The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 23, 1909, Image 4

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ale! 1
Entered nt the postoflice at PlnttBmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
H8 accord class mail matter.
.V. .V. .V. .V. Wm. AA. A
I Big
Hardware S
One Year in Advance, $1.50. Six Months ir, adtance, 75c
- &
DECEMBER 23, 1909 JL
Plattamouth Telephone No. 86.
Nebraska Telephone No. 85
The editor of this paper in in re
ceipt of a nice Christmas present
in the shape of a large 21x29 picture
of the Lincoln baseball club pre
sented by President Don C. Despain
of the "Links". As a base ball fan
and a n ardent admirer of the Lin
coln team, its able management and
the players composing that aggre
gation we wish to extend our thanks
to the management. The picture
will occupy a prominent place in our
sanctum sanctoruuni ilong with the
rest of our collection of base ball
heroes. Hy the way, too, that Lin
coln bunch is going to make them
all hustle next season. Messrs. De
spain and Stoner are getting together
a lot of fellows who will put the team
right at the top at the beginning anil
keep it there. There will be a few
bushers in the line for next season
when the bell sounds for the opening
ime, but nearly all will be of Jthe
tried material and will bring the pen
nant to Lincoln if it can be brought.
matter of furthering the administra
tion's conversation policy. In spite of
this, conscienceless scribes have con
tinued to hound the departments, con
gress and the cxecutiveand the sud
den turning of the tables against the
muckrackcrs should servo to silence
then ns to this particular affair.
' Hut while the Hallinger-Pinchot epi
sode is now in a fair way to be made a
closed incident after open exibition of
sll the actual evidence, it is not to be
supposed that the hissing of the yellow
serpents will be permanently stopped,
for so long as the government lives just
so ong will there be creatures of
venom low enough to spread infamous
doctrine against any victim they choos
to malign. No man in public life ever
has been free from the crawler, and no
matter how often Washington drives
the vermin out the unclean will return
to his habits. Omnht lire.
A short time ago the Free Press of
Winnipeg, where prohibition is to be
soon an issue, sent a representative
into the United States to study the ef
fect of prohibition in cities. Studies
were made of Battle Creek, Mich., De
catur, 111., Richmond, Ky., Knoxville,
and Memphis, Tenn., Atlanta, (ia.,
Hirmingham, Ala., Kansas City and
Topeka, Kansas., Fargo, X. I)., and
Lincoln, From the way the Free
Press of December 11 summarizes the
findings prohibition in all but one of
these cities is more than justified or
else the report is a shameless tissue of
falsehood. The fact that the report
as I incoln is obviously exact gives
credence to the rest. The reporter
found no effects from prohibition
in Memphis because the law is not
enforced. In the other cities named
he found school superintendents re
porting better school attendance as a
result of prohibition, with fewer poor
ly clad ami equipped children. Chari
ty workers report less to do. Crimes
of violence, expense for jatis, show de
crease. In several cases the police re
port less difficulty in dealing with the
social evil. On the business side bank
ers by a large majority declare prohibi
tion a benefit as do loan agencies and
savings societies. (Sroccrs and butch
ers generally agree that they get more
of the money that went for drink.
The same is claimed by a majority of
the, department and furniture stores,
especially the latter which do a big
installment business. Heal estate men
see no loss inland values. And em
ployers of labor are reported all but
unanimous in approving the effects of
prohibition. It is a remarkable and
significant showing. State Journal.
President Taft has demanded
the senate that a thorough investi
gation be made of the Hallinger
Pinchot matter.
Here's good luck to you, Jose
Madriz, the new president of Nicnr
augua. May you live long and prosper,
but the chalices are that he will not.
He may live long, but as to prosper
ing, that is another matter.
The Lincoln Evening News has
adopted the two column wide edi
torial stunt. It resembles very much
now the editorial pages of the "World
Herald and the Fremont Tribune
in appearance, of course.
At the Big- Store Of
Is attracting the attention of the Entire county and the farmers are travel
ing through the mud to get to it.
Here are a few prices to show you how we are selling carpenter tools.
Saws! Saws!
85c. now
$1.65 now
$2 25 now
it .
Try Squares
12 inch, 50c now
10 inch, 40c now
9 inch, 35c now
a great many other tools such as Augers, Chisels, Files, Squares and Ham
mers, also garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades and Scoops.
A. Few Xmas Suggestions
Skaaesinf0.url"ts 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00
Former price from $1.00 to $4.50.
Carving sets $6.50,new (jjjj $5.0,now jjjj
$2.75, now
Ever Ready Flash Lights
at only
It looks now as if Dr. Cook was
really an impostor, although we have
nothing to take back regarding the
attitude of Capt. Peary. We did not.
like his style when he accused Cook
of being a fraud, and we have since
had no reason to change our mind.
If Peary was sure of his ground he
had much better held bis temper
and trusted to the disclosures to follow
to vindicate his stand as the only one.
Unfortunately for Dr. Cook, Peary
showed up too soon. Hut all the same,
Cook as an imposter looks better to
us than Peary, the hot headed discoverer.
A big line of Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears at extra low prices. Table
Cuttery, also Food Choppers and many useful articles at prices that will
surprise you.
AVoocl aiicl Iron Stock
Remember our stock of articles in Wood and Iron is the biggest in the
county and is being sold at way down prices.
Silencing the Muckrakers.
The Hallinger-Pinchot controversy
so-called, is an unfortunate product of
the modem muckrakers, involving two
sincere men, each devoted to the public
service in a misunderstanding which
was in a fair way to adjust itself into a
harmony of endeavor if the scandal
mongers had kept bauds off. Now, as
a matter of justice to both men, an
official investigation is to be made so
that all this poisonous clatter shall be
pet at rest.
In its decision to review the case
fully and openly, the administration is
manifesting its accustomed frankness
with the public. It has been repeated
ly shown that Mr. Ikllinger and Mr.
I'inchot both have been working zeal
ously, with the best of motives, along
aimiliar lines to accomplish the same
reaulta for the general welfare in the
The editor of this paper spent a
couple of days in Lincoln the first of
this week and failed to (i.u! anything
to drink stronger than coffee, ami a
great deal of that was pretty weak.
We did not see a drunken man during
the time we were in the city, neither
did we see any evidence that there
was any illegal sale of the stuff which
intoxicates. Tom and Jerry seemed
to both be away on their vacation,
as there was no evidence of them at
any place, business seemed to be
rushing along in good shape and every
body seemed to be busy. New build
ings are going up on every hand, and
we noticed several new ones which
have been started since we left there
three or four months ago. And the
town is dry, too. What do you think
of that?
promised the people they shall have. I
It has declared itself repeatedly when
it advocates the turning down of
influential representatives at Washing
ton just because they happen to have
sense enough to know what is the best
thing to do in "hrder to accomplish
something for their districts and their
state. It has declared itself repeatedly
in its action in furnishing campaign
material for the democratic' party
when the fight for congress shall be
made next fall. It has declared itself
repeatedly in its attitude for the past
six months in criticising at long dis
tance matters which it pretends to
know more about than the men who
are on the ground and who come in
personal contact with the conditions
which exist in congress. The editor
of the Nonparicl classes himself with
the insurgents who are openly dicker
ing with the democrats for the pur
pose 'of making changes in congress
which to say the least will make the
democratic party strong, r in the next
campaign. It is by its action playing
More Fine Candy.
J. E. Mason of the new confection
ery store on Main street, was a pas
senger to Omaha this morning where
he is buying another stock for his
store.' The trade in his line has been
so good since his opening of the store
but a short time since, that the ele
gantly assorted stock has been broken,
and it is necessary for an almost en
tirely new stock to replace it. This
shows that attention to business
and the proper selection of goods and
right treatment of the public brings,
success, and in its wake, prosperity.
Here's to you, Ed. We are glad to
see you get there.
Books. "The Thoughtful Life,
best assortment at Herold's.
Out of Quarantine Today.
The quarantine which has been
maintained at the home of Ward
Clark, on account of diphtheria, which
Mrs. Clark has had for some time
and for which Mr. Clark had to
officiate as nure during the fore part
of the disease and was compelled to
stay down town after he was released,
was raised today and the premises
fumigated, thus allowing the return-
Spends Holidays In West.
Mrs. William (lilitiour of south of
the city departed t!.i morning for
Lincoln where she will i it for a short
time with relatives and friends after
which she will go to Seward and Ulys
ses, where she will be the wuest of
her son, James (Jilmour and family at
the latter place, and will be away
until after the holidays.
Biggest and best assortment of
Joh nston'srhocoiates In gift boxes
at Herold's.
Editor Taylor of the Central City
Nonparicl still insists that he is not
an assistant democrat and says:
"Will Mr. Harrows tell us when and
where the Nonparicl so declared it
self " The Nonparicl has declared
itself in every issue in which it has
advocated the insurgent idea. It
has declared itself time and again
when "its ediitor "turns turtle"on
the republican party and gets "cold
feet" on the ability of the party to
accomplish the results which it has
solved them right.
Their many friends will be pleased
to know that Mrs. Clark is again well
from this malady.
Buy "her" Christmas candy at
Herold's. Headquarters for John
ston's Dutch Bitter Sweet Choco
lates and Dipped Cherries. Strict
ly fresh.
into the hand of Congressman McCiuire I jjjij 10Im, f Mr. Clark
of the First congressional district of
Nebraska and making it possible for
him to be elected again to misrepre
sent this district. Were the editor
of the Nonparicl assisting a party
which had a record which showed that
the government of the United States
would be safe in their hands it might
not look so bad. Hut with a record
of pledges unfulfilled, with a record
of incompetency, not only in the nation
but in Nebraska, no man is a safe
man to trust with official position who
has no more judgment than to think
that anything can be gained by a tie
up with the party of retrogression to
the downfall of the party of progres
sion. Hy their fruits ye shall know
them. A man who will deliberately
assist an enemy, whether political or
otherwise, is in no position ,to criti
cise those who stand loyal to the ban
ner which has led a victorious party
to battle and won, and lifter winning
has solved the. greatest problems
which ever confronted a nation, and
Will Spend Holidays in South.
Charles I). Grimes, the hustling and
versatile reporter for the Journal has
gone South where he will visit friends.
While there he will visit at Fort Worth,
Dennison and Waco. While at Waco
he will spend Christmas, and no doubt
while away his work will be kept up
by Livingston Hichey, a young man
of hustling ability and one who can
well be trusted with the work of his
uncle during his absence.
Mother Still Sick.
Mrs. William Haird, wife of Master
Mechanic Haird of the Hurlington
shops, was a passenger to Lincoln
this morning where she goes to sec
her mother, Mrs. I). Tourtlott, who
is still very sick at her home in the
capital city. Mrs. Tourtlott has been
nick for some time and with her added
years makes her illness difficult to
treat successfully.
Working Over Time.
Superintendent of the City Schools
J. W. (Iambic is not ceasing his labors
in the interest of the taxpayers and
thoose who have children oin the
schools, for today he is in Omaha
making resar"h in the public library
for fact.; wl.ieb lu is to use for the bet
terment of the s"!'C'!s over which
he lia charge,
of business the Red Cross store, have
constructed a gigantic bell in th mid
dle of the store room of reil crepe jcper
under which hangs a red cross en
circled with a wreath of green holly
with red buds or berries. This makes
a very beautiful appearance and is a
ice center piece for the elegant line of
useful gifts which they carry with the
full line of iseful gifts which they
carry with the fine line of drugs and
You will have to see the array in
order to appreciate it.
Toys In abundance at Herold's.
Had to Build Bridge.
The matter of putting up ice was
interfered with yesterday and the ice
harvesters were compelled to cease
work on account of the sudden rise of
water in the river. This necessitated
the building of a bridge some eighty
feet in length over the first channel
in order that the teams could get over
to the fields where the ice was to be
harvested. This will delay the work
for only a short time when it will be
pushed forward with renewed vigor.
This cold weather is making splen
did ice and it looks as though everyone
who is wanting ice is making the best
of the time and opportunity to get
the amount required.
Visiting In Lincoln.
Mrs. George Hallance and daughter
Edith are visiting at Ilaveloek and
Lincoln with friends and relatives, and
will be joined in a few days by Mr.
Hallance. They will spend t.S'e holi
days at t.S'e capital city.
Store a Bower of Beauty.
The bright and beautiful appear
ance of the store windows of Wey
rich & Iladraba attracted our atten
tion, and after having looked at the
display in the windows awhile, we were
drawn inside, and glancing around we
saw the outside display was in no
ways to be compared with that on
the inside. These enterprising mer
chants, who have named their place
Took Trip to Oklahoma.
Henry Heineman of Murdock and
William Heineman of Hitchcock, S.
D., came in this morning over the
Hurlington from an extended trip to
Oklahoma and Indian Territory where
they were looking after some lands.
They were down there about two
weeks and report finding very good
and productive lands, at prices which
would justify an investment on a
monetary basis, but complain very
much of the state of society, saying
the so large ezecntage of the popu
lation is composed of the colored race,
and do Hit make lu
They tell of the grass still being green
and with scarcely anv frost as v. t.
They departed for Murdock this after
noon, Will will visit for a few (.".ys
before r. turning to his home in Dakota.
At Presbyterian Church.
The Rev William H. Lampe of
Omaha was in the city yseterday and
occupied the pulpit at the Presby
terian church both morning and eve
ning. He departed this morning for
Galesburg, Ills., where he will visit
during the holidays.
fndustry Has Brought Success.
Word from Evangeline, Louisiana,
a town not far from Jennings which
has heretofore been the home of
George Schantz, formerly of this
place, tells of the prosperity and suc
cess of that former citizen of Platts
mouth. Mr. Schantz has with three
other gentlemen established an ex
tensive machine and blacksmith shop
where they handle all kinds of ma
chinery as well.
The many friends of this young man
will be pleased to learn of his success
!ti 4l.n u....4l. .....1 tr 4Vll
result of untiring and hard labor has
been his portion.
Millard Klein of Lincoln was in the
city yesterday looking after some in
surance buHincM.-.': '. " -