91 i 1 & . r.i SYNOPSIS. Murray Sinclair nnd Ills can;; of wreck ers were called out to clear the railroad trucks at Smoky Crook. McCloud. u 'oun road superintendent, caught Sin clair and his men In the net of looting (he wrecked truln. Sinclair pleaded in nocence, declaring It onlv amounted to a mnll sum a treat for the men. McCloud dlschnrKcd tho whole? outlU and ordered the wrerkijue burned. McCloud became Bjqimlnled with Uickslo lmnnlnR, a Rirl or the west, who came to look nt the wreck. She pave him a message for Sin clair. "WhlsperlnK" Gordon Smith told president BuckB of the railroad, of Mo Cloud's brave tight ocalnxt a Rani? of crared miners nnd that was the reason or the superintendent's appointment to Is lilRh offlce. McCloud arranged to board ut the bonrdiiiK house of Mrs. Pln-r'alr- tho ex-foreman's ilcserted wife. 1'lckPle Iiunnini; was the daughter of the late Iilchnrd Dunning, who had died of a broken heart sliortly after his wife's demise, which occurred after one year of married life. Sinclair visited Marion Sin clair's shop nnd a lltrht between htm and Met. loud was narrowly averted. Sinokv reek bridge was mysteriously burned, superintendent McCloud overheard Dlck Jlo criticising his methods, to Marion Sinclair. A stock train was wrecked by an open switch. Later a passenger train was hold up and the express car robbed. Two men of a posse pursuing the bandits were killed. McCloud was no fled that Whispering Smith was to hunt the des peradoes. Bill Dancing, a road lineman, proposed that Sinclair and his gang be Bent to hunt the bandns. A utrnnger, ap parently with authority, told him to go ahead. Dancing was told the stranger was "Whispering Smith." Smith ap proached Sinclair. He tried to buy him off. but failed. He warned McCloud that his life was in danger. M'-C!oud was car ried forcibly Into Lance Punning's pres ence. Dunning refused the railroad a right-of-way, he had alrondy signed for. Dlcksle Interfered to prevent a shooting affray. Dlckslo met McCloud on a lonely trail to warn him his life was In danger. On his way home a shot passed through his hat. Whispering Smith reported that Du Sang, one of Sinclair's trnng, had been assigned to kill McCloud. He and Smith aw Du Sang. Whispering Smith taunt ed Du Sang and told him to get out of Medicine Hend or suffer. Du Sang seemed to succumb to the bluff. McCloud' big construction Job was taken from him be. cause of an Injunction Issued to l.ance Dunning by the United States court. A sudden rlse of the Crawling Stone river created consternation. Dlcksie and Ma rlon appealed to McCloud for help. Whls- Verlng Smith Joined the group, lie nnd lckslo spent the night In conversation, Smith giving the girl nn outline of his life. In the morning McCloud took his men to fight the river. Lance Dunning welcomed them cordially. McCloud suc ceeded In halting tho Hood. Ho accepted Running's hospitality. Dlcksle umi Ala rlon visited Sinclair nt his ranch. Ho tried to persuade his deserted wife to re turn to him. Sho refused. He accused Whispering Smith of having stolen her love from him. A train whs held up and robbed, the bandits escaping. Smith and McCloud started in pursuit. CHAPTER XXIV. Continued. Whispering Smith's brows roao pro testingly, but he spoke with perfect Amiability as ho raised his linger to bring the good eye his way. "You ought to change your hat when you change your mind. I saw you driving a bunch of horses up that canyon a few minutes ago. Now, Ilockstro, do you still drag your left leg?" i The rancher looked steadily at his new Inquisitor, but blinked like a gopher at tho sudden onslaught. "Which of you fellows is Whispering Smith?" he demanded. "The man with the dough Is Whis pering Smith every time," was the answer from Smith himself. "You have about seven years to serve, Hockstro, haven't you? Seven, I think. Now what have I ever done to you that you should turn a trick like this on me? I knew you were here, and you khew 1 knew you were here, and I call this a Drettv country: a little smooth fight around here, like tho people, but pretty. Have I ever bothered you? Now tell me one thing what did you get fpr covering this trail? I stand to give you two dollars for every one you got last night for the job, if you'll put lis right on the game. Which way (ltd the go?" "What are you talking about?" "Get off your horse a minute," sug gested Smith, dismounting, "and step over hero toward tho creek." Tho man, afraid to refuse and unwilling to go, walked haltingly after Smith. "Whut is it. Jtockstro?" asked his tormentor. "Don't you like this coun try? What do you want to go back to the penitentiary for? Aren't you happy here? Now tell mo ono thing will you give up the trail?" "I don't know the trail." "I believe yoty wo shouldn't follow ;t r.nyway. Weft you paid last night or this morning?" "I ain't seen a man hereabouts for a week." "Then you can't tell me whether .here were Ave men or six?" "You've got ono eye as good as mine, and one a whole lot better." "So It was fixed up for cash a weok ago?" "Everything is cash in this country." "Well, RockBtro, I'm sorry, but we'll have to take you back with us." Tho rancher whipped out a revolver. Whispering Smith caught his wrist. Tho struggle lasted only an instant. Rockstro writhed, and the pistol fell to the ground. "Now, shall I break your arm?" asked Smith, ns the man cursed and resisted. "Or will you behave? We are going right back and you'll have to come with us. We'll send some one down to round up your horses and ell them, and you can serve out your time with allowances, of course, for good conduct, which will cut it down. It I had ever done you a mean turn I would not say a word. If you could name a friend of yours I had ever done mean turn to I would not say a word. Can you name one? I guess not. I feavo left you aa free at the wind hero, I making only tho rule I make for every bodyto let the railroad alone. This is my thanks. Now, I'll ask you just ono question. I haven't killed you, ns I had a perfect right to when you pulled; I haven't broken your arm, as I would have done if there had been a doctor within 23 miles; and I haven't started you for the pen not yet. Now I nsk you one fair question only: Did you need the money?" "Yes, I did need It." Whispering Smith dropped the man's wrist. "Then I don't say a word. If you needed the money, I'm not go ing to send you back not for mine." "How can a man make a living in this country," asked the rancher, with a bitter oath, "unless he picks up everything that's going?" Tick up your gun, man! I'm not saying anything, am 1?" "Hut I'm damned if I can give a double-cross to any mnn," added Rock stro, stooping for his revolver. "I should think less of you, Rock stro, If you did. You don't need niony anyway now, but sometime you may need a friend. I'm going to leave you here. You'll hear no more of this, and I'm going to ask you a question: Why did you go against this when you "Now Shall I Break Your Arm?" knew you'd hnvo to square yourself with me?" "They told me you'd be taken care of beforo it was pulled off." "They lied to you, didn't they? No matter, you've got their stuff. Now I am going to ask you one question thnt I don't know the answer to; it's u fair question, too. Was Du Sang In tho penitentiary wilh you at Fort City? Answer fair." "Yes." "Thank you. Rehave yourself and keep your mouth shut. I say nothing this time. Hereafter leave railroad matters alone, and If the woman should fail sick or you have to have a little money, come and see me." Smith led the way back to tho horses. "Look here!" muttered Rockstro, following, with his good eye glued on his companion. "I pulled on you too quick, I guess quicker'n I'd ought to." "Don't mention it. You didn't pull quick enough; it is humiliating to have a man that's as slow as you aro pull on me. People that pull on mo usually pull and shoot ut the same time. Two distinct movements, Rock stro, should bo avoided; they aro fa tal to success. Come down to the Hend sometime, and I'll get you a decent gun and give you a few les sons." Whispering Smith drew his handker chief us the one-eyed man rode away and he rejoined his companions. He was resigned, after a sickly fashion. "I llko to play blind-man's-buff," he said, wiping his forehead, "but not so far from good water. They have pulled us half-way to tho Crosse Terre moun tains on a beautiful trail, too beautiful to be true, Farrell too beautiful to bo true. They have been having fun with us, and they've doubled back through the Topah Topahs toward tho Mission mountains and Williams Cache that IkankII.Speabman. ILLUSTRATIONS 5y Is my judgment. And aren't we five able-bodied Jays, gentlemen? Five strong-arm suckers? It Is an inelegant word; it is an Inelegant feeling. No matter, wo know a few things. There are five good men and a led horse; we can get out of hero by Goose river, find out when we cross the railroad how much they got, and pick them up somewhere around tho Saddle peaks If they've gone north. That's only a guess, and every man's guess la good now. What do you think, all of you?" "If It's the crowd wo think it is, would they go straight home? Thnt doesn't look reasonable, does it?" asked Hrill Young. "If they could put one day between them and pursuit, wouldn't they be safer at home than anywhero else? And haven't they laid out ono day's work for us, good nnd plenty? Farroll, remember one thing: There is some times a disadvantage in knowing too much about the men you aro after. Wre'll try Gooso river." It was noon when they struck the railroad. They halted long enough to stop a freight train, send some tele grams, and ask for news. They got orders from Rooney Lee, had an empty box car set behind tho engine for a special, and, loading their horses at the chute, made a helter-skelter run for Sleepy Cat. At three o'clock they struck north for tho Mission moun tains. CHAPTER XXV. The Sunday Murder. Ranks' posse, leaving Medicine Rend beforo daybreak, headed northwest. Their Instructions were explicit: To scatter after crossing the Frenchman, watch tho trails from the Gooso river country and through the Mission mountains, and Intercept everybody riding north until the posse from Sleepy Cat or Whispering Smith should communicate with them from the soulhwest. Nino men rode in the party thaWcrossed tho Crawling Stone Sunday morning at sunrlso with Ed Ranks. After leaving tho river tho three white-capped Saddles of the Mission range afforded u landmark for moro than 100 miles, and toward these the party pressed steadily all day. The southern pass of the Missions opens on tho north slope of the range into a pretty valley known as Mission Springs valley, and the springs are the head-waters of Deep creek. Tho posso did not quite obey tho instruc tions, and following a natural instinct of safety five of them, after Ranks and his three deputies had scattered, bunched again, and at dark crossed Deep creek at some dlstunce below the springs. It was afterward known that these five men had been seen entering the valley from the east at sundown Just as four of tho men they wanted rode down South Mission pass toward tho springs. .That they knew they would soon bo cut off, or must cut their way through tho line which Ed Banks, ahead of them, was posting at every gateway to Williams Cache, was probably clear to them. Four men BY ANDBE BOWLES Q'AS JCKW.vCf.Vcj O'cvvs' roile that evening from Tower W through tho south pass; tho fifth man had already Uft the party. The four men were headed for Williams Cucho and had reason to believe, until they sighted Hanks' men, that their path was open. They halted to take counsel on the suspicious-looking posso far below them, nnd while their cruelly ex hausted horses rested, Du Sang, al ways in Sinclair's absence tho brains of the gang, planned the escape over Deep creek at Haggs' crossing. At dusk they divided; two men lurking in tho brush along the creek rode as close as they could, unobserved, to ward the crossing, while Du Sang nnd the cowboy Karg, known ns Flat Nose, rode down to Iiagga' ranch at tho foot of the pass. At that point Dan Raggs, nn old lo comotive engineer, had taken a home stead, got together a little bunch of cattle, and was living alone with his son, u boy of ten years. It was a hard country and too close to Wil liams Cacho for comfort, but Dan got on with everybody because the tough est man In tho Cache country could get a meal, a feed for his horse, and a place to sleep nt Ruggs', without charge, when ho needed it. Ed Hanks, by hard riding, got to tho crossing nt five o'clock, and told Haggs of tho hold-up nnd the shooting of Oliver Sollers. Tho news stirred tho old eiiglnemnn, and his excitement threw him oft his guard. Hanks rode straight on for tho middle pass, leav ing word that two of his men would bo along within half an hour to watch tho pass and tho ranch crossing, and asked Haggs to put up some kind pf a fight for the crossing until more of the posso came up at the least, to make sure that nobody got any fresh horses. The boy was cooking supper in tho kitchen, and Haggs had done his milk ing and gone back to tho corral, when two men rode around tho corner of tho barn and asked if they could get something to eat. Poor Haggs sold his life in six words: "Why, yes; be you Hanks' men?" Du Sang answered: "No; we're from Sheriff Coon's oflleo at Oroville, look ing up a bunch of Duck Har steers that's been run somewhere up Deep creek. Can wo stay hero all night?" They dismounted nnd disarmed Raggs' suspicions, though the condi tion of their horses might have warned him had he had his senses. The un fortunate man had probubly fixed it in his mind thnt a ride from Tower W to Deep creek in 6 hours was a physical impossibility. "Stay here? Sure! I want you to stay," said Haggs, bluffly. "Looks to me like I seen you down at Crawling Stone, ain't I?" he asked of Karg. Karg was lighting a cigarette. "I used to mark at the Dunning ranch," he answered, throwing away his mutch. "That's hit. Good! The boy's cook ing supper. Step up to the kitchen and tell him to cut ham for four more." "Four?" "Two of Ed Ranks' men will be hero by six o'clock. Heard about tho hold up? They stopped Number Three at Tower W last night and shot Olllo Sollers, ns whlto a boy as ever pulled a throttle. Roys, a mnn that'll kill a loeomotlvo engineer Is worse'n an In dian) I'd help skin him." "The hell you would!" cried Du Sang. "Well, don't you want to start in on mo? I killed Sellers. Look at me; ain't I handsome? What you go ing to do about it?" Reforo Haggs could think Du Sang was shooting him down. It was wan ton. Du Sang stood in no need of the butchery; tho escape could have been mado without it. His victim had pulled an engino throttle too long to show the whlto feather, but ho was dying by tho tlmo he had dragged a revolver from his pocket. Du Sang did tho killing alone. At least. Flat Nose, who alone saw all of tho murder, after ward maintained that he did not draw because ho had no occasion to, nnd that Raggs was dead beforo he, Karg, had finished his cigarette. With his right ami broken and two bullets through his chest, Haggs fell on his face. That, however, did not check his murderer. Rising to his knees, Haggs begged for his life. "For God's sake! I'm helpless, gentlemen. I'm helpless. Don't kill mo llko a dog!" Rut Du Sang, emptying his pistol, threw his rifle to his shoulder nud sent built after bullet crashing through the shapeless form writhing nnd twitching before him until ho had beaten it in tho dust soft and flat and still. Hanks' men came up within an hour to find the ranehhouso deserted. They saw a lantern in tho yard below, nnd near tho corral gate they found the little boy in tho darkness, screaming beside his father's body. The sheriff's men carried tho old englueman to the house; others of tho posse crossed tho creek during the evening, and at 11 o'clock Whispering Smith rodo down from the south pass to find that four of the men they were after hnd taken fresh horses, after killing Haggs, and i passed safely through tho cordon Hanks had drawn around the pass and along Deep creek. Rill Dancing, who I had ridden with Ranks' men, was at gsTrrrrffiT-.j.') ... nriv.TxmaryJ?xiM vLs1. ;a k'.'.'7 rrrr.ai M unxam3 the heiiyo when Whispering Smith ar rived. Ho found sdiiio supper In tho kitchen, and tho tired man and tho giant ate together. Whispering Smith was too experi enced a campaigner to .complain. Ills party lu1 struck a trail HO miles north of Sleepy Cat and followed it to the Missions. Ho knew now who ho was after, and knew that they were bottled up In the Cacho for tho night. The sheriff's men wero sleeping on tho floor of tho living room when Smith canio in from the kitchen. He sat down before tho fire. At Intervals sobs came from tho bedroom whero tho body lay, and after listening a mo ment, Whispering Smith got stillly up, and, tiptoeing to still the Jingle of his "The Hell You Would!" Sang. Cried Du spurs, took the candle from tho table, pushed aside tho curtain, and entered the bedroom. Tho llttlo boy was lying on his face, with his arm around his father's neck, talking to him. Whispering Smith bent a moment over tho bed, and, setting the candle on tho table, put his hand on tho boy's shoulder. Ho disengaged the hand from tho coM neck, and sit ting down took It In his owu. Talking low to the little fellow, ho got his attention after much patient effort and got him to speak. He mado him, though struggling with terror, to tin derstand that ho had como to be his friend, and after the child had sobbed Ills grief Into a st rango heart be ceased to tremble, and told his namo and his story, and described tho two horse men and the horses they had left. Smith listened quietly. "Have you had any supper, Dannie? No? You must have something to eat. Can't you eat anything? Rut. thero is a nice pan of fresh milk in tho kitchen." A burst of tears interrupted him. "Daddle Just brought In the milk, and I was frying the ham, and I heard them shooting." "Seo how he took care of you till the last minute, and left something for you after he was gone. Suppose he could speak now, don't you think ho would want you to do ns I say? I am your next friend now, for you are going to bo a railroad man and have a big engine." Dannie looked up. "Dad wasn't afraid of those men." "Wasn't he, Dannio?" ' "Ho said we would bo all right and not to bo afraid." "Did he?" "He said Whispering Smith was coming." , "My poor boy." "He Is coming, don't be afraid. Do you know Whispering Smlih? Ho is coming. The men to night all said he was coming." The littlo fellow for a long time could not be coaxed away from his father, but his companion at length got hlni to tho kitchen. When they canio back to the bedroom the strange mnn was talking to hhn once more about his father. "Wo must try to think how he would like things done now, mustn't we? All of us felt so bad when wo rode in and had so much to do wo couldn't attend to taking care of your father. Did you know thero are two men out at tho crossing now, guarding It with rifles? Hut if you aud I keep real quiet we can do something for hlni while the men aro asleep; they have to ride all day to-morrow. We must wash his face and hands, don't you think so? And brush his hair and his beard. If you could Just find tho basin and some water and a towel you couldn't find a brush, could you? Could you honestly? Well! I call that a good boy wo shall have to have you on the railroad, sure. We must try to find somo fresh clothes these aro cut and stained; then I will change his clothes, and we shall all feel better. Don't disturb tho men; they aro tired." They worked together by the candle light. When they had done, the boy had a violent crying spell, but Whisper Ing Smith got him to lie down beside him on a blanket spread on tho floor, where Smith got his back against the sod wall and took tho boy's head la his arm. He waited patiently for the boy to go to sleep, but Dan wns afraid tho murderers would come back. Once be lifted his head in a confidence. "Did you know my daddy used to run an engine?" "No, I did not; but In tho morning yon must tell mo all ubout it." i Whenever thero was a nolso In the next room tlio child roused. After Borne tlmo a nevf voice was heard; Kennedy had come nnd was asking questions. "Wnko up hero, Bomcbody! Whero Im Whispering Smith ?" Dancing answered: "He's right thero In tho bedroom, Furrel, staying with tho boy." There was some stirring. Kennedy talked a llttlo and at length stretched himself on tho floor. When all was still again, Dannie'B hand crept slow ly from tho breast of hi' companion up to his chin, nnd tho llttlo hand, feel ing softly every feature sfolo over the strango face. "What is it. Dannie?" "Aro you Whispering Smith?" "Yes, Dannio. Shut your eyes." At threo o'clock, when Kennedy lighted a candle and looked In, Smith was sitting with his back against tho wall. Tho boy lay on his arm. Roth.' were fast asleep. On tho bed tho dead mnn lay with a handkerchief over bis face. CHAPTER XXVI. : Williams Cache. Ed Hanks had been recalled beforo daybreak from fho middle pass. Two of tho men wanted were now known to have crossed tho creek, whichj meant they must work out of tho coun try inrougn Williams Cacho. "If you will take your best two men, Ed," said Whispering Smith, Bitting down with Hanks at breakfast, "and strike straight for Canndian pass t help Gene and Hob Johnson, I'll under take to rldo In nnd talk fo Rebstock while Kennedy and Rob Scott watch Deep creek. Tho boy gives a good do serlpllon, and tho two men that did tho job hero aro Du Sang and Flat Nose. Did I tell you how wo picked up tho trail yesterday? Magpies. They shot a scrut) horso that gave out on them and skinned tho brand. It) hastened tho banquet, but wo got there beforo tho birds wcro all seated. Great) luck, wasn't It? And it gave us m beautiful trail. One of tho party, crossed tho Goose river at American' fork, und Rrlll Young and Reed fol lowed him. Four came through tho Mission mountains; that Is a cinch and they are In the Cache and if they gerf out it Is our fault personally, Ed, and not the Lord's." Williams Cacho lies In tho form o -a great horn, with a narrow entrance at tho lower end known as tho DoorJ and a rock fissure at the upper end leading Into Canndian pass; but thin fissure Is so narrow that a man with! a rifle could withstand a regiment. For 100 miles cast and west rlBe the gran ite walls of the Mission range, broken) nowhero savo by the formation known! ns tho Cache. Even this does not pen! erate tho range; It is a pocket, and) runs not over half-way Into It and out! ngain. Hut no man really knows the Cache; the most (hat may be said In that tho main valley is known, and lti Is known as tho roughest mountain flssnro between the Spanish sinks and) the Mantrap country. Williams Cache lies between walls 2,000 feet high, and1 within It Is a small labyrinth of can yons. A generation ago, when Medi cine Hend for ono winter was tho terminus of the overland railroad, vlgl-" lantcs mercilessly cleaned out the town, and the few outlaws that es caped the shotgun and tho noose at) Medlclno Rend found refuge in a far away und unknown mountain gorgoj once named by French trappers thd Cache. YearB arter theso outcasts had como to infest It came one desperado more ferocious than all that had gono before. He mado a frontier retreat oC tho Cache, and left to It the legacy of! his evil name, Williams. Since hl day It has served, as It Berved before,! for tho haunt of outlawed men. No honeBt man lives in Williams Cache, and few men of any sort live there long, slnco their lives are lives of vio lence; neither tho law nor a woman' crosses Deep creek. Hut from tho day; of Williams to this day the Cacho has had Its ruler, und when Whispering Smith rode with a llttlo party through tho Door Into the Cacho the morning after the murder In Mission valley ho sent an envoy to Rebstock, whoso suc cess ns a cattle thief had brought Its Inevitable penalty. It had mado Rebstock a man of consequence and of property and a man subject to tho anxieties and annoyances of such re sponsibility. . (TO BB CONTINUED.) Had Taken Notice. ' It Was While II. II. nniora. tha Standard Oil magnate, was working at' nis ursi joo, delivering the village newspaper, that his inborn rnnneitv became evident. He brought In the name of a new subscriber, Isalab' west Mr. Anthony, the publisher,1 wroto down the name. Then be turned to the boy: "How do ton nnoi Isaiah, Henry?" he asked. "Isaiah," said Henry. "You'll do." said Mr AnJ tbony, with a chuckle. He tni thi story to a skeptic neighbor. "But how! did you know how to spell It, Henry?" asked the nelshbor. "l m him writ It down," said Henry.