The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 10, 1910, Image 1

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    T3 vr
hhRALD. l'.tabliiihl April 1. 1X64 ( Connotated Jan. 1. 1896
Double Matrimonial Event in Which Four of Wabash's
Young People Principals..
Mr. Ray Ncrris and Miss Viola Hinds and Mr. Will
Copple and Miss Grace Hinds the Parties.
The marriage of Miss Viola Hinds
lo Mr. Hay Norris and Mi.s Grace
Hinds to Mr. Will topple was -e!e-brateel
amidst the most tieautilnf sur
roundings. The ceremony took
place at the home of the brides par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'. Hinds of
AYabash in the presence of about 1(10
fri'-tiels and relatives many of whom
were from a distance. Preceding the
ceremony which took place at N o
clock P. M. Miss Florence Comer
very sweetly sang the beautiful and
appropriate .song,"Oh! Promise Me,"
which was followed by the wedding
march from Mcndclssnn played
by Miss Daisy Langhorst who
presided over the piano during the
As the beautiful strains of the
wedding march filled the rooms
with their pleasent, melody the
bridal parthy entered the parlor
preceded by ten young ladies bearing
ribbons an thecho.-'en colors blue anil
white forming an aisle through which
the bridal party ente"-ed. First came
Ifcv. AneliTss, pastor of the Cong
irregatiomd Church at Wcep!';g Water
followed by little Gladys Sellers
carrying the wedding rings concealed
iir a rose bud. next came Miss (irace
on the arm of Mr. Will Ce pple and
i nd Miss Viola on the arm of Mr.
Kay Xoni.s 10 a beautiful arch at
the cast end of the dining room where
lhey toolc tin ir places beneath a large
white bdl where the vows were
ypeken which united these young
people, the impressive ling si rvicc
beieg used.
Aftir ihe' congratulations, refresh
ments were' .-eiveii by Miss iiula
Cannaehiy and Mi.-s Maggie Johnson,
with Mi.-s Horctiee Yili p. (siding
over the Punch Hen I Mrs George
C:i!'eit r.cti'd as La ly ef Hoimr.
The ribbon stringers were Mi s Nellie
Xorri. sister of l!ay Xorri, Mr.-.
W: Ragan cousin e.f the brides,
lv;i Moinrcy ciui.sin of i!ay Xorris,
1-Miift be Tier, Florence Todd, Maggie
.lolinson, Henrietta Hutier, Hula
Cannaday, Nora Lorcnson, and ('race'
Lav.tnii. The brides were1 gowned
in white satin with spark
ling net yokes triinimel with tacks
and .!.! oiubroieh-re d bands tiini
ming an.! (.-.rie'd shower I m u pu t s
of brides roses, buds and fern leaves
Mike Lulz, 221 UMfe.
On account eif a misuixli-rstaiiding i
f iu .. i ..... I
the telephone vS Mike- Ltit.nmd over
seer was not put in in time to appear
in the last dirccteiry, and therefore
all parties whei desire to call him will
know he has Plattamoutli phono.
White '22. Mr. Lutz is overseer for
the district south of the1 citv.
NO FireWOrks No Hot Air Just business. Our Jan
uary Clearance sale is a business proposition pure and simple. We take
a loss and you get the benefit. We havo made a reasonable profit on
these lines before the assortment was broke:!. Now the remnants go at
a sacrifice of price and profit. A good time for you to buy. A good
time for us to sell. Suits and overcoats as low' as $5, $S, $10, $15.
Flannel shirts u; low cs 95c. Wool sox as low as 10c. Corduroy coats
as low as $2. Men's wool pants as low as 81.3!). Don't ask us to
charge them at these prices.
.15 W LiB-sta
while the grooms wore the convent
ional black. The little ring bearer
wore a dainty dress ef blue silk
trimmed with white' baby Irish lace.
The- ribbon stringers also wore dresses
of blue and white te corrosponel with
the eeileir scheme ef the decorations.
The" parlor, sittinir-room mm :!;.:,.,
room were beautifully decora lid with
blue' anel white streamers which were-fe-stooiie-el
from the1 sides eif u,e
room termimating in the e-cnUr j.u.i
which large white be lls were suspeneled
The arch under which the bridal
party stood was a lattice work eif
blue' ll'nd white with a large white
wedding bell twined around with
with smilax and a white
clapper suspended from the center
the back-gmund being draped with
lace curtains caught up with fern
leaves :ind banked with green foliage.
In the center of the' elining reieim was
a small table with streamers eif blue
from the corners to the ceiling on
which was arrange el the favors in the
form eif a pyramid whieh consisted
eif (he brides cake cut in squared
wrapped and tied in the colors.
In erne corner was a very pretty
1 tli of lattiee wenk in blue anil
white containing the Punch Fowl
from which pune h was served through
out the' evening. The gift n.oms were
on the second floor anel were prcsitleel
over by Miss Nellie Xorris anel Miss
(irace Lake. The gifts were many
and beautiful. At a late hour
the happy couples u ." fur their
respective homes amid a shower of
rice and congratulations.
Mr. anel Mis. Copple will I e at
hem e- te the ir fiiends after F. ; b.Ist.
Alvo. Ncbr., .!r. and Mrs. Xorris
will lie at home to their friend - after
Fe b. 1st. Aveiea, Ncbr.
On Thursday evening Fee. 30th.
I00'.. Mr. anel Mrs. K. li. Xorris
held a reception at their '.autiful
couniry home near Avoea iii honor
e.f tle-ir sou Hay ami wife. About
7.") guests were present ami a
very pleasant soeial ti nc was
indulge el in. Li freshen Ms, we re
sened eluring the cve-nii and at a
late hour the guests e'. -inrted for
their respect ives henne.-, ..ishing the'
bride- ami groom a huig and happy
life and welcoming them into tlie'ir
Salvation Army.
Lieut. Xorthop anel Cadet Peterson
.i. . ... -
representing t ':o Salvatiem Army are
in tue city in the interest eif that or
giniat'mn which is doing so much for
the pe:r man anel the wanderer. We
knew Caelet Peterson in Lincoln anel
know him te be worthy of your assis
tanee in t lie work he is deiing
Stamps Dy The Thousands.
While awaiting forn delayed Missouri
Pacific, passenger train, a represent
ative, eif the Daily News, dropped
over to the Masonic Home and there
was shown the collection of stumps,
which have been gathered, by Mr.
J. W. Keelafer, and weresurpriseei at the
numbers of different kinds anel de--signs,
which he has collected. Mr.
Kodafor lias been gathering the stamps
for a few days over n year, anel one
wouhl think, that in that time it
woulel have been easier to Int.? pot
ten together a larger amount, but
when the days are counted it looks
different. During the past year he
has collected, washed, and asseirtcel,
prcsseel and dried nnel placed in
bundles, a portion reaelv to ship
about 73,00(1. Mr. Uodafer is
working on a consignment of 100,0(11)
and while he wishes to express his
thanks te his many frie-nels for the
assistance rendered in making it
possible to make the collection he
still needs many more for the com
pletion of the total amount and will
appreciate the help of all who may
assist him.
Burlington Making Extensive
Arrangemsnts to Use
Telephone System.
Users of Del! line Will lie A! !e to
Ifave Direct service Willi
Omaha Headquarters
A few days s;ik the Hi',!.gt u!
road, which has for sometime past
iiiaintaine'd a teli'plionc system of
their own, in the place eif the fornie'r
service by telegraph, all the- busiiie'ss
being done by the aiel e.f the' tele
rthich was transacted by the' tele
graph he re" de'e-ided to make' a change.
The cxpericne-e eif the e'ompany
with the phones is that they get
better results, are able te do moiv
business and in a more s,r!.-faetory
manner and at, a less cost by this
met heid than they were' able to do
before' by the tele-graph. Just re
cently, the system at this place
has l e n coiine-clcd with the Nebraska
Telephone companies olilces ami in
e'nler to get anv eiui" in Omaha em
their own hue l!. C n.. .,.ny sends
their e'all through the telephone com
pany here-, thus avoiding the matter
of maintaining a central eif their own,
which would I e the- ease had they neit
not have done this. There now re
mains at the Burlington, o;.'y euie
tele-graph wire-, whieh U used for
comineieial business, a?:el since the
merger of the American Telegraph
and Te'h'pheine company with the
Western Fnion Telegrajdi company,
it woulel appear that the Telegraph,
will in a measure disappear tei be
suppe-re-ede-d by the more rapid and
efficient tolepheine service.
Returns to her School.
Miss Lillian Cole elcparteel for
Chadnni this state, where she is te ach
ing school. She was aevompanied as
far as Omaha by her sister, Miss Ver-
na, who will visit frienels there for a
short t hue.
HarrtMm Vtnty In. Xtw.s)
DILI), at the family home in Modal,
Iowa January 3, 11)10, aged 07 years.
De-e'caseel was born in Crawford
ce unty Pa. April 10, IS 13. He came
west to Hock Bluffs, Ncbr., in the
the spring of 1S57. He latter engaged
in freighting across the plains from
Omaha to Denver with ox teams.
In 1S02 he volunteered for service
in the civil war in Co II. of the 2nd
Ncbr. cavalry and in the semth saw
valient se-rvie'0. In the fall of 1803
he married Miss Susan C. Towner, of
Hock Bluffs, Ncbr. To this union
six children were born, two elying in
infancy. In March 1S0G the family
located in Council Bluffs and in the
fall moved up to to Modal which has
since been their homo. For forty years
dre-i-ase-el was one of the prominent men
of the county, as merchant, mayor,
express age-nt, postmaster, (J. A. li.
commander, Mason and Oeld I-'ellow.
Mo was a man of ejuiet tastes, home
loving disposition anel strong pre-son-ality
friendships. Mo will be sincerely
nieiurncel by all who knew him.
The funeral services we-re from the
home in Modal Weelnesday Jan. oth
anel ii-terme'iit at Calhoun cemetery.
Union Man Takes Cow Out
For Jcy Ride With Dis
astrous Results.
All Parties Landed In Snow Bank
While Team Took Spin
La! SiineJay evening I . C, Cm tier,
the barber at I'liion, went over to
his mother's Mrs. L. C. Curtice Sr.
alter Ms meitlier, and wished to bi mg
a e'ow aiemg, thought he would
save' the 'mill; fae tury' a long walk,
placed her cetwship, u the wagem bed,
whie'h was em hoii eds and with his
mother starteel lor his hemic m l nion.
Th:- horses who Hero fe-e-ling pretty
funny anyway, became frightenoel and
ran away upsetting the' sled, which
threw the' w;,on bed into a mad
a !. 'ilne, and liberating the te-am
with Ihe bobs they we-nt on their way
reioii-mi;. Louis crawled out. and
issisting his mot her also to ex
tricate- herse-lf from the prison of the
wanoii beix, after which he' reillcel over
the' box and the cow in order that
she might staml upon her feet inste.-ul
eif having them pointed to the- big
elitilie-r as the ae-i ide-nt had nlaci d her.
Having found the team, abeuit a
half mile down the reiael, it showeel,
one horse elown wil l heae line Cr t he
sh-d tongue, while the- eithe r horse wa.-
aying upon the toiirge, ami neither
eeiuld gel up without asis ance-. am
we're easily caught, (leiing back after
streightening en.t the team, the cow
was again loade-d ami they reached
the end eif their trip without further
New Encampment Officers.
Last eve ning Grand Chief Patriarch,
J. P. CaiNeui, eif the- Oranel Kne-.imp-meiit
of the-I. O. O. V. ae-ceunpanie el
bv F. P. Corrie-k. of the Nebraska Odd
Follow, both of Lincoln, came in ami j
me't the loe-al lodge of the' Knenmp-j
me-nt at this plaevand assisted in the ;
installation ot the eilhcers here for the
coming ye ar. A very enlhu.-iatie' meet-1
ing was In Id. The jibovo named gen-1
tlemeli Were in the e'ity upon invila-1
t;nn of Depu'y Grand Chief Patriarch
Win. Holly. They niuiiie'd lo their
home.' in t lie eapllol citv this morn
ing. While- ih tonVer.-.-dii'li with 'he
repniler at the Biirliiigion .-I.iiimi, ;
saiil the -y Hi :v v ( l p'(vi-i .1 wil ii the
eii , and odd ii linv.'sliip In
The ollin-i m;a!lid la.-t evening
c. P.-.L r. j ,1,,-s
W J. P. S;,i'! r
J. W. V. O Mulli.e
Si rili- F. II. Ste mlj r
Treas.-- L. ( '. .nd r-mi
IFgh Plie.-t - John Kiikhain
She-rilT C. D. luinlou went to Lin
coln i steiday lo lake Convict Wil
son to the penitentiary. Wilson is tin
man who was e'onvioted eif breaking
iutei M. P. freight cars at the last
term of court.
Chief Forrester Makes a Bluff and Secretary Wilson
Calls Him on President's Orders.
Supposed to be Plan of Insurgents to Make Trouble for
the President.
WASIIlNtiTOX, Jan. 7.- Clifford
Pinchot, chief fem-ste-r ami intimate
frii'inl of Thcodeire Boose-velt, te
night was elismisse-el from the servie'e
ef the I'liiti'd States by President
Taft for insubordination. Associate
l-'eiri'ster Overton W. Price anel As
sistant Law Officer Alexander C. Shaw
Pinehot's ininicidate assistants in the1
forestry bureau, followed their chief
ef government employ.
Thoroughly indignant over the act
ion of Mr. Pinchot in inducing Senator
Dolliver te read a let t cr from him in
the senate yesterday, Preside-nt Taft
today woulel listen to no advise that
the forester's violation of exe-cutuvc
orders be overlooked pending the
inquiry soon to be undertaken by
congress. lie declared the dignity
eif the office to which he had been
chosen by the people to fill was being
attacked and that he would be un
faithful to his trust if he submit.
Mr. Taft undoubtedly realizes fully
what the dismissal eif Leire-ste-r Pine-hot
File Probate ol Will.
Alteirney D. K. Karr of Oinaha.ainl
Harry D. Coleman, came in this
meirning, and (iih-d applie-ation for
probation of the- will eif the hitters
mother, Mrs. Johanna Ceile'inan e!e-e-e
-usee I, in the- county court.
Hill Visit Friends at Gretna.
W. A. I'misi! de parted this morning
over the? Burlington for (irctna, in
Sarpy county, where- he- will visit some
thri'e or four ih: a! t' - l eune of his
daughter, Mrs. J. D. Mover, anil fami-
Beginning Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock January 12th
fpArrNofl l
ITF1 1 P fJ i , ' II i
:.-.f i
t'o'viirlit ILiit sJulfncr Sc M.irx
Tho Homy ot Hurt ix -
i Ioiili. tuiii Sli'.rts
Falter &
li hie (liriff Clothiers.
moans in a political way. He has been
conviiii'i-d for seimo time that the so-calle-el
"insurgents" ami other critics
eif his administration hael enlisted
the services of Mr. Pinchot anel
prae-tivally wore defying him to sepa
rate Pinchot freim his office. Two
hitter's letter of yostcrelay, few here
doubt, was written with the intention
of putting it aepiare'ly up to the preside-nt".
The president sought to
avoid the threatened war as long as
as he could, but declared today that
patience had ceased to be a virtue.
Ho pie-ke-el up the gauge of battle
thrown elown by Mr. Pinchot by the
hand of Senator Dolliver in the sena
tor Dolliver in the senate, and with
the administration supporters, is miely
feir the fray which is certain to ensue.
Political observers in Washington
declare that the situation created by
today's developments is the most
tense of many years. What the out
come will be no one is willing te
Will Visit Iii Omaha Today.
Andrew Honne-r, of Bavena, S. I).,
who has been visiting with Ids rela
tives, the Kroohlors, was a visitor to
Omaha this morning ami was accom
panied by Master Robe-rt and Miss
Theeideieia Kroehler where they will
! c guests for the day.
Frideilph Nord if in-ar Oreapeilis
brought in a fine load of hay whie:h he
elelive-re-d te Mr Toman of South
Park. Mr. Xeird has several tons of
line hay for sale though the roaels are'
se hael delivery is difficult.
V. I'ntil the 2-Jnd(10 davs.)
r We will sell anv suit or
e.vcre-oai in i no store at 1 ot
3 prices.
Ail sails Mini ove'l'i'iiats up
t-i M.'i at sill
All sii'ts and ove'i-e-oats up
lo s! ;K si J
All suits ;ind eive rcoats up
to s;;n at sis
At tin so price s it will p-iv
'Hi to buy and carry th. m : until next s-'ason if you
don't ni'ed t In in now .
We- arc "cleaning up'' for
the .-pring sea.-on.
nor & Marx clothes
."Stot-on Hats