The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 09, 1909, Image 2

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ilThc NcwsHcrald
A Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here and There
The Chinese government has sent a
rircular note to tho powers protest
ing against Russia's claims to the
right of administration over the Man
churlan railway zones. Tho protest
deals lengthily with the Russian com
munique which was sent to the
powers October 8.
Baron Sidney Sonnino, who was pre
ruler In 1906. has been semiofficially
intrusted with the formation of a new
Italian cabinet, the Giolltti cabinet
tinving resigned.
Aceordlng to tho Standard, J. lier
pont Morgan & Company of New York
end Drexel & Company of Philadel
phia will become the partners of a
London Arm. which will be styled Mor
gan. Grcnrell & Company.
By a majority of 215. after a brief
lmt excltlne Hitting, the house of
commons recorded Its claim to cx
elusive control of tho nation's purse
a claim never before challeuged In
modern times. , ,
The protocol with the United States
for the reference of tho Alsop claim to
Kins Edward for mediation was
signed by the government of Chile.
The cabinet of Premier (ilolitto of
Italy resigned.
The ministerial commission which
lias been discussing with business
men various matters of trade, has ap
proved tho Rtiggestiou of placing a tax
of seven-tenths of olio ceut on each
pound of cotton grown In European
RiiBsln, llokhara mid Khiva.
Admiral Togo, chief of the general
staff of the Japanese navy, retires
from the naval command and becomes
a member of the military council. He
Is succeeded In his earlier office by
yiee Admiral Sir Gero IJuin.
At Kansas City Joseph Campbell
killed his wife, then took his own life
lie was a morphine fie ml.
The secretary of the interior has ap
proved the decision of the conimls
nloner of the land office in tho case of
Henry Kern against John Eaton, on
appeal of the former In dismissing his
contest against tho homestead entry
of the latter, located In tho Alliance
(Neb.) land district.
Secretary of the Interior Balllnger
has made his annual report.
In a street duel with knives at Al
fen, Ark., Miss Nora Owens was fat
ally injured by Miss Stella Belk and
died within a few minutes.
Tho president will exert all his In
fluence looking to changes in the in
terstate commerce act.
The Kansas state treasury will re
ceive $25,000 cash, as an Inheritance
tax. from the' estate of James Clarke,
a farmer in Marshall county. This
Is the largest tax yet assessed against
a Kansas eRtate under the new law.
The Kansas State Agricultural Col
lege 2-year-old Angus steer, King
Ellsworth, won the grand champion
ship as the best steer in America at
the International Stock show lu Chi
cago. John Harvard, a negro preacher, who
had committed murder, was burned
at the stake near Cochran, Georgia.
Mexico will maintain a neutral atti
tude in the Nicaraguau rumpus.
The Richard Gleason bid for the
Jeffries-Johnson light, to be In Cali
fornia, was accepted.
President Taft has taken steps to
put the Red Cross society on a perma
nent business footing. '
Congressman Hinshaw says Cannon
cannot be elected speaker nt the ses
sion of the next congress.
Following a charge of murder at St.
Ix)uls agninst Mrs. Doxey of Colum
bus, Neb., a requisition was Issued.
Secretary of War Dickinson advo
cates changes In army affairs In an
nual report.
A strike of switchmen Involving
ever two thousand men was Inauguar-
ated at St. Paul. Minn.
Congress opened on noon Monday,
. but the president's message was not
read until Tuesday.
"More men are killed as the result
of playing football in one year thau
are killed In labor troubles." says
John Mitchell.
President Taft soon Is to receive
call from the legislative committee or
the Crand Amy of the Republic, for a
conference upon matters pertaining to
pension legislation this winter.
According to an official dispatch
from Bitlls, Asiatic Turkey, several
email villages in that vicinity havo
been destroyed by an earthquake.
President Taft will make tho open
ing address at the convention of the
National Chic Federation to begin its
Important work In Washington Jan.
17. next.
D. I Wlnchell. president of tho
Itock Island, has been circled Presi
dent of the St. Louis &. San Francisco
Senator Elmer J. Burkett of Nebras
ka haB prepared a resolution, which
he Intends to present o congress, call
ing for a thorough investigation of
th niienr trust.
Duke Karl Theodora of Bavaria died
i .. Iowa stock food law Is declared I
i.y;;e Mi Hierson in the federal
i i.uii tti be all riRht and sufficient to
I:d!(I wutcr.
In the United States court of ap-
peals at St. Paul the seutence imposed
ll i lit- l llllt-u .iiricn i t v
Nebraska upon members of the Ne
braska Land & Feeding company was
fflrmed. The defendants had been
given both flues and Jail sentences
and the original Innutuui will now be
carried out.
There Is absolutely no fouudatlon
for the report that the Oregon Short
Line Is to relinquish control of the
Salt Lake division of the Southern Pa
ine," said President Lovott of the
llairlman system. "I cannot Imagine
where or how the rumors originated."
Five more men were added las?
week to the bankers' colony at Ft.
Ieaenwurth penitentiary.
The British house of commons
adopted a resolution of censure ol
Reorganization of the Hock Island
railroad was practically completed by
the election of four new vice presi
dents to serve with President Henry U.
The supreme court of the United
States has denied tlu; petition of
Charles T. Morse, the New York bank
er, for a writ of certiorari. He must
serve in prison.
The recent snow storm in Knnsa3
is said to have been a great help to
While his wife and three little chil
dren were out walking. John K. South
er, of Washington, an artist, commit
ted suicide by shooting. Souther was
30 years of age.
Congress Is to be by re
form organizations within a day or so
after It convenes.
The government faces important
problems relating to channels and
terminals In proposed waterways Im
Judge Charles Amldon, of the Unit
ed States district court of North
Dakota, advocated the execution of
professional crlmfjials and the hope
lessly Insane In an address nt Fargo,
The government shows that there
were great chances for deceit In tho
Inquiry of the alleged sugar frauds In
New York.
The Nicaragua official nt Washing
ton was elwn hlB passports and a
scathing letter by Secretary of State
Knox and diplomatic relations were
therefore severed.
The British house of lords, by vot
ing to reject the budget, have precipi
tated a crisis In England.
An Ohio lumber merchant eays he
overheard a plot to kill John D. Rocke
Representative Hitchcock of Omaha
expresses the opinion that the forth
coming session Is going to be the live
liest exhibition that congress lias
given the country In a long time. He
expects there will be something golirg
on every minute and that the fighting
will he forced from the very opening.
Mr. Hitchcock is disposed to take
especial Interest In pressing for postal
savings hnnks, on which he has long
had a bill pending.
Recalling the fact that the lending
political parties during their last na
tional convention pledged themselves
to statehood bills, George Curry who
recently resigned the governorship of
New Mexico, In his annual report to
Secretary Balllnger again urges his
aid and Influence, toward obtaining
statehood for the territory at the com
lng session of congress.
Despite the state guarunty law for
stato luniks in Oklahoma, many appll
ations are pending at the treasury
department for organization as na
tional banks in tho new state and
one for the Germania national bank
of Ponca City was approved. It la
canltullzed at $25,000.
While on a visit to Boston from
his home at Charleston, S. C. Urt
gadler General Henry M. Adams. U
S. A., retired, died. Ho was identified
for a number of years with the en
cineer corns of the army. lie was
born In Massachusetts In 1844
A gag order affecting the furnishing
of Information to any committee of
the house or senate or any member of
.. , . i. i.i
congress cxccia un mnnuiucu uj iuq
v.. f iiw, H.,nifn.nnt in which such
Hl-UU V. Uv --"
official serves, has been promulgated
by the president.
of. f Ct.ito KnnY rotnrmw!
tho passports of Felipe Rogrlgues,
charge d'affalrs of tho Nlcaraguan le
gation with a letter scathingly de
nouncing the Zelayan government.
The letter Is definitely declared to
represent the views of President Taft.
The consular service Is to receive
more attention with a view to its In
creased efficiency. The secretary has
appointed Wilbur J. Carr. chief clerk
if tho department of state, director of
the consular service, a newly created
The National Corn Show at Omaha
was opened by un address by Presi
dent Wattles.
The will of the late William M. Laf
fan. proprietor of the New York Sun.
as Hied lor pronaie, lenves an nis
rtropcrtv to his widow. There were no
Control of the Equitable has been
secured by J. Pierpont Morgan
George Foster Peabody, William
Dean Howells, William M. Ivins and
Herbert Parsons are all advocates of
woman suffrage.
Attorney General Fred. S. Jackson
will enter the race for congress In the
Fourth district of Kansas ayalnst J. M
Miller, the present member.
Emllle Jane Loyson. wife of the ex
priest. Chnrles Loyson. died In Paris,
She was born In New York In 1833,
the daughter of Atnory Butteiileld
Henry Augustus Wlllard. the last of
the three well known Wlllard broth
ers of Washington, D. C. died a few
Republicans are Pleased, Regarding
the President's Utterances as
Along Satisfactory Lines.
Washington Having assembled and
received the president's annual mes
sage, congress found itself literally
"out of work' and In consequence both
houses udjourned over until Friday,
when, if some of the various commit
tees fail to provide something to do.
adjournment will he taken until Mou
day next.
The formality of reading the mes
sage aloud consumed about an hour
and u half of the tlmo of each house.
When the conclusion was reached the
house immediately adjourned, but the
senate remained in session for some
time nfterward, an executive session
being held before that body adjourned.
Little fault was found with the mes
sage "by republicans, who seemed to
agree that It was as satisfactory a doc
ument as the president could prepare,
and remain consistent with the party's
campaign pledge. The democrats ap
proved of the president's efforts to
economize, but deprecated hlB sugges
tion that the Monroe doctrine had
practically become obsolete.
"Th message Is written In the pres
ident's customary terse, vigorous
utyle." commented Representative
Payne, the majority leader in tho
house, while Representative Clark, tho
minority lender, thought that about all
tbnt could be said about the message
was that It was comparatively brief,
"as discussion of almost all important
mutters Is relegated to special mes
sages." In both houses the message was sub-1
Jected to tho most careful scrutiny
and while the members paid little at
tention to the perfunctory reading of
it by the clerks they burled their head
between its pages and digested as.
much of It as they could at one read
ing. Following the custom the message
was referred to the committee of tho
whole by both branches, to be prepared
for "vivisection" by the various com
mittees whose business It is to deal
with the president lu his message.
The senate adjourned at 2:30 ociock
out of respect to the memory of Repre
sentatives DeArmond of Missouri ana
Lassiter of Virginia. The house ad
journed at 1:45 o'clock.
Bill by Mr. Hitchcock.
Striking close upon the recent re
port of the merger of the telegraph
systems in the umtea states, a current
resolution was today introduced ny
Representative IIltcueok of Nebraska
directing the secretary of commerce.
and labor to have the bureau of eor
porutlons prepare for congress a state
ment of the physical valuation of the
telegraph, telephone and cable linos
and other tangible property belonging
to the Western Union Telegraph com-
unny. the Postal Telegraph company
and the American Telegraph company
und the American Telegraph and lele-
nhone companies. The data Is to be
complete to December 1, to embrace
the subsldary concerns and to include
the capital stock, the bonded debt ol
each of the three corporations and ap
proximately the market value or tne.
stock and bonds. The resolution au
thorizes the bureau to employ survey
ors and appraisers for tnis won.
Twenty-Seven Men Burned to Death
, at Hamburg, Germany.
Hamburg. The explosion of two
gas tanks In the so caiieu wienie s
Grasbrook," on the Elbe front was fol
lowed by an extensive lire and tho
loss of many lives. The explosion
was due to a leak In a new gasometer.
Escaping gas entered tho retort house,
where It came In contact with tho
ti.-nu . .iiiMliiir u terrific explosion. A
,..v n
laree number of workmen were en
- , .
gaged lu reouuuing anu em.fcmB w.c
plant. Twe.ity-nve oi uie
eMUD OVOU Ut'UI liiu suaun;n i . j
disappeared In a mass of flame which
shot, up to a great height. Ten men
uro reported dead and seventeen
missing. It U almost certain that all
of these are dead. Forty men were
dangerously injured of whom several
cannot recover.
Names of Those Who Have Been Ap
pointed In Iowa and Nebraska.
Washington. Rural carriers have
been appointed as follows: Nebraska
McCook. Route 2. J. .1. Jlmerson,
carrier; II. S. Godfrey, substitute.
D. Hinton, carrier; no substitute.
Iowa Arlington. Route 3, C. G. Man
chester, carrier; E. M. Manchester,
substitute. Hendrlck Route 1, Frank
Keota, Route 3. J. A. Iigan, carrier;
no substitute. Lillie K. Stewart has
been appointed postmaster at Strang,
Fillmore county, Nebraska, vice D. E.
Smith, resigned.
Change for Inauguration Day.
Washington. A change In the date
of inauguration of the president of the
United States from March 4 to the last
Thursday In April is strongly urged
in the annual report of tho commis
sioners of the District of Columbia,
presented to congress.
New Senator Sworn In.
Washington. Fountain L. Thouip
son. democrat, at the opening of the
senate, was sworn In as senntor from
North Dakota. Ho succeeds tho late
Day of Grace Granted to Corporations
Miscellaneous Matters at the
Capital of the State.
In order to put the militia companies
of the state on a more businesslike
basis the adjutant general's office has
Issued the following order, No. 24:
"First- From and after January 1,
lfllu. commanding officers will make
report to this office on blanks fur
nished a strict account of all expendi
ture of funds furnished by the state
for the maintenance of headquarters
or companies.
"Second No money shall be paid
from such funds except on receipt
properly signed and forwarded with
above report.
"Third When commanding officers
expend more money In the mainten
ance of their commands than Is fur
nished by the state, they will note
upon each report the purpose and
amount of such expenditure and tho
source from which Btich money was
obtained, but receipts need not be fur
nished for such expenditure."
Heretofore the custom has been not
to require any accounting whatever
as to the expenditure of state money.
The late order will make for efficiency
by giving the adjutant's office a chance
to offer suggestions as to the proper
disbursement of state funds. It also
assures that in the future all money
will be properly applied, besides show
ing how much It Is costing the state to
maintain the different companies. On
an average each company of the
guards receive about $100 annually
from the state.
A Day of Grace.
Secretary of State Junkin has de
cided to grant a day of grace to the
4.0UO or so corporations that omitted
to pay their occupation tax on or he
fore 4 p. m.. November 30.
He will chec k over the entire list of
delinquents, which will require a week
or more and In the Interim the bad
boys may walk up and plunk down
their little dimes and get a clear bill.
But those who are unpaid by the time
the secretary gets his lists checked up
well, the law Is that they shall lose
their franchises or charters for failure
to come across by November 30.
Secretary Junkin thought Inasmuch
as it was a new law and probably
galled a few fat necks, It would be
wise to go slow In revoking charters,
but he is going to start on that list
Governor on the Board.
Governor Shallenberger's friends
are pleased to learn that he was
electei to the board of directors of
the American Shorthorn association at
the Chicago meeting. This is the flrBt
Instance in which Nebraska has been
recognized by a membership, and it is
expected that the shorthorn Industry
of the state will be benefited by the
Last year an efiort was made to
have the animal show rotated between
the states of Minnesota, Iowa and Ne
braska, thereby making it possible for
Nebraska breeders to make a showing
nearer home, at least once in three
years. Nothing was done by the pre
vious board in the. direction of carry
ing out this request, but with represen
tation on the new board, western In
terests will undoubtedly receive great
er attention and it is hoped the plan
can be carried out.
Phone Must Be Installed.
Some time ago a complaint was
lodged with the state railway commis
sion in regard to the joint office of
the Pacific and American Express com
panies at Norfolk. It was alleged that
the two companies refused to Install
an Independent telephone, greatly to
the Inconvenience and discomfort of
patrons. The commissioners heard the
evidence nnd although they could not
figure out all the Inconvenience com
plained of, under the law they held
that all they could do was to order
the Installation of an Independent tele
Accordingly It was ordered that the
two companies get busy and Install
the service requested within twenty
days. Twenty days have since gone
by without any steps being taken to
comply with the order, so the commis
sioners have Instructed the county at
torney to bring proceedings to enforce
the law.
Test of Telephone Act.
The county attorney of Madison
county has been instructed to begin
prosecution against the Adams and
Pacific Express companies for refus
ing to comply with the orders of tho
railway commission Instructing them
to Install an Independent telephone In
their office nt Norfolk. The case is to
test the law.
Cut Down Printing Bill.
The State Normal board next year
probably will print one big catalogue
containing the course of study for tho
normal schools in place of a publica
tion for each school. Next year the
board expects to have four normal
schools under Its control and for that
reason the printing bill will amount
to considerable. By publishing a
course of study for all of them the
board expects to cut down Its printing
bill considerably and will work out the
proposition In a way satisfactory to
of Schools
for Normal
State Superintendent Bishop !as 1
made an announcement concerning
the approval of high schools for nor
mal training. The list Includes a to
tal of 110 schools, of which 103 are1
high schools and seven ucauemies. i
The normal training law was en-
lng the school year 1907-8 sixty-eight
schools were approved for normal
training, with an enrollment of 1,200 1
pupils In the normal training classes. ,
During the year 1908-9 eighty-six high
schools and eight academies were ap-.
proved, representing a combined en
rollment of 1,000 pupils taking the
course. For this school year the 110
schools approved for the work have
enrolled in their normal training:
classes a total of 1,850 pupils.
In May, 1909, there were graduated
from the normal training high schools
775 pupils, who had completed the
regular high school course of study
and the course in normal training.
Reports show that of this number
575 of them are teaching this fall.
County superintendents are enthusi
astic over the good work these young
teachers are doing in the school room.
Insurance Agents Are Out. 1
The state Insurance board handed
out a ruling revoking the licenses of
the ten agents of the Bankers' Life
Insurance company of Lincoln.
The following Is the form of the
letter sent out to the agents under
Investigation by Auditor Barton, head
of the Insurance board:
"By the authority vested In me by
the laws of the state of Nebraska,
and as I fully believe that your con
duct as an Insurance agent and the
methods used by you in procuring
business is in violation of law and
contrary to the rulings of the Insur
ance department and against public
policy, I hereby revoke your license
No. as agent of the Bankers' Life
Insurance company of Lincoln, Neb.,
dated . 1909."
While the action taken Is sweeping.
the twenty-eight affidavits introduced
In evidence before the board contained
many suggestions of irregularities
that the agents excluded under the
order for the most part did little to
Plans Issue of Stock.
The application of the Chicago &
Northwestern Railroad company for
authority to Issue $30,502,800 worth of
common stock has been granted by
the Nebraska railway commission.
The stock will be issued In the form
of 305,028 shares of common stock of
the par value of $100 each. The stock
is to be issued for tho purpose of
"constructing. Improving and equip
ping Its railway," otherwise the re
quest filed with the commission con
tains no hint of how, when or In what
one or more of the states the work.
Is to be done.
Historical Society Wants Money.
Notwithstanding the State Histor
ical society gets an appropriation of
$15,000 biennially. It has its solicitors
out asking for money. One was at
the state house asking financial aid
with which to print some report the
society Is to make and for which tho
solicitor said there was no money
available to pay the bill.
Requisition for Wife Deserter.
The governor's office Issued requi
sition on the state of Iowa for the re
turn to Nebraska of Albert Oliver.
Oliver is charged with deserting his
wife and minor child, now living In
Lancaster county. He has been
placed under arrest at Indlanola, la,
Motion In Dunn Case Filed.
I. J. Dunn, recently disbarred from
the practice of law by the supreme
court for conduct unbecoming an at
torney, has filed another motion in the
case. It is practically the same as
was filed two weeks ago, in substance
being that If the court will vacate its
order disbarring him he will apologize
to the court.
Cupid Gets Normal Teachers.
Superintendent Thomas of the
Kearney Normal school reported to
the normal board that Mr. D. Cupid
was playing havoc with his teaching
force and he wanted an Injunction
issued or something done to head him
off. A number have been lost and
others have the fever.
Civil Service Examinations.
The United States civil service
commission announces the following
examinations to be held at Lincoln
and Omaha: January 25, stenograph
er and typewriter, all branches of the
aervlce; - January 25, stenographer.
departmental service; January 25,
ypewriter for men only.
To Advertise Lincoln.
Lincoln business men are just now-
Interested in a proposition to adver
tise the town as a place for Invest
ment.. A man from the east was here
and spoke at the Commercial club and
suggested the way to boom the town
Is to advertise in some national news
paper or publication, spending at least
$1,000 a month.
An Unfounded Report.
The story printed by an Omaha pa
per to the effect that W. J. Bryan
and his brother. C. W. Bryan, have
been asking Governor Shallenberger
to call an extra session ot the legis
lature In order to secure the passage
of a resolution for the. submission of
the Initiative and referendum consti
tutional amendment la not warranted.
C. W. Bryan made a denial of the
story when questioned in regard to
the matter. "Neither W. J. Bryan nor
myself has asked the governor to call
a special session." be said.
irnrrv murium infill
fl S K. H H HN fUN
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Pollt-
ical and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Mrs. Ruth Bryan Iavitt is giving
some lectures throughout the state, al
ways to large audiences.
The last published reports of the
three banks in West Point show com
bined deposits of a little over $S0O.0O0.
The roads got so bad In Auburn that
traffic was entirely suspended for a
The governor has called an elaction
In the new county of Garden, which
was cut off of Deuel county, and resi
dents have begun to liven up and will
have a real county seat fight on soon.
Will McDougall, a former resident
of Humboldt, and brother of Mrs. John
Holman and Douglas McDougall of
that place, was killed in a copper mine
in Arizona.
Edward, the son of Mrs. Will A.
White of Plattsmouth, died in Wilklns-
burg, Pa., from typhoid fever. The
body was brought to Nebraska for
Frank P. McBayes. while hunting
neard Beatrice, shot and killed a large
possum. A number of these animals
have been killed In that vicinity the
last few weeks.
The lifeless body of Mrs. John Hav-
lick was discovered In tho barn of her
home a few miles southeast of Rush-
ville. She had apparently hanged
herself In a fit of temporary insanity.
The bank of Fairmont will bo open
for business In a few days. This Is u
new institution nnd nearly all of the
stockholders are well-to-do farmers liv
ing in that vicinity.
In district court at McCook, Minnie
Brown wns found guilty on two count
of illegal sale of liquor In her resort.
This Is tho second conviction of this
Varne Sands, a Fremont boy who
was committed to the asylum at Lin
coln for treatment for Insanity, made
an attempt to kill himself by throw
ing himself before a train.
Mrs. Mary Boltz, an old resident of
Beatrice, celebrated her ninety-ninth
birthday anniversary. She is a native
of Germany and located In Gage coun
ty over thirty years ago.
Word was reecived In Lincoln that
the American Shorthorn Breeders' as
soclation. In session in Chicago had
elected Governor Shallenberger a di
rector of the u;cociation.
Carl Wilcox, son of Lewis Wilcox,
who lives near Crab Orchard, met with
a serious accident while riding a horse
home from a country dance. The
horse lost his footing and fell, with
the rider under him.
Louis Munson of Maskell was be
fore the district court at Ponca and
pleaded guilty to the charge of boot
legging and was fined $100 nnd costs.
Judge Welch ordered the liquor which
was In evidence destroyed.
Complaint was filed in county court
at Beatrice by County Attorney F. O.
McGirr. charging Fred T. Robinson,
who shot his wife and inflicted wounds
from which she died, with murder In
the first degree.
The Sutton National bank was sold
to Messrs. Adams and Miland of Lin
coln. Mr. J. B. Dinsmore has operated
this bank for many years, he being ono
of the pioneer business men of the
Although requisition papers were is
sued for the return of Albert Oliver to
this state on a charge of wife deser
tion, after he had been located at In
dlanola, la., It now appears there will
be no prosecution. The wife refuses
to appear against her hubby.
An organization of Nemaha county
farmers rnd Auburn business men has
formed a company and purchased 2,000
acres of Carey act land, which has
been thrown open for settlement near
the new town of Burtner in the state
of Utah.
Miss Margaret Collins, a well known
school teacher of Cuming county, the
daughter of former Superintendent
William Collins, was examined by tho
Insanity commisslonorse and found to
be a fit subject for treatment at the
The government surveyors have
finished the work of surveying for the
proposed drainage project along the
Nemaha river in Johnson county. It
is snld the surveyors found that the
river snakes through the country a
distance of nearly seventy miles, from
the northwest to the southeast line.
At a banquet given by the Kearney
Commercial club to its members ex
clusively, a strong bid for homo sup
port was made In an effective way.
nnd the bnnqueters during tho four
hours spent at tho heavily laden tables
never for a moment lost sight of tho
central Idea. Every article on tho bill
of fare, from salad to cigars, was
grown or manufactured In Buffalo
The president of the Kearney Com
mercial club has appointed W. F.
Smith, J. G. Iwe, Will J. Scoutt, C.
W. Hoxle and W. L. Hand to represent
the Commercial club on a committee
of ten to look after the Interests of
Kearney in the matter of the proposed
Dakota. Kansas and Gulf railroad,
which Is now being surveyed.
W. A. Wlese. of West Point, the 12-year-old
6on of Fred Wlese, has re
ceived from Secretary Mollor of the
State Board of Agriculture a draft for
$30. being the first premium in the
boys' acre corn growing contest for
Uie aeason ol 1909.
days aio, aitOl
Martin Johnston.
tram klduejr trouble.