I I "VI f II II I i "X v r x I 1 IS) t ? ? TaT . I WE WANT TO ARREST YOUR MIND THE COMING MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, WHEN YOU WILL BE SENTENCED TO BUY ONE OF OUR f . Celebrated Wooltex Suits or Cloaks at ONE-HALF PRICE. t ' t V Onthes e days we will make you oar final offer. We propose to sell our $10 suits or cloaks for $5. Our $15 suits or cloaks for $7.50. Our $20 suits or cloaks 1 for $10. Our $30 suits or cloaks for $15. Our $40 suits or cloaks for $20. It is heartbreaking to do this but the holidays are so near we are compelled I ,r i .. .11 Ci tl II .l il ni iL 1. L.J 'L. ' J - L iL.- i- ll I : tn makP the sacrifice ana vou are ceura? me oeneiu. ne wouia rainer me riausmoum Deonie naa me eooas ai sucn Dnces inan iu muve mem an ay. W w - - j D V X t Ladies Rubberized Rain Coats, they will have to go and you get them for $4.98 and $5.98 FURS! FURS! f f t 11 r i i ti i i r1 I v. -C Mf .t - 1J M..r ! -1 Ml i il 1:1.. ?i t Wednesday, inursoay ana rnaay we dispose 01 our iume siutiv ui iun ai auj um piac. nun i yuur tuance; you win never get diiuuitr line 11. y t t More lh&i 200 Trimmed Hats X t I Y 11 f 1 1 i I L lL- O Art ...II 1 J ! a ' limmnj liottf on1 l lira tliam nn flicrvlltr in ilia frnnt ( nt TL... 1 1 - Ml no tn ww a n i va nv riii'j I r- n 1 1 ri miirii iiil.ii s i i i wfii iiiiir.i ii iiiinir u iiaia null uaic till ill nil ill. i ill (i v ill iiii. i I ii 1 1 I in I I 1 1 .. iiiie uj I it n mm u x W uk V If UOH, VI unuui vvum uiviv uuu -ww r I " " uuta nitt ru lui JUI. 1U wl.JO. Now ladies this is the greatest opportunity you ever had to buy goods in the city of Plattsmouth. WE NEED THE MONEY, YOU NEED THE GOODS. We ? are selling all new merchandise and have undertaken to close out and are going to do it and you are going to help for it is dollars in your pocket. t T t ? V V E1 AW QUITTING BUSINESS X wftkwk CO. BOARD MEETING Short Session Transacts Us ual Line of Routine Business. COUNTY PHYSICIAN MADE JAIL PHYSICIAN Tom Svoboda Elected as Janitor at Court House. Petition received signed ly A. (i. Xdlting, pruyiiiR that n pul lic road he opened along the east hide of sec tion 17 in Plattsmoutli precinct and said petition was refused. S. ('. .Hoyles, rooms for two elections S S F. K. Seldater, express and postage o Haniniond & Stephens, sup plies Stone .Mercantile Co., indsr to Mrs. IJlooia Nehraska Telephone Co., rents and tolls 4 John Kopia, indse to poor. . . 4 II. M. Soennichsen, indse to county and poor 25 J. II. Donnelly, work in the treasurer's office J. Cory, care of pauper F. M. Uichey, lumber to farm 1M.75 John Waterman, lumber to jail 3 . 55 First National Hank Platts mouth, fees C. J. Haker.. 105 SO (Jeorge A. Towle, mileage as juror Plattsmouth, Neb., Dee. 21, l'.MH). The board of county commission wrs met in regular session, present, M. L. Friedrich, C. H. Jondan, com missioners, and V. K. Rosencrans, clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form : Hoard designated Hank of Nehawka as a depository for county funds, also the First National Hank of Flmwood as a depository, also the American Kxchaugc Hank of l'.linwood. Petition of 1). C. Morgan, asking that the board approve of his appoint ment of Frank J. l.ihcrshal, deputy county clerk, from January 1, 11)10, to January I, 1012, same was ap proved. Hond of D. C. Morgan, county clerk of Cass county, approved. Hond of Frank J. Libershal, deputy county clerk, approved. Hond of Mary K. Foster, county superintendent, approved. Hond of C. D. (juinton, county sliorilT. nnnnived. Hond of Herman Cast.-justice f jUnviil Jardine, poll tax paid Flmwood precinct, ap II) 00 7.10 32.50 August Steppat, wood to farm National Fidelity and Casual ty Co., bond of sheriff. . . . William Holly, indse to poor. . Plattsmouth Journal, printing C. H. Jordan, salary and ex pense '. 20.00 M. L. Friedrich, salary and ex- pense J. V. F.genherger, coal I). P. Jackson, mdse to county Ascmisscn A Klingcr, mdse to county F. S. White, indse to poor Claims allowed on the roail fund F. I!. Sehlatcr, road tax re ceipt K. 1). No. 17.... F. E. Sehlatcr, do.' No. 10. Union Lumber Co., material It. D. No. 1ft ft 75 Union Lumber Co., do. No. 14 40. SO Union Lumber Co., lumber It. D. No. 15 11S.00 The matter of the appointment of a jail physician for the county jail I came on to be heard and the board I in regular session being well advised 001 in the premises, finds that the statutes provides for same, appointed Dr. J. H. Martin, county physician, for the First district, to be jail physician during the remainder of his term. The bid of the Hankers' Surety Co., by their agent, W. K. Fox, was dis covered to be in error, the previous bid of $54.00 being for one year rather than for the term and sub stituted a bid of S'10.00, which was accepted by the board. Tom Svoboda was this day elected janitor at the court house for one year at a salary of per month and an agreement, touching upon his duties entereu into mis uaic, euccuve jan. 1, 1910. Additional bills allowed on the general fund: It. II. Frans & Son, mdse. . . .8 2. 10 The Hankers Surety Co., bond of county judge 00 00 No further business, board ad journed to meet Jan. 4, 1010. W. i; UOSKXCRAXS, County Cli'rk. 07 15.40 s.os M.00 1.25 LETTER FROM WASHINGTON Flood of Bills Were Intro duced on Opening Day. WILL NOT NECESSARILY BECOME LAWS Manv Will Not Be Reported Their Committees. By 3.50 10.00 222 4 12.4ft 42.00 03.00 2.50 the peace, proved. ,1. W. Rrobst, justice of Louisville precinct, ap- Hond of the peace, proved. Hond of John W. Spenee, eonsta-. ble Light Mile drove precinct, ap-! proved. I Hond of James lliglcy, constable Plntt-mouth city, approved. Hond of Hen Heekimni, road over-; seer riad district No. 10, approved. ! Hond of James II. Fof.Ttinn. as-' cssor (Jreenwood precinct.' a'pproved. j Hond of W. X: MinfoWl;Masis,.r. Stove Creek precinctapprovM. '' Hond of Farmers St "rii!- V, Wabash, rountv funds'aprinirM.' ! Hond of First Xafidlnir'-TiW (Ireenwood, county funds, appr..v.d Hond of Hank' of Iv.igle, V.? comity fun !.', approved. under protest No. 2. . .'. . Farmers Llevator Co., coal to grader No. 2 Heinhard Scheel, road work It. D. No. Herman Scheel, do. No. 1. . . . J. W. Itathbun, do. No. Ii. . .. J. K. Casey, do. No. lti W. F. Richardson, m.lsc U. D. No. 1 road work It. I) 2.50 0 . SO No. iV' Hrown, indse No. F. Kou. ').... Ldmun i 10 ' ( "!:;iu.s cll iwcd m Mie l-ridgt I'. M. b'icliey, lumber. V. .. Unioif Liinfbi-r ( 'o,, lumli( r . Nebrrisl. Const ruction Co.. Ivlmumls iv Hrown, lumber. 4.00 3.50 4.50 0 1)0 1.50 P. Recognition o( Good Work. At their mecling yesterday the county commissioners elected Thomas Svoboda to the position of janitor at the court house, a position whi.h he has held for a short time since the death of his brother Frank, ami in which he was in charge for a number of years past though in the name of his brother whose health wassuchthat he himself could not attend to the duties thereof. In giving this position to Mr. Thomas Svoboda, the comtnis sionwers have recognized merit, and have retained one of the most faithful and accommodating men that posi tion ever had. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. (Sim cial Correspondence.) The president has sent to the senate the nomination of Judge Lurton of Tennessee as an associate justice of the supreme court, notwithstanding the protests and ob jections filed, and it is generally under stood that he will be confirmed. The principal objections to the judge are on account of his age, being over sixty, as well as the charge that he has private cars furnished him by rail road.!, and that his decisions have uniformly favored corporations. These charges are being investigated, but by the government and the fanners should profit by it, and if these ad vi'. nee lectures prove successful the practice will be continued, covering the fanning communities of the west. Mrs. Taft will perforin most of her social duties by proxy, as her health i will not permit her to ..ndertake t!ie strain of all the White House func-; turns. She lias already reduced the number of invitations, and will con stitute iier sister or some cabinet lady to bear the burden of general recep tions. She is more exclusive th;.:i was Mrs. Roosevelt, and is seldom seen on the streets of this city, either vis ting or shopping. A great flood of bills were intro duced in Congress the opening day, but few of them, however, will return to the house for action, as it is under stood that many bills are never to be reported from the committees. Hills of this kind are introduced to satisfy constituents, without any hope of passing, and include those relating to post Jilice im ldinfr. . Therefore, if you see that your congressman has introduced a bill for the purchase of a site and the construction of a building at your town, do not think that he is serious in the matter as he knows that it will n;ver be reported back to the house, but will die a quiet death in committee, as he intended r Rests In Silent City. Sunday the remains f James Railing, for a numbers of year a res ident of this place, arrived from his late heme at (ireenwood accompanied by his son W. F. Railing and family and other friends and was n.ct at the station by members of the Masonic lodge of this place, of which Mr. Railing was a member during his life time. The body was escorted to the Fpiscopal church where the services were conducted by Canon Rurgcss, who also delivered the funeral oration of Mrs. Railing some years since. The remains were laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery, according to the im pressive ritual of the Masonic order. Mr. Railing ' was born in London. Fngland in 1S23, and was SO years of age. While in England he was united in marriage with Miss Morgan and removed to this place in 1S07, living here until about fifteen years since when he went to (ireenwood to live at the home of his son, Walter K. Pailing. A Beauty and No Mistake. No one that passes the store of 1' A. Wurl at the coiner of Main and Sixth streets but are struck by the heautv of the large double windows which he has dressed in holly upon the i lattice work in the back. The display (M) of the Roods which the window con-1 and (ins is iilsn nurk which any window- from L is not thought they are serious . .. i i.: . : 4:.... OOUKo i ) prevent ma cimm m.-iuuii, as the president is strongly impressed with his legal ability. The judge is a democrat in politics and will probably have the united and ardent support of his party in the senate, as he is re garded by all as a man of Ability. It is almost certain that the Pairuna c:mal commission will either be abol ished or reduced to one man, as coin- . plaints have come to congress of the red tape in matters c nnected with that service, besides this, it is found to be a very expensive body and large ly maintained for the purpose of giv ing to some politicians lucrative po sitions with but little, if any, work. The fossils, skins ami various specimens obtained by Mr. Roosevelt in his African hunt, are being placed on exhibition at the museum here, and arc attracting unusual attention. While a number of his specimens are t.. rare, the great majority ate lammai derive their curio value only the fact that they are contrih- it should. The speaker of the house and his friends have alreai'y given their dis approval of the postal savings bank scheme, and he has placed at the head of the post office committee an avow ed opponent of any such measure. Therefore, the friends of this popular idea may as well give up any thought of favorable action at the present session. Mrs. It. I). Shean and little son, Chester, came in yesterday from Cialcsburg, Ills., and will make an ex tended visit at Mrs. Shean's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. Little Chester will tell Grandpa and Crand :..a a'.iout Sui.ta Claus. 00.37 1 decorator could fund: pride wen 25. (,'5' only 20 27"! the store well look on with Miteil ly the tamous ex-presnieni. ... .. . . . 1 'ii . ..r ...... 1. ...j it Ills lianilnvon.. .oi I 1 ne .-ccrcwiry 01 aunmm...- ...-( is 'the window well dressed.but ; just started a men through I lie soiu 11-, . . ... I A w .i-i.il (III...) u-itli tin. u'd .ern states to izive lectures aim iienion- ; ire nan.ioi, y in j of goods of all lands found in a genera! straiion.- -.4(i..J'5 1 bt.K umMiW'wleet.HUi dow.u lw H.'ite, oj rw?- 50 2 ( IT laim nll.mt ro:id fund: (1 on the Coininission- with the prices which allows the pur chaser to feel like continuing as a pa tron of the institution. to farmers on' the. subject soils- 41 ml general farming suitable to each locality visited. I Ins information has been collected and compiled at great labor and expense Rev. Salsbury In City. Rev. J. II. Salsbury was an over night visitor in the city and a guest at the home of County Clerk Fleet j I). C. Morgan, and was shaking hands with his many friends this morning, departing for his home at Auburn on the morning Missouri Pacific train. Rev. Salsbury was in Omaha and Hellevue attending a meeting if the Presbyterian board which was con sidering matters relative to the changes which had been talked of regarding the Hellevue college. No definite conclusion has been arrived at in the matter, otherwise than that the school will not continue to be a college, but he continueil as an academy or institute, as otherwise the buildings and grounds would ri ven to the: donor, Henry T. Clarke. Quarterly Meeting. The Methodist.i held their quarterly conference at Mynard yesterday and j Saturday, the prcsh'ii g dder of this I district, Rev. George I. Wright, be- ing in attendance, and coming to this j city last evening, after the meetings I were over at Mynard, and occupying J the Methodist pulpit at this place. jThis morning Rev. Wright departed j for Lincoln where he goes to look after isonie business connected with the church work before returning to his , home at Nebraska City. George Barr Still Improving. George Harr who has been sick so long with the fever is reported as making some satisfactory improve ment during the past few days. Mr. Harr last week was not so well a portion of the time, but the past few days of this week finds some substan tial gains in his condition which his many friends will be pleased to learn. Stamp photos. 2 doz. 2Zc. Photegraph Co. Olson George Horn of Cedar Creek visited in the city last evening and over night, returning 1o his home this morning via the Hurlingion freight number thir ty. George Heeker and John Allurt. made a flying trip to Cedar Creek hist eviiiing.