4 x V F. S. WHITE Agent for SHOOKS COFFEE ant GOLD MEDAL FLOUR We buy and sell butter and eggs. The New Way of Smoking Meat i with Wright's Condensed Smoke (Made from Hickory Wood) 75C Per Bottle Enough For 800 pounds ' at ; , The Rexall Store F. G. Frickc & Co Druggists Expert Pill Mixers. Platts. 'phone Bell 'phone 186 68 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A LEAGUE IS SURE THING Arrangements Completed for a new Nebraska State League. HENRY SEIVERS IS PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY Hastings, Grand Island, Red Cloud Superior, Seward and Fremont Towns. HASTINGS, Feb. 15. The Ne Iraska htatc baseball league, with six progressive towns in the circuit, was organized at a well attended and nota bly enthusiastic meeting in Laglcs hall last night. A seventh town Kear neyapplied for membership, and its admission was def cried two weeks and left conditional on its mustering an other city .to make up an' eight-club contract. The schedule will be ar ranged as soon as it is known whet her the league is to remain as it was formed last night or be enlarged to take in two more clubs. The accepted towns are Hastings, Grand Island, Red Cloud, Superior, Seward and Fremont. Each of these places reported a fund of $2,500 or more available with which to start preparations and assumed the obliga tions imposed in the by-laws relative to guarantee of attendance and forfeit for failure to complete the schedule. Kearney and Friend also sen( repre sentatives who gave satisfactory as surance that these requirements could be met by clubs in their towns but the delegates from the six towns that were included in the temporary organiza' tion at the Grand Island conference assumed that Friend was too small to properly maintain a team. To get the league movement under way the promoters formed a temporary organization with Percy Renncr of this city as chairman and Charles Kitz man, also of Hastings, as secretary Then followed a discussion as to the lest method of proceeding with the formation of the league. At the sug gestion of Henry Sievcrs of Gram Island, the representatives of the six towns that figured m the Grand Island meeting Hastings, Grand Island, Roc: Cloud, Superior, Seward and Fremont were authorized to retire and deter mine upon the number of clubs to be admitted. They were not long in mak ing up their report, which rejected Friend and gave Kearney two weeks in which to find an eighth city. This report was adopted and the delegates then formally organized by electing Henry Sei vers president-sccrctary-trca- urer. combining the three offices in the interest of economy. Mr. Siev ers acknowledged the honor in an ad dress that made an extremely favor ble impression on everybody present. With words that carried conviction he declared that he would administer the affairs of the league with absolute in partiality. In relation to umpires, he said his appointees would be from towns outside the c'reuit. lie dis cussed the business side of the project and encouraged his hearers in the be lief that the league can be satisfac torily maintained. "And because I live in Grand Is land," Mr. Sievcrs reiterated, "I don't want you to get the idea that Grand Island is going to get the best of it in anything." A. C. Felt of Superior, a baseball en thusiastic of excellent judgement, was named as vice-president. The direc tors elected are G. A. Palmer, Fre mont; C. W. Jacobs, Hastings; J. C. Morgan, Seward. The president will preside at all meetings of the directors. The directors will fix the salary of their chief official. The season will extend from about May 15 to about September 15, which will give time for a schedule of ap proximately 100 games. The schedule will be arranged by the president and the directors subsequent to March 1, ag the teams have until that time to formally qualify for membership. As the organization now stands there are only two towns Grand Island and Fremont where Sunday games will be permitted. HIS GOLF OUTFIT. H. Didn't Drink Tea, So Hit Didn't Get a Caddie. She was in the sporting g.ods department of a universal provider lookinsr for her husband's birthday present. She had it vaguely in her mind to pet him some golf clubs, although the man never had played the game or even expressed a desire to piav. He needed more exercise, and she wanted a present that would lure him on to take it. A young clerk sought her custom "Something in tennis rackets, mad am ?" he asked. "No; I want some golf clubs." "Yes, madam. . Right over here. For vourself ?" "No; for my husband. I don't want a whole set. He never ha plaved before," she explained "Then vou want a beginner's out fit a driver, brassy, putter and ei ther a raashie or a midiron will do to start," the young man went on drawing from the 6tand a long ban died club and flourishing it before the woman. "Is that a driver?" ' "Yes. You see, madam, first yon make your tee" "But he doesn't drink tea," she interrupted. The clerk opened his eyes and trould! have laughed but for the thought of the sale he was about to make, Instead he explained tact fully what a tee was and seemed not to see the flush of chagrin that mounted lo the rather pretty little woman s face. "We haven't even a course," she explained, "but I thought he could bnt the ba!h crourd the place to becin to get a fancy for the game." "Then it's a brassie, not a driver, that vou want.' Now, here ia one with a good shaft its all in the 6haft. I used to be a professional on" "And what else do I need?" the woman interrupted. "I would suggest a midiron. You won't need a putter if you have no greens. Here js a good one 2; "All right. I'll take those two. And how about a caddie? I suppose if Ave have no tees we don't need a caddie is that it? But at least I'd like to see what one looks like, so that for his birthday I can get 8 bag and a caddie and a couple more clubs to complete the outfit. New 1 ork Press. Wreitling Game a Gold For Gotch. Mine Frank Gotcb, the world's champion wrestler, drew down mure box office money last year than Mr. Roosevelt received for his Inst vear's labors as ureal' dent of the United States. Gotch claims that he earned exactly $52,000 In the many bouts und the theatrical engagements he had hist season. Most of this money was taken In while he was traveling about the western states. Particularly lu the farming districts, where every man, woman and child is Interested In wrestling, did Ciotcb do well. There Is not a farmer lad but would rather "rustle" . than do anything else. One of the largest farm own ers In the upper Mississippi val ley Is Gutch. He has hundreds of acres of farm land. It Is his greatest ambition to become known as the farm king of the west, and bo Is now working on a scborae of great dimensions. EXCITIN3 GAME. Buddy Taught It to Hit Grandma and Explained It to His Father. There is a pood old lady liviiv; not far from Woodward avenue and the boulevard who looks upon all games of cards as a menace t the soul of man. There is not a plav ing curd in her daughter's home, where she reside.-, und the person convicted of indulging .in solilaire, casino, euchre or any similar pas time forfeits that old lady's esteem and wins in its place her sincere and deep sympathy. She has a grandson who is not quite as saintly. Ho is going t high school and has been known to win 28 cents in one afternoon at penny ante freeze out nnd can rifilri a pack without spilling any on the floor. He nnd his grandmother tire great pals, and the other evenim ' his father, who left a great man things behind him when he married was startled to hear his son exclaim: "I'll see you and raise you three. grandma!" On the family sewing table grand ma and the young man were playin" an exciting game. They were usinj: a pack of cards designed for a ganv known as our feathered friends and a dish of beans. On each card wm the picture of a different kind of bird. Fresently grandma in an excited tone piped up: "Aow, Buddy, you forgot to ante jain." Father became interested. Grand ma stayed up until 9 o'clock, half an hour past her bedtime, und when she reluctantly arose she said : "Well, Buddy, I have nineteen more beans than you have, and I'll get all of yours away from you to morrow ninrht." "My son." said father after grand ma had left the room, "what's the game you were playing with grand ma?" "It's called beano," said his son. into four groups birds of prey. son? birds, game birds and domestic fowls. Ihere are thirteen of each. and they are craded. The eagle. lark, grouse and turkey count th highest. The dealer gives each player five cards, and each one ear lay aside as many as he wants und draw as many more. Everybody puts one bean in the middle of the table at the beginning" "I er think I understand," said father. "Let you and I play little game, bo's you can teach me how.". . .; There was a wickedly reminis cent smile on father's face as he pulled the last of Buddy's beans at 10:50. Detroit News-Tribune. Punctuation. In the earliest Latin inscriptions and manuscripts no system of pune tuation is followed. The full point (.) was gradually introduced, being placed on the level, middle or top of the letters. In the minuscule manuscripts of the eighth, ninth and following centuries the period on thelinc or high, was first used then the comma and semicolon am the inverted semicolon, whose pow er was ruther stronger than that of the comma. Some say that the Caroline minuscules of the ninth century exhibit the note of interro gation, for which the inverted semi colon, which was gradually dropped. may have furnished the mark. 1 hi Greeks use the semicolon as an in terrogation point. In English the colon is said to have been intro duced about 14S5, the comma about 1501 and the semicolon about 1570 In Sir Fhilip Sidney's "Arcadia: (1587) all the punctuation point appear, including the note of inter rogation, asterisk and parentheses.- Helping tho H'inictir. . . A Scotch preacher had in his con grcgation .an old woman who wa- deaf. In order to bear the sermon each Sundav this old lady would seat herself at tlie foot of the pulpit stairs. ' One day the sermon wu about Jonah, and the preacher be came very rhetorical. "And when the sailors threw Jo nah overboard," he said, "a big fish swallowed him up. Was it a shark that got 'im ? . Nay, my brethren, it was ne'er a shark. Was it a sword fish that eat him ? Nay" It was u whale," whispered the old lady excitedly. "Hush, Biddie," said the preacher indignantly. "Would ye tak th' word o' God out o' ycr ano meenis ter's mouth ?" Success. Magazine. The Pleasure Was Mutual. The friends of two American ce lebrities, one a stutterer and the other somewhat deaf, succeeded aft er much maneuvering in getting them to meet, and the event aroused considerable unholy glee. Some time thereafter the stutter er was asked how tho interview passed off. "Oh, w-we g-g-got along f-f-fine-ly," he stammered. "I c-c-couldn't t-t-t-talk. and s-s-she c-c-c-couldn't AN ' h-h-hear me." Lippincott's. The Scrap Book Blind Man' Buff. At a f:isliluinillo r.iiropi'iiii ho, el four phiuxlliio rogues not Ioiik ugo treiitetl I themselves to a (iiiliul dinner In u private room utul luiil no Intention el paying for It. Having called the wait er ami asked for the bill., one thrust his httml Into his km ket as If to draw out his purse. The second prevented him. declaring he would pay. The third did the same. The fourth for bade the waiter taking nionev from TBKV SUITED OCT OF Till BOCS1. either of them, but all three persisted. As none would yield, oue sold: "The best way to decide is to blind fold the waiter, and whoever be catches shall settle the bill, while the others shall tip the waiter." This proposition was accepted, and while the waiter was groping bis way about the room they slipped out of the house, one after another, and bolted. Let Us Smile. There Is no room for sndness when we see a cheery emlle. It always has the same good look It's never out of Btyle. It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue. The dimples of encouragement are good (or me and you. It pays a higher interest, for it la merely lent- It's worth a million dollars and doesn't cost a cent. According to Rule. Oberlln was the first coeducational college in this country. In the early days It had a rule that In case there were but one man and one woman lu a room at least one chair should be between them. One evening an la streetor, passing one of the small sit ting rooms, was horrified at beholding a young man and a young woman oc eupjing the same chair. "Sir." be demanded of the man Btu dent, "what Is the meaning of this outrageous behavior? Do you not know the rules of the college'" J'Why cr-don't they say that If a man and a girl sit alone In a room they - shall have one chair between them?". It Didn't Work. A mail who lives far uptown In New I ork is not sure whether the Joke is on him or on his wife. Here Is how he tells It: "One night last week I thought heard Rome one prowling about the house, and as there hare been a mini Wjer of bouses broken Into lately I con eluded that the noise was made by burglars. As I mil up In bed listening I chanced to glum e Into the next room, the door of our bedroom being open, and there, sure enough, stood a bur glar coolly examining our silver plate With this startling discovery came the chilling thought that I hadu't such thing as a firearm In the bouse. But I determined to see what bluff would do, so, turning to my wife. I said In a loud Voice: "Mary, Where's my revolver?" 'John.' she answered In a voice eiltially as loud, 'thero Isn't such thing In the house, and you know It.' "After that l closed nnd locked the door and blew a police whistle." The Ruling Passion. An old Irishwoman. In describing a "gone but not forgotteu." said; "Mike was the folne man entolrely. nnd he'd be living now If It wasn't for the dhrluk. Fie bud a dog. nnd sure that baste would bring him home from the saloon whin he was so blind wld Ihmor he couldn't see a shtep before him. And whin he dled-'tls the truth I'm shpaklng his ghost walked at night bock nnd foorth. betune the sa loon aud his house, nnd bedad 'twns so dhrrnnk his dog knew him!" A Difference In Time. A traveler In Ireland, riding a horse that bad seen better days, stopped o a country road In Donegal nnd asked n peasaut: "How far Is It to Letterkenny?" Now, every true Irishman, gentle or il in pie. Is a born sportsman nnd has n keen appreciation of the points of a good horse. So, after surveying the sorry steed with the eye of a cotinyls seur. the rustle replied slowly: "Thnt depends." "I low depends? Depends on what?' nsked the traveler Impudently. "Well." returned rut lu the same measured tones, "ye see. sor. wld decent horse It's a mutt her nv five mile or so; wld that quure baste nv yours It's fully tin. Dut"-w!tn a snd den burst of energy "If It was wan v Major Doyle's blood mares ye'd be tbsre nowT' The Wall-Paper Season It about here, and we are ready with our stock of wall paper. Remember that we have entirely new and up-to-. date stock on hand, and we extend you a cordial invitation to inspect ouf line whether you are ready to purchase or not, and we are in shape to fill your der promptly. WEVR1CH & The Red Cross Agents Lowe Bros1 High Mellotone and The Kansas City Weekly Stai The most comprehensive farm paper AH the news Intelligently told Farm questions an swered by a practical farmer and experimenter , Exactly what you want In market reports. One Year 25 Cents. Address THE WEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo. ANOTHER OLD PIONEER PASSES Edwin R. Todd a Resident Three Years is Dead. A PROSPEROUS AND INFLUENTIAL Died Very Suddenly in Plattsmouth About One 0 'Clock Wednesday Edwin R. Todd, one of the Cnss eounty pioneer settlers died in Platts mouth very suddenly this morning at 1 :30. He had driven into Plattsmouth yesterday and was hitching his team in the shed south of Geese s saloon, when he was attacked by a paraletic stroke from which he died. Dr. Cook was summuned but Mr. Todd was beyond medical aid, and and never recovered consciousness. He was removed to the Perkins house where he passed away. He had not complained of any ill feelings, until he got out of his buggy to tie his horses, when he remarked that he did not feel just right, and stopping over rubbed one tf his lower limbs slightly fell forward nnd was unconscious when assistance reached him. Mr. Todd was in his 78th year, having reached seventy-seven last November. He was born in Chau tauqua, County, New York near the lake of the same name, near Jamestown, where he resided with his parents until about 1850, when his parents Itcv. Thomas Jefferson Todd and wife removed to Nebraska. A year later the subject of this sketch came to Cass county, and entered the land in Plattsmouth precinct, which remained his homestead until the hour of his death. In 1801 on the 8th day of September, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary K. Thomas, at the home of her parents, probate Judge Clark officiating at the cere mony. To this union eight children were born, one daughter, who died at the ago of two years, and seven sons, one of whom died about three years ago. The sons surviving are Alonzo K., Thomas K Alvin and Russel all of near Plattsmouth, and Dr. (leorge W. Of Omaha, and Dr. Timothy J. of Wahoo. One sister nnd two brothers are still living, and one sister, Mrs. Sam Twis, of Louisville died some years ago. The sister and brothers sur viving are Mrs. George Mayfield HADRAM Drug Store. For Standard Paint. Chinamel. TO HIS REWARD of Cass County For Fifty- FARMER AND STOCK RAISER Morning. of Louisville, Ami II. Todd, of Denver and Fred Todd of Jamestown, New York. Both brothers were notified by telegram this morning of the sudden death of Mr. Todd. K. It. Todd was one of the best known men in this part of the county. He was a stalwart republican, and always felt a lively interest in every enterprize which was for the better ment of conditions in his community. He was a warm friend, a kind and thoughtful husband and a fond parent. As a neighbor he was thoughtful and obliging, no one ever nsked a favor of him and was refused, when it was in his power to grant it. He will be missed from the community, and mourned for by a large circle of friends. The funeral will occur Friday after noon from the Christian church at 1:50 o'clock, the services will be con ducted by Hev. Luther Moore. Until that time the remains will lie in state at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Todd, in this city. Spend Social Evening. All members and friends of the Methodist Church are cordially in vited to spend a social evening at the home of the Pastor, Rev W. L Austin and family on Thursday February 17th. It is desired that all who can will take this opportunity to meet the Pastor and family, and enjoy an evening of sociability. A short pro gram will be given, and light refresh ments served. No ndniission. No charges. Committee. The Superior Daily Journal is just simply tearing things loose. They are installing a new junior lynotype. and a new Cranston newspaper press; Both of these moves nre evidence of prosperity and we congratulate the Journal on its success. Now let the not patrons, but ought to be.get busy and show Brother Huff that they appreciate his enterprise.