The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 17, 1910, Image 3

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    I THE I
Illustration and Directions for the
Construction of Machine to
Run at High Speed.
A simple electric engine may be
made as follows: Take an ordinary
electric bell and remove tho gong,
writes Robert A. Ueckman In Scien
tific American. The striker arm should
The Leading Lady
Six Ideas That May Be Carried Out
In Cambric or Washing Silk
Materials Required Are
Not Expensive.
Pretty camisoles have a great at
traction for the average girl, and, in
fact, they are a necessity, with the
many transparent materials that are
used for dresses and blouses.
Here we Bhow six designs that may
be carried out in cambric or washing
silk. The first Is trimmed each side
front with tuck3 and Insertion carried
to the waist, the neck Is finished with
insertion and lace, tho arm
holes, with insertion only. Be
neath this we have a design with
Bquare neck trimmed with short tucks
j. -M-1--iru-irLriJ-Lni ru-J-iriJ-u-UTriri,L
Coarse Weaves of Homespun Linen
Can Be Employed Most
This Is a most excellent time of the
year to invest In dress linen for deco
rative purposes.
Some of the coarser weaves of
homespun make most effective
room decorations if chosen In colors
suitable for household purposes.
Plain linen, for hangings, cushions,
couch and tablet-overs, often proves
the saving note In a room otherwise
too ornate For instance, If you are
burdened with an excess of design in
carpet and wallpaper, a relief may be
found In the plainest of hanging
Women with artistic souls have re
sorted to the dyeing of unbleached
muslin for this same purpose.
Racquet cloth, although too stiff
while It Is new. offers an attractively
plain surface, but the open weave of
coarse linen Is even better. Its colors,
too. are softer, and there aro more
half-tones, suitable lor decorative pur
poses In linen.
Innovation by Leaders of Fashion
That Has a Great Deal to
Recommend It.
A few smart leaders have started
the fashion of wearing their string of
pearls under the yoke and collar of
white tullo or lace In a dressy frock.
This is supposed to be In better taste
for these days than wearing such
precious jewels on the outside during
the daytime.
In the evening, of course, the fit
ness of the thing changes. This Is
the hour for Jewels, and whether or
not the frock has a collar, any neck
lace is worn on the outside.
It looks, by the way, as though a
collar on any gown worn after seven
o'clock will bo old-fashioned. Dog
collars of tullo or bands of black vel
vet may be used to cover the neck
if it is not a pretty one, but the boned
collar seems to have had its run ex
cept for the daytime.
Cornmeal, perfumed with 'orris root,
sprinkled through the hair and
bnibhed out, makes a good dry sham
poo. In the absence of a hot-water bottle
or bag a hot plate wrapped in paper
and a soft towel will retain heat until
the proper articles can be procured.
A camphorated bath Is refreshing
after n day's work and is not expen
sive, says a writer. After your regular
tub bath take a basin of cold water,
drop enough of tho mixture in tho wa
ter to make It look milky and then
sponge the body. It only takes a few
moments nnd you will feel repaid for
tho trouble.
A woman who knows all tho Ins and
outs of tho well-dressed world tells
how to scent gloves. Pour perfumery
in the palms of the hand or rub oil of
llowers on the palms and placo the
gloves on the hand for several min
utes until the odor penetrates them.
The warmth of the hand drives the oils
into tho glove and good perfume will
remain for muny months.
and pointed pieces of Insertion, the
neck finished with insertion and lace.
In the center the design is very
simple, having trimmings only on neck
nnd armholos; in the lower part of the
center la shown a camisole that is
fastened at back; the lower part is
plain to the waist, then the deep yoke
consists of alternate strips of finely
tucked lawn and Insertion. At the
upper right-hand coiner lace insertion
Is laid In loops over tucked cambric.
Beneath this we have another high
necked design with square yoke of in
sertion which fastens by tiny buttons
and loops in front, though the artist
has failed to Indicate this.
Materials required for each cam
isole: About five-eights yard 36
inches wide. For the first, two yards
Insertion, 2V4 yards lace. For the sec
ond, 2'2 yards Insertion, three yards
lace. For the third, Hi yards inser
tion, three yards lace. For the fourth,
three-fourths yard 36 inches wide,
three yards insertion, Hi yards lace.
For the fifth, Hi yards lace Insertion,
Hi yards beading, yards lace. For
the sixth, three-fourth yard 36 inches
wide, insertion according to width, l?i
yards lace.
Overcast Together,
When heavy Russian crash, such
as is now used for portieres, is too nar
row in width, don't be dissuaded from
the use of this beautiful colorless ma
terial, but Just overcast its width to
gether after the manner of the Hag
dad portiere. You will find no hang
ings more effective for Btudio and li
brary use than those of soft-toned
crash, and the heavy linen overcasting
down each seam will' render them
even more attractive. To do the over
casting use the coarsest of carpet
thread or a flax that Is sold In skeins.
Street Gown of Black and White Ma
terials Will Be Popular
This Season.
This afternoon street gown Is made
In black and white. The draped tunic
Is cut In coat effect, and fastens in the
back and is slashed, half way up the
front; It reaches to the knees in front
and is raised about six Inches in the
back, thus making a decided dip,
which is always a graceful effect. Ths
sleeves are shirred around nnd tight;
the skirt is long, made in box plaita
about five inches broad. There aro
six black silk velvet bows about threo
Inches wide, two In front nnd four In
the back. A touch of black Is charac
teristic of French gowns. Tho yoko
and broad cuffs are made of very
heavy Irish lace and lined with chif
fon. Tho hat Is of black velvet rolled
high on the left side nnd with a de
cided dip. The trimming Is of black
and white aigrettes. Vogue.
Collapsible Tub.
The thing most desired by young
mothers these days Is a bathtub for
tho baby made of sheet rubber that
Is attached to a campstool foundation.
It can be folded up and put out of tho
way when not In use, nnd It telescopes
Into a small bundle when one wants
to travel.
New Lace Moire.
Moire Is to be the fashion of the
winter. Tho milliners have brought
out a Ince moiro which is charming.
It Is transparent as net nnd is laid
over an Intenso color for either brim
or crown.
For the 3choolglrl.
There is nothing that takes away
the schoolgirl's daintiness so quickly
as soiled cuffs. A good Idea is to make
the shirtwaist of some pretty striped
percale, making tho stock and cuffs
of linen tho samo color as the stripe.
vt upri,(lit, l.j
There was much surprise and no
little consternation In the ranks of the
Sterling stock company, when It was
announced that the star of the cast,
Miss llalliilay, had bre-u taken sud
denly ill and that the part of "Iris"
would be given over to the mercies
of a substitute that night, (ierald
.Morrison, who sustained the principal
male character of the play, was par
ticularly worried over the unfortunate
occurrence. He looked about him In
quisitively as he stepped upon the
dimly lighted stage. The new leading
lady was not visible and the only
strange face he observed was that of
a pretty young girl, who had appar
ently been brought by some friend In
the company for a peep behind tho
"Ready for the first act!" cried tho
stage manager, and Herald was sur
prised to see, when the stage was
cleared that the strange young girl
remained. He was about to go for
ward and warn her that the rehearsal
was to begin and that the leading lady
would want, the stage to herself, when
he was amazed to hear her repeat In
rather nervous tones, the opening
lines assigned to "Iris." The act pro
ceeded and the girl became more
nervous as pach new character ap
peared, until when Gerald approached
her, she greeted him with trembling
voice and tearful eyes, instead of the
gay flippancy assigned to the part. This
annoyed him and he spoke his linos
In a rough, careless way that made
her almost forget hers. She glanced
at him appeallngly and whispered:
"Please forgive me; I'll do better to
night." Gerald left the theater in
anything but a pleasant mood. He
looked forward to all sorts of unpleas
ant happenings during the evening
She Hastened Forward, Breathlessly.
performance and when the time came
for his appearance before the foot
lights he had worked himself into a
state of nervousness almost rivaling
that of the debutante.
Iris made up very well, he thought,
as he came forward on the stage, but
it remained to be seen how she would
act. He advanced repeating his lines
in a Jerky, irresolute fashion and mix
ing the sentences so that the cue was
lost. Much to his surprise and relief,
however, Iris saved him from the con
sequences of his lapse of memory by
an extempore word or two that
brought the play back Into its proper
On the following morning tho news
papers spoke in highest praise of the
opening performance of the Sterling
stock company in "The World and a
Woman." To Gerald Morrison was
given the greatest credit for the suc
cess of the play, although men; Ion
was made of the clever work of Miss
Margaret Deane, who, owing to the
sudden illness of Miss Halliday, took
the leading lady's part of Iris, and ren
dered an admirable performance, con
sidering her extreme youth nnd the
fact that she had appeared on such
lihort notice. Ilefore Gerald left tho
city for. a tour in the south he signed
a contract with the Sterling stock
Company for the next season. When
the members of the company asse m
bled to be cast for the play which was
to be produced at the opening of the
season, the tiew manager turned to
"I want you to meet Miss Denne,
who will play opposite to you, Mr.
Morrison," he said.
"The Introduction Is scarcely neces
sary," responded that young lady, in n
freezing tone of voice. "I have had
the honor of meeting Mr. Morrison be
fore." "Our acquaintance was rather
f hort." remarked Gerald. "I am happy
In being able to resume It so soon."
Miss Dcane merely bowed and was
silent. They met constantly at re
hearsals nnd Gerald wa3 surprised and
annoyed at tho hauteur and disdain
with which he was treated by tho girl
whom a few short months ngo ho had
looked upon as little more than a
child. There were moments when he
thought he could detect a little more
cordiality In her tone or glance, but
any encouragement thus derived was
quickly overbalanced by her coldness,
If he presumed on It. Ho overtook
her one morning as they left the thea
ter. "Our ways seem to Ho In the same
direction; may I accompany you?" he
asked, somewhat timidly.
w. li. iunuaa.j
"No, thank you," she answered, In
differently. Despite his repulse, Gerald, who by
this time wus willing to admit to
himself that he was really In love
with her, continued to seek Margaret's
society, one morning on his way
to rehearsal he noticed lu a florist's
window a pretty bunch of Margue
rites. Acting on the impulse of the
moment, he purchased them, nnd on
arriving at the theater sent them to
Miss Ueane's dressing room. When
she stepped on the stage she carried
the box containing the llowers In her
"Some foolish person sent me these,"
she remarked to the company who
stood around her. "I am not particu
larly fond of Marguerites, as they re
mind mo too much of my own name,
which I have the misfortune to dls
like. Won t you all help yourselves!
I might not be bo generous if they
were roses."
As the ladies present availed them
selves of the Invitation and pinned
clusters of the pretty blossoms on
their gowns, Gerald received a defiant
little glance from Margaret that con
vinced hi ni that she had discovered
the donor, nnd that her dislike foi
Marguerites was of recent and sudden
growth. The dress rehearsal which
took place on the night preceding the
presentation of the piece in public was
a long one, and it was nearly ona
o'clock when the weary performer!
emerged from the stage door. Mar
garet Deane felt decidedly nervous ae
she walked along the lonely crosg
Btreets, which were practically desert
ed. Every footfall in tho distance
made her start, and when she fancied
she heurd a cautious step behind her,
as of some one following in her track,
her heart beat painfully. She glanced
hastily back and caught sight of the
tall form of a man who was evidently
watching her.
She hastened forward breathlessly,
conscious all tho time that her pur
suer was also hurrying on. At last
the thought of calling a policeman
entered her mind, but there was nons
in sight. A light In the window or a
house close at hand caught her eye,
and she decided to appeal to the In
mates for aid. Mounting the steps, sh
was horrified to hear the rapid ap
proach of her pursuer's feet close be
hind her. Desperately she reached foi
the bell, and was about to pull It, when
a familiar voice said:
"Do you wish to see anybody litre!
I have a latch key handy."
"Gerald! Mr. Morrison," almost
screamed Margaret, in surprise and
immense relief. "Is it really you? 1
thought it was some awful highway
man following m. oh. I am sc
"So am I," said Gerald, earnestly,
"glad because the barriers are broken
down between us, even If you wer
a little bit frightened. You foolish
child, did you Imagine that I would al
low you to wander through the street!
alone at this time of night And, ol
course, Fate ordained that you should
run up here, where I live. Now I am
going to see you home."
Margaret slipped her little hand con
fldlngly through his arm, and they
started off together. "I was horrid
to you, Gerald," she snld, falteringly,
"but I never will be again."
During the following week the an
nouncement was made in theatrical
circles of the engagement of Margaret
Deane, leading lady of the Sterling
Stock Company, to Gerald Morrison.
"Queer," commented the stage man
ager, "I thought she hated that chap,
but you never can tell. I suppose she
was in love with him all the time."
Old Custom Abolished. ,
The Ilritlsh army council has decld
ed to abolish the old custom of "crying
down credit.'' Under the king's regu
lations, commanding officers, on arriv
ing at a new station, are required U
uibke proclamation warning tradespeo
pie and others that a soldier's pa)
cannot be stopped for a private debt,
and that those who allow soldiers te
contract debts do so at their own risk
The custom la the old days often
gave, rise to a picturesque ceremony
the commanding officer, accompanied
by a detachment of his regiment and
the drums, reading the proclamation
In the market place. The last occa
sion on which the ceremony was per
formed was a year or two ago. The
old proclamation is now to be ro
placed by newspaper advertisements
Trial of Radiotelegraphy.
A powerful radiotelegraphy plant
has been contracted for by tho navj
department. This plant will be at
Washington, D. C, and will be guar
anteed to transmit messages 3,00(
miles across seas. The aerial trans
mission system will be supported by i
600-foot steel tower. The plant li
guaranteed to be operative under al'
atmospheric conditions and to b
proof against all interference from al!
present radlotclegraphlc apparatus Ir
use anywhere. It is reported that th
navy operators unsuccessfully tried
for four duys to Interfere with the
operation of a preliminary arrange
nient of the type of apparatus to bi
used. The cost of the plant is stated
as $182,600.
Australia Needs Settlers.
Australia has more utieoiployul
area In proportion to the populatloi
thuu oar other couutry.
New Electrical Device for Utility and
Decoration Without Wires for
Dining Room Uce.
Every womun has realized for sonio
time past that the use of the candle as
a table uecoration was attended by
danger and other shortcomings and a
substitute has been eagerly sought.
The sol'itlon of tho problem has not
been found In electricity, fur tho rea
son that lnmps of this character
lacked tho feature of portability and
their use also requlivd the presence
of wires piercing the cloths and tables.
A New York man has recently de
signed a piece of tablo decoration
which takes tho place of the candles
on the dining room table in the homo
as well as the hotel and cafe.
The device is a pretty design em
bracing a silver receptacle capable of
holding a single-storage cell. The bat
tery Btores sufficient energy to keep
Displaces the Candelabra.
the lamps aglow for 14 hours, and the
illumination emanates from threo
tungsten lamps supplied with switch
for controlling them. Fitting neatly
over the stand Is a shallow glass dish
containing cut flowers and water. Tho
former are suppo-nd by a cast glass
disk with numerous holes into which
the flower stems, etc., project The
lamp thus serves as a flower vase as
well, and the effect of the light pass
ing through the glnss and water and
playing around tho (lowers and leaves
Is very pretty Indeed.
Thomas A. Edison Asserts That Large
Cities Will Be as Free from
Smoke as Field.
(By Thomas A. Edison.)
Large cities will be as free from
smooke and steam as the fresh, green
fields. Electricity will bo generated
direct from fuel without the aid of
steam or gas engine, boiler or dyna
mo. Vibration will cease In manu
facturing plants. Each machlno will
have Its Individual motor.
Electricity will run the world. The
entire system of railroading in all
countries will be on an electrical
basis. Houses will be heated by elec
tricity, and for less than half the cost
of the present heating systems. And
most of the city's distressing noise
will cease. 1
Perhaps the people will have be
come bo accustomed to aerial naviga
tion that they will consider them
selves "very close to the ground"
when they are 300 feet up in the
sir, walking about on the building
tops with the same freedom and lack
of fear that the averago pedestrian
does now on terra flrma.
The greater number of buildings
will be of concrete and steel; that is
the coming material for construction
in all cities; re-enforced concreto for
the shell and foundations, steel for
tho frame and bars. Concrete Is tho
all-Important factor In tho futuro for
cen8tructlou In connection with steel
It lasts for ages.
My new battery will be an Impor
tant factor In tho future. It will be
the means of accumulating electricity
for portable uses tho vehicle, the
small car, the airship, with Its skel
eton motor, with Its high speed. Elec
tricity will also havo its hand in set
tling future wars. WarshlpB will
porhans be a thing of tho past. A
horso will be as much of a curiosity
as an old Broadway stage.
Largest Induction Motor.
The largest Induction motor in the
world was started recently at Gary,
Ind., where It Is Installed In a largo
rolling mill. Tho motor' Is rated to
develop 6,000 horse power. It la of
the three-phase 23-ryclo type, and two
2,000-kllowntt turbines generate the
current necessary to operate It. The
motor receives the current at 6,600
volts. Hy using a step by-step con
troller starting at 1,3.10 volts, tho mo
tor was successfully started In tho
proper direction, coming to full speed
in 45 seconds.
Electricity for High Speed.
In a recent lecture before tho Roy
al Institute. I.ondiw, Prof. V. E. Dal
by showed that for long distance
traction at speeds under C5 miles per
hour steam Is much more economical
than electric drive. Electricity pos
sesses an ndvantago for high speed
travel becauso tho power Is limited
only by the number of axles to which
motors may be applied.
Jr. ; L
Simple Electrlo Engine.
bo cut off about three-fourths of an
Inch from the armature, leaving the
butt, G. A strip of brass one-sixteenth
f an inch thick and one-fourth
on an Inch wide of sultablo length Is
bored at both ends, one end to fit
tho butt, G, nnd tho other end to fit
the crank, J, of the shaft, C. The
Rhnft Is made of ono-elghth Inch diam
eter brass or steel. Care should be
taken to make tho stroko of the crane,
J, tho same an thnt of tho arma
ture. Tho balance wheel, A, is fastened
to the shaft. C. Any wheel of suit
able size and weight can bo used. In
tho model made by tho writer a valve
wheel two Inches In diameter was
The bearings, n, can be made of
strip brass in the model screw eyes
were used. K, K aro wire rings
soldered to tho shaft, C, to keep It
In placo. H is a wire rlmi soldered
to tho crank to keep tho strip, F, In,
When the screw, E, Ir properly ad-
Justed and tho terminals, L, are con
nected to u battery the engine will
run at a high rate of speed.
Contrlvancs to Overcome Feeling of
Paralysis In Arm After a
Long Conversation.
Who has not left the telephone after
a long conversation with his or her
left arm feeling as if It was paralyzed?
To eliminate this' discomfort a New
York man has Invented a new kind of
telephone stand on which the receiv
er may be adjusted to any position
and remain stationary. Two clamps
are fastened to the telephone proper
nnd these clamps hold a vertical rod.
At the top of this vertical rod an arm
Is pivoted in such a fashion that It can
be moved to any nngle. The vertical
rod, by the way, turns In Its socket.
At tho freo end of the topmost arm
the receiver is fastened by a spring
Convenient for Long Talks.
clamp, which permits of Its being
turned about to fit tho ear. After the
device has been adjusted to the de
sired position the caller may take a
seat In a comfortable chair and talk
to his heart's content
Simple and Economical In Operation,
Requiring Fewer Operators
Than Steam Machine.
Tho latest machine in which elec
tricity has been substituted for steam
power Is the steam shovel, which
from Its cumbrous parts, rough us
age, and irregular loads did not seem
a likely appliance to bo electrically
driven. Two 110-ton machines are
used In llmestotio quarrying by the
Dolose & Shepard Company of Chi
cago, In which tho hoisting and the
digging movement are controlled by
separate motors of 200 and 80 horse
power respectively. Each motor Is
separately controlled by an auto
matic magnetic switch controller, se
curing the greatest nicety of opera
tion nnd protecting the motor from
overload duo to rock encountered
while digging. A feed cable Is car
ried on a reel In tho cab connecting
at a convenient point with fixed con
ductor, and tho shovel moves under
Its own power, says Scientific Amer
ican. It has been found very aim
plo and economical In operation, re
quiring fewer operators than a steam
shovel and eliminating the carrying
ot coal and water.
Niagara to Be Illuminated.
Visitors to Niagara Falls last Bum
mer, who were enthusiastic In their
admiration of the electrical illumina
tion, will be glad to learn that prom
inent citizens of Niagara aro endeav
oring to ralso a fund to pay for the
permanent Illumination of tho falls
during summer seasons.