The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 13, 1909, Image 1
MewsHeralb the TWICE A WEEK FLATTSMOUTll, NEBRASKA, MONDAY. DECEMBER UMUO!) VOL. XLVI (IS NEWS. Established Nov. S. 1891 HERALD. Establuhed April 16. 1864 Consolidated Jn. 1. 1896 THEY MUST DOJBUSINESS President Taft Determined That Present Session Shall Work. SESSION MUST BE A RECORD BREAKER EDWARD W. WHITE LAID TO REST i Large Number ol Old Friends Pay ! Last Respects to Young Man. Line ol Work Laid Out Which will Be Greatly Beneficial. WASHINGTON, Dec. lO.-Whilc othing definite was given out after the conference held by the president with Vice President Sherman and Speaker Cannon yesterday, it is an ,,mi secret that it was the starter for a line of work for congress which will 1)0 prolific of good results for the future. Leaders in congress are sure of this and say that any line laid out by the president will be followed as Jong as it hiys in the direction of good things for the country. This eonrgess does not propose conduct itself in such ii manner that there will bo any chance r,.r iliMiuHTiific eonirress to cot in next year. Elect Officers. At the regular meeting of I'latts mouth council, No. 12., Loyal Mystic Leeion of America, the following offi cers were clecti F. II. Steimkc Mary J. Hull, W. V. C. Elizabeth V- Hickson, Prophet. Guy D. McMaekon, Treasurer. .1. C. Peterson, Secretary. The funeral services of Kdward W. White were held Wednesday afternoon in the Methodist Kpisoopal church in this city, and were largely attend ed. Hev. W. L. Austin chose for his text these words, "His Lord Said t'nto Him, Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord." His subject was "The Immortality of Capacity," and his remarks, which were delivered with great feeling, were peculiarly appropriate to the sad oeca- Hion. The choir consisting of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Wcscott, Mrs. Charles S. John son and Mrs. Don C. York, sang very sweetly and with much feeling, "Thy Will i.n Done." and several other familiar selections. The music had I been selected with care and war. y-i-; that the impressiveness of the cere mony was greatly enhanced and eon- itributed to the solemnity of the !:r.t sad rites over the body of a ymi ft jman whose friends in Plattsmouth ( were legion. ' Those who tenderly bore his body it,. it lust, restinir place were his com panions during life, Paul Morgan, IT..II Fred Mann. Arthur i'd for the ensuing year: jmZ Clarence Meal and Fmil Woy iker. W. C. ! ;,.,, ' Edward White was born in Platts mouth, Nebraska, on June 11, 1SS7, mid died in Wilkinsburg, Pa., on Friday, December :?, of typhoid I The Past Chief cf the Degree of I few. i'ge.l 2'Z years, monins am. Honor were most delightfully enter-! 2S days. lained vester.lav afternoon by Mrs. "Eddie," as he was familiarly William' Hassler. I known, was well and favorably known ROCK ISLAND WRECK NEAR CITY OF LINCOLN Two Engines meet in a Deep Cut at a Curve Just Out- side of Lincoln. BOOKS DAMAGED BY LEAKY ROOF Further Evidence ol Punkness of Old Capitol Building. ENGINEER WRIGHT IS INJURED BUT THE FIREMAN ESCAPES Other Engineer and Fireman Jump from Engine and are Not Hurt. LINCOLN, Dec. 0. Engineer 0. 0. Wright of Fairbury was badly hurt yesterday afternoon in a collision in the cut iust south of the state fair grounds. Two Hock Island engines , ...... .... i j crashed in mo cm mm ni n,uu. j damaged. Engineer Wright attompt ' ed to jump but hail so little warning that he got no further than the gang way between his engune and thecab when the impact came. He was caught between the frame work of the cab and the end of the tank and serious ly injured, zlle was taken from the wreck, after much effort to .xtricato his body from the jam, to St. Eliza beth's hospital. Dr. Mitchell said late last evening that the engineer was dangerously hurt; that he had ......... mti.rntit iniuries: that his unconscious and understood the serious ness of his condition. fi The accident happened short I v af ter 2 p. m. Engineer Wright and Fire man Me Lane were on engine No. MS,") on the way to the east. The yard en cine, No. 1221, was on the way west from the transfer switch at Twenty- seventh street. The scene of theeolis sion is within the yard limits. It was said the switch engine was moving at a rather low rate of speed, but that the light cast hound engine was going at a hinh rate. Vision of the track ahead is shut olT at that place by tin sides of the cut and the curve. Tin1 scene f.f t!n in cident is about 2"l) feet cast of the lloldrege street viaduct, which spans the Hock Island main line. The place is regarded as a dan- L1NC0LN. Dec. 9 The roof over the state library began leaking this week again and ius a consequence sonic of the priceless records of tho state are noe ruinwd. Those records can not be replacod and at the present rate if something cannot tie done it will be but a question of time when all the records in the state library will be in a damaged condition. Something should be done for the state library. B. A. McEIwain the jeweler on the sunny side or Main sireci nas iuh emporium, in spick span shape for the coming holiday trade.and with a handsome and well selected stock of seasonable goods, should surely bo in a position to serve the public in a way that would be well plosing to those who wish to give the best of gifts. DEMOCRATS HAVE MONEY Senator of that Prosperous Name Chosen as the Minority Leader. SENATOR CULBERTSON SENDS IN RESIGNATION Senator Shlvely ol Indiana Vice Chairman ol Minority. Minii4im i Him... j--- - 1 riuht hip was probably fractured, and (gpnnis one by railroad men. " ... ' i I ..... i tin iii' For Christmas 8 Bath Robes and Lounging Robes. A large line for men to select from in gray with red design, blue with white, red with gray, brown with red. Full 54 inches long. Cord and tassel fastenings. A pair of slip pers to match coat- Price of the two , $7.50 House Coats or Smoking Jackets. Th? is a sack coat Madeoldou e faced English cloth elegantly trimmed. Just the thing for his home hours $5.00 and $5.50 Laundry Lists. This is something new in a Christmas gift idea. A duplicate pad with blanks for fillins: in. One blank to be sent with the laundry and one to be retained. Contained in leather cover with Jap decorations. Price $1.25 and $1.50 Neckwear. Reversible 4-in-hands all shades 22c or 5 for $1.00. Elegant line at 35c or 3 for $1.00. A gorge ous line at 50c. An elegant line at $1.00 and $1.50 in wicker bas ket boxes for Christmas. Holeproof Hosiery $1.50. Suspenders Xmas boxes 50c, 75c and $1.00. Mufflers silk or wool 50c up. Silk Umbrellas. Gold trimmed $2.00 to $5.00. You can shop with ease in this store. Everything marked in plain figures. E. Wescott's Sons the pelvic bone may have been fractured. Engineer Wright was caught be tween the engine anil the tank so (I,., Hwtank had to be moved to ro- j lease him. I At 2 o'clock this morning it was re j ported at the hospital that the condi tion of Mr. Wright was very" serious, i lie was very low and it was said that ; there was not much hope held out lor his recovery. It was said he was Engineer Hall and Fireman (ioings of the switch engine jumped and es caped injury. Fireman McLane was not hurt. The two engines were con siderably wrecked. Both had their fronts stove in and the pilots torn off. The switch engine lost its f mint trucks. The road engine lost its cab steps and manv other parts in tlx impact. They were pulled apart by another engine which was in the yards at the time. Passenger train No. 13 was delayed about three hours.'s Corn Crop Short. Attorney Sanford Reese, the Bur lington attorney, located at Burling tun, Iowa, came in this morning and was transacting businows with Attor ney Matthew deling. While in con versation with a representative oft his miner he said that he had been over most of the state of Iowa and that they would have some fifteen per cent less corn than a year ago. .. The south ern portion traversed by the Burling ton road is 'even worse, but the better conditions prevailing in the northern portion raises the general average. The state report out just, recently reduces the former report by some 2(1,0(10,(100 bushels. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Attrmir caucus last night the democrats elected Senator Money of Mississippi as chairman and leader of the minority in the senate. Senator Bacon of Geor gia had been mentioned for the plae, but declined to become n candidate against Mr. Money. Senator Cul bertson refused to take the position again and sent in his resignation. Senator Shively of Indiana was ..,., .!,.,! us chairman, the place for merly . occupied by Senator Money before his election to the chairmanship. Miss Anna Nashel was a visitor in Omaha this morning where she will be the guest of friends for the day. Making Money In North. A letter from Carl Aseniissen, for merly a member of the hardware linn of Aseniissen Klinger, who is now located at Winnipeg, Maiiatoba, Canada, writes that they have two feet of snow in that portion of the country, and that it is expremely cold. Carl writes that business is good and that they are doing well in the general store which he and his brother-in-law are conducting. Mrs. David Hawksworth and niece, Miss Nettie Hawksworth, were visit ing with friends in Omaha today. in this city and everyone was his friend. His character was of a very high standard mid he was a diligent student and after graduating from the riattsmouth high school with the class of '05 he graduated with honor irom the university of Nebraska, receiv ing the degree of Batchelor of Science. i He chose for his lite work eienrica engineering and at the time of hi ! death was employed by the Westing house Fleet rical company of l'itts l.i, rr I' Mr. White was a faithful ! and active member of the First Moth- i odist church of this city and also ot the Kpwoith league and of h. 11. Wescott's young men's Bible class. He was also a member of the Engi neering Society of Lincoln and of the American Institute of Electrical en gineers. His sad and untimely death has east a gloom over the entire com munity. His father, William A. White, was for many years the foreman of the paint shop in the local Burlington shops, but died a few years ago. The deceased is survived by bis mother, three brothers, David. Harry and Ar thur, and one sister, Miss Adelia. Mrs White and David arrived at the bedside of F.dward in the hospital in time to visit with him. When told I that he could not recover he bade his I mother and brother good bye and Isent messages to his most intimate I friends, the last one mentioned being his sister. Mrs. White and son were met in i Pacific Junction by Mr. and Mrs. II.; N. Dovey, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Dovey, i K. II. Wcscott and Mrs. Ilowkuidj and accompanied home. tributes Doing a Good Work. The Hev. Luther Moore, pastor of the Christian church, who has charge of tho young men's class of the Bible school, is makintr irood as a Sunday school teacher as well as being one of the most popular ministers which has been the lot of that denomination to dame for some time although the past recent history of the church, ! has been frought with good able ministers. In the orginization of the young men's class, Hev. Moore sug gested an organized class, and the name Loyal Sons was adopted, and that they have been loval sons to him is certain, for in their work and attitude, they show it. Tho class will give an elegant supper at the Coates Hall in the near future, which will bo a splendid testimonial of their disposition to be faithful workers, and with 'their natty. new white uniforms will present a fine ap pearance. We wish them success and will win it. Buy Gifts For Men From an Exclusive Man's Store, Such as This. Here You Will Find a New Stock of Elegant Furnishings For Men. Gloves. Unlined or lined with fleece, wool, sheep skin or musk rat 50c to $4.50 Mittens. Dressed or undressed kids, all styles of linings 50c to $3.50 Also a large line of fur mit tens for driving, in price from ilia KB. r?r't ,m From Chama. Mexico. Harry White who has been in the city the past few days, being called here bv the death of his brother, Fdwih White, will remain and visit during he holidays before returning to Chnnm, j Mexico, where ho is employed as fireman on a division of the Denver A Rio (irande railroad. Interesting Display. Col. II. C. McMacketi has on dis-1 a miniature iudian camp in bis south window nt his ollicc on south Sixth street, and one can obtain a 1 Ht A I 1 . : very coot I nlea ol how uie icprcMin- C. U,.:oiiifiil (oral tributes were m nliiiriclaiiec. The members of t he, i.m i,, -,,;, nnd inspecting the camp m i,r Modern Woodmen of Aiiht- iP MMncken has also a war bonnet ica, of which he was a member, at- 0f feathers which he obtained i..., tli fin ii-im 1 services and con- ; r.,,,,, ,1,.. ;,,nv Indians, which is a I iiwiii ,,n ......... . ducted the service of the order at the wor; ,,f arv fnr the redmaii. Call not back the dear depa. ted, ' Adm,nstrarU ApPnted Aliclioreil sale wnere siomih aie " i. ; . ,if i i i 1 1., ,r till- I lie i l lll III on in (In the border laml we icn nun, i - , ..,.. ,.f Soon to meet and part no more. ! n auminiMra i .. . -When we leave this world of changes, IFdward T. K.ckard uas hel tl. " .. .. .1 . I ........ .in before CollIltV JlldgC BeCSOU , Wh'ii we leave mis worm oi uh--, "" ""'V , .'. e .i... .1 v,l - i i i i ... 1 1 i i it i ii in in -m' - , hall linil our missing mveu one !' -. was appointed. e si In our Father's mansion fair. Mrs. A. A. Wet encamp and son Arthur, were visitors in the metropo lis, going on the fust mail. Howard Ionard and two children fi.,,i,i IM'non. Neb., on a visit with Judge and Mrs. A. J. Iiecson. 75c to $1.50 Mittens for every day rough wear 50c to $1.50 Manhattan Shirts. Guaranteed color, pleated or plain $1.50 to $2.50 Other lines to sell at 50c, 75c and $1.00 Sweater Coats. Grays, tans blacks . in different trims at from ) $1.00 to $4.50 The Home of Hart SchafTner & Marx clothes Manhattan Shirts "ais Falter & Thierolf Value Giving Clothiers. The Home of Satisfaction.