The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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I! WS. Established Nov. 5. lf91 (r.MM .j t . iooc
KRALD. Established April 16. 1R64 Coolld.ted Jan. 1. 1896
Does Not See His Way Clear
to Make the Necessary
The Cost Will Be Comparatively
Small Considering the Nature
of the Work.
Two for and one against was the
wuy the vote Btood on paving the
east half of Fourth street when it was
called up before the county commis
sioners for decision yesterday. L. D.
Switzer casting his vote against the
proposition. Just why a commissioner,
residing in the center of the county
should oppose a needed improvement
in any particular part of the county,
and particularly in the county seat
is hard for the ordinary mind to grasp.
For the past fifteen or twenty years
the board ha9 been building expensive
iron bridges over the creeks in the
west end of the county, and this city
has paid thousands of dollars into the
general fund and into the roa J fund
to be used by the commissioners,
where ever in their judgment it
would be most needed. The commis
sioner form the first district hasheen
broad enough to vote for these im
provements, although in a half
century, probably not one of Platts
mouth's citizens will ever cross many
of those bridges. The paving of the
east half of Fourth street will prob
ably cost the county 1000, but it is
an improvement and a protection to
the county's property. .
If the pavement is not put in, the
way the gutter is washing should it
keep it up for a few years an expen
sive culvert will be needed to cross
from the street to the court house.
And more than that the walk on the
west side of the court house grounds
will be undermined and washed away,
and an other expensive walk will have
to le built, besides making n fill to
place the walk on.'
II. Fransen went to Omaha this
morning to remove his wife from the
hospital to their home at Avoca.
Air. Franzen has been employed in
the shops here and will return to
l'lattsmouth next wck.
Mrs. Hall of South Omaha, and
Mrs M. II. Cleaver members of the
Finance ommittee of the Degree
of Honor, were in the city today look
ing after the interests of the order.
Mrs. II. Gartlcman was a passenger
to the metropolis this morning.
Uncle Sam should march
li a full 'regiment of sol
diers up to our frontdoor today,
we could fit every oue of them with a
uniform of blue denim, or if he should
march 500 boys in here any time, we
could fit them in pveralls in 10 minutes.
We are the Largest Distributers of
Overalls in Cass County.
Look at our corner window and guess
how many overalls are in it. We will
give a pair free to the first man and boy
that guesses the nearest correct number.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
The Home of Satisfaction.
Son of John Boyd Takes a Shoot
Over Embankment with Coaster.
last Thursday a ten year old boy,
son of John Boyd, residing on South
Fifth street between Pearl and Granite
was coasting in the yard adjacent to
his fathers home. The yard slopes to
the noth gently for a considerable
distance, and then the decent is almost
perpendicular for about seventy-five
feet before a gentle slope is again
found. Large trees are growing
on the embankment, though the
folage on them is not very dense it
the present time. Master Boyd did
not expect to make the leap that he
did, but the sled was going at a greater
speed than he though and over the
embankment he went, over tree
tops and under brush, as if
if he were shot out of a gun. The
descYnt did not happen to injure the
lad, although the sudden alighting
jared his nerves somewhat. No
bones were broken luckily. When
Mr. Boyd arrived from his work in the
evening and was informed of the
feat performed by the boy, he very
quickly issued an ucas, that there
should be no more coasting at that
place on pain of having the sleds
reduced to the scrap pile.
Pair Overalls Free.
There is a novel contest on at C.E.
Wescott's Son's store. The east
window has been filled with a part of
their surplus stock of overalls.
These goods are of the $1.00 per
puir goods. This enterprising firm
offer to give to the man first bringing
the guess of the number of pair, or
nearest the number of pairs in the
window ,bctween now and Saturday
evening next, one pair of overalls.
The boy bringing the nearest guess
will have an equal show with the man.
Each man or boy has one guess.
The goods in the window are all
surplus stock and the firm have on
their shelves sufficient overalls to last
the trade for a year, before drawing
on the supply in the window. This is
the same quality and make that the
firm sold a year ago for the same
money. Call and register your guess
and get a new pair of overalls free, if
you guess the number nearest correct.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks to
our friends and neighbors who so
kindly ministered to our needs in
our time of grea- sorrow. May the
choicest blessings of heaven rest
upon them.
Mrs. C. Cowl
Mrs. F. A. Hodgkin
Mr. Wm. Cowles
Mrs. .1. F. Stenner
And Families
L. D. Switzer, county commissioner
of Avoca precinct and C. R. Jordan
of Greenwood precinct arrived in
the city last evening and will met
with the board today.
Visits That Little Berg and
Finds her Booming in
Good Shrpe.
Has Lots to Do and Keeps Him
Busy Dolug It All
the Time.
When the Missouri Pacific train
rolled into the lively little city of
Eagle, the News man, who stepped off
the car at that point was somewhat
hungry, as it was quite a little after
the noon hour, but we were not long
finding the restaurant of D. Wilson,
who recently came from Palmyra
and reports a good business in his
new location. We know why for the
place which Mr. Wilson conducts
is a good place to feed, for we tried it.
Here we broke bread with John
McKay of Weeping Water, who was
looking after some business matters in
the city. Mr. McKay tells us he ex
pects soon to move to Kansas where
he had some lands which he thinks
the best ever.
After dinner we visited Max Span
leigh the hard workman who was busy
as a bee, and had a number waiting
for his attention. He said he was
enjoying a good business, and no proof
additional besides what we saw was
At the Postofficc which is conducted
by Geo. W. Petersen, and whoconduets
it in a fitting style, we met Rev.
J. W. Davis, minister of the Methodist
church and formerly of Nehawka.
Rev Davis told us he had just re
turned from Burlington Iowa, where
he lived when a boy, and that he had
had a good time while gone. He also
said that Fagle was a good little
city,and he liked to make hishomc there
J. II. Latrom general merchan
dise, said business was good and that
he was enjoying his share of the
general prosperity'
T. R. Adams, said business was
not very brisk, but he could not
complain. Here met Miss Carrie
Adams well known here, who inquired
as to how l'lattsmouth, and her
many friends were getting along.
John Adams k Son, who have the
Lumber and Coal yards were en
joying a good business and said
everything was all right. This we
were glad to hear.
Little grain is or has been moving
on account of much of the corn not
having as yet been gathered. Better
& Vincent conduct one elevator,
while Geogre Trunkenzbalz has
charge of the other. We heard the
whistle blow, announcing the coming
of our train, and in an effort to save
some time, we were speding down
the street, though not exceeding
the sped limit, when a loose board
in the walk tripped us, scattering
our paper over the west end of Cass
county and causing a rent in our
left trouscr leg near the knee which
required a Iialf hour of our time
that evening when retiring, to heal.
Kagle is a very lively little city
rind pnn ,...: i. n,,p., j t j,e totaling of
the iiimiicMi ..i..: i 'n'mercial interests
of one of the best counties in the best
state, in the best Nation on earthr
One hundred and Fifty Burrled
In Mine Explosion In Colorado.
At midnight last night, seventy
nine bodies of the Primero mine
explosion had been brought to the
surface. There were in all 11!) men
at the mine at the time the explosion
took place, and as the main shaft
is completely filled up with the dirt
mid rock, it is not expected that any
one can be rescued.
Walt Thacker of Union transacted 1
business in l'lattsmouth last evening. 1
Rev. Dr. J. T. Baird Passed
to His Reward After a
Very Brief Illness.
Was pastor here
Funeral Services Will Be Held
Friday Alter noon at
2 O'clock.
Yesterday afternoon, the com
munity was shocked when the news
was heard upon the street that Rev.
Dr. John T. Baird had died. Dr.
Baird had been ill scarcely a week,
and not many knew of tho dangerous
nature of his illness. He was taken
sick one week ago yesterday, and
while being confined to his bed,
his illness was not by the members of
his family thought to be critical, al
though the doctor had not been quite
as vigorous this winter as formerly.
Rev. John T. Baird, D. D. was
born in Cincinatti, O., Dec. 3, 1834,
and at the time of his death was
seventy-five years, one month and
twenty-seven days old. He graduated
from Yale college at the age of twenty
four, and entered the Princton Theo
logical seminary from wlu'ch he grad
uated in 1861 and received a license
from the Presbytery of Cincinatti the
same year.
Rev. Dr. Baird remained in Ohio
ror some three years and preached for
Presbyterian churches, at . Cinninatti,
coming to Nebraska in 1S64, he first
took up his rcsidenco at Brownville,
Neb., where he was pastor for ten
years. In 1875, at Brownville, Dr.
Baird was married to Miss Maria G.
Wood, who with one son and four
daughters survive him. ,
He was installed pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of this citv about
thirtyfivc years ago, and was pastor
tor tliirty years. During the time he
was pnstor of this church he was the
Stated Clerk of the Nebraska City
Presbytcry.and also one of the trustees
of Bellvue Cllege. He was the oldest
Presbyterian minister and held a past
orate longer than any Presbyterian
minister in the state.
The immediate relatives who survive
to mourn his loss.Mrs. Baird, Mrs. G.
L. Earley, Misses Kstelle, Carrie, and
Florence of this city and Will Baird of
The funeral service will be conduct
ed by Dr. Sexton, of Lincoln, who has
been so long associated with Dr. Baird
in church work in Nebraska, and will
take place from the First Presbyterian
churclr, at 2 o'clock, Friday afternoon.
Ur. Baird was loved and respected bv
every one who knew him, and he will
be sincerely mourned by everyone in
trie city.Ilis life was an open book and
he had the confidence of men in all
walks of life.
Moderm Building ol Eighteen
Rooms will be a credit to the
The new eiehteen room hotel winch
is being put up at Union is rapidly
ncanng completion and a representativ
of the Daily News says that it is a
credit to the town, and would be a
valuable addition to a much larger
place. The building is of red pressed
brick and will be heated bv ntiinn
and modern throughou., including
gas plant.
Mr. Leach the proprietor has offered
one week's board to the person sug
gesting the best name for the new
hotel, and the contest is open to the
Mrs. O. II. Bayless, and daughters
Hildreth and Biilah, who have been
visiting tho home of Mrs. Bayless'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brady,
returned to their home at Watson, Mo.
this afternoon
W. J. Laughlln ol Greenwood Pays
a Visit to the County Capital.
O. W. Laughlin and wife and his
father W. J. Laughlin and daughter
Miss Nellie all of Greedwood were in
the city today. Mr. W. J. Laughlin,
is one of the Cass county pioneers
and resides on the homestead he
entered in 1859. On Easter Sunday of
that year Mr. Laughlin first crossed
the Missouri river and drove up what
is now Main street of our city and
camped near tho Vallcry mill, located
somewhere on what is now Washing
ton Avenue. Mr. Laughlin had a
brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Pierson
residing in the county at that time.
Mr. Pierson afterwards moved to
Plattsniouth and died here. Mr.
Luughlin took a claim close to what is
now Greenwood, but owing to the
difficulty is subsisting on the raw
prairie, he left his wife to hold down
the claim, while he came to Platts
mquth to get work. He found work
in plenty here, and assisted mason
Aughey in building the first brick
bulding ever erected in Plattsniouth.
Mr. Laughlin was anxoius to see and
shake hands with as many of the old
timers as possible today..
Argo vs McQuInn Settled.
The litigation, between. Matt Mc-
Quinn and Mrs. Argo, in which the
plaintiff recovered a judgment for
1409.05 at a former term of the dis
trict court of this county terminated
today, when on the expiration of a
stay of execution, the defendant,
Mr.McQuinn, paid up the judgment
and all of the costs except $30.00.
The action was for damages result
ing from an alleged assault and bat
tery on the plaintiff by the defend
ant while trying to regain possession
of a house and garden on his premises
a few miles east of Murray.
A trial to a jury resulted in a
judgment against McQuinn, in the
amount above stated. The case
was not appealed to the supreme
court, but stayed for the period
allowed by statute, by the defendant
giving the necessary bond for the
final adjustment at the end of the
Planted Cars of Acorns.
Ptak k Bajeck shipped to Lincoln
this morning a consignment of their
fine brand Acorn Cigars. The order
was billed to Ed. Young at base
mil headquarters. When l'lattsmouth
citizens "visit their friends" in Lincoln
they should give Ed a call, and boost
for Plattsniouth.
The first appearance of the Grew
Stock Company at the Parnielc has
been postponed to February 9th
instead of February 4th as it has
been advertised. They will play the
"Invader" at the opening.
Mr. Vcdder left Schenectady on the
12th inst, and Mr. Fort did not start
with his engine until the following
day, but in coming the distance Mr
Fort out traveled the other gentlemen
and had placed in ahead in the making
up of the train. It was expected to
make a stop at Havelock and have
some repairs put on the engine in the
custody of Mr. rort. They expected
to reach Denver about Feb. first.
S. L. Furlong, the weather seer of
Rock Bluffs was in the city today
Mr. Furlong does not look for settled
Weather until after the 15th, of lei.
ruary, when Venus will be in per
helion. On that date that particular
star begins to recede from the siin,and
the storms will be less frequent.
I ..III ! . II I
Mrs. Louis Martin and Mrs John
Lutz, spent the day in Omaha going on
the early train this morning.
M. C. Baker of Xottaway Mich,
who has been the guest of his brother
A. L. Baker, near Murray for some
weeks, departed for Clay Center,
Nebraska this morning where he will
visit his daughter for a time.
Miss Lawrence arrived from Omaha
to substitute us teacher at the Ilich
Mrs. A. A. Randall, who has been
the guest of Omaha friends for a few
lays returned to her home at Osceola.
t his morning.
Y. M. C. A.
Petition to Organize Asso
ciation has Long List of
Signatures to it.
Take Hold of It and Boost It to a
Successful Termination
At Once.
About one hundred young men of
the town hove already appended their
names ' to a paper signifying their
intentions to associate themselves
into a branch of tho Y. M. C. A.
E. II. Wcscott is tho local corres
pondent for tho Association in Platts
mouth, and the list can be signed
at Wcscotts store, or at Wcyrich &
Hadrabas's store. Any young man
in the city who has not already hod
the opportunity to sign can do so
by dropping in at cither of these
places and calling for the list. It is
the intention to rent suitable rooms
at once and put in a reading room
and also a gymnasium. This can
be done at a low cost when the number
to be served is taken into consideration
There has been considerable en
thusiasm over the proposed associa
tion, and if the matter is taken hold
of with some energy it can be made
a desirable feature for the young men
of the city.
Dies Suddenly.
Miss Allison Johnson, teacher of
German, in our High School, received
a message last evening informing
her of the sudden death of her sister
at her home at Bloomfield, Nebr.
Miss Johnson departed for her sister's
home this morning. Miss Schaffer,
who has been substituting for Miss
Anna Hcisel will take Miss Johnson's
place until her return. Miss Hcisel
will resume her former place at noon.
It's Your Own
if you haven't taken
advantage of our sea
son end "Clean Up."
Suits and overcoats
left from our new
fall stock, worth up
to $30 at Just prices.
All wool suits and
overcoats worth up
to $15, now
H, S. & M suits
and overcoats worth
up to $21, now
H. S. & M. suits
and overcoats worth
up to 30, now
We have made it a
rule of this store not
to carry over stock
from one season to
another. That's why
you can buy at such
low prices.
Value Giving Clothiers.