NewsHeralb r-t fat" Hist Sit $ r A TWICE A WEEK ?'?i?f,iib!i''lVr'i0VA B, n kk-i f ConsolidaU-d Jan. 1. 1895 V KHALIJ. Established April 16. 18C4 1 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, MONDAY .JANUAKY 1 . 1'JOiJ 4 VOL. XLVI NO. 78 DIAMOND DIDDINGS Things that are Transpiring Before the Base Ball Season Opens. WESTERN AVERAGES SHOW QUEER CONDITION Indication that Some Players Must Have Played Through the Winter. John F. Pyrne, secretary of the Dcs Moines base ball club has resigned to po into business. It is not stated what kind of business he will enc in, but if it is something that will take him outside of base ball the name and the Western League will hae sustained a great loss. Mr. Hryne was the sort of man who makes base ball better because he is connected with it and we hope- that whereever he may be or whatever business he may engage in that the game will not have lost at least the benefit' of his presence und experience. "Hill" Dwyer will be with Des Moines nghin next year. This news will be hailed with delight by the fans all over the circuit. Dwyer was one of the most popular players and man agers in the Western last year, and while mcst of us would have been pleased to have seen him make good with Chicago, und feel that if given a ehance he would have done so, it will 1k considerable satisfaction to know know that if be is sent back that he will be seen at the initial sack for Dcs Moines. Phil and Jack Niehoff are two of the Dis Moims bunch who will be sent back for further develop ment. The f.tct that Pittsburg has decided to return Hi!!;- Fox to Omaha will probably be a joy to fans in the Wistorn h;.:;ue, but one is led to wonder what the management of the Pittsburgei.s can be thinking of. Fox is a wonder mound li.e second position and it is doubtful if there is a man w ho cun discount there. Take the responsibility of manageniint off of the shoulders of Hilly Fox so that he is free to get into the game without being hampered with the thought that he has pot to be responsible for the work of the other eight men and there wouldn't lie a man in the big league who cou.d approach him when it (onus down to to playing the second sack. However j there will He no ngrcis nom uns m partmeiit, except that of disappoint nient because his worth is not apprec iated by the big fellows, to see him lack with us. And now as to that Western League ollicial average just sent out by the presi lent of our much suffering league It has taken nearly as long to pre pare the avenges as it did for the players to make them and even the player at the bottom with a batting average of 013 put up a better game with his stick than did the president with his typewriter. There is no doubt but that piece of literature should be embalmed and placed in the halls of fame as the most wonderful production of modern or prehistoric times. Never in the history of the game have players before been known to increase their average so rapidly after the oeason closed as they did Prices Our January Clearance Sale of all left over winter merchandise is a money saver for you. Suits $7, $9, $12, $15. Overcoats, $o, $7, .$9, $11. Odd pants, 81.39, 81.99, $2.49. Wool sox, 19e. Work shirts, 39c. Dress shirts, G9c. Reversible 4-in-hands, 19c. Boys' knee pant suits, $1.39. Odd knee pants, 29c. Come quick if you want these bargains. SEND IN YOUR FAVORITE SLOGAN. Don't Walt till the Last Minute, But Get Busy Right Away. Probably nothing for a long time has caused so much comment in the city as the offer of the Commercial Club to give ten dollars in real money to the person who shall send in the oest one to be use! "n advertising the city. A couple of the members of the commercial club w i o hold high and responsible positions in the club, were seen this morning hustening to ward high school lull. Each one carried in his pocket a small package of salt. The rumor was that a fine slogan with beautiful plumage had been seen roosting in a tree on the hill and the aforesaiil members proposed to catch it nlive if possible. It is this same commend able spirit on the part of each one which will bring the desired results. In sending in your slogan, please send them sealed in a letter. The secretary will number the letters and and arrange them for the committee who will be chosen to make the award. ,un,l telegrams from indivuals and news--rr..- paper editors in Nebraska pledging him the past year in the Western league, their support, One of the editors says It is wonderful. Harry Until kA Omaha closed the season with a batt ing average of about.27") or thera bouts, but since that time, during the past three months he has increased u to .372 and leads the league. Wonderful. Augustus lioiino, the macaroni artist who wielded the big club for the season of 11(08 for Lincoln to the tune of less than a hundred and who quit the league last year with an average which was probably much less has been able since he quit the game to increase his batting to .'2f7. He may have done the greated part of his hitt ing in the Maeroni League, but by rights his average there ought not to have been transferred to the Western because the Western is a much faster league. It was a open secret, hilar iously proclaimed by all and even acknowledged . bv Duekey Holmes (that the Lincoln aggregation was the fastest fielding bunch in the whole league, in fact the unofficial averages showed that was the proper idea all throng!) the season, yet out conns those histerical averages with the Link wallowing around down at th' bottom with the Pueblo tail enders. Shoveling snowballs in the winter should not be allowed to compete with batting base balls in .summer. Christian Scientists Elect Oncers At the annual meeting heid Thurs day evening at the church tt the corner of South Sixth and Granit, the membership of the ( i.ristain Science church seleitcd its readers fur the coming year. J. C. Peterson was cnosen i iim rcatici, m.u .h. Vcnncr as Second reader. At i!ie board mee ting held at the reading loom No 201 Coatts block, l'ridi-y evening the following officers wiv elected: Mrs. Fdna Fa ton, trca-:rcr, Miss Matilda Sonniehscn. crk. The above mumbcrs of the r urn in the Coates block will be the reading room which will be open every day, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 P. M. where Science literature can be read or purchased as desired. George Vallery Here. George Vallery, General Manager of the Colorado Midland, alighted from 15 this morning, ami will be the guest of relatives here over Sunday . Mr. Vallery is just "returning from Chicago where he had been on im portant business for his road. Smashed Into Smitherenes THE HOME OF SATISFACTION SENATOR ELMER J. BURKETT GETS LETTERS FROM HOME Finds That He Has Plenty of Friends in Nedrsaska Who Approve His Course. SUPPORTERS OF ALDRICH SAY BURKETT IS AN INSURGENT Fought the Aldrich-Cannon Crowd When the Tariff Bill Was Up For Passage. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 As a result of the alleged "pro gressive republican" meeting held at Lincoln the first of the week, Senator Hurkett is being swamped with letters tlx fight is simply because"otherPeop!e want the job." Another says, "We understand who the bunch is lit Lincoln that is fighting you." And one man writes: "1 was trapped into that meeting, and am for you rather than against you." ; "One of the writers says: "You have been too long before the public and we have watched your career too closely to be swept off our feet by this trumped up charge that you are not progressive The telegraphic dispatches that have appeared here in local papers have aroused a good deal of interest and are attracting a good deal of interest and attracting a good deal of attention on account of the fight that is being made against Senator Hurkett. Here in Wash ington Hurkett is looked upon as a "pro gressive" and an insurgent. As one of the old line senators said today: lie is one of the most pernicious and persist ent insurgents that we have, for he was always fighting us all the way through. Another senator who has not been pleased with Hurkett 's actions said : "If all Hurkett needed out there was a cer tificate that he had been an 'insurgent' in thes.'iiate during the consideration of the taK.T I'll, he would have no trouble getting it from those who were here with him." A pcrsual of the Congressional re- piim snows ii ai uic .-in. m n.m.i probably more often a thorn in the was In Justice Court The fore:' le errv and detainer case pending ,cf(,ie jui.f.e Archer wherein George S. Lesley is plaint ill and A. 1 Panics is defendant wherein the plaintiff seeks to obtain possession of the Weteneamp property on lower Main street, was taken up yesterday afternoon and continued tor one week. The defendant made several dilaiory motions, such as asking that plaintiff give security for costs, which was complied with. Then the petition was attacked because the plaintiff had sued by the initials of his given name, this was amended, then plain tiff raised the question of description of the property, and objected to the complaint because the council chamber was not excepted from the description It was growing so late when the matters were all thrashed over that the court concluded he would take a little time to look up the last question, and the parties' agreed to continue the cause until the 21st inst. flesh of Aldrich crowd than any other senator on the floor. He it was who led the attack on the committee organization at the opening of the special session and scored a victory by getting the biggest shakeup in comm ittee assignments that has ever been brought about for many years and get ting an entirely new distribution of committees throughout several states of the country. Almost at the beginning of the session Hurkett entered into a spirited controversy with Aldrich as to the lack of investigation that the coniniitte had given his bill and taunted the chairman of the finance committee with the fact that the committee hail brought in no real information, that they had jumbled the bill together without suitable hearings to disclose facts enough upon which to base honest judgment. Again in open session Senator Hurkett openly accused Aldrich on the floor of the senate of juggling with figures in the Philippines tobacco schedule in order to humiliate La Follette. So it was throughout tin session. Hurkett was probably on the firing line as often as any other man in the senate, fighting for what he he believed to be an honest interpreta tion of the last republican national platform. The effort of the I incoln meeting to get somebody to go out to Nebraska and make a speech against Hurkett has fallen flat, Pinchot refused to go, as has also La Follette. Hristow said he had not had an invitation and would not go in any event. And it is known that Cummins refused j such an invitation earlier in the season. Mayor ol Craig Hollow Builds. The matter of enterprise in the pleasant vale of Craig Hollow, is not a dead issue, bv any means. Fred Gardener, the efficient, and genial Mayor of that prosperous bailiwick, has now under construction an edifice which is a type of what marked the onward march of civil ization, as it took its course westward, over the continent of the American. From nature, went Mr. (lardener with an axe, and after the trees were fell, hewed them, then with the squared timbers had built an addition to his residence, some miles north west of this city in what is familiarly known in that neighborhood, as Craig HoIlow.The work done on the place is a piece of artistic mechanism, and shows very skillful manipulation of the frontiersman's friend the hand axe in their construction. Mr Gardner is to be congratulated upon the fact that he is able in this day and age of high prices to con trovert, the tendency to enormous expenditure for residence purpose, and get buck near to nature, and make an abode for himself, independent of the trusts, uid large corporations. To Quiet Title. . J Pap rs in a new ease wi re filed today ' in the olliec of the clerk of court, en-j tilled Hank of Cass County vs. George , Sheldon and the unknown heirs and devisees of l!lias Poeock, deceased, to quiet title and remove clouds upon! lauds situated follows; The north-, east quarter of section seventeen, 1 township ( leven, north, range thirteen cast of principal meridian of Cass' 'ciHiniy. This action is not only to quiet title but id.M to exclude all heirs and devi-'ec' from having or claiming interest in the lauds. Merle McDonald lift last Sunday ; for ( miaha w here he is taking a course I in Pharmacy at the Creightou Uni I ersit v. THE GREAT QUESTION SETTLED FOR SURE Bright Idea ol Young Man Has Solved Question : "What Is i: Slogan." The other evening a certain young man in this city went to see his best girl ami was met at the door und ush ered into the parlor hi an unusually rapid manner, lie was somewhat at a loss to know why all the hurry, but after his coat had been deposited upon the center table and his hat on the piano and he had been deposited in n luxuriant rocker, the young lady pronounced to him the following ques tion: "Say kid, what is a slow gun?" "A slow gun," answered the young man, "what arc you giving mc?" "This is no joke," replied the fair one, "for I saw it in the Daily News." The Commercial club is offering ten dollars to any one who will get them a slow gun to use this year." The young man smiled and a twin kle came into his eyes as lie replied: "Oh, I know what you are getting at, Kiddo. A slow gun is a gun which does not go off for some time after you have pulled the trigger. You see the Commercial club exacts that Plattsmouth is going to grow a big lot in the next year, and that on account of this meeting which they ant going to have pretty soon there will be so many people want to come here and put in factories that it will be necessary to kill them off, and as they don't want to get caught at it they can set the slow gun, pull the trigger and get out of the way before the thing goes off, and the next morn ing when tho'sc fellows that wc don't want here are found dead there won't nobody know who killed them. "Oh, I see," replied the girl. "I wish I had one to give the Commer cial club." "They are getting a whole lot of them in now, kiddo," said the young man, "but maybe you better send one too." Happy that the problem had been explained to her she sat down over on tha other side of the room, and turn ing up the light brighter, proceeded to wonder what made that young man so fast on some things ami so slow on others. Mrs. Fred Heinrich, of Havelock arrived today to be the guest of her parents Frank Janda and wife for a few days. ! ANecessary"QeanDp" You can easily understand that in a business like ours it's quite impossible to tell before hand exactly how many suits and overcoats we shall sell; if we could do it we would buy more than enough; a cloth ing store without any clothes in it would be a funny store. We must have a surplus, and at this tirne of the year we must try to dispose of thi unsold surplus by quoting special low prices on it. It's a bad policy in such a business as this to carry winter goods over till n :xt fall; we don't do it. All suits and overcoats up to 815 sale price Hart SchalTner & Marx suits and overcoats up to 821 sale price. Hart SchafTner & M irx suits and ji o overcoats up to 830 sale price P0 This Sale Closes Next Saturday Night. The Home of Hart SchalTner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thierolf Ditte (rirhf Clothiers. PLATTSMOUTH MAN KILLED George Straley, meets Death While Switching Cars in Omaha. WAS BADLY CRUSHED AND DIES SUDDENLY. Was a Former Citizen ol this City and Has Many Friends and Relatives George Straley, for years an em ployee of the HurlingtMi at this place a brother-in-law of Hni and George Hrooks, of this city was almost in stantly killed last night about 8:05 in the Union Pacific Yards at Omaha. The unfortunate man, at the time was engaged in "spotting" a heavy car of coal for the Omaha Paper Hox Co., and was walking between the car and the company's building as the car was being hacked in,, when the car left the track and caught Mr. Straley between the car and the brick wall of the building, crushing him to death. He was heard to utter but one cry for help, and so tightly was he wedged between the car and the building, that it was some time before the body could be removed, and then only after two large engines had been coupled on to the car. The deceased had resided in Omaha a number of years and leaves a wife and family of child ren. Hen and George Hrooks, brothers-in-laws of the deceased went to Omaha on the after noon train. Purchased A Valuable Horse. Frank Cook of Alvo, who has been a guest at the home of his Uncle C. K. Cook, departed for his home, the other day and took with him a very valuable horse purchased from Henry Hirzer and which taken to his farm near Alvo where he will be kept as it is the intention of Mr. Cook to improve the stock of horses which he owns, although he has some-very fine driving and work teams at the present time. W. K. Kosencrans, the realestate dealer returned from the west end of the county this morning.where he went to close up a deal. $10 .$14