The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 30, 1909, Image 9

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1 M 1 -f I I .. I IP 1 T' .
Large Hiiuwer or locqi ivismoers ana oeverai visuors
Enjoy tne Occasion.
Notice to Stockholders.
Tin? annual meeting of the stock
holders nf tin Plattsmouth State
Hank of Plattsnuuth, Xck, will be
held at the bunking room of said liank
on January ', MUO, at 4 o'clock, p. in.
71-3 (Y2 :) .1. M. Koberts, C'it.-h.
Will Resume Work Shortly.
John Chapman, who has been off
, from work for u loii( tine on account
of an operation for i.ppcii.licitis, niul
from which lie has been waiting for
' returning strength, is doing nicely td-
Speeches About the Banquet Table Source of Great to'Zu.'.'e .is Vork' Kainl witi!Uti!c
Literary rrOIlt. ; Burlington the first of next week.
Departs for Crelghton.
This morning John SchaelTer who
has lived on the Vallery place the
past year, which place is some three
miles west of the city, departed via
the Ittirlingtuii for Omaha, from which
'place he will go t Creighton where
: lie is looking after some finning lands
with the intention of moving there
should the facts justify, lie will
buy if prices and land seem t j warrant,
and if not will rent for a season until
he shall know more about that par
ticular section of the country. Mr.
Chris. Tscherrin win has during the
past two years farmed the Stephen
Wiles place, will farm the place where
Mr. SchaelTer has been during the
past year. Maxwell Adams will farm
the place where Mr. Tscherrin vacates.
Price Once Offered for Senator Gordon, Dead or Alive.
Was a Friend of Assassin Booth.
Last evening was the date set temey W. C. Kamsry who responded
aside by the Masonic fraternity for to Masonry, and its influence on
the commemoration of one of their cit;.enship, and was handled in a way
patron saints, St. John the evangal- which left no doubt as to what Mr.
ist, one of the sons of Zebidee. After j llamsey knew about Masonry and
the regular order of business had been the dutits of citizenship, which he
attended to the lodge was closed and ' showed worked hand in hand and
the members repaired to the banquet i inch reinfoicing the other. He said
.room where a very inviting repast that good Masons make exellent
(waited them. With a vim charac-; citizens and good eltlzens make the
teristic of the order they attackei 1 the1!), st of M asons.
good things which were at hand. i v,';!l Robertson vpok- to the toast
W. L. Pickett, past master, was 0f Masonry on Land rnd Sea. As
toastmaster and visitli.g brother 1). i the Order is World wide ihiw is not
Are Seeing Omaha Today.
Mrs. P. A. Harrows, wife of the
editor of the Daily News, accompan
ied by tin ir daughter.Miss Jane L.
Harrows of Kansas City who is visit
ing with her parents and Miss Hertha
Itrown of Lincoln x.lio is also a guest
at the Harrows home, are visiting
I in Nebraska's metropolis today, being
passengers to that city this morning,
Miss Nettie Jellineck departed for
Omaha this morning where she will
visit for a few davs with friends.
MEMPHIS, Tetin., Dee. 28-
Returns Home This Afternoon.
Maurice Mcllugh of South Hend,
who with Miss Hessie Hunker of the
same place, have been visiting with
the mother of Mr. Mcllugh. Mrs. Sought at one time by the authorities
Dennis Mcllugh, at Falls City, for under a $10,000 reward for his cap
the past week, returned last evening ture, dead or alive, for his alleged
over the Missouri Pacific to this ulace conspiracy in the murder ol a piesi-
nnd vis"; )d over las! evening and to-1 tU-nt of the United States and now
lav rt the home of Thos. Walliiic do- :ipiinttHl as ft member of the legisla-
Was Close Friend of the Man who Assassinated Presi
dent of United States.
putting this afternoon for their homes ture body of that country, is
in South liend.
A. Youtzy of Central City who was
called upon responded to the toast of
the patron saint, in whose memory
the occasion was held. In substance
Rev. Youtzy, said: "St. John, whose
character and memory we are here
this evening to commemorate, was one1
of the early disciples of Christ, and
was the one who had the distinction
of being the o:n whom Jesus loved,
licit was who with Peter was al
lowed to ascend the mount when the
Lord was transfigured and at other
times when others were not permitted
to be present. John with Peter
and James was also taken farther into
the garden of Octhsemetie on the last
night of the Masters life on earth.
the remotest spot where there is not
the liability of finding a brother, and
whenever one has nothing else upon
which to cling in times of trouble,
whet her it be in the busy marts of
men, or on the raging main, there is a
chance of turning to that brother
mason, whose cu:i lid advice or help
ing handwill !:s'." in making all the
rough ways sin jj..'i.
The next and last speaker was J. C.
Peterson who spoke to the subject of
Masonry and Christianity. In this
discourse the speaker traced the simil
arity of the practices and teachings of
Christianity, not as exemplified by
hard and fast set of rules of any
of Nebraska,
twirl r.l'nn.1 nr snr.t lint 1 tl o
. . . , . mint u it i. v. i v.y i m i i, j v n -
Long after the death and resurrection , , , ,.11(illrir charaet-
and ascension of the Lord this dis
ciple lived and it was of him that
Christ intimated was not to die until
he had seen the glory of the eternal
heavens and which was fulfilled on
the Island of Patnios in a vision he
saw the heavans opened and what he
fjiw he has given to the world in the
5ook of Revelations. .St John died
there an about the age of one hun
dred years.
The next to follow was county at-
eristics of the life the master lived,
and the precepts which He left as a
guide for the mortal who travels
earths pathways.
After the repast had been finished
and the responses completed, the
members repaired to the lodge room
where the game of "Slippery Ann"
held the boards for awhile. There
were at this meeting about forty of
the members ane visitor.
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
A. Tucker, deceased:
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that a
hearing will be had upon the petition
for the appointment of an adminis
trator of above estate, before this
court, at Plattsmniith, in said county,
on the 7th day of January, 1!)10, at
0 o'clock a. m. All objections, if
any, must be filed on or before said
day and hour of hearing.
70-0 County Judge.
Legal Notice
Alvln Ferris. defendant, will lako notice Unit
on tin- fourth ly of August, lIO!l, Ai!;i Ferris
plalntllT.tlled her petition In tho district court
of Cass fount V. Nebraska, against the ilefend-
ant. tlieohjcet anil prayer of which is loobtlnin
a decree of divorce from tho bonds of matri
mony, mid for tho custody of her children, to
wit: F.thel. Clair and Kenneth, and for such
other relief as iciully may retmire.
You are required to answer said petition on
r before the 2(Mli day or Deccniher, VMM.
Ada Ferris.
Hy her Attorney, M. Archer
Returned to Lincoln.
Lynn Cook, who has for some time
past been employed with the Nebras
ka Telephone Co. at Lincoln with the
construction gang, of which he has
icen clerk keeping account of the ma
terial and supplies used, was a visitor
in this city at the home of his parents, arrest ant
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cook. He re
turned to his work at Lincoln yester
Plattsmouth Pays Last Sad
Respects to Former Re
spected Citizen.
Burlington Shop Foremen Act as
Pall Bearers.
The remains of the late Washing
ton Smith, arrived a.t this city last
evening over the Burlington and were
conducted to the Masonic hall, of
which order he was a member, where
they laid in state until 10 o'clockthis
morning. The funeral was held at
the Presbvterian church, and was
conducted by the Rev. J. T. Haird,
who had been a friiid and neighbor
to the deceased f r more than half
their life time. The pall bearers were
from the Burlington shops where Mr.
Smith put so many years of his life, a
majority of which were spent in tho
city of Plattsmouth. They were W.
C. Tippins of the plaining mill, J. E.
Barwick, for many years chief clerk
at the shops under the master me
chanic, W. D. Smith for years chief
foreman of the Burlington paints
shops. Win. Budig, who has been
employed with the Burlington for
nearly a quarter of a century, M.
Mauzy, foreman of the blacksmith
shops who has put in nearly his life
time with the Burlington, and Robert
Hayes general foreman of the shops
at this place.
Those of the friends from out of
town intending the funeral were, Mrs.
Washington Smith and Mrs. W. E.
Coolegc and daughter, Mr. Coolegc
not being to get away as his partner
in business wes selected us a juror
and court was in session, J. C. Scott
md family, Mrs. Scott former y
Louise Smith, Glen Smith and wife,
piOmaha, the former a son, Mrs. C.
LI. Butler a sister, of Lincoln and
Henry Smith, a brother, of McCook.
Brother Poyntcr still insists that it
is all right for country newspapers
to print the rot sent out by the brew
ers and other boozers who are mas
querading under the name, of merch
ants and manufacturers association
He (Poyntei) says that they (the booz
er. believe that prohibition will be
injurious to the country, and that
therefore they should be allowed to
present their "arguments" to the peo
ple. If they are honest and represent
a legitimate business, why do they
try to deceive the people by adopting
a misleading name This stuff which
they want the papers to print 'u also
intended to deceive the public. It
bears no sign of being an "advertise
ment" but is intended to carry the
endorsement of the paper which pub
lishes it. Along the same line of ar
gument it would be "all right" for a
publisher to sell his columns for the
promotion of the "white slave" trade
or any nefarious scheme to polutc
society. "If you can't meet the ar
guments of these dcspoilers of virtue,
says their champions, "then you must
admit that they arc souiH." Certainly.
Why should the fanner o;,jct if the
s;ed he sows is full of weeds and
mustard wed Can'r he pull up
the undesirable plants? Certainly.
Albion Xcws.
State of Nebraska.
ks. In County Court
( ountv of t ass.
In the nuttier of the estate of Zerah W. Cole,
To all ocrsons Interested:
toil are noreny nouneu mot mere win
be a hearing upon the final report of the ad
ministrator of the alive estate and his peti
tion for Una sett enicnt before this court in
the county court room at Plait smooth In
siiUI county, on the 2 1 th day of Decomlicr,
ion I. Ht 1 or Nick a. in
That all objections. If any. must be filed
on or In 'fore wild dav and hour of hearing
Witness my hand and the seal of said
court this 1st (lay of December. 1 !.
ma County Judge
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska,
SS. In County Court.
Cuss Count v.
In tho matter of tho estate of Jacob P. Sten
tier, deceased :
Notice Is hereby Riven that the creditors of
said deceased wl.l meet the administratrix of
said estate, before me, County Judgo of Cass
County, Nebraska, at the County Court room
In l'lattsinouth, in said County, on tho 11th
dav of Ilecemlier. IHdtl. and on tho 14th day
of June, 1110. at 0 o'clock a. in., each day for
the purpose of present Inn their claims for ex
nniinatinn .ad lust merit and allowance
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
vear for the settle said estate,
from tho lltb day of December, SIMMs.
Witness my band and the seal of suld Coun
ty Court, at i'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this i:itli
day of November, l'JUW.
01-K Allen J. Ileoson,
SEAL.l County Judgo.
Returns to Home In Crete.
I'M Hihil and wife after having
visited in Plattsmouth for some time j.1,1 litiwt u-Wli frlitlwt.1 mol
iitipi, mn wiv. it, .in. , .inn hi. in... ....v. ... ... rt If
relatives, being the guests at the home the reward ol iw,wiu wan oner wr
Fred Miehka anil family left for
strange experience of I olonel James
Gordon of Okolona, who has been
named United States senator by Gov
ernor Noel as successor to the late A.
J. McLaurin.
Mr. Gordon was one of several con
federate leaders K'is;vcted of being m
. . i t it 11 1 it. i .
conspiracy with J. vt iucs nootu 10
kill President Lincoln, lie escaped
probably death only by
the intervention, it is stated, ot a
Yankee colonel with whom he hail
crossed swords in a fight in Virginia.
During the earlier years of the war
Colonel Gordon had formed an inti
mate friendship with Booth, and after
the assassination of President Lincoln
his captuie. Colonel Gordon went to
Canada and it was several months af
ter the close of hostilities before he
found it safe te return home.
During one of the campaigns in
Virginia Colonel Gordon had crossed
swords with the colonel of a New
York cavalry regiment. Both were
wounded in the cnnllict, but they af
terwards became fast friends.
Colonel Gordon wrote a letter to
this New Yorker denying that he had
any part in the conspiracy and stat
ing that he desired to return home.
The former took the matter up
with General Dicks, then in com
mand of the army forces in
New York, and the latter sent him a
passport and ami an invitation to
conic to New York ami surrender,
which he did. He afterwards satisfied
General Dicks that he knew nothing
of the Lincoln conspiracy.
He took the oath of allegiance and
returned to his home in Chickasaw
county, where he has since resided.
their home in Crete this morning via
the Burlington.
Return to Their Home.
S. I). Smith and family who have
been the guests of J. C. Smith near
Murray for some days past, and where
they spent the holidays at the home
of the father of Mrs. Smith, departed
this morning for their home in Havt-
lock, where Mr. Smith is in the employ
of the Burlington.
Goes Home Today.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McCIannelian
of Hickman who have been visiting in
the city with friends, guests at the
home of Mrs. McClannahan's sister,
Mrs. Llmer Taylor, and other friends
and relatives departed for their home
via the Burlington. Mr. Me I lan
nahan is the representative in Hick
man of the Clarinda Poultry, Butter
and Egg company.
Holiday Business Was Good.
J. K. Mason, the confectioner, was
a passenger to Omaha this morning
where he is replenishing his stock
of candied the holiday trade having
made very vicious inroads therein.
Two Natives of the Planet Mars.
Klmer Youtzy has proven him-1
Departs for Home.
I.nwreiiee Wiles, son of A. L. Wiles
self quite a musician, and has added ((f S(.im.rl this state, who has been
much to the tone of the high'school
He is one of the boys that not only can
but will, and we appreciate him
The Fair l'liy, Central City High
School journal for November.
At Coated Hall Thursday evening.
Coldest Yet This Year.
Last night was the coldest record
recorded for the season. While the
air was quiet and no wind stirring,
the mercury sank lower than at any
time during the present winter. The
government thermometer at eight
o'clock this morning showed 12 below,
and reports come to us that at some
places it was as low as 22 below and
all the was from that to 10 is the reg
ister. Without degree of chilincss,
we can say that it is cool enough to
suit us and no changes for lower tern
peratures need be made on our ae
In the District Court ol Lancaster
County, Nebraska
In tho m ttter of the application 'of
Koxanna Hartsook, Kuardliin of
the person and estates of Irl J. Notice.
Snwle anil Marguerite I.. Sonic,
minors, for license to sell real es
tate. Notice Is hereby given thnt In pursuance
of an order of AllMTt ,1. Cornish, one of the
judges of the district court of Lancaster
county. Nebraska, made on tho 4th Ji 1 uy of
ueccmner, unit, tor ine saie or ine rein es
tate hereinafter described- tlx re will le sold
at tho First National Hunk corner In tho
village of lirocnwofxl, t ass county. Nebras
ka, on tho 4th day of January, l'llt). at 2
o'clock p. ni. of said day, at public vendue
to the highest bidder for cash, tho following
descrllx'd real estate, U-wlt: The undivided
two-fortieths (2-40) of the following:
Uits two hundred and twenty-nlno (22!))
twojmndred and thirty (2:0) and two hundred
and thirty-one (2ai) In the village of Green
wood, Cass county, Nebraska.
Tho west half of the southwest quarter of
section six (til. township eleven ll, range nine
9I In Cass county, Nebraska, except the right
of way of the nillror.'l running across said laud,
containing TM 7o-l(i ai'res.
Said sale will rei-iin onen one hour.
Guardlar of the i-riseim and estates of Irl J.
Sowlc and VI a: ,'ueriie I.. Sowlo, minors.
visiting in the city lor the past lew
davs a guest at the home of his grant
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wiles,
and aunt, Mrs. Hall and family, left
for Omaha this morning where he will
visit for the day at the home of T
Frank Wiles, an uncle, before rctum-
A Guest of Friends. ing to his home in the south.
Miss Jessie Marlon, daughter of
former county treasurer, J. L. Barton . BuIIdlna Bank at Havelock
noe of Lincoln and who is teaching at
tho eitv Hclwmlx nt Yr,rk nnmn in K. J. Walters departed for Have
vrmter.l.iv frnm lie Imrno in T.inrwiln lock this looming Where lie IS ('tlgllgt't
' . ., . .. .. t . i i.
and will visit for some days with 1,1 l,ie eonstruciion oi a iimwcu nun.
friends nnd former selim.l ninted in bunk building for the Citizens Bank
ti,w eitv of that place. Mr. Walters is a work-
. ,. ...n:
man ol more man ordinary miein
. i it . iii..
gence. and is amply nine to un ine
in county louri. 0f wmk , whatever kind may
Yesterday was filed a case for pro- ')C required
bate in the matter of the estate of
Mary Morgan, formerly of Nebraska
City, but who died some time since
at the home, and who left an estate
little less than S.iOO, in which it asked
that W. S. Ask with be appointed as
Another Divorce Case.
Papers have been filed in the clerk
of courts ollice by Anna Matz against
Peter Matz, her husband. Plaintiff
seeks a divorce on grounds of deser
tion. In her petition she claims to
have been inn ried on March 20. 1904,
and was destrtcd Sept. 27, of the
same year. She nks for a divorce
and that her name .f Brunkow be re
stored to her. When she married
Matz she was a widow and the moth
er of five children.
Poultry, Butter,
Eggs and Cream
Returns Trom the South.
Last evening Cdeti ('line, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cline who has
been making his home in the South
for some time, and recent Iry having
lived in Kansas City, came in last
evening and will visit with his parents
for some time as well as other rela-
Visits Little Daughter.
S. I). Smith, who has been working tives and friends in the city.
on a farm near Bolckow, Mo., arrivet
yestcrdny morning and will spend a
! few days in the city visiting his daugl.J W-M4-W-4.4'!-M---
Return Home.
Herman Clugy, wife and two
daughters, Blanche and Mila, after
having visited in this city and also at
the homo of Mr. Clugy 's brother, J.
F., northwest of tho city since last
week, t'eparted for their homo in
C'lar'.uda, Iowa, this morning.
John Chapman was a passenger to
Lincoln yesterday where ho goes to
see about returning to work with the
Burlington at an early date.
Notice is hereby given that hy virtue of
a cl.:ui' l r.orlguKc. dated the 24th day of
KebriK.r.v. l .xis, and duly filed in the otllco of
the County Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska,
tho 2'itli ci.y i.f February, lsos. and executed
by Whl'.o Litis.. Charles I.. White and I'aul
A. White, partners, to K. H. I). Voorlnsw,
to His ure the payment of the sum of Two
Thousand Knur Hundred anil Heventy-Ono
anil 70-100 Dollars ($.',471. 70), and unon
which there is now due the sum of Two
Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Dollars
(l2.atH).tNI). default having been made in tho
payment of said sum, and no suit or other
proceeding at law having been instituted to
recover saltl (lent, or any part thereof:
TI1KKICKOUK. 1 will mil the property
therein ilesiTltM'd, to-wit: stock of hardware,
furniture, tinware, stoves, shelf goods,
everything carried In stts'k In the storo known
as llarr llulldlng. In tho village of (irecn
wood, Cass County, Nebraska,: also all Im
plements twine, fencing, storo llxtnrcs in
said building, and In basement: also all notes
and book accounts taken for sale of said
stock, at public auction at the llarr llulldlng,
In the village of (ireenwowl. County of Cass,
Statu of Nebraska, on the 31st day of Jan
uary, 1V10, at o'clock u. tn. on said day.
73-S1 K. S. Ii. VOOKHKKH.
ter, Daisy, who is making her home t
with her grandmother. Mrs. Jennie
M. Scheldkneeht.
Will Make Long Visit In Meilco. t
A. S. Will departed yesterday for a
two months' sojourn in the land of
the Montazomas, where he with C
C. Parmele and a number of others
are interested in some gold and silver
mines. Mr. Will will look after the
interests of the capitalists while in the
Bunny south.
Smoke an
I And be Happy
Departs for Home.
James Gilmour of Ulysses, who has
been in the city and nt the home of
bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Gilmour south of town for the past
few days called by the death of his
sister, Mrs. Dr. A. K. Walker, de
parted for his home yesterday.
Mrs. D. O. Hewitt of Orleans came
in yesterday and is visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs. J. B.
John Durman
Expert Blacksmithf
Has taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray. I
All kinds of Fine Horseshoc-
t ine and all; kinds ol Black-
J smlthlnfl.JSatisfaction guar- f
I anteeu.
Call on Him.
H i M I I I t l l tHHH 1 H I I
At Lew
Hound trip
On tt'.c every first and third
Tuesday in each month to every
part of the Southwest.
Hugh Norton, Agent.