BIG NIGHT AT PARMELE Booster Meeting Pulled Off With Success and Much Interest Awakened. HOT SHOT FROM A LARGE GUN. George B. Irving Tells What We Need and How to Go About to Get It. For sometime before the hour of opening the lecture last night a large crowd of people,' bearing on the lapel of their coats or cloaks, Booster buttons "See I'lattsmouth Succeed" had gathered on the walk in front and in the corridor of the Parmelc theatre, anxiously awaiting the min ute that the show should end and the doors thrown open to admit the boosters; The I'lattsmouth High School a couplo of hundred strong had ac quired scats in the parquet, and with in three minutes after the doors were thrown open the auditorium was filled with men and women anxious to learn how to pull the old town out of the rut. When the speaker attended by Mayor Sattler and other citizens appeared, the high school lead by Hen Windham pulled off several of their soul ins piring yells, then sang a song composed especially for the oscassion, the burden of which was I'lattsmouth wants a "Gym". Don York, then sang "See Platts inouth Succeedd"thc words and music by the "Poet Lauriette"of I'latts mouth Hilt Wescott. The song and singer were much appreciated by the audience, which was no doubt grat ifying to the composer. Mayor Sattler introduced the lecturer with an appropriate speech. Mr. Irving launched into his cubject "How to make this city a better Pluttsmouth", prefacing his remarks with the statement that is any excuse were needed for his being before his audience, it would be found in the fact that sometime since the Congress of this country on the recommendation of then president Roosevelt, had enacted a statute conserving the industrial life of the smaller towns and cities of the United States, and attempting t- protect from the encroachments of the great cities The lecturer said in substance that: There were several kinds of patrio tism, and refercd to the example of our grand sires risking their lives and shedding their blood that this country might have civil liberty, and our fathers who had fought to maintain our institutions. These were great struggles, but the speaker was of the opinion that the struggles ' " now on between the economic forces of the country was even more mo- in ntous than those met and master ed in .the past. He believed that the men of now, and within the next few j'ears arc to wage a bloodless battle between the cconimic forces of the country of far more import . ance than any bloody struggle of the past. Mr. Irving then refered to the disposition of the large cities to sap the. industrial life of the smaller towns. He stated that the citizens were allowing it to be done, and doing it to a certain extent. He praised the patriotism of our " fathers for what they had done, but there was another Fort of patriotism : which was called for at the present and that is loyalty to home indus tries and home merchants. The money spent -ftway from I'lattsmouth U$ 1'lattsnWnrth citizens, if spent at home' would enable the merchant here to build the factories, which were the one thing needed to make this city permencnt. The speaker refered to the natural advantages of the town anil the enterprises already here staled that what was needed was men to push, and work together to bring other industries in. He was against the interurban railway from Omaha but said we should have one to the interior of the country. He ad voeated . free delivery in the cilv limits. One of the things most needc( here is the speaker's opinion was an industrial fund of 50.000, dollrs subscribed by the citizens of the town for use in encouraging smal factories to locate here. On the othe hand if nothing was done along this line, the way was left open for the man with the, wild cat schemes to get iu and take the surplus capital of the town away, and in most cases it neve comes back. It was the idea of the lecturer that the surplus capital of riattsniouth, invested in home in dustries for the next ten years, would " double the population of the town and make the schools and other industries of the city more efficient than now. He urged that the surplus capital l)c thus employed, it was done in other cities, and would work wonders here. lie said we were behind in enter prise exerted toward the beautifying of thccty parks. And advised procuring the services of a landscape engineer and have this defect removed at once. Curbing were sadly needed as well as walks, especially toward the Burlington shops,whcre he had some difficulty in making his way over through the day. The shop people had to endure this every day, it ought not to be sl. Mr. Irving spoke for an hour and a half, and left some valuable hints. The writer had heard many commendations of the lecture today RAILROAD WRECK CASE STILL UNDICIDED. Has Been on Trial All Day In Judge Archer's Court. The trial of tho railroad wreck goods men has occupied the attention of Judge Archer for the most of the day. Attorney for the parties have made extended arguments, the dc dendents council Mr. Gering con tending that the ordinance violated is not valid, while the attorneys for the .city were just as insistant that it was good law. At the time of going to press Judge Tidd was making his argument, and the decision of the court could not bo given. There was considerable impassioned oratory in tho discussion of the case before the court,and the outcome of the suit is a problem. Later: At the close of the argument of attorneys, Judge Archer summed up the case, discharging Iarry Contor and William Warshow and finding Nathen Grenerg guilty of iolation of the "Hill Poster's Or- dinence", which tho court said he did not consider a very henious offence and the sentence of the court should be that Nathen pay a fine of $5.00 and costs of prosecution and fixed the amount of his appeal bond at $")0.00. PATRONS OF ROUTES PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. Do not Put Loose Coins In the Boies lor the Carriers to Pick Out. Washington, Jan. 2 1910. To tho Postmaster: Sir: In view of the extent to which the practice of placing loose coins in boxes by rural patrons has grown, and the delay in the delivery and collection of mails and the harship imposed on tural carriers incident thereto, you tire informed that com mencing February 15 proximo, rural letter carriers will not be required to collect loose coins from rural mail boxes. Patrons should enclose coins in an envelope, wrap them securely in a piece of paper, or deposit them in a coin holding reeeptical so they can be easily and quickly taken from toxes, and carriers will be required ti lift such coins, and where accomp anied by mail for dispatch, attach the required stamps. This should bo promptly announced to the rural patrons through whatever means you may employ, without expense to the department, and you are at liberty to give the informa tion embodied herein to your local paper for publication, if they so desire. Respectfully, P. V. DcGraw, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. Under Quarantine. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tollork, had occasion o be wroried several days this week and lust, the reason for it being the failure to receive a letter from their daughter, Miss Ellen who is at Evenston III. attending the young ladies seminary. Willard Hall the school where she is Ins been under quarantine for six days, cue of ihc students, having scarlet feverj The authorities have been Every, cautious aboui, allowing mail matter to be sent ouc. The letters which are sent are perforated with holes and fumigated fefore leaving the office. Wins Prize. James Higljcy Jr. won the $),00 prie offered by Mr. Irving to tho boy or girl who would sell the greatest number of buttons boosting Platts mouth. The next highest number was sold by Charles Dovey. The boys were present when the count was finished, .showing the James lliglcy Jr. one of the carrier boys for the News had sold 71 buttons and Charles Dovey 04. Charles was game and showed he was made of the right kind of stuff, he reached his hand across the table and grasping "Jimmie" by the hand remarked. "shake old boy I am glad you won it." Thus the News scores another victory. Mrs McCrca, of South Center Kansas, arrived a couple of days ago to be the guest of W. I). Jones and family, departing this morning for Fairfield Iowa, where she will visit relatives for a time. NEWS REPRESENTATIVE AT TOWN OF ELMWOOD Spent Several Interesting Hours in the Beautiful Little Chautauqua City. ONE OF THE VERY BEST TOWNS IN OLD CASS COUNTY Businessmen Prosperous and Everybody Busy and Root ing For Their Own Town. Monday a representative of the Daily News went to the go-a-head city of Elmwood, and having visited the rustling communoty before we we were not surprised to see them doing business. Located as it is on a commanding eminence, where a good view of the surrounding country can be obtained, one is cmpressed with what Uncle Conrad Schlater said away back in 1S64, after having mado a trip to Lancaster P.O. passing the present site of Elmwood, in which he declared he had, never seen a better site for the building of a city than there. Mr. Schlater tells the story of his trip on this occasion, as follows: John Simpson, contracted with me to go to Lancaster P.O. now Lincoln, and buy a piano for him and bring it home with me. I had my instructions as to what I was to give for it if it should come up to what was de sired. Starting early I made the trip to within a few miles of the place where I was to go before night. Along in the evening I camo to Salt Creek, and as it was early in the spring, the ice had not gone out of the stream, but was in a very weak ened condition and would not sup port a team. There being no bridge I was compelled to follow down for about five miles, before a crossing place could be found, which fortu nately was but a short distance from Mr. John Gregory's the place where I was going to. . In attempting to ford the stream the front wheels of the wagon dropped into a sink hole and my team were not able to pull it out. I leaned over unhitched the traces and allowing the . tongue to fall mounted one of tho horses and left the wagon in the midst of Salt Creek. Going to the house of Mr. Gregory, I applied for lodging, also said I could stay, but as there was nothing to eat I could not have any thing until the arrival of Mr. Gregory who had gone to Nebraska City for supplies.. Just after dark Mr. Gre gory came with his horse loaded down with provisions nnd our hun ger whs. satisfied. Satisfactory terms were made regarding the purchase of the piano, and with the use of two yoke of oxen the wagon was dislodged from the bed of Salt Creek. The next morning the piano was loaded and the wagon taken back across the stream with the oxen be fore hitching on the horses. On the return I passed through where Elm wood id now situated a little bfore noon and was impressed with the beauty of the country, and excellent location for a city, which I then believed would be selected for one in the future. With no further incident I arrived home that night late. While at Lancaster P.O. Mr. Gregory tried to got ine to take a homestead and pointed out the exact quarter Where the state capital now stands, saying that would be valuable sonic clay. I thought theiland too salty and would not take it. In this city the News man found things widc-a-wake, and the people alive to the best interests of the town. One thing impressed us, a number of boys we saw on the street it being near the time for the after noon session of the public schools. It was not alone the number of the boys which impressed the writer (whilo we admit our weakness for the boy in generaDbut the character of the boy, the man of tomorrow, for he seemed wide awake, full of fun, but well behaved and good mannered. This fact with many others made us loath to leave this city. The schools of Elmwood employ six teachers and have eleven grades. The teach ers being.J. H. Sluethron, Theodicia Camp, Minnie Mills, Josephine Muel ler, Minnie Everett, and Carrie Moon, all giving good satisfaction in their respective positions. The Union Lumber Co., with Her man Huge manager, nnd assisted by Harry Tuellcr are doing a fine business nnd carry a stock much larger then places of more population, but the busiiies justifies it. We noticed the place of Joseph Wilinms, who has n machine and general Blacksmith shop was closed, on making inquiries found that Mr. Williams had sometime since suffered a stroke of pnrallysis and was now staying with a brother at Staple hurst, Kansas. At the blacksmith and machine shop of Wm Mueller we fould that gentleman very busy along with his two assistants as well. A glance at this bee hive cf in dustry would tell any one that it was on the crest of the wave of pro sperity. At the place of J. F. Thorne we found that gentleman busy with his restaurant and confectionery. Here we met II. C. Richards, of Wabash who has just returned frc;.i the southeast where he has been visiting all winter. Mr. Richards first went to Pennsylvania in the fall where he visited and latter at Richmond Va. Mr. Richards, has much to say in favor of Richmond, as a commercial center, as well as a manufacturing city. Not alone in this respect does . this historic city excel, but as an educational center as well, having numbers of Univer sities and colleges of all kinds and many technical institutions of learning. At the drug store of L. A. Tyson we found that gentleman busy and while so enjoying a good business, agreed to look after the interest of the Daily News in the matter of correspondence. We were more than pleased that it was a busy man that we could get to represent us, as it is the busy man that does things and not the one who has nothing to do. When we had completed arrange ments with 'Mr. Tyson, we were reminded by our Ingcrsol that the Missouri Pacific was expected any monent and we hiked for the depot. Here we found W. If. McDaniels formerly of I'lattsmouth in charge of the railways affairs, having the day before been transferred from Cook to Elmwood. The banks of Elmwood which are as good as any In the state were doing a business which showed signs of prosperity and solidity being well managed and in a safe and conserva tive manner. At the pool hall of L. F. Coon we found II. W. Thomas formerly of this place engaged with the proprietor in a game of pool and the manager Mr. Coon said that business was gootl. Mr. Thomas expects to move to Montana during the early spring where he thinks to make his home in the future The grain business of the sur rounding country is cared for by the Farmers Elevator Co., who succeed Dick Smith, who has moved to Vcrn ongo this state, and Herman Ruhge whose place is conducted by Chas B. Bcchwith, while Wm Sharp conducts the elevator for the farmers com pany. At Pentermann Bros, store business was being done in the most up-to-date manner and everything around had an air of prosperity. At the Green Pharmacy we found the proprietor in charge and was satisfied with the good business which his good treatment has won. Both the barber shops, which were in every respect up-to-date, were busy and prosperous. The east one owned and 'operated by West and Rosenow, was the first one visited and the boys were getting there Eli on the work which was crowding them, and they seemed happy. The shop formerly owned by W. E. Roscn crans, near .the postofliec, was also busy and is owned and conducted by C. E. Branson who is assisted by Harry Carpenter, who we were in formed was no relation to Frank, of Omaha Bee fame. Mrs, Anna McFall the milliner was satisfied with the business she was doing, and says when spring opens there will be more business than can be taken care of. At the place of C. Schunder the harness man we found that geutle man sick, but trying to care for his business ns he could not get any one to take his place. Ho has a good stock of goods and does a good busi ness notwithstanding his being sick. We met C. D. Clapp, who said that things were looking nllright in the city and inquired regarding I'latts mouth, complimenting the Daily News and News-Herald upon tho, aggres siveness and go-a-hcad spirit mani fested, and the ably edited paper it is at present. lie was also well pleased to note the manner in which Plattsmouth is going after things for her good, and thinks that the county seat will make good this year and those to come. Prosperity had left its impress on all the surroundings at the place of B. I. Clements and although Mr. Clements was just at the monent that we were thcre.out, the business told for itself the way it was pushed by the proprietor. At Dittman's store, plenty of evi dences of propserity was in view, and no one could mistake the per manency of it. The store rooms of Swartz & Win chell, were well filled with the best and choicest of goods, which consid ering the high range of values now prevailing the country over are all bargains, and that grade of goods which always brings the purchaser back for more of the same kind. Both the meat markets were busy C. F. Wood having scarcely time to attend to the business which favored his place, and get the other work accomplished. At the market of Hoover & Bogenreif, the same con dition pcrvailcd, busy as bees. ' At the restaurant of C. D. Brit tell who formerly lived in Plattsmouth we were informed that another son R. N. BiitteU of O'Neill, had just paid his parents and brother a visit departing Monday for his home in the north. Dr. J. M. Ncelcy was busy and said that his practice was extensive and kept him going most of the time. Dr. Mungcr at his institution was looki; g after the enormous practice which the instirution and the way in which he has conducted it, brings him. L. W. Rocltengir, the hardware man said business had been all he could wish, and that he was per fectly satisfied, and his place spoke as forceablc as he himself. At the finely appointed jewelry store andV optical parlors of A. W. Ncihart, who is doing a good busi ness, wc met Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keil of Eagle, who kindly inquired of Col. II. C. McMakin, saying that formerly they lived neighbors to him and were well acquainted in Platts mouth. They are. very glad to "sec Plattsmouth succeed." Our time was curtailed on account of the coming of the train on which wc had to depart from the city, and wc were unable to visit all the busi ness places, while wc cannot at this time mention them all, will in a future letter. One thing among the others which make good in Elmwood, is the Elmwood Mills which arc managed by John Olson, and the hst of flour made by Claus Breckenftld. The happy busy citizens of Elm wood, arc building greater than they think, and doing it is such a nice way as well. They are all busy, but while this is the ease, they can find time to ;rcet other visitors kindly, and then back to their business These tactics have already made this city which has a name of being one of the foremost cities of its size in the state, and will work additional wonders in many directions for it in the future. CASS COUNTY EDITORS FORM AN ORGANIZATION They meet at Weeping Water and Elect a set ol Officers. At a meeting held at Weeping Water I'riday the editors of the county perfected an organization to be known as The Cass County Editorial Asso ciation and elected the following officers: President P. A. Barrows, of the Plattsmouth Daily News. Vice Tres Harry Graves, of the Union Ledger. Secreaary L. J. Mayfield, of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Treasurer George Olive, of the Weeping Water Republican. The object of the organization is to conservCj.thc best interests of the publishers of the county. For years the newspaper men have been neglect in their own interests while serving the denr public and have now conclude to work for a time for their own homes and firesides. There is no set of men who give so generously of their time and energies to the public as the country newspapers men and none arc so freely kicked and abused as are these same men. The boys do not have to take this abuse and wc do' not believe that they will permit themselves to be imposed upon so much in the future as they have in the past. All hail to the new organization. May it accomplish great good for the members at least. In County Court. Administration of the estate of Gustavo Buss, deceased was grunted today on the petition of the widow, to II.. O. Wellensick of Avoca. The deceased was a merchant of Avoca, and was post master of the village for a number of years, and left quite on amount of property. DIAMOND DIDDINGS Vhings are Transpiring Be fore the Base Ball Sea son Opens. PLAN'S TO FORM A STATE LEAGUE. Such a League Ought to Win In Nebraska. The Sporting News says that the western League had 27 players over .300 last season and thinks it does not speak well for the pirtchcrs. It wasn't a case of pitchers, my dear beloved brother, it was a case of manipulators. The movement which has at several times been started to form a stat league of base ball clubs in Nebraska has again been revived. There is no reason why Nebraska should not have a base ball league and a league which would be prosperous. It is true that there are not many cities which are very large, yet there are enough of sufficient population to support the game in good shape p:ov;ding the salary limit was put at a reasonable figure. A state which has furnished so many good ball players of national reputation ought certainly to be able to have a state league. There is Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, South Omaha and Nebraska City which ought to .be able to support good teams, while Columbus, Central City Seward, Plattsmouth and some of the other towns of the state would probably be able to support a team and some of them much better tW." the larger' ones. It is not alway the size of the town which cou in base ball, but the cnthusiari of the people who live in it. We would like to sec the scheme go through Jimmie Sullivan has got his eye on a man to fill that hole at second base for the Lincoln team. That means that the snck will be played in a manner whiih will make that infield of tho Links invincible, for when "Sully" dopes a man he gen erally dopes him right. Holy Smoke! Think of it! Jack Thomas on first, Jimmie Cockman at third, Eddie Gagnicr in the short field and a man equally good at the second iack.- The only way they will ever get the'n away from that bunch will be f knock them over and then they will have to go so high and so fast that that ohcr invincible trio Weldron, Davidson and Hogriever out in the field cannot reach them. Then too with that bunch of pitchers there isn't going to be very many of them hit anyway. Here's to the best team in the Western League Lincoln. May she cop the flag and make mil lionaires out of her dandy owners Dcspain & Stoner. Following are some of the changes made in the playing rules for the coining season in base ball: Two umpires, one behind bat whole cheese. Crowd lequircd to divide remarks equally. Umpires can fine substitute players and put them off grounds. Has no right to police protection. If batter throws bat and hits umpire will be fined five dollars. If it knocks him over, fine remitted. If it him salary raised. , Catchers box extended fifteen feet Special rule in favor of Babe Town bo ho enn get in iront of batter. Once pitcher has assumed position, batter cannot stop over aiid pick up dirt. ' Ball knocked past fielder and hit umpire real hard, luitter is given three bases. If umpire is struck by the ball runner cannot score until after the funeral. If games are called by agreement to allow teams to catch train, crowd required to keep seats until after train is caught. Teams agreeing to stop atgame certain time to catch train, train must be held until home team has most scores. Throwing mask or glove at batted ball allows runner 20 minutes for refreshments. All batters hitting 270 at close of season shall be given 100 points additional. Sermon to the Boosters At l,n Atnl....i:..i .1 1 r. J un .luiiiuuiH 1'iiureii MineVv evening Kev. W. L. Austin, will sp,.A Commercial Club, his topic being tho "Ancient Booster". You will miss """"itlil i I I II T I IflTTUtltftllf 1.1 it if you fail to hear him. t f