The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 23, 1909, Image 5

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Save Your Hides
Your Cow
and Horse
Hides are
VVc have the exclusive njency of the
Iowa Tanning Co. of Dcs Moines, la.
Come in and inspect samples of tan
ning and let us show you how to save
from 50 to 75ft on vour Fur Coats
and Robes.
The Oil Tan Process
Hkk V
hu made the Iowa Tanning Co. fam
ous all over the world.
They guarantee their work always
to remain soft, light and durable.
Don't take the risk of sending your
maei to concerns you know
notning about. You know ut.
J uu leave the hide at our
Coor. We oo the rest.
We Also Buy Poultry
it .
sir vr? T
Y W i
Ma I
p if
Ay 111
.- A.-.- A.- AAAAAA A.-.- .-A
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Deserves to Succeed.
I'!. J. (iilsun, u former employe of
this paper as well us tin- Journal, has
('iiil)iirkc(l in business for himself, and
is now engaged in the line of hoot
and shoe repairing, having taken a
portion of the store room of Peter
Clans, just east of the eourt house.
Fred W. LchnlioiY of Oinalia came
down yesterday morning anil was
looking after some business matters in
the city in connection with the sale of
crude oil burners which he demon
strated a few days since at the store
room of l'ctcr the bouse fimisht r
.hist r'criv'l a 1 l autilul lit.r of skirts in Satino,
llcatluMldcdin ami Silk.
I Satine from Sl.CO i iriU'O oacli.
Ilealliorlilooni firm V JlViO tL7.". Extra sizi's
Black Silk Skirts at $4. 00, .".). $..ri0 and $(.(X.
Colored Silk Skirts at $0.00 ouch
Kxtra tfood.
....... f
. v
All persons having tools of any
kind belonging to the undersigned
farm are requested to return them
before January 1st. Otherwise
they will le charged to parties
having them. John Bauer.
Warned Dining room girl at Hotel
Kilcy. Good wages Apply at
once ')()-
Young man, buy "her" one of
the bcautllul gilt books at Her-old's-Illustrated
by Christie, Hatt
Isher and others. t
Henry Sand rs and wife of near
Cedar Creek won; visitors in the city
yesterday th" guest?! of friends for the
day and were looking after some
business matters in the county scat.
Clare Thomas and wife and Mrs.
August Stliolman and children were
passengers to Omaha this morning
where they will visit for a few days
with friends and see the sights in
the big city during the holidays.
the shops
All persons knowing themselves j
Indebted to us In any sum are re-1
Huested to call and settle at once,
either by cash payment or by ne
gotiable notes.
05-44- Ascmlssen & Klinger.
Are Having Christmas Meeting.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Christ
ian church met yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. M. Archer, served
lunch and had a general good time
after the business matters of the meet
ing were uttended to. The Ladies
Aid of this church are a live, wide
awake set of workers and do a great
deal of good and eflicient work for
the church.
Between the shops ami mtcr-
stecn hill a dog collar which owner can
! have by calling at this odlce and pay
ing for this noiiee.
' W - a a mm mm mm. - m m
atfVv ' I AAV All 91 Ik. St ra IIa ll I V m-m mm A m rt
i 't$T tan a .vMix uays diiui c Aiiiaa
A 4u ? A iiioo piactical FivstMit for Xnias is an Apron such
ns we can show vovi. ju iced ;:t lVc, X ,'tV and up.
Telepost Independent
Telegraph Now En
ters Chicago.
Slashes Old Rates and Sends
2.000 Wo;di a Minute.
Black Embroid
ered Hose
50c, 75c, 85c, 90c
Black Silk Hose
$1.25, $1.75, and
Linen Center
Embroidered and ('lu
ll ey Lace trimmed
doilies scarfs and Ob
long pieces etc., from
ISc to $:5."0 each.
Silk Scarls
Plain and
75c, $1.25 and
$1.50 each.
Crepe de Chene
for Scarf
65c and 75c
J. .1. Miller was a visitor in Omaha
this morning where he is also look
ing affcr some business matters.
Nothing More Appropriate Than a Bissell Carpet
Sweeper for a Christmas Present.
Master Phillip Campbell made a
trip to Omaha yesterday to see the
sights in the big city.
.1. P. Schanks of Ccnterville. Iowa.,
was a visitor in the city yesterday
looking after business matters rela
tive to a real estate exchange.
Methew (lering was looking after
some business matters in Omaha
Robert B. Windham journeyed to
Omaha this morning where he is
'ookin aft'.-r some busing nutter.-'
for the day.
Jacob Treitsch returned yester
day from a visit of a few days with
friends at Cedar Creek.
John Bajcck, of
factiiring firm of
the cipar inanu
Mack it Iiajeck,
Holidays In South Omaha.
This niorn'ng Mrs. John Hocterj
and two daughters departed over tliej
Burlington for oouth Omaha where
they will isit with friends and rel-,
atives for suni: time and will be the
guests of Mrs. ltoettcr's daughter, i
Mrs. J. V. Letiek and family over the;
Mr and Mrs. Ed Braiitner and lit
tle daujthtcr, Janet, were visiting in
Omaha l';is aft'rnooii.
departed for Pacific Junct ion and other
Iowa points where he will look
the Christmas trade for I. is firm.
Commissioner ("has. Jordan was a
passenger to Omaha yesti rday af
ternoon where he will look after some
business matters, and depart for his
home in Alvo on the late Pock Island
Mis i Dora Kaffenbcrper who is
ut tending school at Peru arrived home
last night for the holidays.
Big Bargain By
Christmas Novelties Half Price
One Day Only, Friday, Dec. 24.
Mrs. Turner and her sweet little
baby of the Hotel Hiley, und wife of
the piano player at the Parmele, left
this morning for St. Cloud, Minn.,
for a visit with relatives.
John Appointed.
A I Washington yesterday John
Beesoii w.'.s appointed as the carrier
for I'ural route No. 'J running out of
Plattsmouth and Mrs. l'ei.rl Betson
as his (hputy. Mr. Bcison was made
thedtpuiyof Mr. Thomas and has
been ing in that capacity for
some time.
Mrs. II. I). Travis went to Omaha
yesterday afternoon to visit with
I. V. Travis who is in a hospital at
. i . . t i i i
nan piaee wncre i,e underwent an
operation some time since, and when
he is still receiving treatment and mak
ing some improvement.
J. K. Leary, the expert monotype
man who has been here for the past
few weeks looking after the machine
installed in the News office by his
company, left today for his home in
Chicago for a few days' visit. He has
not been home since last May and is
anxious to see the wife and babies.
Jack Patterson was a visitor in
Omaha this morning where he was
the guest of friends.
Uev. J. T. Baird was visiting with
friends in Omaha today, going on the
early morning train.
Wanted - Salesmen, high class,
to sell the finest groceries ever of
lered In the west - the kind only
obtainable In a metropolitan city
to larmers, stockmen, hotels,
restaurants and other large con
sumers who are enthusiastic over
our goods. Buy at sight of sam
ples and remain permanent cus
tomers. Come with the big house
the original pure food people. No
Investment Is a.ked; experience
unnecessary; commissions ad
vanced. Numcrour old time gro
cers, wholesale and retail, now
selling lor us. Our goods never
sold to or by peddlers. Territory
,-Miperinieiuicnt 01 ine city schools
J. W. (iambic departed this morning
vor Fremont, where he goes to attend
tin- meeting of the Nebraska Teachers
Association, and at which meeting
he is to deliver an address. U seems
to us from the position that we o
cupy that our city superintendent is
putting in his vacation in a very
strenuous manner, but every lick struck
in the direction of extra effort for
the benefit of the schools will tel
in the cud.
; filling u la ,t. Apply today with
Miss Tena Bird departed for ( )maha ' references,
this afternoon where she will visit I jDhn Sexton X Co.,
with friends for the day.
We positively WILL NOT carry
over any Christmas novelties. You
will have to come in early in the
morning to get the benefit of these
prices, as the goods will move out in
a hurry. Just glance at these won
derful bargains.
10c Christmas Post Cards, each only 5c
r)L. " " " 2 1-2c
r)P Tree Decorations, each only 2 l-2c
j(, . " " " -2c
Booklets, each only 8c
lO,, " " " 5c
10,. " Candles in boxes, only 5c
Christmas Box Stationery, Tags, Cards, Stickers. Calendars
and many others at Half Prices. Be sure to come early.
Candymakers. - Next to Postoffice.
Henry Royal of Lincoln was a vis
itor in the city over Sunday and de
parted this morning for his home over
the Burlington.
Importing and manufacturing
grocers, Lake and Franklin Sts.
Your supply should be Lought
now and there-1 is no place in
town where you can buy them
to better advantage than ut
F. S. White's
A beautiful 'stock o Dry Conds
at prices known to be right is
here for your inspection.
Call and si:i: rs
Clilcnp, 111., iKr. lS.-Aiiother movo
In the game which In heing played In
the telegraph Held In the inldillu wchI
Is the aniioiinccnieid that the Inde
pendent telegraph company, the Tele
post, has opened ollli c j ut 'Jill Iji Sulle
Ntrect, thin city. TIiIh forms the com
pletion of a chain ut olliees funning
the lirst western hcc4.ii of Telepost
lines, and CIiIciiko. 81. I.oulx niul In
dianapolis nre now In cominiinieatlon
with such other towns 119 Terro UuuU,
iud.; Sedalia, Mo.; 8prlngt1cld niul Au
rora, 111. The Telepost system U hu
automatic rapid system by which mes-
ftagcN are sent at the enormous speod
of 1.1KMI to LMHKl words n iiiliiute over
ny one wire. TLIh, compared with the
old companies' n1ow ham', sendliii!
method, which dovs not nvcingu luoro
'han fifteen woiiih n niiniile, enables
tne new coiii(iuny to slash the old
For Instanctt, nn ordinary Telepost.
message of tventy-live words Is triuiM
niilttd between any two points con
nected by Telcpest wire anil delivered
by boy fur ei ids renardvss of distance.
A new and mod novel message, how
ever. Is the TeleiMist." which Is reiitlv
tclegraplied letter of llfty wordu
tiimsmllted by wire nail mailed at th
olliee of receipt, for which the cliury
Is only 'J," ceiils. This message enables
one tn n d a ImiK eoinumuiealioii rap-
lilly ut a im.t .-.' charge. Itetween
long distant puints this class of mes
sage should create 1111 enormous vol
ume of new telegraphic business, for 11
does away with the delay In train cur
ried mall. Another message of ten
words for 10 cents Is the "Teleeard."
so called because It Is wired to the of-
lice of receipt and delivered by mall
011 11 postcard
In New I'.ngland the Telepost has
been 1. perilling commercially with
great success for over a year, and dur.
lug the past few mouths the middle
west has hud 11 demonstration of what
an ln done by way of giving tho pub
lic 11 more ellleleiit telegraph servleo
at lunch cheaper rates when the mat
ter Is taken out of the hands of mo
The Telepost company, besides con-
stniitlng its own transcontinental
lines. Is leasing independent telephone
lines, for the system works with per
fect ease and accuracy over telephone
wires without Interfering with leltt-
hone conversation going on at tb
tiiiuie time.
'Ills opens up u new source of rvo
line for the iiillelieliilclit telephone
oiiii. inles and savps much to the Tele-
-otd company ic cost of construction
iud malutenaue.
In the west, where the light between
monopolists and Independents Is hot
test, much at tent ion has Iceii drawn
(o the Telepost and Hie part It is play
ing, for it Is currently reported that
Its success hi establishing its Hues In
such Important centers has had- much
to do Willi the latest telephone and
telegraph merger.
The public can afford now to wait
and watch developments, for even
were the old companies able to Im
prove their service, what answer can
thev have to an automatic system
which can handle such an enormous
volume of business at lightning speed
iiml at such low rates as almost to defy
Miss Helen Trility was u visitor
with friends in Omaha this morning
going on the early morning train of
the Burlington.
Mrs. John Hoekstrasser nnd two
daughters, Misses Hannah and Kath
erine, were visitors with friends in
Omaha tins afternoon.
Miss Lillian Bookmeyer was a vis
itor in Omaha this afternoon.
C. II. Vallery of west of Mynard
was a visitor in the city this morning.
Peter Haerr of Pekin, Ills., departed
for his home this morning over the
Poultry, Butter,
Eggs and Cream
Jf. John Durman X
Expert Blacksmith!
Has taken charge of the Wil
liam Puis Blacksmith Shop
4 1-2 miles west of Murray.
SOL t'-'rf ... '
All kinds of Fine Horscshoe-
' I It. 1 ' 1 t mm
uig 111111 aui kiikis 01 macK- i
smithing. ''Satisfaction guar- T
ant red.
Call on Him.
Oscni (iapin of south of the city
was transacting business with our
chants this morning.
Laying In Supply ol Ice.
Churlcs Cook just south of the city
breuk her thigh bone, is reported as
making as good progress towurds
recovery aa the time, her age, and the
uuture of the accident would permit.
Smoke an
And be Happy
Be Your Own Judge.
See our stock of Xnias and
other seasonable merchandise Jo
forc'ibuying elsewhere.
I know you will he convinced
that I ljuvc the best selection of
dolls, toys and china ware in the
Mrs. F. (i. llaufnian and daughter,
Miss Mattic, w rcvisjtors in Omaha
with friends today.
Spends Holidays In Omaha.
oMley I'.urm tt and wife, living
mar Kenosha, departed for Omaha
this morning over the Burlington
where (hey will visit with friends and
relatives for s line days and will be
guests at the home of a sister of Mr.
Burnett, Mrs. Aplierinann, over the
Will Spend Holidays Here.
Mrs. F. W. Plunger and little son,
Willie, will arrive ihis evening from
Plainview, and will be accompanied
by Fred Wagener, who will visit
friends a;id relativis in the city and
be guests '.t the home of Mrs. (ieorge
P. Wcidniaii, the mother of Mrs.
Mrs. Clifford Some Better.
Mrs. C. S. Clifford who some time
since had the misfortune to fall and
began this morning hauling ice from
the river to his home where he is
storing a supply of the crystal cool
ness for next summer's use.
Bought Some Property.
('. V Ilaney of (Ilenwood, Iowa,
representing the (ilenwood Oranite
Co. of that place, was in the city this
morning looking alter some business
matters for his company and complet
ing some work relative to the pur
chasing of the property of Mrs. Peter
Turn, at 811 South Tenth street,
which he has bought us an invest
ment, feeling that Plattsmouth prop
erty is a good thing to have.