ckessbxx: Johnston9 s Ganc IN CHRISTMAS PACKAGES We are Factory Agents and buy our Candies di rect. Any other dealer handling Johnston's in this city buys them from a jobber and you have no assurance that you get fresh goods. Iniited to Plattsmouth. Mrs. C. M. t'oi-ter ami (l:iiii;liter, Miss Kntie.aml two wins, Ilulh und Huph, arc visiting in Omaha und ee inc the inlits 'f the city inci lent to tin- arrival of his ni:tjc.-ty, Santa law. ! rri :n i .... ;',..n i.. Iii'm v 1 I1(V Will I'Airnu an in 11.. !.;"' " t. .11 , . .1. f . .. ..... L- i.r tO POniP lo 1 KllUi i;wi II iui ii in vt , so. ; X V ' HRiSTMAS U1MSS I c A Mrs. Chrlstwclsscr Lick. I)un..S the miildle f last week Bennett Cliri.-itwfi.-'scr and wife went down to the old farm below Murray for a few lays' viit and while there Mrs. Christ weisser wns taken sick they having to remain until yesterday when Mr. Christweis.ser drove home while his wife came on the Missouri Pneifin. She is reported as being much improved and hopes to be entirely well again in a short time. Wftvrich & Hadraba THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE. I MrsI Rlchey Some Better. Mrs. J. G. Uichcv who has been sick for some days past has has been at tended bv her sister. Mrs. Claude Everett of Union, is reported as being somewhat unproved. Mr. l-vereti was in the city yesterday visiting at the home of Mr. Hichey, departing for home last evening overland with a sleigh. TINIEJTABLES Burllnflton Time Table. No. fl. No. 4. No. 112. No. No. 2. No. 14. No. :io. No. SB. No. 20. No. IS. No. 'ill. No. 3.1. Henry OJoos and T. M. Patterson were visitors in Omaha yesterday returning home this morning. No. 101. No. No. 1011. 1'Jl. No. KM. No. Ill.. No. lux KAST HOUND. CI.I.rko FJ. Train.... 7 :M a. m Uxiil to ClilrtiKo. . .. . .--4 a- UhkI to I'ui; tic J;t ...I f Htul. to l'ucilK- J.'t & 40 . CIH.iKO fl tmi'i f ; ' .. - Il.iii.hll . .11 J. i. Ill Arrlv.'H (r..Ni U.iilh-ill..i . . Mtul from iMimiiii " WKST HOUND. Local fr.un C iMlur Twk ami Ixiii Uivlllo !' '" KwUralnf.l4n.ln...K: ' Um-.iI hi Omulia ;! .Si liulcr J .20 p. ni. MN'irl PbcIIic SOUTH r.v.'iiK''r lo Kmihiw City t St. Louis. . . 10 2.i a. in. K.Yi Im.lSI.I. -2- a. m. Uh-uI fc-iKht l'):25 tt. in. mouth. ToOnmlia !)? '' !" To Omul.ii : ;! ? IM-al fniKlit JO p. m. Mrs. Silas R. Barton Dies. Mrs. Silas 11. Barton died at Lin coln yesterday. Mrs. Barton is a member of the Degree; of Honor of the A. 0. U. W. and was the wife of the state auditor, and who was for merly Grand Recorder of the A. 0. U. V. Makes Fine Appearance. Our attention was called on passing the atom of Robert Sherwood this morning to the tastefully arranged display which graced the windows. The trimming of the windows, in the background, the added heightned effect, of the sprays of bitter sweet leaves, and the artistically arrange ment of the coods on display, all seemed to form their portion of the general symmetry of the whole, which produced a most harmonious and pleasing effect. Not only was the effect pleasing when one hail examined the same but was such as would at tract and hold ones attention, anil present not alone the bcauths, but the value of the goods therein. Take a look at this artistic piece of window dressing. t X t t Y Watches, Nickel $1 to $10. Silver $o up wirJ. ij)ld $7.5) uvir. . Diamonds, Genuine, as low as $5. Fine white and perfect ones to be had at $25 upward. Signet Rings, $1.00 to $10.00, solid gold. Bracelets, The satisfactory kind, filled $1.50 to $8.00. Gold Cuff Links, With the signet tops or the laree stones. Gold filled 50c upward., Solid gold $2.50 up ward. P. A. Harrows, editor of the Daily News, is in Lincoln where he went to look nil the matter of packing his household goods, preparatory to ship ping a few of thriii to I'lattsmouth. George Poisall departed this morn ing for Florence where he is looking after some business matters in connec tion with a grading contract which he has there. The Turlington railway has pre sented this ollice with a very nice map of the United States, and one which we greatly appreciate. red Reckley of Tekamah came in this morning and is visitjng at the home of Andrew Dill for a few days, after which he will go to Colorado for a visit before returning home. t t T t y f Y ? ? Cloth Brushes, Sterling silver $2.00 upward. Scarf Pins, Gold filled 50c upward, gold $1.00 upward. Solid Napkin Rings, 50c to $2.00. Men s Vest Chains, Plated 75c to $1.50. Gold filled $2.50 upward. Timely Gift Suggestions What to Give a Woman. Diamond Jewelry, , Mesh Bags, Neck Charms, Lockets, Fobs, Shirt Waist Sets, Veil Pins, Jewel Cases, Link Buttons, Brooches, Collar Pins, Scarf Pins, Belt Pins. Signet Hat Pins, Rings. Bed Koom Clocks, Brushes and Combs, Mirrors. Coin Purses, Brackets, Belt Pins, Bon Bon Dishes, Bon Bon Spoons, Book Marks, Hat Pin Holders, Jewel Cases, Lorgnette Chains, Signet Kings, Stone Rings, Scissors, Belt Buckles. What to Give a Man. Ash Trays, B. P. O. E. Card Cases, Cloth Brushes, Cuff Links, Vest Chains, Fobs, Manicuring Article., Military Sets, silver. Lockets, Charms, Signet Kinp;S, Shaving Cu;s and Brushes, Pocket Knives, Scarf Pin:;, Wlaiik Brooms, Smoking Sots. Combs, Watermnn's Ideal Fountain Pen, Napkin Rinrs. Cut Glass, 50c to $15.00. Fountain Pens, Waterman's ideal. Best on earth $2.50 upward. Best for the money. Clocks, Gold and silver plated. $1.25 upward. Others from $1.00 to $30.00. Tea Sets, Silver plated $12.00 upward. Solid silver to order. Ladies' Watch Chains, $2.50 upward. China, Hand painted, 50c upward. - Lockets and Chains, $2.50 upward. Mesh Bags, $5.00 to $6.00. Fobs, For man or woman; ribbon, $1.00 upward. Gold, $2.50 upward. Open Evenings Wo CRABILL Watchmaker and Jeweler. Main and Sixth St. f t X V ? T ? t t t t v f V t t t T ? Fred Warner was a visitor in Om aha this afternoon, where he is look ing after some business matters. m; p..iti. Mctznarof t'edar Creek .Ulna 1 v" r, ...i... 1,1.1-n visitinir with friends tin- citv for some time departed lor her home, gornn by way of Omaha tin morning. Oscar Ayrcs who lias been holding down the position of stenographer at the Burlington shops, has resigned, and left today for Omaha where he will enter the employ of lus tatlier who is ciigug'd in the automobile tire business. Miss Catherine Dovey who has been attending the Girton school at Winctka, UN., suburb of Chicago, returned home last week for the holi day visit. Is Working In Omaha. l rank Boyd departed this morning for Omaha where he is engaged in the remodeling of a large residence for I. Pearlman, formerly of this place but now ol the metropolis. Herolds S. P. Ilollonay. Last evening S. P. Hollow ay, for merly deputy sheriff of Cass county, but now living in Boise .Idaho, when be holds some executive ollice, passed through this place enroute for Ncv York where be goes on some oflicial imsiness.- .ur. noiioway had but a few moments at the station and .shook hands with those of the oitizens who were there and made inoiries of Mr. Frank Kimble and the welfare of a number of his friends. This Stori Is a Sparkb With All Kindtf GVds Suitable for Christmas Presents and the Difference Be tween Oar Pricio mi Prices r.!;ewbrc, Is Never so Pronounced as at Hits Season of the Year. Mr. and Mrs. Sundav in Lincoln. Could spent Mrs. A. X. Sullivn departed this morning for Omaha and South Omaha where she will visit for the day with her daughters. Claude Shumakei, the gentle manly clerk at, the Hotel Kiley, was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon where he is looking after some busi ness matters. U. llcatherington of the Burling ton earj) enter force was a passenger to Cedar Creek this afternoon where i,ow.l,inir some work for the com- pany. Mrs. tleorge N. Dodge and daugh ter, Violet, were passengers to i Oma ha this morning where they will visit with fiends and relatives, being guests at the home of the former's son, Dr. Hov Dodge. I Mrs S. Lindholiii and daughter, Stella, and son. Finest, were visitors in Omaha this morning, where they will do some Christmas shopping. liav K. N orris of Avoea was a bus iness visitor in the city this morning, having some matters to look after an the coin; house. .lasmr V. Sanders came in last j evening from York where he and his family have made their home for some time and wheie he is eii ga"cd in ihe C'liilractiiig business, i M ss l.tlnl Si-hneider. niece of 11.: A. Schneider, who has been making' her home at Mr. Schneider's and at-; tending school, departed for Sterling,, her home, where she will visit over; the holidays. SETTLER'S EXCURSIONS At Low Round Trip Rates On sale every first and third Tuesday in each month to every part or the southwest. MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO 3 3 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0i 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0, 0, 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0, ook aad Statioaery Store Fred Olderhatiseii, Jr., has recently moved to the l'annele ranch near 0 0 0 0, 0 :.. 0, BOOKS! BOOKS! The only complete line of books in t he city. All the latest issues of Fictio.. worth reading-"Vhcn a Mtn Marries," "Goose Girl," 'Half a Chance," "Making of Booby Burnett,". "Selina Leu," "Tbe Cash Intrigue," Tha Rill Tnrmnrs " "I.ittlo Sister Snow." "The Foreign er," and many other "This season's most popular sellers" Handsomely illustrated by Christy, Fisher, Hutt and other popular illustrators making beautiful Christmas gifts. JUVENILE BOOKS AND TOY BOOKS. Blest are the children who find in their Christmas stock ing any of our delightful gift books. Blest because through the whole year they will find untold happiness in the pages. A full assortment of "Oz" Books "Billy Whis kers" books Alger and Henty books, Saalfields Indestruc table Muslin books for little tots, "Pickles." "Newly Weds " "Buster Brown," "Katsen jammers Kids, Paint Books "The Auto Boys," and many others. We meet Omaha competition on any and all books. Try us. TfWSi TOYS!! TOYS!!! A X hS iw---- - All of "Toy lands" latest scientific and mechanical toy3 are found here. "American Flyer" trains from $1.00 to o a wa.'c cfonm Fncrinps (the kind that goes) from il)O.W. HWUtii a uivuii. -o - , $1 50 to 5.00. Magic Lanterns, Prof Zimmerman s Ludo- scope (moving picture toy) 50c each. MILTON BRADLEY CO'S MAGIC DOTS. a cu ufto rn TTnmntv DumDtv circus. All kinds ol Dolls, Tea Sets, Toy Stoves, Gravity Toys, Building Blocks Rubber Balls, Indestructible Children's Furniture, Chairs', Tables and Rockers, Guaranteed to last ten years. The price Is low. "Flixible Flyer Sleds," (the kind the boys all want). Stamping Outfits, Children's Millow Rock ers etc. Come in and see our toy line. Fine Christmas Stationery,' (the kind that you need not be ashamed of) in gift boxes from SOc to $2.50. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!!! A piano would make a very acceptable Christmas pres ent, well I guess! We have them on easy payment plan, $5.00 a month if you like. Steinway, Weber, Hardman, McPhale, Steiger and son, to choose from. Let us put a piano in your home for a Christmas present, and you can make 1st payment in January. strlun Instruments. Violins. Mandolins, Guitars, make a very nice Christmas Gift to those who are musically in clined to any of the mentioned instruments, we nave tnem. CHRISTMAS CANDIES! The only place In town where you can buy Candles at Omaha prices. 2,000 lbs Red Band Brand just received, strictly f esh, guarantee pure, 28 kinds, your choice 12c per lb. -other stores ask 20c lo 25c. 500 lbs, Home Made Tallies (made in Plattsmouth) at 10c per lb., assorted kinds, mixed. Agents for Johnson's Milwaukee Chocolates, and Bon Bons, full assortment of o-ifr nnckatres from 10c UD. Agents for "Fancy Ti nine t:'iocolates" in handsome one-half lb. and one ib. i ackajr-fill your Candy wants here, and you will be r ;-.tif.tu with the money saving. POST CARDS! POST CARDS! Don"t lorget Post Cards. When in doubt, give Post Cards. The delightful custom of sending Post Cards, es pecially at the holiday season has continued to prove in favor every year. We have sold twice as many this sea son as last. You know how it delights you to receive these tiny rememberanccs from absent friends delight them in the same manner. We have the largest stock of Post Cards in the town, comprising all the newest things on the market, foreign and domestic, fropi lc to 75c. We are headquarters for Christmas Tags, Holly Paper, Holly Vreaths, Christmas Candles, Tissue Paper, Holly Napkins, etc. Hugh Norton, Agent . .c HEWS BOOK and 0 0 f Of :CX o 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATIONERY STORED -v-i..'i'J'rt;,'rtW"'vffc-';' tK iK '-Miowf (M .; kW t-.'".--1 "."..' .- n rtjr ,) I Si 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 J