The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 20, 1910, Image 5

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AT Al.Vfi
Some Things Which He Dis
covered While Sojourn
ing there
Every Body Happy and the little
Town Is Growing In nice shape.
Thursday evening of last week we
visited the home town of County Com
missioner C. It. Jordun, Alvo, the
little city which is so handsomely
situated on the Hock Island, in wes
tern Cass. The shades of evening
were falling when we first arrivcd.but
wc iouna a numuer 01 uic resiuems
I 1 il '1 A-
of the larniroe community in town
loing business with the merchants.
Fuel supply, is at this time caus
ing somewhat of concern with the
citizens all over the county, and among
the rest those of Alvo and vicinity.
There was no hard coal to be had of
the dealers, and but very little of
Syrup of White Pine With Tar
It Is The Cough Syrup
Morphine and such other poisons as are
usually put into other cough syrups only ac
complish one thing they deaden the nerves,
and your cough is just as bad when you stop
taking: these "doped" cough syrups as when
you started to take them.
Ask your neighbor who has taken our
Cough Syrup and then try it yourself and
get the" results. '
Plattsmouth Phone No. 121. .
We want boys and girls who want to earn money to so
licit subscriptions to The Kansas City Weekly Star. Don't
hesitate because you are young, as you can do the work
as readily as older persons and we will pay you just the
same. The Kansas City Weekly Star is the best known
weekly newspaper in the West and your spare time spent
working for it will pay you handsomely, not in toys,
watches or other small wares, but in Cash. Write today
for terms and full information. Address
Kansas City, Mo.
,,. n , I ll,li;.i,ii,,ii;MiM,,i,,i..v'ri'r'l'''t'l't1"''t"''l"l''l"l''''l"ll'l''t It
Cold Weather
' Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort
that you will be able to find in town. These
chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter
and ytu will need the comfort that our coal
will give you. Better order early to avoid
disappointments when an extra
chilly day comes.
i; J. V. Egenberger
Ml I I I i"H"1"M"i I ! 1 1 I I I I I I I'M
The Kansas City Weekly Star
The most comprehensive farm paper All the
news Intelligently told Farm questions an
swered by a practical farmer and experimenter
Exactly what you want In market reports.
One Year 25 Cents.
Address THE.jWEEKLY STAR, Kansas City, Mo.
the bituminous, although they have
had orders for both kinds for some
time. It is expected the stringency
will be relieved in a short time and
the supplies will again be more lib
eral. We nu t our old time friend, Faul
Johnson, a friend of this paper, wlio
was glad to meet us, speaking en
couragingly of the city and its future.
While speaking with Herman St min
er, of the Stromer drain ami Lum
ber Co., lie said that when the late
severe cold weather arrived they had
all their coul bins well filled with coal,
and a ear sitting on the track, but
after thirty days, with a constant
effort to keep a supply, what they were
able to get, and what they already
had on hand had vanished and still
there were demands even more ur
gent, as the time went on, unfilled.
Speaking of the future of Alvo, Mr.
Stromer takes a cheerful view of af
fairs, and says that the town and
surrounding country is one of the
best in the state and the Union,
and that the country the best on earth,
which we second unreservedly. We
arc the greatest nation on the globe,
what others may say to the contrary
notwithstanding. The Stromer Grain
and Lumber Co., are ready to meet
any and all prices paid for grain, and
wiil sell as low as any one coal or
At the Farmers and Merchants
Hunk, we met Mr. Simon Boyles.
the courteous and gentlemanly cash
ier, who has charge of the business
of that financial institution, and who
with his brother, Mr. Hoylcs of Lin
coln also a stock holder in the bank
were holding a consultation, relative
to the banking interests of the city
and the citv itself. They look upon
the future of the city with consider
able hone that it will continue to
grow as in the past, and fulfill every
expectation of those who have cast
their lots with it.
We stayed for the evening train
with mine host Wm. Yeager, who con
ducts the Alvo hotel and who knows
well how to make that place popular
and a well paying institution.
On the following morning we visited
at the business place of Dresner &
Cashner, who conduct two stores
one at Alvo which is under the charge
of Fred Dreemer, while the other one
at University Place is conducted by
his partner, Mr. Cashner, they are both
excellent gentlemen and good busi
ness men.
Mr. Samuel Cashner, who oper
ates one of the succeessful hardware
stores at Alvo, was jolly and good
natured, and said that he enjoyed
an excellent vear. and spoke well of
the city of his choice, a fact which we
were pleased to note. Mrs. Vincent
conducts the postoffice in the same
room, and makes it a very convenient
place for the distribution of the mail
C. A. Gullion was busy at his barber
shop and doing a very nice business,
beine the onlv one in that line, and
also conducting the only restaur
ant and confectionary in the city,
which w as also doing a very nice busi
ness, both keeping him and his help
very busy.
Lynch & Stone who did a general
blacksmithing and wagon repair busi
ness were busily engaged with the
multitude of jobs which come to
their place. They were enjoying pros
perity and seemed well pleased with
their surroundings.
J. E. Sehaeffer t'je druggist of the
Alvo Drug Company, was looking
after the business of the city in his
line and was well . pleased with what
had been 'done during the past year,
and expected a very satisfactory
business for the season to come which
is just now opening.
In Bpeaking with II. S. Ough, who
for the past three years has conducted
a meat market in Alvo, and profit
able, told us he was better prepared
than ever for the coming summer sea
son, having an abundance of the best
ice for his use when the warm weather
would come.
Henry Thomas who is in the mer
cantile business, said that he had Mnic
lands in the west that he would have
to attend to in the coming summer
and that he expec'.ed to have the, busi
incss h?re looked after by so no one
else while he was away.
W, E. whq in the sum
mer soils lightning rods, and who is
a hustler for work in that line, has
established an amusement hall, and
has some of the finest pool tables
in the west having made a purchase
of two which was intended for the
Lindell Hotel in Lincoln. . "Billy"
is doing a good business, and is well
satisfied with Alvo. Mr. Newkirk
also keeps the grain and stock mar
kets posted for Herbert E. Gooch
Company of Lincoln.
Thomas Barry also conducts a bill
iard and pool hall and is doing a very
satisfactory business.
C. A. Bucknell is in charge of the
Lincoln Grain Company's elevator
and looks after the affairs of the
company in a very satisfactory manner
He also is serving on the school board
looking after the interests of all in
that capacity.
Dr. Muier, is meeting with success
as a general practicioner and is well
liked by all who employ him.
The public school, of Alvo, are well
attended and consist of three depart
ments, the primary, the intenniate,
and the moe advanced, with ten
grades, and under the care of J. It.
Wilcox, the principal, who has charge
fo the higher branches while
Miss Leona Sharp has charge of the
intermediate department. Miss Mac
Prouty has the primary department
with which she is having the best of
The jMvo telephone company, is
under the charge of Mr. Herman
Stromer, wiio looks after the welfare
of the' company. Miss Luella Stout,
is the operator, and conducts the office
in a very pleasant manner. Miss
Stout will also act as the correspondent
for this paper, and any favors sliown
her relative to the collection of news
or otherwise looking toward the in
terest of the paper will be appreciated
by the Daily News.
James P. House the heretofore
popular Populist, but who has eschewed
politics, and who for a munber of
years was one of the prominent farmers
of Elmwood precinct, is now a resident
of Alvo. We met Mr. Rouse and had
a very pleasant time with him.
R. C. Jahrig was a passenger to
Omaha on the morning train where
L was sailed inn business.'
The Men's Class.
Kev. Austin will talk to the young
men of the Methodist church this
evening at their room in the church
to which all men of the church are in
vited without respect to age, color or
previous condition. In fact nobody
will be turned away who would like to
hear some of the good things which
Rev. Austin packs around with him
all the time and lets loose of whenever
opportunity offers.
Trip Light Fantastic.
The Jolly Six Indian Dancing Club
will give another of its enjoyable
dances at the Coates hall Saturday
evening February 5th. A pleasant
time is promised all who attend. There
will be eood music, such as will
make one move "in time" without
beine conscious of any effort at all.
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar, of Alvo is in the
citv the eucst of her brother and
family, Sheriff Quinton.
State of Nebraska. Cass
In County Court
In the matter of Estate Mary A.
Tucker, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estate, before me,
County Judge of Cass county, Nebr
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 9 day of
February 1910, and on the 12 day of
August 1910 at 9 o'clock A. M., each
day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months from the 9th day of
February 1910, are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate, from
the 9th day of February, 1910.
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Nebr.
this 14 day of January, 1910.
(SEAL) Allen J. Beeson.
78-8 County Judge
Notice to Pay Up.
In the most friendly manner pos
sible I desire to notify all who are in
debted to me in any amount that I will
expect a settlement of their account
at the time of the coming pay day. It
is absolutely imperative that all bills
be paid and no further notice will
be given. If you owe me in any
sum," you will avoid additional ex
pense) and legal difficulties by calling
upon me at the time specified. If I
owe you, present your bill and you
will get your money. Again I say
that this, is positively the last notice.
70A75 t-f M- Fangcr.
Sealed Bids.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan., li, 1910.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the County Clerk, up to noon
on Mnoday February 7th, 1910, for
county printing for the year 1910, as
followi :
Printing Treasurer's report.
Har Docket, Ter Case, Other pages .
Road Notices.-
Notice to Contarctors.
Call for Kids Etc.
Printing Commissioners Proceedings
D. C. Morgan, '
County Clerk.
Do you want an
If you do. get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement
Telegraph or Write
Robert Wilkinson,
Dunbar, Nebr.
Or call at the News-Herald office and
we will save you trouble and expense
in getting dates and terms.
Good Service. Reasonable Rate
ffli H,,t ,M"M ,1 , I I tit i t, H..M-H-
John Durman
Expert Blacksmith!
Has taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacbmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
All kinds of Fine Horseshoe
ing and all kinds of Black
smithing. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Call on Him.
Notice Is hereby given fl at the arruul m
ln( of the Stockholders of the Burlington A
Missouri Hirer R R Company In Nebraska,
will be held in I'tattumoutb, Neb., at 10 A U.
Feb. it, 1910. ' '
The meeting will be held for the eleetlonof
nine Directors for the ooinpeny to serve during
the siisiirlng year, and for tbe transaction of
snoh other buuloeua as may legally coma be
'ur,lt . W. K Dirae.
w 7l Swttary.
N. E. White returned to Manilla
Iowa this afternoon having spent
Sunday with his family. He reports
his daughter slightly improved in
the District Court of
County, Nebraska.
Hnvld O. Ortiltr. 1'ialntlff,
Hells M. lli-nry, formerly Di'lla M. I'lark: Vrimk
I'lark: Wuliace It. Hark: Jennie K. t lurk.
since lnlcrmurrii'U with A. J. Aiulrrsnn; I'llff-
ton S. i 'lurk: ami all oilier persona or purlieu
unknown. claiiuiiiK any rlnlit, title, or I merest,
in tUe reul e.tut (leHerltN'd in plaintiff's yell
tlon. itml their unknown heirs lefenilent.
l'o all the uhovv mimed ilefeDilenlN, excel
Krank J. Hark, ami Jennie K. t'lnrk, now Inter
married with A. J. Anderson, defendeiitH.
You urn hereby notilied Unit theulHive named
plaintiff, did on the thirteenth iluy of Junuury,
clerk of the district court above nuined.iumlnst
you und the oilier defendeiitH ulHive nuined the
object and praver of which In to quiet the title
A. u.. miii. me nix pennon in me otm oi uio
to the K.ust one-lmir I K. I '-'l oi tne Normeiwi
arter(NK 1-4) of 'Section Twenty-six (an) ami
South one-half of the Southwest Uuurter
(Sl-K SWI-4) of Section Swenty-three. all In
Township Twelve M- norm oi ratine, nine v
In Cass County. Nebraska. In him the suld
Kmnlors, the defendenta named, who were the
u u tit ff for the reuson tiiui uiuiiiuit ana nis
sole and only heirs at law or William w. t;iara,
deceased, laie of Cass County. Nebraska, huv-
Iiik been In the open, actual, visible, continuous,
neuneful exclusive, notorious, adverse, undis
turbed, and undisputed possesion of all the
said real etutcdecrlted for more than twelve
years last past, claimtiiK title thereto, paynm
the taxes on the same as they became dun und
puvatile, and iniikitiK valuable Improvements
thereon, and for a perpetual Injunction for
bldelltm all of nuld defendents from claiming
uny rltfht. title, Interest, or estate, In or to
suld real estate and premises described, or
Intj.rnmf Inir his use i&nd inclination thereto.
Plaintiff pravs for a decree quletlnu the title
to said real estate in him, and for other relief
tlnit eonlLv inuv demand.
You are required to answer suld jietltlon on
or before the Twetity-llrst Oay of reuuury, a
Dated January 13, 1010.
David C. CralH.
77 8 l'lalntlff.
Umnlin, A6.
Notice U hereby Riven thr t . , f
. rhatu-1 mrtMwn, dated ,j Hay 3
February. ltMW. and duly fllt1 , tnu ()f
no mu j y'm t'ounty, Nebraska
the 2Mb. day of H' n.ary, ihoh, nd executed
by V h Us urm., i. jar((i !,, Wmt0 and Paul
A. yim, partn' u K- Si D Vonrhuwi.
to aecure tne 'yment of the mim of Two
Tnoiisami ri,ur Hundred and Seventy-One
. . u .i. iar !:. 1. rfu), anil upon
wini'ii uverw ii now nuu ine sum or Two
1 nousaiii Three Hundred and Ninety Dollars
(I2,:ilk).()0). default havInK been made In the
payment of ald aum, and no suit or other
prooeodltin at law having been IiisIIIiiUhI to
reeover said debt, or any part thereof:
THKHKKOKK. I will anil the property
therein desorllxsl, to-wlt: stock of hardware,
furniture, tinware, stoves, shelf kimmIh,
everything carried In itock in the store known
aa llarr IliilldinK. in the village of Green
wood, Cawt County. Nebraska.; also all Im
plements twine, fencing, store fixture in
suld building, and in basement: also all notes
and book accounts taken for sain of said
stock, at public auction at the Barr Building,
in the village of Greenwood, County of Cass,
Slate of Nebraska, on the 31st day of Jan
uary, 1U10, at 3 o'clock p. m. on said day.
73-81 E. 8. JJ. VOOKHKKH,
State of N'uJiraska,
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Mary Morgan,
deceased :
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that there will he
a hearing upon the petition of W. H. Askwith,
filed in tills court, for the appointment (f
an administrator of alsive estate, on the 22w
day of January. 1011), at 9 o'clock a. in.
That all objections, If any, must be filed on
or before suld day and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, tills 23rd
day of December, WOO.
74-V9 County Judge.
State of N'etiraska,
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of James II.
Cat hey. detvased:
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that W. II. Puis
the administrator of atxive estate, has filed
in this court his report and petition for final
settlement of said est am. That a hearing
will he had upon said petition before this
court, at I'lattsmouth, In said county, on
the 22nd day of January, 1010, at 10 o clock
a. m. That all objections to said petition, if
any, must be filed on or before said day and
hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court of said County this 28tb day of Decem
ber. 1009.
74-70 County Judgo.
State of Nebraska,
ss. In County Court.
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Peter Rauen,
Notice is hereby given thot the creditors of
said deceused will meet the administrator
of said estate, liefore me, Conn I. v Ju(U:e of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in I'lattmnouth, In suld county, on Jan
uary 2m h, 1IH0, and on July ami), lull), at
9 o clock a. in. each day, for the purpose of
Jiresenting their claims for examination, ad
UHtment and allowance.
Hix months from the 20th day of Jan
uary, 1010, are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, anil one
year for the administrator to settle said
estate, from the 2m h day of January. 1910.
Witness my hand and seal of said Count:
Court, at I'lattHinouth, Nebraska, this 2Ut!
day of December, ItHHi.
74-81 County Judgo.
Rtate of Nebraska.
as. In County Court.
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Caroline Raucn,
deceased :
Notive is hereby given that the creditors
or sain aeccasou win meet the administrator
of said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the county court
room in I'lattamoutn. in said county, on
January 2Pth. 1910. and on July 30th. 1U10, U
0 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of
presenting incir Claims ror examination,
aujusiincjii and allowance.
mix months born the 2lith day of January,
HMO. are allouud for the creditor of sulil
deceased to present their claims, and one year
nir me administrator to settle said estate.
irom me zwtn day of January, IW10.
Witness my band and seal of said Count
Court, at PlaltJiinouth, Nebraska, this 2Ul
day of December, IKutl.
74-81 County Judge.
Smoke an
And be Happy J
Want Column
WANTED-Woman to do laundry
work. Good wuges, aj ply at once at
Hotel Riley.
FARM LOANS-Negoiated at 5 1-2
percent. Windham Investment fc
Loan Co. W-76-4x
FOR SALK An 80-acre farm in Otoe
county. 40 acres adjoining Platts- 1
mouth, also small acreage tracts.
Windham Investment & I oan Co.
FOU SALE The Methodist par
age. Price reduced from $)'
$1500. Has 8 rooms, c
water, bath room, cistern
city "
Rrn, two
lots. Society wishes
the church. If you
tiuild near '
rw looking for '
70U this. H. B.
a place let us show
y D-72-4 W-76-2x
FOR sale
tage $lr
z neat five room cot
jO ciihK. balance monthly
Pftymf jits f $7.00. Rents for $8.00
Ix'r . mrmfrt Wimlhnm Investment
Loan Co.. D-72-2 W-76-lx
Poultry, Butter,
' I have worn W. L. Douglas shoe for the
past six years, and always find they are far
superior to all other high grade shoes In style,
comfort and durability." W. Q. JONE8.
119 Howard Ave.. Utlca. N. Y.
If I could take yon into my large fac
tories at Brockton, Mass., and show tow
how carefully W. L. Douglas shoe are
made, you would realize why they hokfi
their shape, fit better, wear longer, and
are of greater value than any other make.
OA l!TIOW-R that W. I- Dongls! nam and price.
IS Munpml on tha bottom. Tnlta So Niiliailtutav
If your dealer cannot fit you with W I.Douiiluihops.
write tor Mail Order Catalog. W-UDoiiylas, lkooklon.
Joseph Fetzer
At Low
Round Trip
On sale every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the Southwc t.
Hugh Norton, Agent.
Earl W. Hays the Chicago calender
man was transacting business in th