The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 27, 1910, Image 2

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From Monday's Daily.
Mrs John Kervanek, was a passenger
to the metropolis today.
R. C. Jahrig.woa an Omaha passenger
on the early train this morning.
Fred Raingo was a South Omaha
visitor this morning where he went on
Chas. Faterson and wife were pass
engers on tho early train for the
metropolis this morning.
Mrs Joe Dixon and little babe went
to Omaha this afternoon to visit
relatives for a few tlay.
Georec Snider went to Omaha and
South Omaha this morning to look
after the stock market.
Geo. A. Mcisingcr and wife, spent
the day in Omaha, looking after
business matters.
Ed SchuliT, spent Sunday wirh
relatives in this city returning to
Glenwood this morning.
Mrs John Bauer, Sr. and daughter
Miss Emma spent the day in Omaah
going on the early train.
Antone Peterson and wife arc re
joicing over the arrival of a bright
baby girl at their home last evening.
Mrs. L. A. Anderson, departed for
Red Oak la. this forenoon where she
will be the guest of friends for a time
J. Freeman of Hamburg, was in
the city this morning, having been a
guest at tho home of Mr. Green over
Mrs. William Krisky and children
returned to her homo at South Omaha
this afternoon, after a pleasant visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W ooster.
Mrs. E. A. James, and children
departed for Yclton, Oklahoma this
morning where they will join Mr.
James to make their future home. Mrs.
James and children have been viviting
her mother Mrs J. W. Edwards for a
J. W. Godwin, went to Omaha this
morning to make arrangements to
ship his household furniture back to
Plattsmouth, where be will reside in
- the future. Mr. Godwin has just
come from the hospital where he had
a hard seige of pneumonia.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mrs. J. R. Denson and two children
are sick with colds.
Mrs. Frank Dunbar, spent the
afternoon in the metropolis.
Fosy Messcrstuith, reports himself
as down with the Grip this morning.
Will Oliver of near Murray was in
was in the city this morning inter
viewing the dentist.
L. C. W. Murray, and sons, Albert
and Guy were Omaha passengers
on the morning train today.
Miss Victoria Jaiula, departed for
llaveloek this afternoon where she
will make her home for a time.
J. S. Wonderliek and Win. Stock
holm of Nehawka were in the city
oast evening at the Perkins.
Antone Nitka, who has been suf
fering from apemlieitis for a few days
is able to be about again today.
Frank Wooster and M. W. Weath
went to Omaha to take inventory
or the Burlington this morning.
Mrs. Loretta Ault and Mrs Sarali
Goehenour, were passengers to the
metropolis on the early train this
R. 15. Windham transacted business
in the metropolis this morning, Mr.
Windham is almost down with a
severe cold.
Miss Josie1 Schwartz, was a pas
senger to South Omaha this after
noon, having visit id friends here
for u time. ,
George Hates and Tom Solmon,
of Avoca, were IMattsinoiith visitors
last evening, returning to their home
this morning.
T. M. Campbell and son U. W.
arrived from Helfre, Kansas this
in unite? with the remains of Mrs.
Mrs. Jaeol) Stenner departed with
her I'ncle C. Cowlcs, this nfter
n ion, for llushmore, Minnesota
where she will visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Eaton of Omaha
re rejoicing over the arrival of a
ttle daughter, born to them last
Thursday.' Mrs Eaton was formerly
Miss Lillian Rankin, and attended
the Plattsmouth Bchools.
Misses Clara and Anna Jiroushek
were Omaha visitors this morning.
Claud Shumaker was called to Oma
ha on the early train this morning.
Thomas Sands, of Nehawka was in
the city and registered at the Perkins.
Col. Seybolt of Murray was trans
acting business in the city tliis morn
J. C. Poirier and wife spent Sunday
in Omaha with relatives, returning
tlus morning.
John Richardson has a sick child,
ihe little sufferer being down with
clucken pox.
I. J. Decker of the precinct was in
the city tlus morning, looking after
business matters.
fiaa MnFffnpfiT funv nf Mow "Wrlr
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
ivirs. nenry iwauzy.
M. Y. Churchill of Murray was in
the city this morning looking afcer
business matters.
- Will Sharp and wife returned from
St. Louis and other BouJicrn cities
Saturday evening.
Jack Patterson, returned to Omaha
after spending Sunday witn his parents
T. M. Patterson and wife.
Henry Hirz, was a Pluttsmonth and
Omaha visitor today, where he was
called on business.
Oscar Gapen from south of the city
was in town this morning, looking
alter business matters.
Miss Nettie Morgan of the Bell
Telephone Company was called to
Omaha on business this morning.
Miss Fern McBride of South Omaha
arrived in the city Saturday and was
an over Sunday guest of friends.
John Tritsch of Eight Mile Grove
precinct was looking after business
matters in the county seat today.
Carl Knnsman was a passenger to
South Omaha this morning, where he
went to look over the catilc market.
Emmons Richcy, returned from
Louisville on the morning train today,
and will visit the home folks for a
short time.
Miss Lena Young and Mary A.
Moore, of Union spent Sunday in the
county seat, and were registered at
the Perkins.
Elbert Beekner and wife, of Walt
Hill who have been visiting with
Ben Dill near Murray for a time.
departed for their homcs.this morning.
Visiting the Masonic Home today
were: Mcsdames C. A. Cline, S. R.
Hathaway, Godard, and Munger all
of South Omaha, and Miss Jessie
Robertson, of this city.
Kronin and Howard do a very
good business, and while the price
of meats are high at all points in
the country, they sell theirs at as
near the proper thing as is possible.
John Campbell of Union, who has
been in the livery business in that vil
lage for some time, expects to go to
Plainview next Thursday for the pur
pose of buying a farm.
William Raird and wife and son
Robert departed for Lincoln this
morning, Mr. Raird on business, while
Mrs. Baird and little son will remain
for a few days.
John Richardson's mother, Mrs.
Dalton, living near the ferry on the
Iowa side, was reported verv sick
yesterday and Mr. Richardson was
summoned to her bedside this morn
ing, she was said to be slightly better.
February Jit h has been set as the
day the government will test the qual
ifications of the census inkers. The
examination will be held in this city,
ami conducted by Postmaster H. A.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Mrs. John lirisscy and little child
went to Omaha this morning on
No 15.
The P.K.O. Society, will meet
Fridav afternoon with Mrs Pickett,
Smoke Commercial 10 cent cigars,
all the rage and home made. For
sale bv all dealers. ,SS-1
Mrs. Bennett Criswisser spent the
day in the metropolis going on the
early train.
Mrs. John Corey spent the day
with Omaha friends going on the
early train.
Mrs. J. A. Donelan, went to Weep
ing Water last evening to visit friends
for a time.
A. F. Hedcngran the bridge man
of the Burlington was a Plattsmouth
visitor today.
C. D. Quinton has gone in the
county summonsing the jury for the
next term of court.
John Kuhny, of Nehawka who has
been in the city a few days left for
his home yesterday.
Miss Hester Gilmore departed for
Nehawka yesterday evening to visit
Dr. Walker for a few days.
W. F. Peters, of Weeping Water,
stopped over night in the city cn
routs to Pacific Junction.
E. A. Quinn and M. S. Brigga two
of the News' liveliest hustlers are
spending the day in Nehawka.
Tom Janda, returned to Omaha
this morning after spending a day
or two with his brother Frank in
this city.
A. F. S. Gunnison, of Iowa, was
an over night visitor in the city
departing for Omaha on the morning
train, toduy.
John Emerson of Omaha, Road
Master for the Burlington was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, on coin
puny business.
W. E. Rosencrans and Will Rainy
made a trip to Union on a deal
Miss Ina Davis, of Hotel Riley,
visited relatives in Union this
John Nylandcr, and John Johnect
of Holdredge, Nebraska arrived this
morning to look over a real estate
proposition in the city.
Ed Fitzgerald went to Omaha
this morning to sec his brother at
!. ..:..! i :.. .1 .
mi: uw.-ijiiuii. uiuiics is iioiug nicety
and on a fair way to recovery.
P. L. Hopkins and wife, of Well
ington, Colo, who have been guests
of A. Dill and wife for a short time,
departed for their home this morn
Miss Grace Porter returned to her
home at Murray this morniiig having
visited relatives in the city for a
short time.
Fred Lau, of Weeping Water,
transacted business at the county
seai this morning returning to his
home via Union.
Mrs. Elizabeth Fitch, of Murray
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. Jacob Mason for a few days
returned to her home this morning.
Frank Schlater was a passenger
to the metropolis on the early train
toduy, where he expected to take
the train for Mexico to look nfter
business matters.
.T. B. Lovelace, and faniily departed
for Union this morning where Mr.
L. will farm one of II. G. Todd's
Jarret Core of Balf Alberta, who
has been spending a few days with
John McNurlia and family, departed
last evening for Murray where he
will be the guest of relatives. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Clodtfelter,
of Elmwood, who have been the
guests of Thomas South and wife
for a short time, departed for Mynard
this morning where they will be the
guests of friends for a short time.
J. W. Dutton of Lincoln represent
ing the Nebraska Retail Hardware
Association, departed for Nebraska
City today, after visiting the dealers
in tliis city. Mr. Dutton visited his
brother-in-law 11. -A. McElwuin over
Died at the Home.
George W. N. Carpenter, who
has been making his home at the
Masonic Home is this city for the
past three and a-half years, died
Sunday morning at 10:!O. The de
ceased was born in Madison County
New York, July 'Ji, 1SH1, hence at
the time of his death, Mr. Carpenter
was in the ninety first year of his
age. He was a member of Northern
l ight Lodge No U A. F. and A. M.
at Stanton, Nebraska and come from
that ph'.ce to tho home June -1th !!()(.
The deceased was a sufferer for
a long time before death came to
relieve him. The remains were taken
to Stanton Monday morning where
he was buried with Masonic rites.
Many Precincts In this District
Have no Applicants.
"We seem to Im up acainst old
General Prosperity",- said Supervisor
lielvey ol the lint Census District
of Nebraska, which comprises the
counties of Lancaster, Cass, Otoe,
Nemaha. Pawnee. Job nson nnd Ifii li.
ardson, at his headquarters in Lincoln
mis moring.
"From a few precincts in Lincoln
city and from a number in Lancaster
county and a number in each of the
counties of Cass, Otoe, Nemaha,
Johnson, Pawnee and Richardson, I
have hot a single application on file
for appointments as census enumera
tor, although extended publicity has
been given through the newspapers
of the desire to secure applications
from competent persons to do the
"This is a serious situation inas
much as the time limit for filing
applications expired on the last day
of the present month. It must be
be old "General Prosperity" who
stands in our way, said Supervisor
Helvey, "as ti e work is pleasant and
attractive, requires cr'y f-!r tiLiJity
and good sense and will be
well paid for the term of service
rendered. Onlv that our
all living at Sunshine Corner cn Easy
Street can recount to inc for the
lack of applications from
districts in all the counties named.
Here is a chance for men nml umm n
in all the counties of the First Con
gressional District to secure an agree
able occupation for a limited nerind
A postal card request directed to
Supervisor Helvey nt Lincoln will
bring you blank application and full
miorniation. The time for applica
tion is short and if interested write
at once.
Masque Ball Saturday Eve.
The Ladies Guild of St. Lukes
church are planning to frive nnntlmr
of their pleasant functions next Sat
urday evening at tile Coates hall.
No pains will be spared to make the
ball one of the best of the winter,
and the personel of the committees
in charge is a safe guaranty that
the best entertainment possible will
be presented.
The reception committee is com
posed of Mrs R. F. Patterson, Miss
Dora Frickie, Miss Iona Dovey,
Miss Gretchen Donncley, Miss Verna
Hatt, Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Fred
The committee on refreshments
Mrs. M. A. Dickson, Mrs. Guy
McMakin and Misj Alice Eaton.
Arrest Wrong Man.
On complaint of sonic one this
norning the agent for the Singer
Sewing Machine Co.. was fakon
"Tired at Three
IF typewriters were machines run b mechanical means in
stead of human hands, you would find that, with a uken amount
of power, a Monarch could be run at a higher maintained speed
than other typewriters.
Run by "girl power," you find that the Monarch is run at
a higher all-day average speed than other typewriters, and
without a "tapering off'," from fatigue toward the day's end
Both these truths are due to the fact that
lightens the draft, uses -cower more economically. Eliminates
the waste of energy that typifies the heavy-touch machines.
This in turn means increased production per machine and de
creased cost of typewriter work rjer folio.
Executive Offices: Monarch Typewriter Building,
If you want to stop that cold right
off and in the easiest kind of a way,
just get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
It's the largest selling
Cold and Cough Medicine in the world
because It stops coughs and colds
quicker than any other known remedy
or prescription, and it does that be
cause it gets at the cause kills the
germs of cold cuts the mucous and
gets rid of it naturally.
It contains no habit forming drugs
, nothirg harmful only real old fash
ioned pine-tar, sassafras, rhubarb,
honey and other beneficial ingredients
all plainly stated on the bottle.
Made by the same known scientific
before the city attorney, by the
Chief of police and invited to pay a
pedlers license. The gentleman pro
ceeded to explain that his company
had been in business here in the city
for upwards of twenty years and
had maintained an oflice with an
agent here all the time. After the
authorities had beard his explana
tion, he was allowed to proceed
with his business.
A Good Stunt.
A lot of pretty girls in a small
eastern town have banded together
as tjie Marriageable Ladies League,
and at one of their meetings adopted
this resolution: Rosolved.That we,
the member:! of the Marriageable
Ladies League, do hereby agree not
to many any man who is not a patron
O'clock?" "No Sir! I
BSFwfes''' At All Druggists "
The Monarch Light Touch and the
Monarch Rigid Carriage are exclusive
Monarch features; every other import
ant feature of the modern typewriting
machine, such as Back Space Key, Two
Color Ribbon Shift, Contained Tabula
tor, etc., etc., will also be found on the
Monarch. Let us give you a demon
stration of Monarch Light Touch and
other Monarch advancements.
Write For Illustrated Descriptive Literature.
South 15th Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
'7 Tomorrow
process for the past twenty years.
You ought to take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey
just as soon as you begin
to feel "coldy" just the minute your
throat brgins to tickle then you'd
stave off these colds and coughs. y
Keep it in the house always ready
that's the right way. Every time you
sneeze, shiver, "sniffle" or feel "full
in tho head" you need It.
At all druggists in 25c, 50c and $t
bottles. Children take it readily.
Look for our trade-mark (the bell)
and Granny Metcalfe's picture on every
bottle. That identities genuine Dr.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
Made by
of bis home news paper, for it is verv
strong evidence of his want of intelli
gence, and that he will be too stingy
to provide for a family or educate r
his children, or support institution
of learning in the comniunitv.-AVimoiTT'
(Oklo.) Herald.
Mashes Finger Badly.
This morning while engaged in his
regular employment at the Burlington
shops Henry Perry had the misfortune
to get one of his fingers between two
car wheels which he was nioving.wilh
the result that the finger was badly
crushed. The company physician
dressed the injured member and while
he is suffering a great deal of pain, it
is doing as well as could be expected.
Henry will have to take an enforced
vacation while the finger g.ts well..
Use the Monarch"
300 Broadway, New York