The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 20, 1909, Image 1
ERALD. e Hlt So TWICE A WEEK NKWS. EsUWinhH Nov. 6. 1P91 UKRALD, Established April 16. 1S64 Consolidated Jan. 1. 1896 PLATTSMOUTII, NKKUASKA, MONDAY DECEMBER !0.1UO VOL. XLVI 68 THE SPEAKS AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Yesterday Afternoon to a Very Appreciative Audience. The Itcv. M. S. Poulson of Lincoln the district manager of the anti-saloon league, was in the city yesterday and occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church during the morning and at 3 o'clock' in the afternoon delivered a very able address at the Presbyterian church in the interest of the organiza tion for which he works. The meet ing was opened by singing "Work for ; ; , Coming," after hich prayer was offered by the iicv. W. H. Lampe of Oamha, then "America" was sang by the entire meeting. The address followed in which Rev. Poul sou said in substance: The anti-saloon league is not an organization, as is generally held, it is not a political party, but only work and through the churches and the already organized political parties, but support such candidates as are pledged to push the work of teinperanc and further the work which is for making of better government. The speaker said that they of the organi zation in the first place began to work against the saloon keeper, but not in a nersonal sense, but found that it was not always him that paid the fines, and for the license, but some one be hind him in the case, and that after the investigation which they were mak ing had been pushed farther it was dis covered that the real interest in keep ing the saloon going was the United Brewers' association, and that they were furnishing the money for li censes, for fines, for fixtures for the saloon, mid in fact in most cases go ing behind the saloon and literally owning it. The speaker said that there were committeemen besides 1,200 ministers who are working for the cause in the state of Nebraska aud that they wen" tabulated as friends of the movement and those who would support only those who were in favor of the cause, some (io.OOO voters. In spei-Ying of the number of saloons in various cities he said that Chicago had some 7,000 saloons running in that place. He also said that there were nine dry; states, and that six of them had gone so during the last two years, and that 71 per cent of the entire country was dry. During the last year there were meet ings of 37 legislatures, and of these there were 22 which passed laws that were not in favor of the saloon, while only five failed to pass laws which had in their effect the regulation of the liquor traffic. Rev. Poulson departed for Nebraska Cith this morning where he will speak before returning to his home in Lincoln. Mrs. Louisa Poppen, mother of Mrs. P. A. Harrows, who has been visiting her other children at Albion, Petersburg and Elgin, during the time that Mr. and Mrs. Harrows have been living here, came Saturday to again live with her daughter. She was accompanied from Onyiha by her grandson, Dorsey Kesterson of Albion who h:is been in the Clarkson hospital at Omaha under treatment for one of his eyes which was injured by a stone thrown at him by another boy. It is feared that the sight is dest roved. Parties living on High school hill are making complaint that some of the delivery urivcrs iaKc posses.-io.i o; the walks to the detriment of tiie pe destrians. The reason is supposed to be that the walks present a bette track than the middle of the street which is rough and broken. The city cannot go to the expense of building pavements for the people to walk upon and then have them driven away by some delivery man who thinks he owns the earth. It wire well that the officers be notified of the practice and that they see to it that it be no longer followed. In Justice Court. There is being tried befoie his honor in Justice M. Archer's court this after noon a case the title of which is Propst vs.' Wagner, where H. I.. Propst sues George Wagner for the payment of a email) separator whieh wa sold some four: months ago for the sum of SOU, and for which payment has been re cently refused to be made. ml fWf The tiring that interests you most now is where to iihd what you want in the shortest space of time. We have our Christmas stocks arranged for quick selling. -You can find what you want here with the least trouble. Our clerks are at your service. eceived. "P. U.S." "Nebraska" and "Platts- mouth" penants 35c and 50c Just the thins: for a Christmas rememberance. Crocheted 4 in hands. In Xmas boxes 50c Knit Toques. In all sizes for men or bors 25c, 50c and 75c Handkerchiefs. Plain or bordered 75c. 50c, 25c, 10c, 5c BengalineTies. All shapes and shades 22c The prices you pay here for goods repre sents the maximum of piality. You're sure it's good if you buy it here. Open evenings till Christmas. C E. Weseolfs Sons The Home of Satisfaction. team jflSTOmrott :y.wiiiii AU hnu, Spirit of Chrietmat. Fill our hearts with frctkttas. joynuwoM aaJ hope. Open our eyei to a wot Id E1UJ with new and interesting thing. Attuae our can to the general long of good cheer tad make ur hearts ad voices responsive to its message. Let us know ia its full measure the blessedness of the privilege both of giving and of receiving, the interchange of the Christmas message of love and remembrance. Help us to put aside the fear, the worry and the petty strife of yester day, and to face tomorrow with the radiant face of those who have seen the star in the east and who have heard the nngcls' message "Glory to God in t' e highest, and on earth peace, goed will toward men." ..oh. Get June About Bested. There were three marriage license issued by his honor, the county judge, this morning, they being Oliver K. Allis, aged 20, and Miss Edna May McBride, agen 17, both of the vicinity of Kim wood; Hay E. Norris of Klm of Klmwood; Kay K. Noma of Avoca, aged, 22, and Miss Viola L. Hinds, aged 1!), of Wabash; ami William L. Copple, aged 2: and Miss Grace. Maude Hinds, aged 22, of Walash. The latter two couples will bo married at the borne of the young ladies' par ents at Wabash on the 2!lth, being a double wedding. The pace at which the marriage license clerk has been having to work lately make the holiday almost as popular as is the month of roses, June. The News extends congratulations and good wishes, and hopes that their lives may he merry as the Christmas time when they shall pledge their vows. Stole Christmas Sllppes. bust Saturday evening while ('. V. Nord was at a meeting at the Metho dist church, some one having a greater desire for a pair of slippers which Mr. Nord had purchased and left in his sleigh than for the keeping of the law Unbroken, took the boxes containing the Christ mas presents, and made good their escape. It is a very deplorable condition when one cannot leave any thing on a vehicle for a few moments without some one stealing it. We were told of a person visiting a home ii few mili s out of the city not long since, and seeing some six or eight buggy whips, as many pairs of horse blankets aud a number of robes, which it was claimed had been taken from buggies and sleighs. direct to the Episcopal church where services will be conducUnl by Ilev Canon Burgess, under the auspices of the Masonic order. The body will be interred in Oak Hill cemetery and will be conducted to its last resting place by the masons of this city. To mourn his death deceased leaves two sons and a daughter, Walter of Greenwood; Charles of Kansas City and the daughter, whose name we were unable to learn, residing in Washington. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TIIE MATTER Information Wanted as to Parties Composing the Buck Party. We have received ti letter from a prominent member of the State His torical Society usking us to make some inquiries as to any person who would be in a position to enlighteti them in the following matter. It seems that in ISO!) the Nelson Huck sur veying party was massacred by In dians on Beaver creek in what is now Bed Willow county. It is under stood that nearly all of the party, with the possible exception of Buck were from ITattsinouth. One of the men killed, II. ,. Levi, left a widow w ho has since married. Anyone who can give us any information concern ing the fight, the day it occurred, or of any person connected with it would be conferring a favor. Following are those who comprised the party: Nelson Buck. J. L. I.ogan, J. C. Haldeman. F. C. McFarland, J. B. Nettleton, W. McCulloch, J. V. Brown, Lincoln Crocker, Stanley Moocham, II. L. Levi, James Motleman. Now if anybody can give us any in formation whatever regarding the matter, or can give us the name of any person who can, we will appre ciate it very much. Stocking Darner Demonstration. There will be at my store on Wed nesday and Tursday, December 22 and2:j, a la ' ' r,,re of dem onstrating the Sing, . s' v! i ;g darner. Dont fail to see. Peter Claus, Agt. J. E. Harma of Omaha is in the city looking after some business matters in connection with a wholesale cloth ing house, and was trabsacting business matters in the county scat today. Falls and Breaks Wrist. Mrs. O. M. Streight, this morning while around her duties, stepped out on the walk which was covered with snow and ice, which caused her to slip and fall, breaking her wrist. Dr. E. W. Cook was immediately summoned and reduced the fracture and did what was possible to relieve her sufferings. Mrs. Streight is resting ns well as could be expected under the circum stances, but is suffering considerable pain from the broken member. Looking lor Fine Cattle F. It. Shrader and George Selfrant both of Kan ".on Missouri, came in this aft "moon and went out to the home of L. h. Wiles, where they are looking at one of the finest heards of red polled cattle in the country. They arc looking for fine stock, some thing to improve their herds, and from their journey over here they were not a less as to where to go. Will Play at Parmclc. Lothelma Landon and Andrew Web ster of Omaha came in this morning and are guests at the Kiley. They will assist at the moving picture show this evening, the former playing the snare drum and the latter the fife. DIES IN HOSPITAL THIS MORNING W. L. Street Passes Away Omaha This Morning. At After numberless hours of suffering, W. L. Street, one of Plattsmouth's most re spected and beloved citizens, passed away this morning at the Emmanuel hospital at Omaha. Mr. Street was taken to this same hospital some mouths ago, and after a long period, succeeded seemingly in recovering from an opera tion, and returned home, feel ing greatly relieved and has since been working until some two weeks since, when by taking coin, his old trouble was aggrevated, and a re lapse came, causing his re turn to the hospital at Omaha on the ninth of this month, for treatment. The physicans at the hospital were unable to relieve the intense suffer ing which intended this last sickness, and the condition of Mr. Street grew worse, until the end this morning at 7 o'clock. The remains will arrive this evening and the funeral services will be held from his residence, on Wed nesday morning at 8:,'10. The interment will 1m; at Red Oak, Iowa, the same day, the funeral cortege departing on the fore noon train of the Burlington. Regarding his life and other matters we will report in these columns later. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wil ley and Miss Isabella Young of Murray were visitors with friends in the county seat today. E. II. Wescott was a vis itor in Omaha this afternoon His Watch Was Resting. Clare Thomas who has been work ing in Omaha for some time was a visitor in the city over Sunday with friends, and in company with Hay Barker of Tekamah was going back to Omaha this morning. At about the hour the train leaves this place they sauntered down to the Burlington station only t; see the train lie wished to take rounding the curve near the pumping station of the water company. It is needless to say that they deferred their visit to the metropolis. Lady Breaks Hip. while attempting to Boyhood Days. Wc were made to go away back in years this afternoon when we passed the store of J. W. Larkin and glanced at the taetefully arranged windows, where hediad on display those things which make the child's heart glad, and allowed one with the finer sensibilities an opportunity of almost hearing the gungle of the sleigh bells of Santa Claus, notwithstanding the week that intervenes between now and the day of his eventful arrival. A glance at this window will tell you that ample provision has been made for the corn- lav most dear i tn the childish heart. This int. sit on a ehai. .rs. Nelson Jean, belter known as Grandma Jean, at the home of her daimhter. Mrs. William 1!. Murray, sat up on the edge of a eh.iir land losing her balance fell to the I ii i . i i . - i i . .. i :.. . iiifir ini'M k uiir t ii ii iiiiii' in I -. ... i i 1 . ' . " . .. ' .. . .ingot that annual Iioik ' Jiinnn ni t very djmiiv. ' naiiMina .n ;m 1 ; is well along in years, being near Ml years of age, and an accident of this ! kind rarely mends rapidly. Dr. T. 1'. ; Livingston was called and reduced the fractiui'c and did all that medical skill could to afford relief to Hie aged .-uf-ferer, and notwithstanding the serious ness of the accident Grandma is rest- 0! Mfercst to Ladies Who like to give men, real men's things. You ladies are really the best judges of the little fancy stuff men like; we'll trust your judgment on these values; and want you to see them. IIDKS and TIES to match $1.00 SILK MUFFLERS, all sizes, all shades ."0c to ?L.r.O WAYS MUFFLERS, all sizes, all shades ")0e SCARF PINS and Cuff Links to match $1.00 to 2.00 MANHATTAN SHIRTS guaranteed colors $1.50 to $2.")0 UM HI! FJ.LAS, fancy and plain mission detach able handles $1.00 to $:.oo TIE RINCS. Instead of shoving his ties into a drawer this gift en ables him to hang 'em up. Hrass rings hung on different color mo rocco straps. $1..")0 m V .ess rruwCTvA,... it Copvrifit H.irt Si luffnrr ii Man James raltlinj Dies. James Bailing died suddenly at the home of hN son at Greenwood yester day of old age. Deceased w.-s one of the pioneers of Plattsii til and was well known by all (he old resident ers. lie left riattsinoiith some five years ing as well as the circumstances will ago to make his home with a son at; permit. The many friends of thislGrecnw I. He wa born in London, ! good lady will be pained to learn of her misfortune, and wish her the most propitious improvement and that she may recover as rapidly as possible. Kngland, Mi years ago and came to this country atanjeaiiy age. The body will arrive at I'lattsmouth Sun day afternoon at 1 :12 and will be taken PURE IRISH LINEN IIDKS, plain or initialed J. i .'. inch hems 'J.m', 40c and FINE SILK LISLE HOSE (Interwoven) am COLLAR HACS, J1DK. CASES and Tie Cw. pecially nice for those who travel, all if desired i Any purchase put up in holiday boxes, exchanges after Christinas. or ')( c .")( shades i in sets $1.00 lo $l."0 (Had to make The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Falter & Thierolf Value Giving Clothiers.