The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 06, 1910, Image 1

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NKWS. Established Nov. B. 1F91 lru,iuil j 1 IMS
HERALD. Established April IB. 1RM t
Defendent Given Alimony by the Judge to the Amount
of One Thousand Dollars.
Plaintiff and Defendant Had Been Married Something
Like Twenty Years.
After lengthy arguments by Judge
Sullivan of Broken Bow and Byron
Clark on the other side and Matthew
Gering on the other, Judge Travis to
day handed down a decision in the cele
brated Hayles vs. Ib.yk.-; divorce
The controversy was between Jacob
Hayles and his wife Adelia, and was
brought by Mr. Kaylcs to terminate
litigation which was begun in Custer
county some years ago.
A suit was brought for divorce in
Custer county and the matter liti
gated before Judge Hostetter, who
after listening to the witnesses dis
missed the suit and advised the parties
to patch up their differences and dwell
together in harmonv if possible. The
--n- -
parties had been married about 20
years, Mr. Uayles being sixty and Mrs.
"itayles forty at the time of their mar
riage. They were married in this
county, Mr. Hayles having lived in
Greenwood, and owned an eighty aerrc
farm near by. After the marriage
. they removed to Custer county and
accumulated several farms which have
since become quite valuable.
When the disagreement arose hc
twvn them M. Kavles divided his
The wife was nor satisfied with this
division, and started the litigation
which was dismissed by Judge Hos
Mr. Hayles later returned to Cass
county and took up his home at Green
wood again, and a lew months ago
began the suit for divorce. The ease
was hotly contested in the trial some
weeks aco. and was continued for
argument, which was begun yrstcrch'.y
before Judge Travis. After the argu
ments were completed the Judge
decided that plaintiff Mr. Kaylcs
was entitled to divorce, and gave the
widow 81,000 alimony.
The court takintr the view that
the litigation should he ended, ren
dered his decision for the plaintiff.
After disposing of the Hayles case
the case of Davis vs. Davis suit also
for divorce was taken up and decree
granted the plaintiff. The plaintiff
in this case resided in Weeping Water
ami brought his action for divorce on
the grounds of desertion and extreme
cruelty. The court was adjourned
this evening finally for the term. The
next, term to commence February 14.
Judue Travis departed for Omaha
In the Class Room ol Y. M. B. C. at
the Methodist Church.
Last night at the basement of
the M. E. church Mr. Larkin delivered
the first of the series of winter talks
to the Y. M. B. C. to a good sized
The subject of the discourse! was
"What Are You Worth " and the
speaker brought out in vivid words
the pith of his subject. He gave the
definition of life and the interpretation
of life in the words of the "Great
Teacher" Christ.
Mr. Larkin gave ft most interesting
lecture, dividing the activities of
life into the sub heads : Work, Pleasure,
Growth and Religion, lie dwelt on
the thene that all there was in life
that was really worth striving for
was a good character, that no matter
what comes accumulations of wealth
were, unless character was maintained
and developed the individual wouk
be poor in reality.
The next address will be next Moiv
dav evening and given by Rev. Au
tin. His subject will be Wit and Hu
mor, and Hev. Austin is a master in
this line.
The young men are adding to the
comforts anil beauties of their room
having just purchased a line rug
and some attractive pictures, al
of which lends an atmosphere of home
to the surroundings.
land among his children, also deeding i " : 'r ' ; n'Z
OIIUI, r.MHTUIIK I" K" " '""'
Hearing Before Judge Beeson To
day Proves to be Interesting.
Yesterday aftemioon the county
court was occupied with the trial
of the case of Glen Scott vs. J. It.
Denson, constable. The suit was in
replevin and grew out of the levy
of an execution by Constable Denson
issued out of Judge Archer's court on
a judgement recovered by Alf White
for something like a hundred dollar
store bill against Glen's father, Wal
ter Scott. Glen is a minor and makes
his home with his parents and in the
course of the last three or four years
has accumulated quite an amount
of personal property. In fact the
homestead where the Scott family
resides is owned by Glen, but the fact
of his minority and that he was a mem
ber of the family, led counsel for Mr,
White to believe that the property
that Glen was using was his father's,
and so the execution was directed to
lie levied on the wagon and harness
in the possession of Glen at the time
but believed to be his father's.
The matter was hotly contested
on both sides, Attorney A. L. Tidd
ably conducted the plaintiff's side of
the case while Judge A. X. Sullivan
looked after the interests of Mr. White.
Private Secretary to Ex-Governor Geo. B. Sheldon Has
Some Experience With It.
Denounced the State Republican Convention in 1908 for
Not Adopting Resolution.
his wife an eighty which had been a
part of their homestead in Custer.
City tomorrow to hold court.
Indians t Have Pow Wow. j
The Red Men will give a club
dance at ti.e Coates Hall Saturday j
evening next, to lie given under the
juispices of the new dancing club
lately organized in connection with
this- progressive order.
The new club was organized last
Friday evening with the following
hustling braves as ollicers: Anton 11.
Koheck, President; Henry Tains, Vice
President; Jos. Libershall, Record
keeper, Frank Marks. Treasurer; John
Thomas and others as braves.
The club gives its initiatory danc
ing party Saurday evening January
Sth. The committee on reception
will make everybody welcome and
you can go and Lave an enjoyable
evening with the- Ii iians, and not
be in the hast dangc; of being scalped.
Th? club is plr.nning to have the
best of music, the Jacodi orchestra of
Omaha, a well known musical com
bination has been secured for the
occasion. Everyone will be made
wclcn- .
Rcpcrtod Quite Sick.
Fnele Nicholas Halinas. the promi
nent German farmer residing a few
miles west of the city is reported quite
dangerously sick, although the attend
ing physician says that there is no im
mediate cause for alarm. The news
came in over the phone that Mr.
Halloas had dfeed. but the rumor
was afterwards denied and at
1 ). m. yesterday the doctor said that
he was out of danger.
A Slight Altercatkr.
Yesterday afternoon a Linker and
a lawyer and Ed Urantner mixed
up in a slight misunderstanding, at
the hitters place of lmsim ss on the cor
ner of Main and Third st.-'cts. It is
said that the breath of one of the par
ties was mostly taken aviy by the sud
den turn of affairs. The controversy
arose over the suit of the ! atik and Mr.
Gering and the deposit of Mr. Urant
ner at the bank.
Clearance Sale
1-8 to 1-2 MI
When we say it, We do it.
Men's e;ood wool pants Clearance price
Men's good wool suits
McnV good wool overcoats
Men's good wool shirts "
Men's good wool sox "
$6, $8, $10,
$12, and 314.78.
$5, $8, $11,
$14 and $18.
C. L Wes
The Home of Satisfaction.
Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder passes
Away at the Home of
her Daughter.
Copy of Sale Notice Dis
covered By J. C. York
in an Old Hut.
Most Estemable Woman and Loss
Will be a Great One to Friends
aud Relatives.
Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder the widow
of the late William Snyder died this
morning at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. ('has. Jean, a mile west of
Mynard. Mrs. Snyder was one of the
pioneers of this county having resided
here over fifty years.
She eas a native of Virginia arid was
married in her native state William
Snyder, IX;. 2 1", .V s. Snyder's
maiden name was Miss Elizabeth
Heverage. About two .years after
her marriage together with her hus
band she imigrated to Scott county,
Iowa arriving in that state and county
in September 1 S7. Two years after
ward they came to Plattsinouth which
was then a very small village,
arrived in this county May 13th 1N"().
For a time her home and that of her
husband was in this town, afterward
they occupied a farm of A. H. Taylor
but only a short time before when
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder purchased a
farm and removed to it. Three chil
dren were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Snyder, Peter, who died in infancy,
Amanda now the wife of Charles
Jean, and George W. the well known
Cass county farmer and stock raiser.
The deceased was a consistent
member of the U. H. church, anil was
a kind neighbor, dutiful wife and a
loving mother and will be sincerely
mourned by a large circle of friends.
The funeral will occur at the V, H.
church south of this city, Friday
afternoon, 1'ie procession, will the
leave the n Milence of Mr. Jean at
I o'clock.
Martin W. Dimery, formerly pri
vate secretary to ex-Governor George
L. Sheldon came up from Oklahoma
last week and after seeing the work
ings of the state bank guarantee law
in that state seems to have changed his
mind. It will be remembered that
when the republican state conven
tion which met in Lincoln in l'.KM
voted down a resolution favoring the
passage of a law of that kind that Gov.
Sheldon opposed the action of the con
vention very strongly. In this he was
ably seconded by Mr.Diincry.Sincethat
tjnic Mr. Dimery has moved to Ok
lahoma and hns had a chance to see
the workings of the law and has come
in personal contact with it. The fol
lowing from Lincoln explains his po
sition and why he has changed his
ideas on the matter:
Lincoln, Jan. 3 Martin W.
Dimery, private secretary to former
Governor Sheldon, who is heavily in
terested in banking affairs at. Tulsa,
Okla., while here visiting friends today
announced himself as opposed to the
law .to guaranty bank deposits, and
Mr. Dimery made up his mind after
having experience with the Oklahoma
"The law is fundamentally wrong,"
Tells the story ol Life Down In the
Land Where people are Shown.
Lust month v. lien J. C. York
was travelling nroung in the wilds
of Missouri he stumbled onto an old
hut which looked as if it had been
deserted for many years. Ou going
inside he found among other things
a copy of an old paper dated in 1 s t
in which was a notice of sale which is
very interesting reading. Following
is the notice, the names given for
various reasons being ficticious:
State of Missouri, County of Pike.
To whom it may concern :
The undersigned will on Tuesday
Sept. 2'.), A- I). 1S51, sell at public
auction for cash on premises where
Coon creek crosses the old Mission
road, the following chattels towit :
fl yoke of Oxen with yoke and chain.
2 waggons with beds.
3 nigger wenches.
4 buck Niggers.
3 niggers.
3 nigger boys.
2 prairie plows.
23 steel traps.
1 barrel of pickled cabbage.
1 hogshead of Tobacco.
1 lot of Nigger hoes. .
1 spinning wheel.
1 loom.
3 fox hounds.
1 lot of Coon and Skunk .skins.
And a lot of other articles. Am go
ing to California. John Doe.
Hiehard Hoe, Crier.
Free head cheese, apples and hard
said Mr. Dimery. "I would much pre
fer a law which provided that every
stockholder in a bank is responsible
for the deposits in the bank to the
extent of his private fortune.
"Under the Oklahoma law we ar
absolutely at the mercy of the assess
ing board. If a large bank fails in
Oklahoma eity or elsewhere in the state
every dollar we have in capital stock
is responsible for that bank's loss.
"The money of the stockholders of
t he defunct bank is not even exhausted
before the board comes to the other
banks for a levy.
"The law inspires bankers to plunge
into all kinds of business. For in
stance, a banker may start out in
the townsite sale business. If ho losci
we pay the bills. If he wins then of
course we lose nothing.
"Hankers are uneasy all the time.
They stand responsible for the de
posits in banks conducted by persons
absolutely unknown to them.
"The law is wrong in principal and
wrong in every way.'"
Mr. Dimery recently bought the
controlling interest in a bank in a town
near Tulsa and so far the state board
has assessed him only S57G for the
failure of other banks.
Has Hand Injured.
A day or two ago Gust Kopp who
is employed in the boiler shop at tin;
Burlington shops had the misfortune
to have the index finger of his left
hand badly smashed by getting it
Visit Relatives.
Cecil L. Thomas and wife departed
this morning for Rapid City, South
! Dakota, where they will visit J. C.
j Wilcoxin, a cousin of Mrs. Thomas
1 for three weeks. Cecil is a grand son
under one of the hammers. Mr. ! of ex-Senator Samuel Thomas. Mr.
Kopp says the iniury is very painful ' Thomas and wife do not expect to find
and tin! walked the ; floor Tuesday night, j more snow at Rapid City than at
He will be off duty for a time. ) Plattsniouth.
For Wearing Any TimeBusiness
or Dress Occasions
L ''if
New Reporter.
Mrs. Uanvlcl; Ini-.ired.
This morning while Mrs. J. W. Bar
wick was shaking a rusr while standing
on her porch, her feet slipped back
wards and the unfortunate lady
plunged forward into the deep
i . . . i i t i
, snow, annliting mi ner iicui ami
The Daily'News is glad to announce ; shoulders. No one was near whom
tint it has secured the services of j she could call for assistance, and he
Mr. J. E. Douglass who will act as , ing so badly injured thai she could
reporter for the paper. Mr. Douglass not stand, the injured ladv u.sconiprl
is well known in this city and having '. led to crawl on her hands up the .-tips
had experience in newspaper work into the house. Mie nuiia-d to net
v, M i -yJ
This style is the
general utility
style in overcoats
Hart Schaffner &
Make it for us; and
we have it in a num
ber of good weaves:
grays and dark col
ors. A gentleman's
Many other stylos to
show you; all weaves; $10
to $30. Suits in all the
best models, 810 to $u0;
all fabrics all-wool.
we think that we can assure the puhlie
that the local end of the paper will
he well taken care of. M. S. P.riggs,
who has been acting temporarily in
that capacity will he the represent
ative of the Xcws-IIerald company
out through the count v, taking sul-
to tiie telephone aim can m a vcm
who summoned Dr. Cuniinins. The
doctor hurried to the srei.; of the ac
cident and f.iimd Mrs. Warwick in
a liruised and almost helpless condi
tion. 1'pon examination the doctor
thinks that no hoius were hroken.
sciptions, collecting and in a general j It was certainly a close call as the dis
way looking after the hest interests j tance whish she fell was over six
of the paper. fee t. I
The Home of Hart Schattncr & Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
& Thiero
I'd l lie Giviafj Clothiers.