The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 06, 1909, Image 8
f v t f V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y j 4 t ? ? ? ? ? T t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f I The Best That is what our groceries are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, and you would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full line ol them. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y z X f Y Y Y Y Y v INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE COMPANIES GET TOGETHER Permanent unification of iudqun-; pi lulont ri mpany will biTOine a incm ilcnt telephone interests in Nidiraskn I licr Ity purrhartng Khares of stock in anil an effective means of check-1 proportion to the nize of its plant, mating any future attempt by the Hell inn puny to cripple their t:ill connections through the purchase of or traffic agreements with single ex changes are assured in the formation of a new body to he known as the Independent Telephone system of Nebraska. An organization has been incorporated under that title and its articles are on file with the secretary of state as well as in the Lancaster county clerk's office. The object is to cement the indepen- lents into one system for business purpose, without changing the owner ship of the local plants composing it. This idea has been worked out by Nebraska men within the past few months. It is the fruit of the plan drafted by the special comittee of the Nebraska Independent Telephone association, appointed at the last an nual meeting to formulate a scheme which would meet the requirements of the situation. The committee com prised the following officers and mem bers of the association C. J. Cinrlow, president, Columbus; F. II. Woods, chairman, of executive committee Lin coln; K. E. Mattison, secretary, Lin coln; George 10. Coddington, Auburn; C. C. Peering, Omaha; .'. N. Lyman, 3 ARWICK DOVEY BLOCK Soennichsen's being limited to one share of stock for every 500 telephone units which it owns. A direct proviso is contained in the articles the prohibit stock of indepen dent organizations from being sold to te Hell. This is guarded against by several restrictions upon the taking out or transfer of shares which will operate in that way so long as the two systems remain competitors of one another. The capital stock is fixed at 10,000, shares being 825 each, and the specific declaration is made that the corporation is not organized for profit but for the transaction of bus iness at cost for the mutual benefit of its members. Although it is only within the past three months that the plan of unifica tion was perfected, the idea is already being taken up by the independents of other states. Illinois, Missouri and Kansas have adopted the same plan of organization, Indiana is working on one similar to it and Michigan is be ginning to take it up. At the meeting of the National Independent Tele phone association in Chicago, Decem ber 7 to !), this method of combining independent interests without con solidatioii will be one of the important AjjA AA. AA. AA. Afr. A. A. A. JA. AA- AA. AA. AA. 0 vrWrvrv ri T T Y Y Y Y Y Y pay Lc REAL ESTATE. Tnvn residenoo from ?!") to S'U'DI. Don't ii hiiv liiiiirr. You em own ymir o i il veiliu cheaper, "'low vo l n n i;u'i I ciaiiC". 1 atuu.r.' furin.i in NV- LI nith iin i North Uil-iota, Misuin or Texas. HUE INSURANCE written in six of the best companies. SUHETY BO DS. V.ft vo ir liond from the Amerium Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE The risk of personal injury is 40 times as great in that of lo -nj your property by fire. Secure a policy of the London Gjr nitee and Accident Company and be sure of an income wh I" v hi are onahle to work. INDEPENDENT PHONE 4T4. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets Corset style is noted in the extreme length of skirt. This completely en cases the figure, but is unboned and soft and absolutely comfortable, sitting, standing or walking. These new I), rectorie Styles define the waist, but do not emphasize its curves; the emphasis is on length the corsetted figure pre senting an appearance of long unbroken lines, as shown in this Warner Corset. These corsets are guaranteed to wear not to rust, break or tear. Warner's standard of quality is so high that this guarantee is almost superfluous. Security Rubber Button Hose Sup porters flttaclfd Price, per pair 1.00 to 85.00. Every pair guaranteed. Hastings; 1',. h. Nanton, Nromsimrg; j subjects considered. I'. 11. Woods is Warren Pratt, Kearney; W. K. Hell, Ja member of a committee which will York; T. II. Pollock, Plattsinouth. i report upon the plan. The Nebraska At a meeting held in Lincoln about j delegation will solidly support it. two months ago, the project was talked I The chief difficulty heretofore re over and tentatively adopted as to its suiting from the loose relationship main features. Some changes in de-! among the independents has been that tails have been made since then, and the Hell was sometimes able to break the perfected plans are embodied in, their chain ot loiij; distance connrc t he articles of incorporation. ; lions bv making contracts with indi- Consolidation of ownership was I vidual companies here and there. A not considered as a desirable means notable case in point was the agree- of bringing the companies together I inent it entered into with the Kearney into one compact body, even if it j Telephone company two or thn were feasible, which does not seems , years ago, whereby the Hell gave up likely at this time. The committee : the local field to that company in llu.n.fiivo In. lit it efforts to devise a ri'loni for a monopoly of the loll' method of unification which would distance Lnsines-:. The oilier Ncbrav- eavc each local exchange under its : hi independents procuvid ' imtiuc- prcsentowiivrshipbutatthesainetiineilion to prevent the consummation prevent any member, of the assoeia- jof this pact and a few months ago the tion from making a ticup with the I Kearney company voluntarily with- Ui.ll Tliw low liwn done bv forminir ! drew from its tu UP with the lell and a corporation, of which every null This Book and any 15c Pattern FREE for 20c E. A. WURL STYLE BOOK i?Wvvinter?( A All 9 Tut Ladies' llOME'JotRNAI. PATftRNS B. A. McElwaiu JEWELER. ! i r ol. i new ii on i ii m of " u 1 1 came back into the fold. Christmas Soipbons Here are some interesting price, from our mammoth stock of Holiday Goods: O size 20 year rilled face or Hunting plain (gin aa or engraved American Movement, special tina.vv Open face Chatelain watch American make, guaran- fio aa teed 20 years, special $0.VU 16 S 20 vear case, open face or Plain ir $19 Aft Engraved Elgin $li.VV Perfect Diamond in Tiffany Mounting (Mr aa weighing 1-4 1-16 Kt W.VU Perfect Diamond in Tilfanv Mounting Hr aa weighing 1-1 to 0-01 Kt W.UU Fine Diamond in fancy Rinu' Mounting aa 1-8 1-32 Kt QLQ.VV SounSm.Spoon" : 50c to S2.00 A. McHlwain JEWELER AND SJ-VERSWIiTH. "On the Sunny Side of Main Street." tola wea J V 11 II 1 U 1 111 u vjiii XUA BUY THEM EARLY and avoid disappointment. We will be pleased to lay them away for you to be called for later. We have new novelties in NICE, BUT IN EXPENSIVE GOODS. We have choice and cost ly gifts. But in all grades and at all prices The Nicest and Most App ropriate GIFTS fcr the Little or Big, Old cr Ycung. ? t t ? T ? ? ? ? t ? Y T ? ? ? ? t Corals Fine Pipes ClctH Crushes Film Cameras Plate Cameras Ebony Hair Brushes Cigars in small boxes Regular Razors and Strops Johnston Candy Gillette Razors Pocket Books Flash Lights Stationery Perfumes X t Our Coal is the best c ol weather comfort thiit you will be :ihl to i'livl in tnvn. These chilly fall winds wi;l v0: tn-n nitit winter -c.r) vi 'U will i.evl t,-e .-' !' re 'i:at our coal wii! live you. "o-lte- oriloi I y to avoid disappoiiitr.ier.t-! wh-n :m extra chilly day comes. J. V. B WIT--! til Weyrich & Hadraba THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE. - m J. W. Larkin & Co. 1 Headquarters for Holiday Goods V THE QUESTION Q OF THE HOUR f WHAT SHALL I GIVE This question is most easily answered at the Variety Store. Our counters are filled with many useful as well as ornamental articles that will appeal to any one. For the children, toys of all descriptions. Prices are not only right but below the average for the ame quality of merchandise. Get our prices before making your purchases and you'll save money. Do your Xmas shopping now and do it at the Variety store. The Variety Store Plattsinouth, Neb., 3rd Door fcast of bank of Casa County. t-.i: It. ll ! L5 0.3 i US UGS1 !S LIKE A MULE Y ' ; fol I ) coc:t i'. ti c"l t 'o (!- We hve cold cure tViat wi'I the inn't ciii'j'iorn c-vi-S l0'-"'' e"-1 quicl.'y maVe it disappear entire! hav; w:.:n-3scd its c.1c;tiveac:i h h'JBdred3 of cajej en J gmian.c l!iat il .'!'! Cj'l VJ'JI COU !!. .... ... t - i.: CKEr mi syrup .it "tl. m'tialing roagS fmrtliri, !tj ,.. , r -.p -i. tally tike ii readily. ItrrJtcvrt cmuf-.i ; It Udmn't Hop your conch brinn livl lh populai luea, 2ScM 50c. ar.J $1.'J0. 9 F. G. Fricke & Co. Druggists. EXPEIiT TILL MIXERS. Piles W WRITE FISTULA Pay When CURID operation. No Lhiorolorm, tther or other cen eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE-TIME, (examination freb.' FOR nOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Bo Building, Omaha, Nebraska J S S J. A. A.