The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 27, 1909, Image 1

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VS. fcrtaMLiht! Nov. S, lUl
I'.AI.H. K..taUisK-d April M.
onuolidattil Jan. 1. lsy.f
Wife of Nehawka Fhysician
Passes Away in
rormer Prominent Vour.g Lady
ol Plattsmout;..
Mrs. Walker, wife of lir. A.
Walker f N'chawka, passed away
tin1 Ksthcr hospital at Lincoln mi
' i
Christinas cviiiing in sev eu ..i-.ui-K,
Illll'l' tKlViUg lll'l'll III UIC IIISllUll IOH
some ten unys.
Mrs. Walker was the tlaiifilitor of
Mr. ami Mrs. Williain Cilmour and
v;;s horn on tin' farm ol iui parents
south of this city. She was well and
very favuralily known 1 y :ij host of
friends. Iter life was spent in the
neighborhood where .she was horn.
She attended the school in thet dis
trict and later at the l'lattsnioiith
high school, and for a number of
voars prior to her marriage last miiii
ni'T taught school at different points
in the county. Miss (iilinour had
the measles and from this she never
fully recovered. She was anxious to
.:. ';:.i, i t,.,., ,.f school ami nmn.ihlv
"... l ... ,, r i,..-L- l.f,,r,. full'v '
f,-,.,., ti, M, in,.;, !,.,,(
rccin , i in'., iii'iii in, ...........
tvi the iiiea-'.rs.
1 During fie sumnur she was united
i .. i i . ..
in marriage io or. -v. u. uaiMi,
ihov going to the Alaska-Yukon
ei)ositioii and seeing all the principal
pieces in California. going as far south
;,s I. os Angeles. Dining t!u past f.di
and early winter her health had been;
oiilv fair, and wlr n troubled with an'
at : ;ck of appi l.d.'eit is was t.ihcn tir
at Lincoln where an opor-
a;i n w iv p: "feri!!il for her 1 1 ii-f. ;
Walker ; pparent iy v.a-- getting
,ih Ti nicelv as her mother, Mrs.'
(iiimour v;
for lh'ssi
sited, her Mid ihciijdopartcd
wi'ere she i iteil wit h a
miii. At t!' time of her departure
from Lincoln her daughter was pro
gressing nicely. She grc Muli'eiiJ.v
worse, however, and s'Oik rapidly,'
passing away on Chri-imas evening
as above slated.
The funeral ortegc , aeconijvi.iied
by the bereaved hi. -baud a ud the moth
er arrived on the iinoii train of the
nuilington i;nd the funeral ws lu Id '
at the I'nited 'inthrcn church atA
of the city, be!:i:, coudiictu by I! -v.
W. (.'. .lie, who is M present the
pastor of tiii' church. Interment was
made at the Homing or Mil cnbi ri y
cemetery south of ihe city. The all
bracers wire Llbi it Wiles, Mexweil
Adams, XeNon .lean. .John Yallerv
and Fritz Friekc.
Then' riniaiu to mourn for this
young lady who had a hot of frit nils,
'tier husband. Dr. A. K. (Jalkor. her
parents, Mr. amd Mrs. William (!il
niour, Mrs. W. I!. I.iv i'ii.ston, a si.-ter,
.lames (Jilmour of I'lvscs, a brother.
After a busy selling reason in which
many of our stocks are badly shot to pieces
on sizos, we have determined to close out
all odds and ends. We will begin with
pants. All our I lutchess pants on which
sizes are broken and all odd punts left from
suits have been put in 3 lots to choose for
cash only, as follows:
Nearly all sizes represented. A eood as
sortment of boys' long pants sizes 23 to 32.
C. E. Wescotfs Sons
The Home of Satisfaction.
William (liliiii'iir of Lincoln, another'
brother, Iloter ;i sister and Sam iil
mour a brother, both making their 1
home w ilh t ho parents. !
Commercial Club. i
Tlie annual election of off'ecrs for
the Club will he laid on Wednesday'
evi'ag, Dccemhir J!Hh at N o'clock, j
T.'s dale marks the lirst anniversary!
.' the orginizalion. and every member
is urged to aiti nd. !
There are other features which will
make the evening one ol" ;..Vasure ami
profit. One i f these, will he an on
formal debate upon the "I'osfnl Sav
ings Hank" iiiestion. .liaise Ijeosuti
presenting the aflirinati vo, anil .1. M.
Roberts the negative side. This will
I serve to open the ipiestion for infor
nial discussion by all present, and
; every man should he interested to
inform himself upon this matter
jus( a( -. UlIit,
Other items or iinpoiiahce will I e
presented. livery member of the
club, and every man interested in
Plattsinouth should :itteiid the melt
ing. Coat as' hall Wednesday evi hing
--s o'clock. ,i. p. faltfi:,
K. If. WFSCOTT, President.
Seen tarv.
Vasited at Old Home.
Walter Manier, who is employed
at Lincoln with the Hurlingtoii rail
way, accompanied by his wife, v.irc
over Christmas guests at the home of
(lust Manier and wife, parents of
Waiter, and this morning left for
their homo i
in Lincoln. They were
acconmaiiud lv Jacob
Manier. a
. .
hrol her who will also engage with the
railway company at that place.
VMted at Mynard.
. .1. (luziner, a bookkeeper in
.the Norfolk institute lor the Insane
was a visitor at I'nioii with his friend
Mont P.ohb over Christmas and de
parted for Lincoln where he will visit
with friends for a few davs from which
.,..,, . v j Ku to Texas for a short
visit v.iili friends before returning to
j,;,. work at the in-litiUe at Noifnik.
V.!IJ Horli fn Lr.ulsiiilc.
l lies. I.i si or, wliii lias lor a lol
a. I lest or. who has for
time been in the employ of the iorder
hai'!i."s manufactory in this city, and
at times worked in the Louisville fac
tory, departui this meining for Louis
ville where he will have'ee of the
work at ihat place for the '.vino. r.
Will In Ecalire.
Mr-. ( had Caii.iil i il ami .-',ii i'
one of ihe carfii r boy.- for tic
News. departed this ; i n i'i in
Hcatrice win re tier ill v ;s '
'i eip.
' ailv
wit 1 1
' Mrs.
friends aie! relaliv"-- tor a
guests at i he home i f a eon?
( 'anijibcll
Ml. aid M.
! Miss licit ha Frown ( f
' visiting at tiie home of i . .
coming do'., n to vi.-it fo'
! wilh her school chum. Vi
; lows who is up fnu. i !
' spend the 1 1 . d i I t ;. will
,icoln is
few days
Jane Har
s City to
her at-
Quarry Employee While Returning Home Saturday even
ing is Instantly Killed.
Supposed that Snow Deadened the Sound of Approaohing
Train so he did not Hear it.
l.ast Saturday i
Click occutivd oik
of the
al Cedar!
most uii-
forsei n and terrible accideiils which
it has bun ihe ollice of t his paper to
ihii'iiicle for main' a dav. An eiu-
ploye of the At wood iv: Co. quarries,
by the name of McMaiimis, with a
number of others had come to Cedar
Creek from their camp for sonic sup
plies and after Ihe trading had been
i'.oiie slatted for home being it is sup
posed run over by the Sioux City
train No. ss lirst.
Mr. McMaiimis arrived at Cedar
Civ; about 7:!i() in the evening and
was around t . w 1 1 at different places
being seen at the store of Wolf V Co. ineiai them a lew nights before. Mr.
about '.I o'clock, when he with t he j McM : ai.os was not given to drink
j owder man who works in the quarry i ing to excels, and was frugal, saving
departed for home or the camp, and j ,y money. In conversation with a
were nut near the Hurlingtoii .-t :i-; fellow workman only a short time
(ion by .lames .lohiison who had been prior to ihe lime the accident must
et Louisville and was returning home, j have oeuiired he said he hail about
The men stopped and eonversid a
short time when Mr. Johnson went
on home. Later Mr. McMannus con-J ,.,s to where the miioney might, be.
eluded to return to town a:al the pow-j . ..careh was made and only one
dcr man went on to camp. vMeMannus ; p, t of the clothing could be found
was seen up town asiaiii a littleafter j ''. tracks were gone over again and
ene o clock after which nothing more j (, money and a check for SJtl was
was seen of him. The Sioux City train 1 found one mile east of the station in
comes' along about !':'Ji) and it isj,,' ,',,.irco sack. The money being
Minpo.-ed that this train struck the j y .'.!i) MI wilh the wages coming
um'orliiiiate man. as a poi iim ot t lie , ijiee pay day seemed to tally to about
remains were found about a half mile j wl(l( , ,. ,js companion,
east of tiie station aiidpieces from there j Aflr. ,u, sioiix City train passed
to a i ii ii ii t on:' mia
in i.',t nl t lie st a ion .
.raking the area over which
mains were scattered one am
the ic-
Seel ion Foreman ( )l
f I he remains,
litst lo lind a poi lion
Fornv.T Pastor
Ture at Cv.-'.
Deliver Lcc
r HeeK.
l!cv. D. A. Yout .v. former pasior
the Christian church in this city,
and nov
,ig a charge at ( 'eiil rat
City is in the city a guest, ol his many
friends and will deliver a lecture at
ihe Coates Hall in connection with
his son F. F. Youtzy, who furnislns
the musicale part ol Ihe programme.
Yesterday Ib v. Youly liiled the pul
i it at (he Christian church, and in
theplaee of preaching a sermon, de
livreed tin address on the early history
of Ihe Christian church at this place,
telling of its struggh s and growth, and
calling attention to some of ihe faith -
fill workeis of the who had contribu-
I ted to the success of the work. Among
j which none stand out wit h more prom-
! ineiice than Miss Jennie Sehcldknecht
also Mis.s Ollie l!ovd and Mrs. Wiles
who passed vvway, some time since.
l!ev. Youtzy congratulated the church
at this place upon the excellence of
their past ie and said that he was a
great w.' , r and if the membership
would out. ... rk with him there would
be mm il go, . . "cnmplishctl.
Mrs. Maude ( il departed
lor her
home at l.ieeolii
having visiicd in
lus morning aher
ie city a guest at
ihe home cf her mother Mr
Heiiiiie ovir Christmas ami
(i. W.
,1. A. Jones of Omaha after having
visited in the city over the Christ
mas holidays and Sunday a guest at
(he home of Hey. ,1. T. Hand, Mr.
Haird, left for his home this morn
ing. John Yanda, son of Frank Yanda
of (his city, who has been employed
at the liurhngton shops at Ilavelock,
was tin over Sunday and Christina
visitor in the city a guest at the home
of his parents, departing for his work
over the Hurlingtoii this morning.
when he went hack ov er the track ves-i
jtenlay (Sunday morning and with
I tne aid ol ;i iiunilier ol the citizens
! picked them up, placing them in a
box. (ieoige I!. Sayles of this place
who epi ul Saturday ev ening and over
.Sunday in Cedar Creek assisted in
, colled an; ihe remains w hich were
taken bv I ndertaker Slander of
Louiswde and placed in a casket and
: burial made at (llendale cemetery,
i The face was cut oil' from the head
.clear and intact, and w. identified
1 by la- fellow workmen. Also the
shoes wire identilied by one of his
fellov. who saw the unfortunate man
jiS() to the good. When the remains I
had been colli cted the question arosi
I 'i re" ol id's h.'iil iroiic over le s.'iioe
traci-:. two ireignis nil t in I Incago
Deliver passenger o. I. No rela
tives of the dead m.iii have so far been
i found, although r-l i has been made
II was the;. .ml imoiirv is still beiinr nroseciiled
i i . i
j for any.
Adherents of "Tern and Jerry'
Have Glorious Jamboree.
Last Saturday night at the saloon
I on tie' south side of Main street at
the corner of Fifth occurred a light
which hid fair for awhile to end with1
the loss of some one's life. As a result j
some arrests were made. The pro
prietor, Adolph (iiese, appeared be
fore l'olicc Judge Archer and swore
oat a warrant eharging.John Miller
and James Jones with creating a dis
turbance at his place of business.
Wlc u the time set for the appearance
came he did not appear and with no
evidence furnished the court from
! any
source, there was not lung to lie
except discharge those who had
been placed under arrest.
'Visited In Plattsinouth Christmas
Adolph Michka and family
nierly of this place which they
left some seven years since, and fur l lure
years were uidinls in Minnesota
and lived in Oklahoma for a pi rind
i f four years then ret in ning and now
making (heir home at Omaha, were
i-itors in the city over Christmas,
guilts at the home of their friends
James Ftacek and family left this
morning for their home in Omaha.
Hans Tain.
alpeiitering his morning
who is doing station
or the Hurliiigton left
for ( linaha where he is
looking after miiiii
work lor the com-
D. V. Jackson (he
was a business visitor
house furnisher
in Omaha this
Dr. Daniel ( inkling and wife and
children of Fremont came down to
spend the Christmas holidays with
llie doctor's mother, Mrs. Levi (Inkl
ing, ami brother, Haruch (iolding, of
the Variety Store, and to visit with
old friends in the city.
iCIirlstmas at the rreshytcilan.
The preparations which have been
going on for the Christinas exercises
at the Presbyterian church for the1
j past week of so resulted ill the pro- 1
jduclion of a very delightful and in
I (cresting plav at the Sunday school :
j rooms in the hasciiient of the church
building last Friday evening, when
the trial of Santa Clans was held,
The title of the play being "Is Santa
Claus a Fraud "
Tne ease was trit'd to a jury with
Hen Windham as the judge. ,1. F.
Douglas was the prisoner at (he bar,
with lldward Zuckweiler as attorney
for the defense, and Carl Schmidt man
as prosecutor and Joe ,11. Faton and
Hint he Kosencraiis as court ollicers.
The trial was interesting throughout,
and ended with the jury handing in
a verdict of acquittal, showing Santa
( 'laus to be a real, delinite and actual
being. A feature of the evening was
the music, two pieces of which were
solos by the Misses Mildred .Johnson
and Mildred lingers, and were es
pecially good.
The most commendable feature
of the occasion was the bringing of a
present of some worth by every one
of the Sunday scl I which under
the direction of Mrs. C. C. I'annele
and Mrs. !). C. Morgan were sent lo
some i .' the deserving poor of the4
city. In all the entertainment was
a pronounced success.
Had Family Reunion.
D. S. Shiniii and wife if Kansas
ii f V f i it'i m.i'l i .f tins; nl'ioii id .rn in
the city over ( 'hristmas aiid yesterday 1
attending a family reunion of the Hen
ton Kinkead family at the Ixinkead
home.- Miss Laura Ixinkead who is
teaching at Lincoln and Miss Flta
Kmkead who is studying art m ( hi
i i ii i ii...
i ,l;ii urinn iii'sciu ns a.- ui iiie
of their parents. The Ixinkcad's
expect to reinovr to
in the spring, where
Washington in
In ir son Ralph
Ixinkead is now making his honu
Spent Christmas With Parenls.
Mrs. John Cox of ( In eiilii Ids, Iowa,
formerly Miss Hcssie Hrady and little
child who have been visiting in the
city for some days past a guest al
t he home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hrady over Sunday was a vis
itor will! her sister, Miss Fi ona Hrady,
with friends in Omaha today, going
on the early liurlimito.'i train.
Mrs. C. S. Forbes and daughter,
Mix llattie wet ' ' i.'l 1 villi friends
in Omaha this morning.
Putting Money
As These We're
b::;.f.?. . .
1 !
Cupvli;lit Hirt bjullncr k Mit
The Homo of Hart
Manhattan Shirts
V- . 1
: V.;;;:,.v. s..;y ,
v a. m '
fix. :i'X-.
' ..." .' ' '
fx:: ; . XV-Xl
1:1 J
Falier & Thierolf
I 'dine diving Clot hi era.
Nebraska's Former Execu
tive Not Expected
to Live
Disease Contracted While Governor
ol the State Responsible.
(lovi rnor Mickey, who has been in
ill health ever since he left Liucloln,
at (he completion of his term of ofllce
three years ago, is lying at his home ut
Osceola in a very critical condition.
llis death in moinetarily expected,
although he may continue for some
time longer. llis trouble is pro
nounced to be a very serious attack
of anaemia or a hardening of the ar
teries. At one time he seemed to he
very well and was attending to out
side duties, but since the cold weather
set in the disease seemed to take
(a new hold and his death may he ex
pected al any time.
Sunday School Meet Ollicers.
j The election of ollicers for the com
ing year for the Christian Sabbath
School was held yesterday, and the
sr,i,'1',ion ' '"'J , made.
,vi is. .viae .Morgan. Mioerinteni -
rnt; Miss Daisy I'erry, Secretary;
Oscar Wilson, Assistant Secretary;
.Mrs. .1. II. Hall, Treasurer; Mrs. M. S.
I'riggs, Superintendent of the Primary
Department, Mrs. .1. II. Hall, .1uper
iiilemleiit of Ihe Home Department;
I Miss Ci lia Taylor, Superintendent, of
the Cradlr Roll; Miss Laura Moore,
Awssistani Superintendent of the Cra
dle lioll: MissMolIie (iod win, Organist.
J. W. Newell who with his wifh
have been visiting in the city with rela
tives and frii nds, den;tcd fur his
home in Omaha where lie takes up
his svvork as auditor wc: t of the Mis
souri river for the Hiuiinelon.
( 'ceil Thomas afti r ?
day at home departed
in hiiaha t his ni'ii iiire.
Mi s Ci lia Ma leoii v
this morning where she
friends for a few davs.
penning Nin
for his work
. it to ( hniiha
will visit with
Into Such Clothes
Selling so Many cf;
f '"I
Fine all wool suits
and overcoats
made by
:! i
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
is as good as put
ting it in the bank.
You zet more in
terest value out
of such clothes
than most banks
We want you in
these clothes for
a mutual benefit.
ScluuTner & Marx clothes
Stetson Hats