Rawlins was in the city on business today departing for his home on the morning train. George Lindon and wife npent the day in the metropolis going on the early train this morning. C. Hostetter was an Omaha pas senger on the early train today where he was called on business. Mrs. Carl Kunzmnn, went to South Omaha, on the morning train today where she will visit friends for a time. Henry Guthman left for Waterloo on the morning train, having visited Plattsmouth friends for a short time. A. Kaufenberger, of near Cedar Creek, transacted business in Platts mouth today, coming down on No 4. J. J. Pollard of Nehawka was a Plattsmouth visitor last evening, hav ing some importance business to look after. Mrs. N. E. Brittian, of Council Bluffs, come down on business this morning and spent the day in Platts mouth. William R. Davis, of Nchawka, came to Plattsmouth last evening to look after business matters of im portance. E. W. Mauer departed for Lincoln on the morning train today where he will look after business matters for a short time. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, 89. County County of Cass. Court. In the matter of tho estate of Abel Bcvan, deceased. To all persons interested:- You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this Court the peti tion of Catherine Bevan, widow of said deceased, alleging therein that said Abel Bcvan departed this life in said County, leaving an estate to bo administered, and praying for the appointment of an administrator. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition before this court at Plattsmouth in said County on the 8th day of March 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M. That all objections, if any, mubt be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County this 8th day of February 1910. Seal ALLEN J. BEESON. 866 County Judge Notice to Pay Up. In tho most friendly manner pos sible I desire to notify all who are in debted to mo in any amount that I will expect a settlement of their account at tho time of the coming pay day. It is absolutely imperative that all bills be paid and no further notice will be given. If you owe me in any sum, you will avoid additional cx- penso and legal difficulties by calling upon me at the time specified. If I owe you, present your bill and you will get your money. Again I say that this is positively the last notice. 70&75 t-f M. Fangcr. Remember the raster. The people of Mvnard evideut.lv appreciate a good man in the com munity for thev reeentlv the pastor of the Methodist church at tnat place with a nice Galloway robe as an evidence of their liking for the preacher and in appreciation of the good work he is doing. W. uuiispie was responsible for starting tho good work which was responded (o most heartily by the rest of the people there who appresiate Rev. iiarrcii ana his work. We received this notice yesterday, but it got lost in the shuffle and only turned up this morning in the editor's pocket. Believing however in the adage "Better late than Never," we are glad to let the readers of the Daily News know all about it. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska. a Cass County, i. IN COUNTY COURT In tho matter of the estate of Mary Morgan deceased. Notice U hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, fount y Judge of us v uuruy menrasKB, at ine t'ounty Court room In 1'lultsniouth, In sold County, on the KHh day of February 1010 and on the 22 August 1010 at 10 o'clock A. M each day, for the purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and nllowunce. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said decensed to present their clulnis, and one year for tho administration to settle said estate, from the 19th day of Februaiy lino. ' VVilnnHs m v hnml nn.1 nnnl ..f l.l rn, .... .... , ........ ... ... ui nniu . ..Mill Y Court. At. lMHltumnlith V ultra i-l-a .. , - -' . - I'Vi'J.mn, (Ilia 41 day of January 1010. ALLEN J. BEFSON SwH) - County Court 8G-H v LEGAL NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COUNT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the Matter of tho Estate ORDER of Waolav (called Juir.e.-O TO SHOW Krowlck, Deceased. CAUSE. This cause came on for hearing on the petition of Will J. Strelght. administrator of the estate of Waclav Krowlck, deceased, praying for licenso to sell l ot SI, being the West half of (he West bulf of South East iiuarter of North West quarter of Nee. 12, '1 wp. 12, Hge. 13 E. In Cass county, Nebraska or a sulllciect amount of the same to bring the sum of !Hi.9; for the payment of the costs of administration, there not helnir sufllclent personal property to pay the same. It is therefore ordered that ail persons In terested In uld etate appear before mo at he District Court room In l'lattsmouth, Cass countv. Nebraska, on the 2 1st lnv nf of Feby. 1U10, at 10 o'clock A. M to show cause why a license should not bo granted iu sbiu nomimsiraior w sen so muen or tne above descriled real estate of said deceased, as shall be necessary to Day said debts anil expenses. It is further ordered that this order be published In The Se mi Wrtklu Sevt Hcraiit, a semi weekly newspaper puollsiied at l'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, for a period of four weeks next nrlor to the d ate of said heaing. Dated this 10 day of January, 11)10. HAKVKY D. TRAVIS Judge of the District Court CHATTLE MORTGAGE SALE, To all whom It may eoVlrvm; Notice Is hereby given that The Brunswlck-Balke-Cvllender Company of Chicago Cook County Illinois will on the 2Kih ilv rf foil. eary 1010 In the Town of Plattsnouth Nofof- rasna on tun, struct in front, or the Hotel iiiley Hlock. at 10 o Clock A. M sell at Public Auction by virtue and under the nmilliinna of a Chattel Mortgage, the following des cribed good and chattels, vis Two 4x8 eclipse Carroin Tables numbers 1S20S and i.-iL'HN cues, i uo Hacks, Hridgo', Ball Hacks, KullHr cover, nnd two sets of (Vmposiik n Pool Halls, all belonging with the said tahlis, and any other flxtun s thereunto belonging The reason. for said sale ure us follows on May the tit b. I'.MK) 11. E. Itand executed to TI.e Brunktvli'k-Balke-CoUender Com pany ten Promissory notes of f 10.00 each drawing interest at the rate nf six per cent per annum duo In one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten months after (lute, and to secure tho puyment of said nolo he executed a Chattel Mortgage of even date therewith on tho Chattels above de.scrll)ed to the Krunswiek-Ualke-Collender Company, which mortgage was Mod in ilio olllce of the County Clerk of Cass County Nebraska on the tilth, day of May VMM at !) o'clock and 47, minutes A. M. and duly recorded. Tho conditions of said mortgage are such that in cuse dcfuult should be (nude In payment of either or any of snld notes, or if the mortgagee should at any time deem inoniKeivcs inccuro i. smiu he lawtull for suid mortKKs to take Immediate oosses- sion of said Chattels and dispose of them at miotic aiiriioii.nnu out or tne money arising from said sule our all that remains tinoaid on said notes, together v.itii all charges, costs, and expenses incident, thereto. I hero is now due and unpaid six of tho above described- notes, those falling duo October tith., November tit h.. Docomler lilh. Iltofi and January Oth., February tith., and March tith., WIO. the last mentioned nolo being dun by virtue of default under the said mortgage, a total of (). with interest at per cent from the Hth. day of May 1IMM1. and the said mortgagor having dcfai.llcd In the payment of said sums, the mortgugce now seeks to foreclose. No suit or proceeding at law has been instituted to recover-tho sums herein sought to lie collected. The proceeds derived from tho sain of tho promtrty heroin doscriliod will be applied under the condition of the Mild mortgage. Dated this 7th (lav of Fevrunrv 1010. TheBrunswIrk-Balke-Collender Company By It. 1). Windham, Attorney and Agent. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of ART STUDIO and CRAFT SHOP 41 instruction in witnt color, art leather, brnsV I and copper, noma decoration a irsna op portunity to I rn an. when you once know il, you esa osnt (i e4t On I of miner in your home Best o( inxruciion bv teictaer who tpent nun? yean in art cetueit in the esit. and in Atherg Haiis. Wnw for free particular. Mrs. H REX COTTON. 607 Bet Bide., Omaha, Nth. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A H I I t ! -I-1- 4-1- S- B- 8- -t-- atW V Smoke an ACORN And be Happy Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do. get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News-Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms. Good Service. Reasonable Rate. t"H"H"H"""H"l""H"i-l"l"l"i-s.."H John Durman Expert Blacksmith I lias taken charge of the Wil- T liam Puis Blacksmith Shop 4 1-2 miles west of Murray. I All kinds of Fine Horseshoe- ? t m and all kinds of Black- smithlng. Satisfaction guar anteed. ' Call on Him. BAIT & SON BUYS Poultry,JJutter, Eggs and Cream $3.$350&$4.SIIOES boys' sm THE LARGEST MAKER AND RFTAIIFR OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WORLD. SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKE8." I hlw wnrn W I nn..i.. i l pait tlx veart. and alwayt find they are far aunnplnr tn all Athu kl K J .1 comfort and durability." W. 0. JONE8, , , , nowara vo utlca, N, Y. If I COUld IkIcm inn SnlA m tones at Brockton, Mattn and show you how carefully W. L. Dougla thoet are made, vou woM iut ku their shape, fit better, wear longer, and aro ui greater value than any other make. ' ' ",:7NI" W.I,.JoiiKiiummB and price Jl!?.,ul7,'?lllJ! m T0" W1" w lIoui:laIhm.i, wrlie tor Mail Orclrr ("atmn. W.l,.l)ouiila. Brockton, UK BT Joseph Fetzer SETTLER'S EXCURSIONS Tin ui , - iiBeSSSSBSel At Low Round Trip Rates On Bale every first ana third Tuesday in each month to every part of the Southwest. MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, TEXAS. . OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO Hugh Norton, Agent. 71D0UGIHS SH0E5 v m iev 'rt i ; m I,