Cold Weather Comforts Our Conl is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointment!? when an extra chilly day comes. j ; J. V. Egenberger M"l"HHvMM.JH?' STATE BOARD BUYS NORMAL Accepts State's Oder of Seventy Thsand Dollars. TWENTY THOUSAND LESS THAN APPROPRIATION Owner of Land and Buildings Fl 4 nally Comes to Terms. WAYNE, Doc. 8. The normul Iioard (it thin place notifutd the state hoard yesterday that their offer of $70,000 for the grounds ami IxiiNliiis of tlie school here would he accepted. The legislature ni)propriated $!K),00() for the purclme of the Kchool, hut the hoard did not consider it worth that nueh money and an offer wan made of $70,000 iw ahove which after con siderable hesilat ion, IVT r.s. I'ylo ac cepted. She has lieen notificd'to con tinue the school until such time an the tato shall lo.tke some provision for its iiiiiintcimnee. INSTITUTIONS IN THE HOLE Prospects of Lack of Funds Faces Nearly All Places. GOVERNOR WORRYING OVER THE PROSPECT State Has Not Faced Like Condi tion In Many Years. Troze Ills Feet. James Anderson, 30 years of hrc had no experience Sunday that he will never forget. Me was riding the blind baggage when discover ed and put off at Culloin. He walk d to Ori'!polis, where he was picked up by the train and brought to this city and taken to the Per kins hotel. His feet were reported to be a solid chunk of ice. Dr. J, 15. Martin nuccceded in thawing them out and bandaging them up. County Commissioner M. L. I'ried rieh purchased a ticket for him to MM. bonis, where his parents reside. SvtedMi Mission. l!ev. ('. Sahlstrom and daughter Miss l.illie have been holding mission meetings in this city for a couple of lays. They also attended the large Svedish mcitiugs in Louisville be fore coming here. They departed Wednesday morning for t heir home in Newman (love. For Sale. Team of good horses, weight 2,000. Price, $-100. 0.1 4x D. M. (i raves. Omaha Visitors. Dr. T. 1 Livingston, O.wity At torney Will I'.amsey, James l.chal, County Treasurer Frank E. Sehlater and J. W. I.nrkin were passengers to Oinuha Monday morning. Visit Sick. Mrs. John Albert and daughter, Miss Mary, visitid their daughter and sister, Mrs. AiigHst-Kngclketneier, in the hospital in Omaha Wednesday Mrs. Charles Hipp who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Dill, de parted Wednesday for her home in Lyons. LINCOLN, Dec. 0.IIow the va rious Htatc institutions will be able to get through the next eighteen months without serious deficiencies is a prob lem that is now worrying the gover nor. The first semi-annual reports of the heads of the institutions, filed since the new appropriation became available, shows that in practically all of the institutions the cYncndi- tures are away beyond the amount that had been set aside for their main tenance for that period of the time. The deficiency so far has occurred in the summer months, so when the coal bills arc paid and the added expense of taking care of the institutions through two winters is considered, the deficiency is liable to be large. Splendid Mules. i- K. Parmele bought a very fine span of mules in Ccrcsco, paying Silo for them. They are beauties and quite large. Christmas ami MID St? Mary's guild will hold a Christmas Kensington at the home of Mrs. James Donnelly on the afternoon of Thursday, Dec. 1). Place Phchus spent Sunday in this city with relatives, returning Monday morning to Omaha, where he is attending college. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Truelson of Omaha spent Sunday in the city with Mrs. Truelsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Murray. Mrs. J. W. (iambic departed Monday morning for Syracuse, be ing a delegate to the meeting of the Eastern Star. A. O. Moore, formerly an operator here for the P.urlington but now of Omaha, spent Sunday with the home folks. Itoadmaster Emerson and Master Carpenter Iledengrcn of the Hurling ton were in the citv Monday. It. J. Tate, a real estate man from Omaha was in the citv Monday. Andrew Uohb day for Peru. departed Wedncs. H. J. Nixon of Aurora, 111., R. L. Caylord, Aurora undZ. W. Ketehem Burlington officials were in the city today. THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR 9 WHAT SHALL I GIVE This question is most easily answered at the Variety Store. Our counters are filled with many useful as well as ornamental articles that will appeal to any one. For the children, toys of all descriptions. Prices are not only right but Mow the average for the nunc quality of merchandise, (let our prices before making your purchases and you'll eavc money. Do your Xma.s shopping now and do it at ' the Variety store. The Variety Store IMatturnouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of Uank of Cass County, Combs Fine Pipes Cloth Crushes Film Cameras Plate Cameras Ebony Hair Brushes Cigars in small boxes Regular Razors and Strops Johnston's Candy Gillette Razors Pocket Books Flash Lights Stationery Perfumes Weyrfch & Hadraba THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received by the county clerk of Cass county on or before noon January, 1 1910, for fur nishing the. following Hooks, Blanks and Stationery for said county during year 1010: CLASS A -HOOKS. 1-8 quire med. Commissioners' rec ord (printed head). .'1-N quire med. Deed Record (printed liiK). Mi quire med. Index to Delin quent 1 Lands (printed head . 1-S quire med. Deed Record (print ed head . 2-8 quire med. Mortgage Records (printed page . 1-8 quire med. Miscellaneous Deed Record (printed head . -2-8 quire med. Mortgage Records (printed head 1-8 quire med. Appearance Docket (printed head . ' 1-fi quire med. Court Calendar (printed head . 1-4 (piire med. Pee Hook (printed page . 1-8 quire med. Probate Pee Rook (printed page . Canvas Covers, each. 1-8 quire med. Court Journal (prin-j ed page . Patent Pack, per quirt. 1-8 quire med. Trial Docket (printed heab). Index, per book. All records to he extra bound of No. 1 Linen Ledger paper, Byron Weston's Ledger paper or Whiting Ledger paper. , CLASS R STATIONERY. Rubber bands No. 11, per gross. Penholders No. 327f, per dozen. Writing Fluid 1 due-Mack (Dia mond brand), per quart. ('illott's No. (ilW Pens, per gross. Eraser's No. 1085 E. Falters, per dozen. Rubber Hands No. 03, per gross. Esterbrook's No. (MS Pens, per gross. Congress Tie Envelopes No. 10 1-1" thick, per 100. Erasers No. 1080, E. Paber's, per dozen. Red Writing Fluid (Diamond brand per pint. Estebrook's No. 7!) Pens, per gross. Congress Tie Envelopes No. 10 1-2" thick, per 100. Congress Tie Envelopes No. 10, 2" thick, per 100. Mucilage, Carter's Arabian, per dozen quarts. Congress Tie Envelopes No. 10 1" thick, per 100. Denison's Notarial Seals No 21, per 100. Congress Tie Envelopes No. 10-3-1" per 100. Pencils No. 704, Tiger Copying, per dozen. Penholders No. Crown, per dozen. RuU er Hands, assorted 1-A, per box. I (iillott's No. fiOl Pens' per gross. Congress Tie. Envelopes No. 10, 1-2" thick, per 100. Pencils No "W, Eberhard Pabc dozen. Clove Reversible Envelopes No. j 10, per 100. . Ink Wells, Safety No. I, per dozen. Steel erasers, Joseph Rogers No. 114.1 A, per dozen. Ink Stands, Safety No. 3, per dozen. Rubber Hands, assorted No. 100, per box. i Red Writing Fluid (Diamond brand) per quart. i Separate bids must be made on each class of supplies in the estimate. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Hids will be addressed to the county clerk and marked proposal for Hooks, Blanks and Stationery. Bidders must file good and suffi cient bond for the faithful performance of their contract. Hids will be opened the first meet ing in January. l W. E. ROSENCRANS, County Clerk. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the county clerk at his ollice in the court house at Plattsn.outh, Neb., up to3 o'clock p. m. Monday, December 0, 1909, for the construction of wood and steel bridges for Cass county, Nebras ka, for the year 1910. All bids must be accompanied by a certified cheek for So00. Plans and specifications now on file at the office of the county clerk, at Plattsinouth, Neb. Hids will be opened December 7, 1909. County commissioners reserve right to reject any and all bids. W. E. Rosencrans, County Clerk. Plattiinouth, Neb., November 1909. 5(1-8 the Don't forget to b-ing us your ts, we pay the highest market price and besides we are giving two prizes to the farmer bringing us the most eggs betweeu now and Xmas. The first prize gets the choice between the, two water sets worth at least 82.00 eac h J. II ATT & SON. Charged With Insanity. Complaint was filed yesterday in the office of the clerk of the district court neainst John O'Rourke of Cedar Creek, charging him with insanity. Sheriff Quinton went after O'Rourke but found him too ill to be brought to the county seat for examination. Today, however, O'Roarke is rational and expressed a wish to be sent to his home near Gretna. The Mcsdames Luke Wiles, William Raird and;, Luther Moore visited the corn show iu Omaha Monday. Hunt-Klmmcl. Fred W. Hunt and Miss Lena Kim mel of Council RlufTs were united in marriage in this city Monday by Judge Archer. They were accompa nied by the mother of the bride, Mrs. E. W. Kimmel. They returned to their home in the afternoon. Killed Large Wolf. Jesse Hlunt caught a very large wolf in a steel trap south of the city. The animal was large enough to whip any ordinary dog. Surprised Her. Yesterday was Miss Svea John son's 17th birthday and last night an army of her friends gathered at her home and gave her a genuine surprise. They didn't think of going home until midnight so well were they enjoying themselves with games and music, and dainty refreshments. The young lady received many beautiful presents and what was better the good wishes of all her friends. Heard From Wile. Carl Antone was in the city today for the first time since his children were taken away from their mother ami given to the Nebraska Chil dren's Home society last summer. He said he had heard from his wife since since she went to Denver. f ? ? X ? ? ? a WICK DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $130 to $3,000. Don't nay r-nt any longer. You can own your o-vn dwelling cheaper. Le fhow you some good chancer to acquire farms in Ne braska. South and North Dakota, Missouri or Texas. FIRE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SURETY BO DS. Get your bonds from the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income whil vou are onable to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 454. f f X ? ? ? ? ? T CHRISTMAS GIFTS I BUY THEM EARLY Y and avoid disappointment. We will be pleased to 1 H T T fVlAWl nilrniT -f-kM fft sir list. au lay uicm away lui uu ue CdllCU 1UI later. We have new novelties in NICE, BUT IN EXPENSIVE GOODS. We have choice and cost ly gifts. But in all grades and at all prices t Y ? ? f f f ? t ? t ? I The Nicest and Most Appropriate GIFTS fcr the Little or Big, Old cr Young. hi I 1 A i ran cr Lo, Headquarters fcr Holiday Goods t X ? ? ? ? T t ? t ? ? ? V f ? ? ? f ? V UUTUT.ATi aTaTaaTa aA . A "aV- -A- ta- "AT ta"aTVTaTTaTT.TT.T mil- iV H .. heXr ft a ft a IV UHUF H Bui Kma I "af a. .fm I Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watches... , Rinsfs Culf Links . Scarf I'iiif, Cut Glass. . Umbrellas. SI. 00 to $50.00 ...75c to $200 00 . .540 to SI 5 00;d i0c up Gold SI. 00 up .SI. 00 to S15.00 S3 OO to $10 OO Clocks 75c to $15.00 Fountain .'ens.. $1.00 to$8.00 Bracelets $1.00 to SI0 OO Brooches... .51.00 to $25. OO Souvenir Spoons.. 50c to $1.50 Lockets SI. 00 to S10.00 Hair Tins 50c to S2 00 Please call and examine our stock. We have taken special care in selecting our Holiday Goods. T. W. C UA.13IT.jTj C K. & Q. WATCH IXSIl-;CTOR. Pipes Cigars (Xmas Boxes) Razors Safety Razors Shaving Mugs Sharing Brushes Shaving Soap. -t'iii i 'i 1 1 iHWiTHMiimrnri Satchel Powder Satchet Packets Bulk Perfumes I Toilet Waters (American and Im ported) Smelling Salts Fountain Pens. Xmas Tags and Stinkers. Holly Napkins. Xmas Perfumes Of Exquisite Odor anl Quality, I'iinij('hristm:.s Boxes make the most suitable and appreciative HOLIDAY GIFTS In people of refinement and pood taste. Our xmas Boxes of Stationery In Latest Styles and Best Quality at the Rexall Store F. G. FRICKE1& CO., Druggists. Expert Till Mixers. Combs Brushes Mirrors Toilet Articles ToUet Soaps Complexion Brushes. Crepe Paper Tissue Paper (White Imported) Purses Leather Goods Traveling Cases Toliet Sets Hash Rag Cases , Manicure ? Articles. 1 f ill A - All K octal Diseases cured wiihuut a surgica )Dv operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other pen eral aneasthetic used. CURIi GUARANTEED H' IaU.I a r T l.' if Tnr? Bf riui.i.mi.ira-ii.iiii, EXAMINATION PREB, WRITE POR HOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS riles PR. I. W. TARRY, 224 B Bulldlnr. Omaha, Nebraska