The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 20, 1909, Image 7
A LAWYER'S SUP. " Honey Spent at f hi s & score i ?! V VI ? I ! ? ? ? ? ? ? IPfci SSitislniRs Money Judiciously Expand ed and tor Regretted! iwwiiipihihh Xo Gifts more sensible no jjifts that are more appreciated than Ladies' CHRISTMAS S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v Felt Fur-Trim Romeosaroneofour wi i w wj m0Ht 8pprecia. tive gifts, of the unquestionable Daniel Green Quality. Green, wine, black and brown colors $1.10. $.25, $1.50 V Ladies' Felt Slippers 50c to $1 50 ld'8 anfl isst's' R'eo8 (fur trim) .85 and 95c I COMFY SLIPPERS, (like walking on feathers) $1 00 Y lndlan Moccasins, the kind that wears and hold their shape-suthin uu to 3 :u Buy your Xmas presents at home-we'll appreciate all you leave here -and if not satisfactory it's convenient to exchange. HOES AND SLIPPERS from the - World's Best Shoe Makers! - When we say SLIPPERS we cannot do it justice, for you must see them to appreciate them, and we invite you to view our XMAS SLIPPER SPREAD; for it is woith coming to see. Men's Slippers X in Opera or Everett Styles, in Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood or Wine Colors: 65c, 85c, SI, SI50, SI.75 Men's Felt Slippers . . ..65c to $1.50 V Men's Romeo Slippers, side rubber $1.75 j Li alios' Felt Lap Slippers (three colors) $1.10 j Infant's Felt Red Romeos 50o V 5 1 u! I Slip )3.-j n j t appeal to you, let us suggest a pair of our Patent i 1 1; i ! i I I ) i nr famuli l owarrl & f oster. VY IiKC Mouse or UT. A I i! 1 CnhLn Imole. Doctors recommend them. $ - Bust er-Browh Shoes - $ FOB - BOYS and LS V BUSTER ErtOlTi . I hu&h SHOES --u.. m all leathers cements good will to this Q ' P fi 8tore: ( t y&Mi-. 75 t0 $2.75 ? --sJ Infant's .Moccasins, Bootees and Soft Soles, X OmT 25c to 50c t ' APfllR OF SHOES. LEGGINS OR SUPPERS. BOTH NEAT STRONG. IS i EXCELLENT RE- WEMBRflNCE THAT WiLL BE AP PREGIATED TOE WHOLE YEl Misses' Jersey Logging. . . Infant's " ' .... Ladies' " " Boy's Canvas " Men's " " .... Ladies' Gaiter Spats Men's " " " Leather Leggins. . . Y Y ? and ims X rff I a I if ? ' 2 r! ! y nil iimiwiiwi i y -V .0 V . i V KHtMKKK''KKKK LC.MG n:ght at the club f ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? t V t "Tired at Three O'clock?" "No Sir! I Use the Monarch" IF typewriters were machines run by mechanical means in stead of human hands, you would find that, agfren amount, a jK ircr, a Monarch could be run at a higher maintained speed than other typewriters. Run by "girl power," you find that the Monarch is run at a higher all-day average speed than other typewriters, and without a "tapering off,M from fatigue toward the day's end. Both these truths are due to the fact that LTGr HT TOUCH. lightens the draft, uses nower more economically. Eliminates the waste of energy that typifies the heavy-touch machines. This in turn means increased production per machine and de creased cost of typewriter work per folio. While Monarch Light Touchand the MONARCH ? ? ? ? ? Y 38 Y 1 ? Monarch Rigid Carriage are exclusive Monarch features, every other import ant feature of the modern typewriting machine, such as Back Space Key, Two Color Ribbon Shift, Contained Tabula tor, etc., etcwill also be found on the Monarch. Let us give you a demon stration of Monarch Light Touch and other Monarch advancements. Write For Illustrated Descriptive Literature ? V t ? V The Monarch Typewriter Co 111 South 15th Street. Omaha, Nebraska. Executive Offices: Monarch Typewriter Building, 300 Broadway, New York HHICHESTER S PILLS! t Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v f ? ? ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?: ? Yi Fleeting MiMnent3 of Pleasure That Mr. Paid for In S.ickcloth and Ashes. The long Arctic nilit was drawing 'o a clcse. After six montlis of dark iics'i tlic rubicund face of Obi Sol r.ic;nd k,1 ly over the edge of the gln Icr and wished the frozen north .1 cheery good morning. It was 11 glorious sight, but Mr. Djlblwoiky hooded It not. He was .lust returning from a night at the Ksklmo club end his mind was troubled. He find forgotten bis latch key. Alas for Mr. Ojiblwosky! He knew she was a light sleeper. I'Vciiuently she bad awakened after having slept only three weeks merely it the sound of the icebergs crushing some Intrepid explorer's ship In the floes. He remembered this as his none too steady footfalls crunched through the snow. She heard him ns he wns trying to get in through the servants' entrance In the areaway, and stuck her head out of the upper window. "Is that you, Ojib," she de manded. Mr. Ojiblwosky was forced to admit that It was. "This is a fine time to be getting home,' fihe exclaimed. "What time Is It?" "My dear, it's only quar'er pash Feb ruary," replied Mr. OJibiwosky, some what thickly, however. Hut Mrs. Ojib, by consulting her calendar, was already wise to the fact that It was half-past May, and. hav ing 110 desire to pry into family af fairs, we will draw n veil over the scene that followed, after the manner of the good old story writers. M A J KM M C. M C FISTULA-Pay When CBRED All Kectal Diseases cured without a surijica irv operation. No Chloroform, Kther or othrr Rcn- eralancaslhe.ici.sed. CUKli GUARANTEED Q nl.IKK-TIME. K.Vexaminat.on FR.:n. u. PWRITE FOR HOOK ON riLES AND f ? J f) u.s "I"" I, 11 in-tm S DR. E. R. TARf I X. if hlH.,M.i,.r litamiwjTlptiu'd AN r.. Vri , ,, hll.:,n.7 TbIio no alkrr. llujt of vnur V t ii.M, ,,r tf.i SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYHHLRE Queen's Many Accomplishments. (Jrec.-e, which is looming just now largely in world politics, 011 account of the Cretan question, can boast of a queen who Is one of the most accomp lished liiiKiilsts among Kuropean roy alties. Queen Olgn, who was a Rus sian princess, being a daughter f the Orand Duke Constantino, Ik, like most of her coinpa. riots, excellent at lan guages, and speaks not only French, Kiinlish, and Italian, but also the tongues of her adopted country, (Ireek and Albanian. The queen i.Iho en joys a unique prerogative among the rest of her sex, for sbo Is probably the only woman who has over had the dignity of admiral conferred upon her an honor bestowed on her by tho lato czar of Russia. Like the present czarina, her Greek majesty has a pas sion for flowers, and always has her rooms profusely decorated with them; and she Is likewise a keen philan thropist. .... HANGING A HORSE. Trial and Execution of a Steed Which Overturned a Carriinjo. The foliuHinj; account id' llie pri vate (rial ;t!nl execution of a horse Ity eoiiuitatiil of (lie fantastic Mar iiiis ilc !ri(Urvilio in taken from an article cnlitlcd "liiorajihie ties Kxcontiitiues," originally iiihlisheil without signature in I.a liepub litiie ilu lVuple, descrihcil as "Al niamuh iVmocratiijiio, 1'aris, chcz l'rost, 1S.M)," ami republished in Oeuvivs l'ostliutnes of liumlelaire, 1'aris. The article is evidently one of naudoliiire't; hits of hack work, but even here the muster's touch h felt: 'Tirsl of all let us mention the Manpiis tie r.riipievillo, a very rich person, popularly deemed crazy nil'' prohahly slightly so. At least he did nil that was necessary to justi fy the opinion one had of him. One day 11s he was rushing violently through the streets in his brilliant equipage one of his forses fell. The carriage was upset, and the mar quis received an ugly contusion. He is brought bnck to his mansion ; he is in n rage; ho wiints to dismiss his coachman. The latter justifies him self. The accident was not caused by any fault of his. One of tho horses is to blame. 'If it is so,' says the marquis, 'tho horso must be punished; every fault must have its penalty.' lie orders all his household to oppear steward, but ler, valets, scullions, grooms. It is a veritable court of justice. They nil take their places. The marquis presides. The accused is brought in. lie preserves in bis noble bear ing the calmness of innocence. The coachman makes the accusation. The secretary of the marquis, till ing the olliee of lawyer, presents the defense of the quadruped. He is h ug winded, heavy, Hat, exactly in if he was pleading before parlia ment, lie quotes the Digest; he spits hntin. lie concludes by re questing that his client should be returned to the stable, whose finest ornament he is. The ease is heard. The marquis gives his opinion first, lie considers" the accusation ns proved, lie votes for the sentence of death. All his valets hurry to vote like him. The whole thing seemed to them n joke. They were mistaken. The marquis bad u scaf fold erected in his yard. He ad dressed to the condemned 11 prolix discourse, in which he made him feel the enormity of bis crime. Dur ing this oratorical display the un fortunate victim looked upon the instrument of torture with 11 firm eye no affectation of courage, no despondency. "As soon as the marquis had fin ished a groom threw with dexterity a rope around the neck of the pa tient, and 11 few seconds later ti e poor animal was suspended in the air, the coachman was pulling his feet down, n valet was stamping on his shoulders. The hanging was ns correct as those daily exhibited m the square of the Grcvc. The at tendants were stupefied with aston ishment." How Indians Poisoned Arrows. Indians took a fresh deer liver, fastened it to a long polo and then went to certain daces where they knew they would find rattlesnakes. Tho bucks would poke the first rat tler with tho liver. The snake would repeatedly strike nt the liver with its fangs until its poison was all used up. Then the pole was car ried homo and fastened upright un til tho liver became as dry as a bone. The liver was pounded to 11 line powder and placed in a buck skin hijr. Thia powder would stick like ,"luc to any moistened surface find : 1 "d to .toison nrrows. ut In Damaging Evidence Against His Own Client. It tloes not seem to he frequent that a plaintiff get through the courts what he considers a satis factory settlement for damages for an injury sustained when a railroad company is the defendant. Cases nru of record, however, where the attorney for the railroad has un consciously admitted evidence that resulted it. u tp!Vt f t Mi" ;i!:iin? tilL Such a case was that of Mifc. Herkimer of lteloit, who Fued ho Missouri Pacific for $10,000 bo tore a court in Kansas. The defendants were represented by tho able and learned Waggoner, who Fought to prove that there wm a full moon on the night of ,tho accident and to place tho responsi bility with the plaintiff. A messen ger loy was sent for and secured nn almanac of tho year of the acci dent. Kxamining it only to learn that it contained tho desired proof, ho offered it in evidence. In his argument the lawyer for the plaintiff declared that the de fendant company was the property of certain millionaires, whom he nnmed, who had amassed fortunes totaling a great number of millions and were well able to enro for his crippled client. Waggencr was immediately on his feet offering loud objection to this line of argument, claiming that nothing had been introduced in the evidence to justify tho state ment. "May it please your honor, there is," declared the other lawver. "It is in the direct evidence offered by the learned attorney for the de fense." "Where?" shouted the surprised Waggoner. "It is in this almanac, your honor," cplmly replied the lawyer. He had studied the book, and there in its pages were pictures of tho men named, together with sketches of their lives, and every one of them was rate.l at from $100,000, 000 to $150,000,000. These figures evidently appeared to the jury to be substantial enough to award 11 verdict for the amount asked, and that without leaving their seats. New York Tribune. ' ;:iid Farm te Measure. a dockyard was one loot rule to meas- 11 plate. Not be " the use of the . it after wasting a remarked the fore is the sie of the man. plate?" "Well," replied he, with a fir.'.'.v which accompanies duty performed, "it's the length of your rule ami two thumbs over, with this piece of brick and the breadth of my and arm and from here to there, hnr a linger." London Mail. A Modern Dicgencs. Kthcl, aged six, had gone down tho village f-treet with her new doll. It could he plainly seen that s,,e was in dire distress She stood -till, find after a cloe scrutiny of sev eral men who passed she neooed one. "Say. are you an hone-t man?" the demanded. "Why. yes, I think so." n- tl 1 astonished reply. "Well, then, if you're sure you're tin ho'iest man." said the little maid, "please hold my dolly while I tie Piv fhoc." Woman's Home Companion. Deeply Injured. Her eyes were wild; her hair was in disorder; her face was Hushed; her bands were clinched. She was a deeply injured ami desperate wo man. "Oh, cruel one," she cried in an guished tones, "1 have borne with, you too Jong! You have injured the very foundations of my being. Day by day you have tortured me, ami yet 1 could not bear to givo you up. When first we met, how your ease and polish attracted me! When you became my own, how my friends envied me! IWit your un-der.-tanding is too small for mv lurgc soul. You nro opposed to my advancing myself. You have ruin ed my standing in society. If we had never met 1 might have walked in peace. So now begone! We part forever." There was. a moment's convulsive breathing, then a gritting of teeth and a sharp sigh. It was all over. By a supreme effort she hud pulled off her new shoe. The Time It Was. Jones I say, Smith, you are a good hand at arithmetic. Smith 1 am considered very good. Why ? Jones Well, here is a little prob lem for you. There was a man named Little, living in Dublin, who Imd a daughter. Now, she was in love with a chap she knew her pater did not approve of. So one day she doped with him. When the old man found it out he was very nngry and nt once followed them. Now, then, what time was it? Smith (angrily) What time was it? How on earth do you suppose I can tell you? 1 give it up! Jones (triumphantly) Why, a Little after two, of course. Lon (l.')n Answers. Cheerful. "John, dear," said the invalid's wife, "I'll have to run away from you for an hour or so today. 1 huv; to get the material for a new dress that the dressmaker" 'i'.ut," complained the patioir, "do you think il is right to be thin!. in:: of dress while 1 am so ill?" "Why, John, it will ho all right, Ilu matter what happen-. It's 1; black dress." Pearson's Weeklv. Willie's Explanation. Willie's grandmother gave him a penny to inve.-t it! candy, and the little fellow rushed off in great glee, but presently returned in tear-. "Why. what's the matter. Wil lie?" asked the old lady. "Did yo lose your cent ?" "No, grandma," sobbed Willie. "r. didn't lose it; I only Fwallowed it" Exchange.