The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 27, 1909, Image 4
Johnston's Candy 7 IN NEW YEAR PACKAGES We are Factory Agents and buy our Candies di rect. Any other dealer handling Johnston's in this city buys them from a jobber and you have no assurance that you get fresh goods. Weyrich & Hadraba THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE. 3 f3tU3mS$aiX3BUS3IA 'JtJgaXMGUyvSXBSJUS Ki At the Christian Church. With the luiildinn decorated very beautifully, the work of the com mittee appointed for the, under tin- direction of tic ,;.A;iY, program whirl) (i.'.'.M! to li.e iUher i t 1 I t hac ihe "r::c- tiic which was '.:: 'I, wn. n mlerrd in a urv pha-lm wmiv, the M. ''' ,.l,.l ! sit hri-tiai! ( .ism: ,h :ii:!,tful tine. Not.C'.' i u'.ji.t in ;:!.. i!-;f wci.iii i re Mi v.iis :i ! i ut. '- ii' i miner iik ft ami a pnn y severe wcat school 1 a inn'; 1:iii;:ii.j a uiiin! V.el'e tpO which v.... the treat were well t: ' .ill. 1 CI;-'.!!i,:.v a-et! wiiii l iii- i ! tn:it' hail I iv tho-c in atti iidauer IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persons knowing thcmseltes Indented to us In any sum are re quested to ca!! anil settle at, cither by cash payment or by ne gotiable notes. (m -II- AscnWssen & Kiirficr. Services at the Presbyterian. "".I ."AC ."Talk iii of the notion Mure in the ('nates !lii-k occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church yesterday ami addressed a tiood si;;cd audience who were well pleased with the dis ci hum'. Y ! V f ? X Y f Tircu at Three O'clock?" "No Sir! I Use the Monarch" r V IF typewriters vrerw machine riin by iv -hanical means in stead of huin:: hinds, you v. cold find that, .". . .-.- ;, a Monarch could be run at a higher maintained speed than other typewriters. t., u,,. .-.,.1 AitrL-,i. ' tti-i -fi-nrl licit flip "Mrmn.rrVh i5 rim nt a higher all-day average speed than other typewriters, and without a "tapering oft' irom fatigue toward the day's end. v 'rioth these truths are due to the fact that Y V v t V vv VilW w w wjv w - n Both these truths are due to the fact that ttl IM VV U ml i tt -m - -a t.v i 0 Q TIME TABLES Burllniitoii Time lulilo. No. ft. No. 4. .No. !IJ. No. ail. No. No. 11. No. :. No. '!. No. I'll. No. ir. No. No. 33. Coasting Carnival The coast inn Can nival is an assured j fact and all the preparations are Ik ins: i unshed with viiror. When the vesinjr r sT lioi Nl) ! "l""1 v"1' I"'"1'1"'1' I"' "mount 'liirJi?. I-list Tralii ...7:.-. u. m ' ueco.sirv and do it with til mil uraee. I:;:'!! mi A K"'l time is tioinsi to result and stun to I'ncliir .in .' ni p. in I iiuderstaiid that a hunch will conn 'rnuhu -I" !" r.-,.m Omaha and other towns to ar- hi'n'u.'i;:":":'11:':" ::i i ti-'ii't.' the j.,iiy mi m wkst Holno. ipective. Help the nood work and l.ocul fnmi cilur Crei k ; ,r(.t out Volir liolis for Voll sure will niul Loiiisi illr 7:111 a. m. i ' . . ... 1-aM train for Lincoln. . .x Hi a in. ! lie ITIVell the llllieot your III-'. Lii. nl li umaliii I :.rH l. in I hchuvler :i !' " I i Vlsltcil In South Dakota. No. mi No. 1 1 Ml. No. I!H. No. m:i. No. Iil'i. No. I'.M. Mrs. A. V. Seyliert who has hecn ; visiting with friends and relatives in p i- io Kiinsiis I Huron ami otlier points in muui ia- k'("wis. l""V: iii "!. ! returned last evening to Platts- Loc:i! fn-ii'.'iii ' i" -' " '" i inout h, and this inoin'uit; departed for i her home at Cedar Creek. Mrs. Sey liert savs there is much loss .-now in ' the north than here. Ml.ivnirl Pacific SOI 'I II NUUTII. NOTICE. All ctrsor.s having Icols ol any kind belony.njj to the undtrblsned form are requested to return them bclore January 1st. Olncrwi.e they will he charueJ to parl.ii having t!iern. JIm aurr. At St. Paul's. With a l:.rn' crowd at Si. I'liui'.s l.vannrlical church not witlistaiidiiin the inclciiK iicy of the wcitht r the Sunday chool celehiateil the arrival of the 'Chri.-tuias sci.m.ii. 'i'iie ehun !i huiliiinii was ny heaiit'l'uhy i.nd a-tefully decoialid and a inaiii!i cent Christmas tne, from which and from the cci'in.:; of the room hunt; streamers , of liuscllid and Christmas l-ells. A very ilthjihtful pi e;;r:,in coni-t A " I' 1 Hi; ol r aiiiiijis. maioues, ;:.umi. ,.i,l's (n'iivuied the hour, and with r . .. i the s'Pi'earance of Minta ( lai.s ami the distriiiulien of the nro.-ents maHe i very plca-a'.il I'livcninn loi ad Mid very ilelisihtful occa.-ion lor tne yeiiiifrtr portnn e. 'hnse m auemi- nce. f V y 1 1 f f t ? V LTGrlriT TOUCH lightens the draft, uses Dower more economically. Eliminates the waste of energy that typifies the heavy-touch machines. This in turn means increased production per machine and de creased cost oi typewriter work per folio. lhe Monarch Light iouchandthe Monarch Rigid Carriage are exclusive Monarch features, every other import ;:rt feature or. the modern typewriting machine, such as Back Space Key, Two Color Ribbon Shift, Contiin d Tabula tor, etc., etc., wili aloo be found on the Monarch. Let us you n demon smtti'.m of Morri.-;;h Liht Touch and oilvr Monan:h : ivatictmcnts. . I Monarchic 'Ml A ;!, ;Y f. ' i 411 South Executive Ofuce?: M'-irnvh Ty To ( liiialm To Ui.i.ilia . al fivwlit 'i 11 1 p. in. .ri::i."i II. in. 2 ill) i. in. ' Harry Xorthcutt departed for hi Waijckliienncdy. home in I m:i!i:t wh-re lie is e:iaiied The uiarr'tatie oi Mi.-s Anna Dad'iitt ;k hteie.w.i.ln r at Army he:nhinitei., ,,f Hasting- to Mr. Charles I'. K n-; .,f,.r ha iiiji i.-ileil al the hoine of ncdy of l.naha was Mileniuized at noon wife's hn.lher Mrs. . W. Ken on Chr'htiuas day at the home of the 1(.,ly (,vir the lolid:is am! atimded groom's ir.other, M:. V.. W. Kennedy, ,,. v.-eildin'!; of f Jr. I'.d Kennedy, Ids Kcv. Austin of th. Methodist ehureli hrollier-:ii-law. pi-rforiniim theeeremniiy. 'riuie wcl'e - irc.-i nt Mr. Mel M-v I l:rry North- "liiiiii oi;t the il. iilll of (hi:ah:i, and Mrs. Xul'theoiti' Kinil in the New." ,,r ,..r.,ka Citv. M:s IheiL'ett ef ! I'.eiielit V."tcli Parly. Ansnicis St. Marv's Ciinld. i W'an.ed- Din'mii room jrirl at Hotel c.i.ihI u-iiL'es Aunlv :t once Hasting a siler of the hride, Mrs.1 and Mr.. A. .). Craiiili. Miss Mahel 'I'russleer and Mr. V. l-'razier of Kiiiimi-. City. 1" Uu jnu l'u cert nio:iy a wed d'mn wa -ersed !y Mr. A. .1. Crahill. Mr. and Mr-. Kennedy will make their home at maha. 'lhe IViilv New., and other friends extend to the happy i i:d ics. Iica'vwi i' 'ieir l.e-t l)elieioiis Ucfre.-hmenls. Complete )i- ehestr.i. "nl.. Ti.le DecoraliollS. liaiH.V N"V Year HMO to all. I' rank I '.eyd after having visit in (he lily at home over Christina an I Sunday, relumed to Omaha ihi niornii'd where he i.- einployed on tli Spent Chri tnas at !M'ics AHcnv. Mr. C: ii C. eii. of l.oiimer, ; Iowa, an old iiu.e iY'icnd of lhe family ' of Miles Allen, v as a vi-it.-r at the Al len 'home over Chiislimis and Sun day, lie departed for his home this morning over the Ihu lintOon, ;oii.!i ia Omaha vhcic he v. ill i-ii .villi J'riends for the day. tuMinm ot a e-ideuce for I. I'i arln In City Over IloUiuys. Win. Stewart, wife dnunnti Wviliole who have the city eile-t- at lhe home o . ,1. Sit iu:u ef Cedar Creek wh 1... !.., i. i witllur Hi I ic ellV With friends and relatives over Christina left this mornim; for St. ,lneph, M. where he will make 1 ii. hiune for tin piesi'lil. Kay Smith who is teachinn .hool ; nearV eepinj; Water was a visitor in tin- city a tiuest at the home of his r of parents Mr. anil Mrs. Sam Smith over li rite Per r:. ..ratJd Descriptive Literature. TYPEWRITER COMPANY. :;Si Sti'cet. CiKIia. NtFjrahlia. ite.vriu.-r Kuiliin. 300 Droadvvay, New York. T i f Y t f Y f WASKINGTO PASS A'-TAV Friday's Daily. her Ci ill) Vr.'-u ts Tanitlj' Soon. ohn I'. Kiihn.y of Xchav.ka was i i-.itur iii i he i :v ve? teniay i "iun.; no! 1 1 id iv e.i :i:ii l.K:r f' r hi-- I.; I worU tnis -v. line.. I" : .mil v to arive du;':r,a, l!ie lailr ;i r t of ihe w. ek aim wiil H-eii he set Inl in Ca:. e.iunty av.a.r. In IM; Lt Ctcr 1 o5 a Ce:il;it;'. SiErtf ! TUSaks Thsy Vn.ll' H r:e Tnri-Tj. M. Siihs. the !iu:li" ln'n!pe :.icl e.i;'.!i, di p.'.i ted fol I I VMts Wl'ih Parents 1 Crour Ruifijer of Sil I v. !a re he is et:;ra:;ed with a lum , I.; : :u ' 1 ii';. i e liulTni r of Onia where he i- ill the emtiu v ol 1 lie Aortli lMiner, this western Ihuilway, were visitors t X ha. X 'a hin; i",n Smith, fo. over t'n-''-li.-e yiar.i m: of 'Yr I'-Uinf-It.n 'railway, end who ' :' foremost (Ui.'ns .I I'. e t . ;''e'f' the vtars wliich have ;.t tl vi.-t. d;;v li'.oi n:ii.'I M-s .!. v i: , : daiiilitt I ; . , ( , hce he , .,,( i f ill ( :,( ral m'.ti. i:::d W'lt re I" W i'l v. ho went Io t ha nl.lei si;iee. find tlay r.i.'vs w't:!' (!.e vi- a v-i i: :.. ;,. i ;. f ..,,;i-.-1 tne home Mr-'. . some o: of their pr.r.rt.-, Mr. a"-d iliilTner. over the Chri.-t- " ' .i-i i . i will aii sp, ml Chri.-I-: in-unays am: . -lernay. ii-. ii!:-- c I ,ur . run s, '. i. n; ;h-i . l.llJV.: el" in ! 'n Mis ie !e;vl e 1 IV :n Wanted Siksncn. l'.!gh clas.i. to sell the finest jroceiles cer ot tered In the werl li e Wnd only obtainable In a mctjopalltan city to lartvers. stockmen, lintels. restaurants end other larj,e cou sumcrs wlvt re cr.thusJastic over our riootfs. Kry at sl3t ol san- ;;Ies and remain perniancnl cus tomers. Come win. the l.ig fioase tho nrlwln&l iwre loed pcoiilc. r.o Unctincrt ii ashed: cvccrience unnecessary; cor.'.n.l.isions ad- vanccd. Nur.iorour old time gro cers, wholesale and iet:3I. now ellhig lor m. Ov.r soods never solJ to or !.y isc.Wlers. Territory Ulnu up iasl. AMly today with relcrences. Jchn Seston X Co., Imnnrtinn and manufacturing grocers. l ake and I'ranK3In Sts.. CMcao. nl AH -. 1 1 in n leaiiie,1; I t hniiA . I The re;; a: - - . . . rive i ! i nil ilTow e . i I t.ill ll,l! iiltef'i . i.l l ():,k Mill 'eeii vv. llnn.i. '" the phiee for ho' :: the f.i -er: has not h-tn lite:-:, '.i- :- M,,re te-i-emu nnd h.e f i hi- former cith-en wel i-e J.'ivei n in. olla'r is:-::e. :!::;.k l! el. i' re i.- to ii.i. lick- Mr. ;'s ;',Oi'l'iUK, i.s t. .1 t', ;i I r h. r !.. I.. ; :i,l.,eri" e t: ta ii t , .-i ( :,:y i : n.e i, ,.i .. ,i, ,i Vf.r. ..'.I'eirJs la y. . . w. s . d iimi'iiii'ied t. -. Mi-- Mat'i:ia !r;.y, i r.ii. 'i'iie o': t r.e ' hu-il, I'!., whir. ' hohdavs at. tin i: ami e :htM n, . l''.iit'tiu's ;as- ,tt"i 1 s! ?.o!i for llnn. they will sp. iid the home ef Mis. Urit- Mi. s ler'i'l.iie Si; :, ii';.; ! i I i.e ell for t :;c :'l l::e l:o;,.e i-f I.e.- mi c i'i Sleaaer ; t l' ie d I Ii.!1. ' .' W 'l,. the h t;. I I ii't of ia.-t ,i:.'-'i in : : on ei" i n ae' . ; hour In- I.. -s. - a r :.. vimn S ea I d: f t!(r Mr-. .I.i Oieai a t'is inor'.'.'.i'i; ',. In I ll IV.- .U:illl e she In t. College. iel,:t III i Pit'.:-. The s.nni.'.'t :: i Mutual In ".'.!. ( oiinty. Ne' : Heil Satunl. y. .i; l for election oi vi ar am : t;-iii'i V i h.-ay of th. Mt pleei 1 1 ! I i : ; t s i the eir .I'.i.rfs I.e.. i n In en visilmn hohdavs. returned to his f Mr-. ' work this mnrninii. Stewart's father W. II.' Newell, ov.i the holidays, were paeiii;. r-, to ( )m aha this luorniii: where they wi,l vi.-it for a short tone hi fore liuiiii: lo ,iiK (,f Mi their home in tin vc-l. :OlierScow llev llstiu noes to Wahoo toda Iii perform the'e. reinony at (he wed- Clara Chri-tciisoii and mi- c. the i ... r Conn any i f ' .; he held at tn: u . ii ti 'u t No. SS, rove precinct, on Ml, al CUD p. M., iicer.- for the comimj vlio transaction of such other .. ....I. i. iiiiw he- hii-iness us may u-Ru,.u . - fo.e.heineetinil. J. l TlillC I. ,1, 1. I I ,nts. M.'. ami Mr-. Willijin "ny :"'' : at the ho;;,e oi cm.-. A, X. ?-ul! lor r?onn: Io Ofclo. ! Sumlav. Mi Mav liuiie.e! for Secretary. T'J-1 C. 11. Collins of l.'mcln, rr'iiirncd in liis home this t:oinii :.fln' havim: visited in the city for a ft friends at Mvi" .! lavs with Christni' V: u, i Dr. and Mrs. Dodsie and Mr. and Mrs. ,. !,. Oetz all of Omaha spent s i'i 1'laUsniouth iiuests ol Mr-, (horne lhiilue. Slroiie oi Last Sat in . lay V V. W hite wlio has el ia IV e of the Mure of !' S. White, ...,n- I .lii'hl lissioii ui' ihe hrain iv.nihim.1 in a slight stroke of paraly- :.. r..., u l.i. l. l.e was not a 'le to At the M. E. Church. i .t ,,. n i.inn of Mrs. ( . .1 .t i. - i " some ! time past hash'vn vi-itim; wi!,i Inen'l in this City, a guest at tie- home ef I.r cousin. .1. N. Donicly and famhy, departed het evenini; for her home m Wmister, Ohio. A Beautiful Ch; -'tias rrest-.vt. The l-ir.-t Xatior. ilai:!: is piivin to their patrons, a very 1 :;.i'ul plate with a ph-ttire of t'a '. 1 1 k huild HH thereei:. Thi.s mai.e- a vi ry nice mi ;:i!.rai;ce oi i mi this veal id . ii'e i f Kansas I'i'X he; u ;cu( ls r. Su'livan's o.'ir--i: :::r'. wife over ii a;'. . i ::;! i a. .nice .e- i .a :r o, oi'.v ;.i t.r,i t. At .'.o, r spe'idi'.iy: '!:riai!a;iM ::ml 1 he home of their parents. i .i... i..thiu'ist Sunday scaooi , III lisuil lit " - ., . , I . 1... t 1' 1 1. 1 V cr, ted O.ld Pallia mus ...... ift ;uu; a ,, I I, M.l a most deh-lit.ul!" evening. . . . i t ... time with ii - luisiin...- . .....lestv Santa Clans, tlesc. nointi Su'h the chimney of a hott-e i ui't M,,. William Met -u , -' for tlm occasion. A most inti re-'iimi i f))1. ,,m.,,., this mornm- ... .. ne . intersiiersi tl , -.1 .. i . r..,. i .'.iv Ms irom Mini ii n ami ciitertainnm '"'r.' " . -,iii visit wuu inenu no n popcly :. one of his haiitl, for h iimsi(. iU1(, snp was had nnd the m y h( '" fr0,', !'l M 1 :':t will me,, and he accompanied r. i sci. i; Mrd f, i a hn iUilu.n and wife were visitors 'n t lie city over ( "heist ma ami Si j inlay ..! the ie.'ee of M:s. lHlitoll's mother, M:v . S. i;. M(d:!wain l' i.-tal lii.:nirt;r. !'. I-Vazier of Knn- s'l.s City vu !' visitor in the cii.' o, ir Sued 'v am! Christmas a at t: y Hole! i's Olive :.:id Staiit'ield .loms, .I iatted for 0,,iaha this luorniiiL; w,ier-' ,:ev v-. ill vish. with friends for a f. ., ' ' vs. ...oniine- show some iniprovcincni in n.1Ils ...IS the cluna oi a hu m r ... p I . ..Mil I .'.Hi'" his condition. Ilw many menus, uiu , he well phaMtl irovelnent. .1 ( alls was llie coin" ii, ,l ., i : .neehillv for the mme l.v her son-, who are employed mv;; i .Ii i l' I IL.. 1 " i ' i to know of his iin-i..',-' ,,otwithstai.dins the severe , tl(,n, j in i ii . , i l't try Marsh and family returned this inornimi from an extended visit wi'.n Mr-. Mini.- parents at Alton. a. M-Hr"I-5!"'"5i5,,5""''i'" Cold Weather Coiiforls Kcv .1. V.. Swaiisoii deiartetl for hi, hotne al Wahoo this inorninn !.,fttr havitiL- visited with friends in i . .. .1... l,..r..l., .mi! nreach- I im IIicc.ivom i tin ii.......... i- i mas an" . . , : ,,i .,, j,e Sw. dish mission church yes-1 ()f Mr. !md Mrs. Al'heu A.l.n ! terdav and laM eveninii. I ,llu will remain f'-r a few days. weather on the outside. Visited In Lincoln. The Misses Hazel and Clare Dovey j 'a ... i I I 1 1 1 'I 1 1 ll I I 1 I ILl'. t I were visuois ,1. ... - uv,.,,ii,.. Water where he uoes to lav where nicy wcie n. i - ("he' friends th.V. Siilli:ui was a visitor with : el relatives in Omaha to- llai. ' IHvis, the t-enial and efh cielit niai...-.r of the Nehl:.ska Tel ephone Co.. departed this meruit:",. . Clducst atid best assortment of look after some husiness for the coin- j Joh nston'schocolatcs In $'Al boxes p.iny. ; at Ilerold's. Card ol Thanks. i ... our thanks to Our Coal is the host cool wo;.; her coin fort X that you will ho ahle to find in tuwn. Those T chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter f and you will need the comfort that our coal T. will Rive you. Hotter order early to avoid r disappointments when an extra y chilly day comes. ' j: J. V. Egenberger :: John Camiai k and wife of Omaha j .;.',,,, is in the citv over thej Christmas holidays at the home of! f.i(,n(ls einhhors who s the parents of Mr. Ciirmnek, Mr. Mini k.nilly inim,errd to our needs in Mrs. Carl kuiismati. , uw f reat soriow. ..... . ... .... ii" t nnoil l iiem. veil sclioicesi in. . ., .,.. Arc Invoicing at Glhson. i.i nil; Wooster and I'l'iink lloolu ,' .liri d for Cihson this moniiiiR wher thev no for the purpose of ;,' ,s an inventory of tlw stock of ,urlinutoii supplies lit that phiee. They left this morninR nnd will ftay until the work is conipleteil. MIS. M. A. S l n l.l . i ' AND FAMILY. nvdean.rWay.ieMuipl'.vofO.nnlin were" in the city over Christinas am vesterdav visitiiiB wil fr'1,,ls Miendinis the lmlidnys, retur.iinj to their homes and work last cvenniR. Perry Marsh ami wile mid lainiiy of Kock I'.luU's departed via the Hur lliniitou f"r Afton, Iowa, where they ': will spend the holidays at the home I of Mr. and Mrs! Albert Adams, the i parents of Mrs. Marsh. Mrs. Sam Suit I i departed for Om aha this uiore ini where she will visit with friends for the day. Attorney 1). O. Dwyer was looking after some h nal business in Omaha todav. Mr. and Mrs. Walter (ireen of' Jerome St. John and Prank AlidjT- vi. .".'oiniT u'ltli the son o Avocu are in town totlav. (Iretna, Neb. are isiting wnn uic . parents of Mrs. C.reen over Christinas. Mr. C.reen made this office a pleasant ('has. Jloynl ol Avoca is u business viisitor in Plattsinouth today. ' ' r 'I s r 'V