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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1909)
ReCOdlliZe Sincere Belief ttv j in divine Deity Guidance By II. CLINTON II AY lwSc fl f( NEW GAME FOR LITTLE TOTS mil 0T ALL MEN nro Christians. Iut all men of sound reason TJ i believe in n creator and preserver of tin' universe. The uni- in from some hidden source; and. however careless a man inav lie, or modest and reticent in such matters, deep down in his 11 .Ml 111 - 1 A i I . 1 ' 1 . J 1 . I y,A H soul lie must leoi ami believe mat mis source is nifjiier man S 9 himself, and in some sense is l!od. Sound reason tells hint of his dependence upon this higher power and teaches him the necessity of learning and observing its laws. This recogni tion in some form is of fundamental importance, "to the indi- aiul m national allairs to the nation. One Thanksgiving proclamation strikes at the root of the matter: 'Tamest and sincere belief in divine guidance, deep-rooted faith that even present apparent evils mikt ultimately convert to good, upheld the found ers of New Kii'dand through trials that elsewhere utterly dest roved settle ments.'' The stronger this recognition of the higher power the stronger a man, or a nation, becomes not only in the trials of adversity, but also in the more damrcruiis trials of proneritv. .And here we find an argument for Christianity, which that governor may not have noticed. For the more clearly the personality ol doit is seen the stronger ones conlitleiice in divine care and guidance may become and thence the greater the power of iu hievement. Ours is not a Christian nation because n majority of our citizens are members of the Christian church, for they are not, but because its found ers were Christians and because its dominating principles have been Chris tian. I'.ul constitutionally it is not Christian, nor Hebrew, nor anything of a d nominational kind. It simply recognizes flod as a higher power and in that we can all unite. Thanksgiving day means just that. It is the only religious holiday that belongs properly to the whole nation and to all the people. Christmas, which is provided for by most of the states, is for Christians; and even Sunday is the Christian's sabbath, in the relig ious mirnoses ot which Jews and many others nave no part, nut here is it n fe.-tival in which all may participate freely. And now, no matter what the festivities engaged in, whether in the rcat excitement nmon family circle or abroad in the world of sports and pleasures, no one can entire v Jail to be touched bv its mtluenee. Jts very name is a reminder of what we owe to the Most High, and oft oner, far oftener, than we know thanks are given in his "secret chamber" of the soul. KINJtnGARTLN. English Custom of Making Butterflies Out of Paper and Giving Prizes to Winners. Mothers with little ones know that they must have parties once In a while. Just a.s their crown up sisters and brothers, ami a nurt of the edu cation of the child is teaching U the duties of hostess and the nice Uuto. courtesies ot ciitertainliif;. Tin- l'lav at parties must not be ns boisterous sn it may be at other times, and this souse of decorum Is another of the things n child learns when it begins to Rive or attend parlies. Mothers arc often at their wits' end to know how to nnnise the children, for this must be all arranged for beforehand or the party will prove a failure. A lady who visited recently In an Knlish country house is telling her friends about a chlldnn's party which she attended over there. 11 was a garden party, and the little ones were all gathered together in the large tent prepared for them, after they had greeted one another and had some time to get used to the environment. Then each child was given a piece ol paper, a pair or scissors nnu so.i.u pieces of colored chalk. The children of the hostess attended to this. Each child was told to cut out a butteiily ns well as she knew how and with the chalk to make the Knots, anten nae and so on. When the butterflies were completed they were gathered up and pinned on the wall, making quite a pretty picture gallery. While tho children were enjoying the re freshments, judges passed around and picked out the three best pictures. l'hc name of the artist was on the back, and when this was read and the three prizes distributed, there was tho littl- ones, vx course, it neon noi ue u terfly, but most children are as famil iar with this insect as with any other and, ut any rate, after tuich a contest they will examine more closely the butterflies they find. I'm Rutin: to start In kindiiKiirti'ii; Ma mivh I s awful stimrt, an' 'I ; in. licsi'U s, Kite says I'm urew ln', An' It's linn- to !' a lilt!'' kliowln'. NY' Ills An' Oil, ' door's ainnliT boy thnt'H smart nn' inn st iit lilm lo kliuli'iuitrten. If liannil nanus, un" Hunt! ki win', vis, ln's awful smart nn' knowln nn' CHEAP COALS. for BENEFIT OF HOME TRAINING Smythe Do you pay much your coal? Jones Not n cent. I live near the railway line, and get my ion to make grimnces ut the ( ngtneer.t of all the trains us they pass. TORE HIS SKIN OFF In Shreds Itching Was Intense Sleep Was Often Impossible. FITCHING BALL IN CRICKET Innovation In Anient and Popular English Game Just Been Tried and Approved By Players. Cricket. Is as popular a game of ball In Kngland as Is baseball in America. Sensible Man's Ideal Woman By BLANCHE BRUCE If it is true that no sensible man wants a wife who wears high heels, corsets, artifi cial miffs and who powders ami paints, it is more true that every sensible woman ab hors a man who is so effeminate as to dic tate to her how she shall dress, keep house and bring up children. It is a mistake to put a woman who loves clothe on a par with a man who goes in for green suits, canes, and the like. It is a woman's duty to be beautiful, while it is a man's to cam a good income. J lave the masculine kickers ever tried to make a half-dozen puffs and then to keep them in shape a whole day or evening-' They would then realize the convenience of having Fome they could pin on tight any place they wanted them. Iv hair comes down to my knees, but 1 wear a rat and puffs just because of the convenience. When nature lias not given a woman enough hair to make puffs she ought not to he forced to advertise the loss any more than (hose kickers are forced to wear a sign. "I am earning only lifted) u week." Men fall in love with the artificialities of women. It is the brilliant color of the flower that attracts the bee to the honey. And if a woman is sweet at heart she has a right to Ik? artificial and attract to her the man tin. u-.'ints. While a man mav "'rush'' the attract ire irirl and niarrv the plain one, the right sort of plain girl doesn't want a man under these cir cumstances. A courtship shorn of all halo and aroma should not win her. and suoh a man is only too likely to ''rush'' attractive girls after marriage. Powder is innocent enough for women when it is innocent enough for baliies. And paint can make a woman beautiful at night without any one's guessing why fdie is so beautiful. I have known girls who painted for the daytime so skillfully that even their girl friends, who also painted (at night) and who could detect paint very easily, would not. believe that paint was used even when told so. Surely paint is not objectionable in eucli a case. A woman has a right to lake any means to win a man if she is will ing to be equally strenuous to make him happy after marriage. USE BASINS AS WATER-SHOES English Swimmers Tire of Ordinary Sport and Spring Amusing ana Interesting Feature. lust ordinary plunging and swim ming in the water soon grows tire some to even the most enthusiastic lovers of water pports, as can be proved by going down to the water anywhere and watching tho swimmers devise new ways and means of en livening the sport. In England, where the circular tin bathtub is still much in evidence, such a seem? as this Is 'wMF' ftttrili-' It Cricket Ball. I Cured by Cutlcura In Three Weeks. "At first nn eruption ot Binall pus tifea ceuunenced on my hands. Ther.o tprond later to other parts of my body, and tho itching at times was intense, fo much bo that I literally tore tho 6kln off in phreds in necking relief. The awful itching interfered with my work considerably, und also kept mo awake nights. I tried several doc tors and used a number ot different ointments and lotions but received practically no benefit. Finally 1 set tled down to tho uso of Cutlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment and Cut Intra l'llla, with tho result that in a few days all Itching had ceased and in about threo weeks' tliao all traces of my eruption had disappeared. 1 havo had no trou bio of this kind since. II. A. Knits koff, 6714 Wabash Ave., ChlcaRo, 111., November 18 and 2S, 1907." i'oltor Drug & CUciu. Corp., Bulo l' lluttoa. Bey's Essay on Clothing. Here Is nn extract from an essay, written by n boy In n London school: "Clot hint; is an article which every body should wear. Tho least of this article is worn by savages or na tives, which is a pleco of cloth or n few lenveB or fenthers round tho waist. In cold countries, same ns Eskimos, tho pooplo wear more clothes than wo do, count of tho Icy cold out there. They can skate all the year round, ex cept about ono thaw there is In Rum mer. If they walked about llko na tives they would catch cold directly and die of bronkltis. We put clothes on which are nearly llko our bodies, omo have caps, coals and trousers, but women and girls wear hats und frocks to tell who they are." Probability That Father "Improved" on Anything Willie Hnd Heard on the Street. When Willie's father camu home to supper there was a vacant chair ut tha table. "Well, Where's tho hoy?" "William is upstairs In bed." The answer came wiih painful precision from the sad faced mother. '"Why. wh-w hat's up? Not sick, is he?" ( An anxious pau-ie.) "It Krh'ves me to say, Kobert. that otir son your son has been heard swearing on the street! 1 heard him. "Swearing'.' Sio't! I'll teach him lo swar." And lie started upstairs In the dark. Hall way tip ho stumbled and came down with M.s chin ou the :o) Mop. When the atmosphere cleared a lit tle Willie's mother was saying sweet ly from the hallway: "That will do, dear. You have civen htm enough for one lesson." Judge. A Kneeling Proposition. "Pony" Moore, the once famous min strel, Is dead at tho' ago of SO. Ha was olio of (tie last of his kind. "Moore," said a veteran Chicago manager, "used to make up his Jokes. Once, when bo played here, he had his toes run over, and limped on that iiIkIu with n font that resembled a while pillow. " 'All's cz tendah hoofed as Lire John: iiu:.' ho said to the nudieuce, with a chuckle. 'Yo' know 'bout LUa? Young Calhoun White, ho bcz to her, propon' Whaffo" you mako a face llko when I propose, Miss JohnMng?" Well. Cal," saya Liza, "Ah kaln't clve yo' offah propah consideration less'n yo' takes yo' knoo offn matt co'n. He Knew the Reason. "! can say ono thing la favor ot Mr. Featherly," remarked Mrs. Hendricks, tho landlady; "h never takes the last piece of bread on the plate." "No, In deed, Mrs. Hendricks," assented Dum ley, cordially, "l'eutherly ain't quick enough.", Jjfi&alllllIliS&,. S r Great Sport In the Water. not exceptional, f-ays Popular Mechan ics. The swimaer is trying 10 wuik on tho water m, two sucn tuns, nnu his companions are expectantly wait ing for tho moment when one will slide out from under and tumble him iu. Machine Pitches It Is played with II inon on a side, one side being dispersed In the field to deliver and catch tho bull, and the other baiting. The batsman stands beiore a wicket, which tho pitcher, or bowler, as no Is called In Kngland, tries in every possible way to knock down, cays Popular Mechanics. The. game, which cannot bo completely de scribed because of lack of space, Is very ancient, having been played un der the name of cricket as far back as the sixteenth century. In itself, it has not undergone any changes to speak of. but. once In awhile some auxiliary idea Is developed, ono of the most important of which is the bowl-iv.-i machine for practice, here shown. It is the Invention of nil expert play er, and has just been tried and ap proved. It will bowl any length, pa.'e, direction and break required, giving amateur players us excellent batting practice as could n profes sorial bowler. Tho ball conies to the hatter on the first bound, nnd "break' Is the term applied to lh slant It can be made to take after striking the ground. "Julius Caesar" Sent to Bed. At tho Ilrltlah Authors' club ban piet in his honor, Lieut. Shackloton told an amusing story of a man who went home one night nfter dinner and took with him four or five others. "Come In, boys," he said, "and have a last drink." "But your wife might not llko It," one of the party replied. "My wife!" wns tho answer; "I am Julius Caesar In my house." On entering they were received by the lady of the house with the words: "Oh, walk in, gentlemen; there Is plenty of drink in the dining room. As lor Julius Caesar, ho Is going to bed Never. Mrs. nenham You still Insist thnt woman has more curiosity than man? lionham Sure; did you ever know a man to want to find out if ho could set off a street car backwards with out committing suicide? Marks on Silverware, "Sterling" ns used In connection with silverware means genuine silver. Tho addition of the word "patent" Is to indicate that the particular design of the article on which the word ap pears is patented nnd that the nrtlclo Is genuine nllver. The finest assortment of table china in Quaker Oats ii Family Size Packages Pr. PUrpoM IMpAwnf I'HIpU flr.t put nr 4(1 ynn en. 'i'to'r rirnlnhi mill Inviirnriin Moruucli, Uvur Mild ImjwhIi. Hiihur-rnitWM) tn tt iunil). lianjjin of Criminals o No Benefit By HENRY E. N0TH0MB Those who have studied law are famil iar with the assertion that it is not the ,e verity of punishment hut tho certainty of punishment that deters those ahout to com i i rt'i ii nut a criminal act. j ins statement is accented as a truth bv those who have given thought to the matter, and taking it as a fundamental basis ono must naturally ask the question, Whv is it noccs.-arv to execute at all? Why are they nece have they done? o they scare peopl into obeying the laws? If so, why not then have the execution out in the public square, where more people can witness the awful event and take I he los bo: to heart? Such a conclusion would bo absurd. Kxecutinns do not scare any one into obedience of the law, and some stales have recognized that publicity regarding them is harmful rather than benelieial and have prohibited the publication of the details The bare possibility of executing an innocent man, the bare po? fil.Tity of executing one who is insane, even temporarily, the bare possi bility of condemning lo death one who has been made a criminal by envi- rot n, mt, the.-c arc nil sufficient grounds for doing away with capital pun islnncnt. 1 am not in favor of capital punishment. Usually it is only sonu poor, ' 6w in- in fortunate fellow without money and without friends who lias to Learning to Relax. Have you evr noticed how you urge a trolley or a train onward when you are in a hurry? Do you realize when you nro driving the machinery forward with every ten sion of your btdy? Your mind tVlla you that, nothing you can do wlllihurry you to tho des tination and yo'. you sit at tlie -ige of the seat, twut and turn, draw all the muscles lntdj hard knots. The car does Vot go one Inch fast er because of nl) this exhaust, of vi tality on your pirt. You might just as well keep stilli It Is not easy t( do, no; but it is eo sane und helpful When you make up your mind to do lt You arrive at. the end of tho journeyjust as quickly as efsarv? What "ood though you had worti yourself o,it, and ".. ' e . you feel rested and willing to pro on o they scare people ..,,, .,, Mlfr i,nnr LANGUAGE OF rLOWERS. Red clover Industry, Daffodil Chivalry. White daisy Innocenoo. Forgct mo not Truo love. Goldenrod Encourage nient. IIoneygucklcl!ond ol love. Hyacinth Jealouay. Myrtle Love. Tansy Think of mo. Pink Pure affection. White violet Modesty. Phi" violet Lovo. White rose I am worthy of you. Hawthorn Hope. Cow slip You arc my di'- Inlty. r.achelors' button Hope jln lovo. Applo blossom lreforenye. Tho season is here when many a family man would like to swap his big automobile for a small coal yard. i:vr Mil i Bffl eittrrtaimnrnt cvrt dfviwd for IQUU children, larcinaiinc, tduri'iontl. II nr If cbiM m )ur borne irnd to-dajr All loy siofM. uauro mi j.t mi . WHY TINY GIRL EXAGGERATED Hard for the Little Miss to Pronounce Any Word Eeginning with the Letter "T." Dorothy htuttered drendfully and Rome words socmen exceptionally hard to force from her mouth. At home, when there was no one there but the family, she whs nblo to speak with little diineulty and only stuttered onco In a while. Hut tlie minute any company enmo, or she went out any where In the presence of strangers, the poor child prow nervous and be came so embarrassed that it was al most impossible for her to say any thing. The letter "t" was particularly hard for her. One day a little friend invited Dor othy to pass t ho day nt her house and In the niornhiK 'hoy walked two miles. At tho lunch table Nellie's mother said: "Well, children, did you have t pleasant time this lnornlnp;?" "Oh, yes," answered Nellie, "we did havo a lovely time. We took a long, Ioiik walk." "Did you?" said Mrs. Smith. "And how far did you walk, Dorothy." There was a little pau?c and then for some unknown reason Dorothy blushed scarlet and said, "Four miles, Mrs. Smith." "Nellie's eyes griw round with amazement. "Why, Dorothy," the ex claimed, 'what are you talking about? You know we only walked two!" "I kno'v it," answered Dorothy mis crably, "hut I felt tho stutters com Inn and I couldn't have tald It to saw my life, und four Isn't half ho harti wiuu you're coiuB to stutter!" j. Have You Tried Paxton's Gas Roasted Coffee Buy can of Paxton Coffee today. Try it as you usually make coffee and let your family be the judge. They will say the coffee U ddiciom and want more. Only 23 Cents Tcr Pound at Your Grocers mm 1! Mi. Alr-tlilbl li.'.c I'er Red Cans Sealed Pound mil Without Smolie No matter how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under what vorkin" conditions you en counter the Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokctcca Device) you'll not detect the slightest odor cf smoke. The new Automatic Smokeless Device positively prevents both. Removed in an instant for cleaning. Solid brass fmt Imlds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to rive out a clowinp: lirat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper to cO"l handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Jaj an in a variety of .styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Wt At Yours, Writ or Deicrijilive Circuhi to the Ncarctt Ajjci.ty cl tl.s STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lnrorixiriilfil) lillllllllllllilil