The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 27, 1910, Image 1

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The News
ShSSS&jAS&im iConsoUd. J..l. .896
Visits That Rustling Shop
City and Finds Things
Moving Briskly.
Has Novelty ol Riding on the
Celebrated Booze Cars to the
Big Town.
At Havelock when we visited that
place last week we found every thing
-all right, with business going on at
the rate of a metropolis. Our first
pluce to stop was the office of Joseph
Tighc the rustling coal dealer, but
at the place we did not find our
friend as he was out with a team
supplying his customers with the
needful warming material. His son
though was in the office and when
he saw the News Herald, and the
fact that Cornie Schlater, his cousin
had won the ten dollar prize, he was
greatly pleased, and inquired about
his relatives health in the city and
especially of that of Connie, and
grandpa Conrad Schlater.
We next met Mrs. Geo Hawkins
and was told that Mr. Hawkins who
is the foreman of the blacksmith
shop for the Burlington, was still
at his work and the rush of business
for the company made it necessary
for them to work over time. Nels
Ilawkinson was at home on the
sick list, having been out for some
two weeks on account of the bad
health, but thought that he would
be able to return to work again in n
(few days.
Joseph Carrigan, was at home
just having arrived from the Burling
ton blacksmith shops and said that
he with his family liked Havelock
very well but thought Plattsmouth
a better place to live. Mr. Currygan
likes his position with the Burlington
at Havelock very well and is going
good work there.
A. A. Ilyers the postmaster at
Havelock is doing well and has with
him in the office Mrs. Hyers and
Miss Mahoney a daughter of P. II.
Mahoney formerly of this place as
clerk. Mr. llyers does a good real
estate business as well, having his
office in a suit of rooms in the same
building as the pnstoflicc.
At the postoffice we met Sam
Hinkle, who is foreman for the Burling
ton and well satisfied with his position
in life and has surely made good,
being one of the trusted ones of the
Here v.e met Watt Holmes who
was as jolly as ever, and glad to see
us saying that any one from Platts
mouth was sure to get the glad hand
This is the Last End of the Last
Week of Our January
Clearance Sale.
If you have not already taken
advantage of the exceptionally
low prices on all winter goods you
better come now.
Mens Suits $7, $9, $12, $15
Mens Overcoats $5, $7, $9, $12
Mens Odd Pants, this week $1,35
Boys Odd Pant Suits .$1.39
tBoys Odd Single Pants 29c
A few Mens Dress Shirts Left at 69c
C. E. WeseotTs Sons
The1 Home of Satisfaction.
at 'Havelock and the treatment wc
received there carried out to a nicety
the assertion. Watt is looking well
and with the occupation of looking
after matters for the Burlington
is kept pretty busy
Edwin Bates, formerly of this
place is engaged with a livery ijj
Havelock where he is employed during
the day and a position which he has
held for sometime. He is well satis
fied with the city his position and the
work in general. He greeted the
News man cordially and asked re
garding h8s many friends in this
city and as to its welfare generally.
Geo. Bates who is now an engineer
for the Burlington, was laying off
on account of sickness and had been
for a few days past. When at work
Mr. Bates operated a steam derrick
for the Burlington.
In order to get out to Greenwood
the day following, and to visit our
daughter Miss Crete, who is attend
ing school at Lincoln, wc took the
eight o'clock car for the city and
had the misfortune to have to ride
with the out put of the saloon which
closed at Havelock as in other places
at eight o'clock.
Havelock, is making some very
material progress, and will in the
near future build another largo shop
for car work, which is to be of such
dimensions as to accommodate
four tracks for the work which is to
be done therein. All of the former
Plattsmouth citizens now living in
that city, arc doing well and seem
well contented with their place of
If there was more push in the
world there would be fewer hungry,
half-clothed, homeless, suffering
children; fewer broken-down dis
sipated men and women; less need
of alms-houses, houss of correction
and homes of the friendless.
Push meins lift for a neighbor
in trouble. Push means a lift for
yourself out of the slough of despond
ency and shiftlessniss, out of trouble,
real and fancied. Push never hurt
anybody. The harder the push the
better, if it is given in the right di
rection. Always push up-hillfew
people need a push down hill. Don't
be afraid of your muscles and sinews;
they were given you to use. Don't
be afraid of your hands; they were
meant foi service. Don't be afraid
of what your companion may say.
Don't be afraid of your conscience
it will never reproach you for a good
deed but push with all your heart,
might and soul, whenever you sec
anything or anybody that will be
better for a good long 'strong, deter
mined push.
Push! It is just the word for the
grand, clear morning of life; it is
just 'the word for strong arms and
young hearts; it is just the word for
a world that is as full of work as this is
If anybody is in trouble and you see
it don't stand back push!
If there is anything good being
done in any place where you happen
to be, push! Ltmimllc Courier.
Mrs..Chas. Martin was a passenger
to Omaha on the early train today.
"Do you know there's lots of people
Setting 'round in every town,
Growlin' like a broody chicken,
Knockin' every good thing down.
Don't yon own that kind of cattle,
Cause they ain't no use on earth,
You just be a booster Rooster,
Crow and boost for all you'r worth.
If your town needs boostin' boost'er;
Don't hold back and wait and sec
If some other fellow's willin',
Sail right in, this country's free,
No one's got a mortgage on it
It's your's as much as his,
If your town needs boostin' boost'er;
You get in the boostin' biz.
If things don't jest seem to suit yon
An' the world seems kinder wrong,
What's the matter with a boostin'
Just to help the thing along;
Cause if things should stop agoing,
We'd be a sorry plight,
You just keep that horn a blowin'
Boost'er up with all your might.
If you sec some other fellow tryin'
Tor to make some project go,
You can boost it up a trifle,
That's your chance to let him know
That you's not agoing to knock it
Just because it ain't your shout,
But you're go'n to boost a little
Cause he's got the best thing out."
Aged lady Dies.1
Mrs. Dora Wolf, an aged lady
residing in South Park, who has been
ill for sometime, died last night at
6 o'clock aged 75 years, 10 months
and 12 days. Mrs Wolf nee Miss
Dora Weidmann, was born in Elsas
Lothrings, Germany, and was married
at the age of nineteen years to Mr.
Christian Wolf. She came to a America
with her husband settling in or near
Peoria, Illinois, in 1SG6 where they
lived until 18.S1 when- they removed
to Hazard, Nebraska nnd resided
there and reared a family of ten
children, two of whom died in infancy.
Eighteen years ago Mr. Wolf sickened
and died, and Mrs. Wolf continued
to reside at Hazard until the year
1 '.107. when she moved to Plattsmouth
where she has since lived.
Mrs. Wolf was a consistent christian
woman, holding her membership in
the German Lutheran church. She
is survived by eight children, as
follows; Christain of Illinois, Mrs.
Dora Hesse, of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Kate
Bushosen, of Kevena, Nebraska,
Jacob, of Blossom, Texas, Mrs.
Carrie Ilaller, Litchfield, Nebr., Louis
of Litchfield, Miss Sophia WoIf,of
Plattsmouth, Mrs Louisa Klinger of
Plattsmouth. There will be a short
funeral service nt the residence to
morrow afternoon, and the remains
will then be taken to Hevena, Nebr
Ball Saturday Evening.
Mrs. Austin's team of twelve mem
bers of St. Mary's Guild will have
chaige of the masque ball to be given
in the Coates hall next Saturday eve.
You should not miss this evening's
entertainment as the personal of the
team means a fine time for nil who
go. The Guild is divided into four
teams of twelve each, and Mrs.
Austin is captain of the team of
twelve of the most active members
of the Guild.
The reception committee is com
posed of the following named ladies;
Mrs. B. F. Patterson, Mrs. Austin.
Mrs. L A. Moors, Mrs. Fred Kgeii
berger, Miss Dora Frickn, MNs bum
Dovey, Miss Vcrmi Halt and Mi-s
Givtchen Donnally.
The refreshment committee i
Mrs. X. A. Dickson. Mrs, W. Y.
Coates, Mrs Guy McMakin and
Miss Alice F.aton.
Tutting Building In Share.
C. A. Berggren is doing the car
penter work and J. H. Kumnicrfield
the painting on Hie building shortly
to be occupied by Mrs. Norton's
millinery stock. The work is pro
gressing nicely and will soon be
cnn, u. ft yiin. jES
ft ft
i r... t if irs
Foreign Invasion.
City Attorney B. S. Ramsay,
today drew a complaint charging
the violation of the city ordinance by
the loreign merchants who expect
to open their wreck sale tomorrow.
The complaint is in two counts the
first being that the accused lias
violated the ordinances of the city
and committed the crime of circulat
ing advertising matter offering goods
for sale in the city, without obtaining
a license therefore. The second count
charges the offenders with distributing
advertising matter by losely scatter
ing the same on the public street and
on private premises and within doors
and screens within the city, contrary
to the ordinances in such case made
and provided and against the peace
and dignity of the great state of
The feeling still runs quite high
among the business interests of the
city, and there was nothing for the
city attorney to do but to make
arrangements to enforce the ordin
anees of the town.
If they arc wiong it is time to find
it out, if they arc right, then they
should be enforced, and the gentle
men can return to the place where
they are supposed to pay their taxes
and carry on their business without
any trouble or ill feeling.
Capt. McCalg Dead.
Mrs. S. M. Chapman, received a
phone message this morning from
John McCaig of Omaha informing
her of the death of his brother, Capt.
David McCaig which occured last
evening at 7 o'clock at his home at
Klin wood in this county. Capt.
McCaig is survived by his wife and
little daughter Mary, who is about
live years old.
Cnptian McCaig had reached the
age of about 72 years, and was the
oldest of a family of several children,
he was not married till late in life,
having been the main support of his
widowed mother in the rearing of
her family of children. He came to
Cass County in the early seventies,
and was 'nllilliated with the Ilcpub
lican party and by his party elected
to the legislature and served the
state with distinction.
The funeral will occur tomorrow
at 10 o'clock, and any friends going
would have to leave Plattsmouth
this afternoon.
Louinrillr Courier)
On Monday night of this week
Miss Daisy Twiss, manager of the
Independent Telephone exchange
nnd her little sisterMarjoric came
very nearlosing their lives by being
Upon retiring in the evening they
turned the damper in the hard coal
burner which caused the gas to escape
into the room where they were sleeping
Later in the night Marjoric awoke
with n violent spell of vomiting,
which also awoke her sister Daisy,
who at once realised the cause and
started to the telephono to call a
doctor. Tho gas was so strong in
the room that she collapsed and fell
to the floor twice before she was able
to reach the phone nnd summon aid.
Upon tho arrival of the doctor
restoratives were administered and
tho dobrs and windows opened to
free the room of gus, and Miss Daisy
and her sister are now none the worse
for their experience.
Fred Wegner, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs Fred Wegner, living four miles
southenst of "town, met with a very
painful accident Wednesday morning
which may cost him the loss of one of
his eyes.
He was working nround tho farm
as usual, and while driving a nail
struct it in such a manner as to cause
it to glance and strike him at the
lower edge of the eye, cutting through
the eye-lid and cutting an incision
in the eye-ball.
He was at once brought to town
and taken to Omaha and placed in
the care of Dr.Gifford, the noted
eye specialist, who has hopes of
saving the sight, yet was unable to
say positively when Mr. Wegner
returned Wednesday evening.
Funeral of Mrs. Campbell.
The funeral of Mrs. T. M. Camp
bell occured from the residence of
her daughter-in-law Mrs. Campbell
on Elm street at 2 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon. The service was con
ducted by Itev. Austin of the Metho
dist church. Miss Harriet Dixon,
was married to Mr. T. M. Campbell
at Blairville, Pa. December 27, lKbfi.
They removed from Blairsville to
Oregon, Mo., where they lived for
a year, and then moved to Hiawatha
Kansas, residing there until 1002,
at which time they removed to Belfre
Kansas where she died last Monday
at the age of (ifl years, 2 months and
23 days. In her youth she united
with the M. K. church, later was an
acceptable member of the Presby
terian church and afterwards again
a Methodist.
Mrs. Campbell leaves her husband
one son It. W. and family and a
grand son Philip Campbell and her
(laughter- in-law, Mrs. Campbell, of
this city to mourn her loss.
WHY would it not be better for
our merchants to make a dollar in
profit off of ten men instead of
making the whole dollar off of one.
Use the quick sale and small profit
scheme a little while.
For Those Who Know the
Merits of Our Good Clothes,
who don't want to pay the
regular price in season; and
judging fiom the way we sold
suits and overcoats in our 10
day sale, we know there are
lots of such men. We will add
another 3 days at the estab
lished"Clean Upprices. Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday of
this week.
Pure all wool
Worsteds up
to S15
it M
Shifts, mittens ami broken lines of furnishings at
"Clean Up' prices.
Tho Home of Hart SchalTner & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Falter & Thierolf
Value Giciiff Clothiers.
Government Inspector Visits
Site of New Post Office
Work Will Probably Begin About
the First of Next April.
C. F. Cramer, of Washington D.C.
arrived last evening on No 2 from
Council Bluffs, and prepared to make
the preliminary soundings for the
new government building to be
erected this year.
Mr. Cramer is superintendent of
buildings and is a busy man, having
in charge at this time beside the
building here, one at Clarinda, one
at Council Bluffs and Omaha, Grand
Island and several other points.
It was necessary to come here and
make a personal inspection of the
soil and the depth to which the
foundation will have to go to be
permanent, before the bids could
1)0 let, or even the plans could be
Four men were engaged this morn
ing making an excavation at each
of the four corners of the lot, going
down some ten feet to ascertain
the nature of the soil, whether filled
or not, and any other peculiarities
which might be found.
The footing will be of reinforced
concrete, and brick on top of that.
The building will bo about fifty by
ninety feet, one story in height. It
will be some time before the dirt
will begin to fly, as the plans will
not be completed for a month after
the soundings arc made. Then it
will require another month to ad
vertise for bids, the bids will have to
be let which will require more time,
so that it will be the latter part of
April before the work will actually
Drive to Country.
Lee Cotner, wife and children spent
Sunday with Mrs. Cotner's parents,
George Lloyd and wife near Murray.
Mr. Cotner's two brothers Charles and
Albert, accompanied the party. The
party drove out to the country with a
sleigh, and spent a very enjoyable
ux up
Hart Sehalfner
& M.irx up
to 39