Pipes Cigars (Xmas Boxes) Razors Safety Razors Shaving Mugs Sharing Brushes Shaving Soap. Satchet Powder Satchet Packets Bulk Perfumes Toilet Waters (American and Im ported) Smelling Salts Fountain Pens. V ? ? ? T T t ? ? ? t t ? ? Xmas Tags and Stickers Holly Napkins. Hardware r t t ? r r r t f ? At the Big Store Of ASEMSSEN & KLONGEI Xmas Perfumes Big- Bale! Is attracting the attention of thellentire county and the farmers are travel ing through the mud to get to it. Here arejalfew prices to show you how we are selling carpenter tools. Saws! Saws! Try Squares Of Exquisite Odor and Quality, Fancy Christinas Boxes make the most suitable and appreciative HOLIDAY GIFTS la people of refinement and good ta!r. Oar xsoaa Boxes of Stationery la Lateit Styles art Beet Quality at the Rexall Store F. G. FRICKE &.C0., Druggists. Expert Pill Mixers. Combs Brashes Mirrors Toilet Articles Toilet Soaps Complexion Brushes. Crepe Paper Tissue Paper (White Imported) Purses Leather Goods Traveling Cases Toilet Sets Wash Rag Cases Manicure Articles. T $ 85tw 59c 12inath'.50c.now 30c XMAS BEFORE THE MAST How a Crew Celebrated Merrily Off the Coast of California in the Early Day. A good many of you may have read Richard II. Dana's Interesting story of aea life, "Two Years Before the Mast." Daoa's vessel was collecting hides on the const of California, when Uint coast was in a seml-clvlllzed condi tion, lie thus describes Christmas among the crew: "As there were no hides to take In, and nothing especial to do, the cap tain gave us a holiday, the first we had had except Sundays since leav ing Boston; and we had a plum dutf for dinner. "The crew of the Russian brig, lying alongside us, following the 'old style,' had celebrated their Christinas 11 days before, when they had a grand 'blow-out;' and (as our men suid) 'had drunk In the forecastle a keg of gin, ate up a bag of tallow and made a soup of the skin!' " Certain it is that Christmas Is the one universal festival the round world over; and every resident of a Chris tian laud carries Christmas in his heart wherever he may go. niNCE OF PEACE" Christmas Cheer. "Old man," wrotu the Hillville citi ten, "it was my lntendiu' to give you a fine present fer Christmas, but I roine short this year by the sheriff levyln' on my cotton an' the govern ment on my corn; so I kin only send you a gallon Jug of the last named, which ain't much as my ambitions is fer you; but I'll say this, old boy: There's enough In that jug to make you have the jolliest time o' yer life fer a day or two; ef you can't buy a circus tic ket, there's a whole circus in six drams, an' a eternal movln' plctur' show In 20: so make the most of It!" Atlanta ('(institution. Thoughtful. Klla liu uoing to liang up my stockings o:i Christinas. Stella -What for? "I'y s;i request of pupa and mamma, im know they believe In Santa Cl:n s."--l,HV, The Man In tne Moon. Hussian folk-lore tells that the man In the moon whs one who was seeking the isle in which there is no death At lust, after traveling far, he found the longed-for haven ami took up Ills abode in the moon. After a hundred years hud passed, death called for him one Christmas eve and a fierce strug gle ensued with the moon, who w:s victorious; and so the man stayed where he was. His Wonderful Influence Continues fid Widens Through the World. AH the old troublous questieai ef Uie origin and destination of the Gail lee Carpenter have passed, note a writer In Collier's. All the mediaeval worrlment in discriminating betweea human aad divine has gone, all the puKEled inquiry into the miraculous. No longer is mankind stirred over the non-essential. Theories of him fade away, dogmas ef his nature lose their charm. His gentleness has conquered. His influence continues and widens. Slowly brightening, the gleam that touched hi in spreads through the world. His spirit moves on the face of civilization, and makes it kindlier every generation. The touch of bis hand Is on the grief stricken. Nurse, physician, and nun are the messen gers of his teaching. The vestal fires burned out. but never the fires of his spirit, which answer each other from mountain-top to mountain-top across the continents. And deep in the heart of the people they make family life sweeter and ease the bitterness of failure and ignorance and nil life's In completeness. That wonder-working personality was never so potent as to day so insistent and tenderly sure. I'lidcr a thousuud forms, creeds cud names, men strve him. And however far we go in the conquest of nature, Identifying the north pole, climbing the sky, prying open electrical forces mapping out the subliminal, diminish ing sin, disease, war, poverty, Igno ranee always in the advance will bt that gracious figure of the Sinless One who showed I.ove as the rule of life One Perfect Maii ardent and gentle the race will never tire of him. X t V I t t f Y t f ? ? ? Y ? ? ? Y ? ? ? ? Y Y $1.65 now at .... $2.25 now at $1.20 .$1.49 10 inch, 40c now at 9 inch, 35c now at 25c 20c a great many other tools such as Augers, Chisels, Files, Squares and Ham mers, also garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades and Scoops. A. Few Xmas Suggestions 2.00 skesinfo.ur.lots 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and Former price from $1.00 to $4.50. .'(.'.iC:new ..$5.49 $5i?:now....$3.49 $2iinw... $1.99 $1.00 at ' Ever Ready Flash Lights at only A big line of Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears at extra low prices. Table Cuttery, also Food Choppers and many useful articles at prices that will surprise you. AVood and. Iron Stock Remember our stock of articles in Wood and Iron is the biggest in the county and is being sold at way down prices. ASEM1SSEN & PLATTSMOUTH, KLINGER NEBR. BY SIZES Forty Years of Longing. A New iLiilaiul man tells of nil eld erly woman in u Massachusetts town who not lonj; no found herself rich enough to buy a complete dinner set. "It seems a sinful waste of money Sarah." observed a neighbor to whom the set was belnn shown. "You're gel tin' along hi years an' you won't need chlny long." "I may uot nectl It long," respoude Sarah, "but I need It now it ml ba needed it for forty yen i s. oii don' know how cramped I've been." "Cramped?" "Yes, cramped! Iiok at the bg tea parlies I've been Invited to! Have I ever given anything like as big a one; No! Hut now, thank goodness. I'm able to retaliate at last!" Boston Tost. GIVING THEM FAIR WARNING Some people expect so n. uli iiio.'o than others I, lie. Intoxicated Woman Unduly Alarmed, Considering the Character of Her Companions. Canon Ilensley Henson, during his lectures at Yale, said at a dinner in New liavef): "In my condemnation of this American custom 1 was mis taken. Yes, I was as rldicrously mis taken as the woman in th- third class smoker. At Hanbury a half-dozen young Methodist ministers once board ed a third-class smoker wherein sat a frowsy woman smelling of beer. The young ministers had been attending u ministerial conference. In their black garb they conversed gravely on con ference affairs, while the frowsy wom an nodded in her corner. As tho train approached the long tunnel, the woman roused herself. She pinned buck lazily a tail of hair that had fallen on her shoulder, and she fixed her glassy eyes on the six pale, black clad divines. Then she took from her man he was a great hunter and war- j basket a huge breadknife. Making a rl. ..iways represented with a drawn j ' unsteady nourishes and lunges in tL 1 tit. 1. I ! 1- .1 1.1 11 hand and a bow in the I lm" s;llu '" ly: Don t none o you boys try none o' yer tricks on me in the tunnel, mind, or I'll open ye.' " Frigga. 'rlgga, from whom Friday Is deriv ed was either a god or a goddess, ne cor 'ng to time and country. As a THE QUESTION OF THE H0l i 9 WHAT SHALL I GIVE This question 's most easily answered at the Variety Store. Our counters are filled with many useful as wel. a? ornamental articles that will appeal to any or.c. For the children, toys of all descriptions. Prices are not only right but below the average for the ame quality of merchandise. Get our prices before making your purchases and you'll save money. Do your Xmas shopping now and do it at the Variety store. sword In one other. In the Scandinavian countries j Frigga was called the "Venus of the i North," and the sixth day of the week ; was consecrated to her wv-nhip. KAISER HAS LADY DRAGON U n r The Variety Store 'Hsmouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of bank of Cass County. ALL OF 1910 S3 without Sunday, $4 uitli Sunday This Is our BARGAIN WEEK OFFER, DECEMBER 21 to 28, Inclusive. Fourth year of the big offer, and thousands always take advantage ot It and save money. No traveling men for you to support, no hotel bills, no railroad fare, no fake premiums; just newspaper we are selling you and nothing else. Every cent of extra cost cut out and given to you. Do you want to encourage that sort of thing and save the usual waste? If so, hercfs your chance, and you get the biggest and best newspaper in Nebraska, the one that can print the truth about everybody and everything. It will be an eye-opener. Some interesting things going on and if you want the inside, here's your chance. No whiskey or beer ads, no dirty medical ads. It's as clean as a whistle and you'll like It. You ought to have a Lincoln paper. -:- -:- -:- -:- n ASK THE PUBLISHER OF THIS PAPER ABOUT IT She Guards Emperor William's Court Against tha Entry of Feminine Undesirables. There is at Kaiser Wilhelm's lterlln palace an Oberhofmelsterln, a lady ; who has been described as a court ' chamberlain in petticoats, who has to ' make personal acquaintance with every lady before she may attvud a court. A ball at the Berlin court Is an af fair of much ceremony, but, curious to say, there are uu cloak rooms In ; the palace and all wraps bar to b left In their owners' carriages. The imperial couple do not dance, . but they watch with interest the pirouetting of their subjects In the ; wain, and they delight In tb grata-1 f m! mlDset dam-lug, for which tbsre , has been a furore In Herliu thess lw ' seusous past. ' The courts In Berlin ara conducted with even more state than In Ung- j land. The Ivdles wear uo trains, It la true, to tbelr court froeks, but It Is expected of tseai to spend lavishly on I tbelr clothes, to don uiagulflvcnt jew I els and never by any chauve to wear black, and black, by the way, W ale ! disallowed la St. Petertbsr(. At a Uerlla eeurt they have an c44 way ef separating married women aaa girls. Wlvss and daughters are mar shalled etf U separate reouis befere the fwa of the fata' buglus. tfeaVkf weuui. CHRISTMAS IS COMING And we are here with the goods No such display of furniture was ever shown in Plattsmouth and much of the stock is suitable for Christmas presents. Come and see our RUGS, CARPETS, CHAIRS and other swell articles, just the thing for gifts WE CARRY TOYS Just what you want for the little folks to make them happy. Call and see what we hare. M. HILD The Furniture Man, Sixth Street ? Y ? Y ? ? ? ? ? Y t t t ? Y Y t ? ? ? Y Y f ? Y ? ? Y f t f t ? Y c, i h " nc