The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 30, 1909, Image 2

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WS, Established Nov. 5. 1!)1 I rj,,.i:j,j i. , iM.
KALD. Established April !. 1W4 ( onohd.tcd J.n. 1. 1S9
A. B. Schrelver of Des Moines the
New Owner.
V. J. Hint; who for some time past
1ms been the owner of the Coates
block has recently sold the same and
will on the first day of the coming;
year turn over to the new proprietor.
A. B. Schreiver, the new owner, is
a citien of Des Moines, as is also Mr.
Iligg. Mr. Schreiver becomes sole
owner of the property, having taken
over the incumbrance as well as the
property, having delivered some land
in Texas for the same. Mr. J. P.
Falter will still remain the manager.
Return Home Today.
Win. Stewart and family departed
for their home this morning after
having visited in the city for some
time past the guests at the home of
Mrs. Stewart, V. II. Newell and for
ily the former Mrs. Stewarts father.
While here they also visited with many
friends of former davs.
An Abscess In Eye.
Homer Shrader of near Murray
accompanied by Tony Clemm, was a
passenger to Omaha this morning over
the Burlington where Mr. Shraderjgoes
to visit his wife who is in the Clark
son hospital where she was taken a few
days since to receive treatment for
an abscess behing the ball of one of
her eyes and which the attending
physician said would have to have
an operation in order to obtain relief.
The operation was to have been per
formed yesterday and Mr. Shrader
was anxious to know as to how his
wife was resting and the success of
the operation.
All winter suits, over
coats, odd pants, under
wear, flannel shirts,
gloves and mittens that
are the ends of lines
are to be closed out at
1-8 to
1-2 Off
This is our month to
invoice and we are clear
ing up our stocks for
new spring goods. You
will greatly help your
self by helping us to do
this. Don't wait too
long. No sale goods
C. E.
he Home of Satisfaction.
Adolph W. Nord and Miss Ilelma
O. Erlckson Married Today.
At the home of the bride's parents
this afternoon, the Key. J. K. Swanson
officiating, were united the lives and
Ijves of Adolph W. Xord, aged 27,
and Miss Ilelma 0. Erickson, both
of this city.
The groom is a youn;,- man who has
grown up in this community, and who
is at present employed in the Burling
ton shops, having lived here and in
the vicinity of Plattsmouth for a num
ber of years. Mr. Xord is well and
favorably known to a large number of
the citizens of Plattsmouth and Cass
county who honor and respect him
for his industry and sterling worth
of character.
The bride, Miss krickson, has lived
in this city since childhood, and is a
young lady of very charming personal
qualities, and one beloved by a host
of acquaintances who are well pleased
to be numbered among her friends.
The happy couple departed this after
noon over the Missouri Pacific for
Omaha where they will spend a portion
of their honeymoon, and fn.n thuice
they go to Lincoln where they will
visit for a few days, and before re
turning to settle down to the staid
married state, will visit for awhile
in Denver.
The Daily News joins with their
numerous friends here and throughout
the state in wishing them a long,
happy and prosperous life. They will
be at home to their friends in this city
after the first of Februarv.
Visiting Plattsmouth Friends.
Mrs William Ballance, aeeompa
nied by her two daughters, Miss
Fthel and Mrs. II. II. Tartsch, of
Sioux City, who is visiting in the ciAy
at present, guests of relatives and
friends, were passengers to Omaha this
morning where they will visit with
friends for the day. Mrs. Tartsch
will visit .wil!i relatives in the c:ty
for some davs before returning to her
home in Sioux City. Mr. Tartsch is
at present employed as salesman for
an extensive clothing establishment
in Sioux City.
Lucky the Second Time.
At the second rallle of the Knglkh
bull tups by F. II Dunbar last even
ing, Willie Fgcnbcrgcr was egain
successful and with the same- lucky
number, at that. Will l as this
time as well as the other, wo i a very
line dog, of which he is very proud.
Albert Kgenbcrgcr has a (iy fine
bird dog not having attaint I his ma
jority, which is also a fine one, and
declares that he can put ;' lc rniii
hnt all the dogs whh h Willi;' may win
at rallies. Mow this is ve do not
know, but we do know Albert's
dog. "Taft." is a fine spe imen of a
hunting dug, and no n i l ;ke.
Mrs. II. T. Batt'in ami two daugh
ters, Misses Nora and Jennie, were
passenfers t Omaha thin morning
where they will visit for the day with
friends and relatives.
To the Public.
Oil ai count of the raise in the price
of food stuffs, I find it necessary to
raise the price to li't cents a meal to
the transient trade at the Klite res
taurant. However the price of board
and meal tickets will remain as before.
1 expect to serve better meals to the
trade and shall endeavor in the fu
ture as in the past to treat my cus
tomers right and give them value
received. Thanking one and all for
past favors and wishing them a Happy
New Year, I remain as ever,
Yours for business,
Dr. A. I. Barnes.
The children of St. Luke's Minday
School will have a skating party on
New Years afternoon. All children
; be at Burlington depot promptly' at
; ' o'clock.
Smaller children will be well taken
care of.
7'J-tf. Superintendent.
H. (lilniorc of Weeping Water
is employed in the Burling
shopss of this place departed
afternoon for Omaha when' he
will visit with friends for a short time.
Plattsmouth to Started the
at the
Postage Stamps for the Present Will Remain at the
Same Old Price.
Last Sunday the commission for
the new postmaster, II. A. Schneider,
was recl'iveil, and was dated to com
mence Dec. 31, 1 !)()!). The arrange
ments are perfected for the change
of the postmasters this evening, uml
the inventory of the stock at the of
fice is being made this afternoon.,
anil with the close of business today
Mr. Chester H. Smith, the retiring
officer, will relinquish the office and
receive receipts which have been signed
for that purpose, which will be exe
cuted by the incoming postmaster.
For the present the office force
will remain as it is and no
Bptfest Business Busily Buzzing
By the Base Burner By the
Base Bill Bugs.
"Babe" Adams who attracted so
much attention in the worlds series,
has signed up for two years with
Pittsburg. The amount of salary
paid him was not made public.
Hnland Wolf has got back to the
Western League. .Jack Holland has
signed him to catch for the New St.
Joe team. Wolf is a player of Ihe
meteor style. He starts in with a
bright light, but somehow he doesn't
last. His heavy slugging for the Lin-
soin team sonipieteiy lizzie.l out I .
fore he had been with the club a
Phil Kenier of last year's Des
Moines chain) i 'i:.. -.i; a White
Sox Contract fur next year.
The Lincoln magnates are cer
tainly after that l'.MO pennant. Inci
dent Despain went to Chicago this
week and the telegraph dispatches
announce that lie has purchascil
Catcher Wilkie Clarke from the To
ledo Ymerif'nn Assoeint if in ( Mill t f'lurL
..HI .., I. t tlw. ,.,,.i,in .1,.
partment of the Links. He is t went v-
eight years old and last year batted
at .'J!3 and fielded at a .!l7J clip.
This means that Manager Sullivan
will put in his whole time to the man
agement of the team.
Tom Chivington who was this
week elected to be president of the
American association is a Nebraska
City man.
Old Pop Anson smiles when he
hears someone say that Ty Cobb,
Hans Wagner and John Kling are
the gi ".!:'st players that the game
ever ku w. lie says that Kling is
not in it v: !i Kellcy the old Boston
catcher ai.d that there are others
I who have been on the diamond who
were just as good or better than the
jot her
riure is no doubt that Kcllev
1 was
i him
one of the greatest
the bat that the
players be
g.'Ulie ever
! knew. His heal was id ways work-1
I inir and no one knew when he was go-1
jing to pul! off a stunt which for its . spend New Year's here.
i daring was nearly always succe.'-fiil. j - -
iThe editor of this paper contends! II. M. Craig, representing the Dm as f,,r as playing the posit ion 1 aha Drug Co., formerly a Plat ImiioiH h
!w:is concerned that no player at the 'boy, has been in town today.
'present time has it over Herman Lon;:
jin his days when as "King of Short-1 Mr. .1. Core, now residing in Alberta,
stops" he electrified the fans ,ith his 'Canada, but nianv vears ago a lesi-
I phenoiniiial stops and throws. No
one who has ever seen
Herman Long when he
the work of
played with
the Boston team w ill ever forget it
New Year With a New Man
changes will bo made ns Mr. Schneider
has stated that the first consideration
in this matter as in every other matter
in which the public is interested, will
be for their welfare, and after that of
others. Changes in the force may be
made in the future should circum
stances Varrant the same, but not
until something of moment shall dem
onstrate that the change should be
for the betterment of the service
and until the details of the new posi
tion shall be so familiar to Mr. Sshnei-
der that he shall be reasonably cer
tarn of the result of any changes
which may be contemplated.
Brief Local Happenings.
(1. W. Fornoff of Culluni was a bus
iness visitor in the city this morning.
Alf Nickels of Bock Bluff Creek
was in town today.
Trainmaster Austin of the Burling
ton from Omaha was a visitor in the
cith this morning for a few moments.
' Mrs. Alice and Julia Kerr were vis.
iting with friends in Omaha this morn
ing, having departed for that place
I this morning over the Burlington.
Fred Hawksv.(.;th and wife
Norfolk where Mr. Hawksworth has
employment with the Standard Ool
Co., were visitors over night at the
home of his parents, where they also
visited with David Hawksworth, Jr.,
and departed this morning for their
home j over the Burlington.
Councilman J. W. Bookmyer was
a visitor in Omaha this morning
where he is looking after some bus
iness matters.
Messrs. Davis Stewart and Lennie
Crawford of near Fnion were visitors
in ine city today having come up on
the early Missouri Pacific train and
were looking after some business
matters in the sountv seat.
Chas. F. Heichart of near Culluni
JW!, transacting business in the citv
, iKl aim returned home this
! afternoon.
P. II. Meisingerof near Cedar Creek
was looking after some business mat
ters in the county seat today.
Misses (irctclien and Marie Don
nelly are visiting with friends in Ne
braska City for a few days.
Thomas W. Shryoek of Louisville,
accompanied by his little grandson,
Thomas Stander, were visitors in the
city this morning, and looking after
some business matters at the county
treasurer's office.
Miss Helen Chapman departed for
Lincoln this morning where she will
visit with her friend, Mrs. I'd John-
I s"- l,,r short nut
Miss Myrtle Keefer of South Oma-
ha is the guest of Mr. and
Wescol t at Suiniyside.
Mrs. C
dent oi mis county, is here on a visit
and is renewing old acquaintances.
We found him at the office of the clerk
of courts hobnobbing with his friend,
Samuel Barker Over 80 Years
Old Is Unconscious.
Reports from the bedside of amuel
Barker at the home of his dauirhter.
Mrs. William Wetenkainn. are to the
effect that he is in a very critical con
dition, and has been unconscious for
a number of hours with but little
hope of his recovery.
Mr. Barker has been n resident of
this county for a number of vears
and is well ulong in years, havinir
attained the age of 81, and has re
sided in this county most of the time
since ISoti. Mr. Barker was once a
very familiar personage, and was
(luring Ins life a great stock feeder
aud shipper.
Visits Brother At Omaha.
Thomas Fitzgerald was a messen
ger to Omaha this morning where he
goes to visit his brother James Fitz
gerald who is at the St. Joseph hos
pital at that place, James has not
been feeling well for some time and
since the pains recur in the region
of where lie was recently operated
upon for appendicitis, was alarmed
as to whet her a second operation would
be necessary. He has therefore re
turned to the hospital for treatment.
Since being there the pains have
shifted to his head which continues
to give him a great " deal of pain.
His many friends will be nlenseil in
learn that he would not have to under
go another operation and hope for his
speedy ami permanent recovery.
Misses Agnes nnd Clara Yanda
and Marie Jelenek were visiting with
friends in Omaha today, havinggone
there on the early Burlington train
this morning.
Many Changes Since last Here.
Chas. Latham of Blandeiisvillc,
111., who has been visiting in the city
for some days past the guest of his
sister, Mrs. Win. MeCauley, departed
this morning for Lincoln where he will
visit for some time with his brother,
Prince Latham of that place. Mr
('has. Latham lived in Plattsmouth for
about three years and departed for
the east making his home in Illinois,
some twenty- seven years ago. He
was here for a few days about fourteen
years ago and says from that lime to
his arrival a few days since the city
has underwent a wonderful change,
insomuch that he would not have
known the place. When he was last
here the Burlington station was on
the river side of the track, and on
alighting from the train this time it
was hard to get ones bearings. Mr.
Latham sees many imprrovenients
in the city and may conclude to make
this his future home.
Entertainment at Glcnwood.
II. S. Austin and wife returned this
morning from (lien wood where they
were over night and where they gave
an entertainment at the institute
fort he feeble minded at that place last
Hemy tiering of Omaha was a
businiss visitor over night in the
Mts Florence McFlroy who is
cmpliyid !'t Lincoln as a steno
grapher came home last evening and
will visit with parents over the New
Year Ik 'idavs.
Mrs. Oeorge Ilalmes of Chariton,
Iowa, who has been visiting in the
city with friends a guest at the home
of her friend Mrs. J. T. Hatt and
husband departed last evening for!
her home oer the Burlington. J
: Miss Doar Paines of Hastings thisi
state came in hist evening over the'
; Burlington and will isit for some time
with her friend, Mrs. Mary Ilallilian.
Frank W. Johnson, rcpre.Tie.iig
the II. Channou Company, of Chica
go, is in the city today. He is a son-in-law
of Mr. J. W. Wise, and a former;
resident of Plattsmouth.
Oeorge M. Porter of Lincoln, rep
resentative of the Omaha Bee, was
a brief visitor in the city yesterday,
coming on the noon train from Omaha'
aud depatring on the Schuyler fori
Is home in Lincoln.
News Representative Presented
with the First Shirt Turned
Out By the M. E. Smith
Manager Quinn of the News-Herald
Publishing Company, is feeling im
mensely good this week as he ex
pects to blossom out New Year's Day
with u new clean shirt, the product
of the new factory at this place.
Not only is the garment a new one,
bur it is the first completed shirt
put out by the factory.
The representative of the News
appreciates very much the present
and w ill always remember the factory
long after the garment lias passed
to some poor print who may someday
come along nnd want something to
protect him from the chilling blasts
of winter.
Miss Wohlfert, the efficient fore
woman oi the tactory informed the
News representative that the demand
for the product of this factory was
so great t hat they had been compelled
to put in an additional 25 machines
during the past week. The work under
Miss Wohlfert is progressing finely.
She evidently understands the bus
iness nnd knows how to get results
from the operators, which means
much to the success of the business.
The factory is going to be a great
thing for Plattsmouth, nnd it was a
wise move in the part of the commer
cial club when they went after it.
There are more coming, and the time
is not far distant when Plattsmouth
will be known over the state as the
manufacturing town of this section
of the country. No town is better
situated for business of this kind than
Plattsmouth, nnd as soon as this fact
is generally known, the city will reap
the benefit.
W. II. Seybert of Cedar Creek was
a visitor in the city this morning, look
ing after some business matters at
the county seat.
ft, fW fti : 'lilll
Copvrlf Si Hart Sibaifntr St M
FOR wearing any
time business or
dress occasions
this style is the gen
eral utility style in
Hart Schaffner & Marx
make it for us: and we have
it in a number of good
weaves; grays and datk
color.;. A gentleman's over
coat, M.'Uiy other styles to show you;
all Weaves; sill to SiiD. Suits in all
the best models, to .'!(); all fabrics
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner ,t Marx clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Falter & Thiorolf
Value (iiviiiq Cltilliiirx.