The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 06, 1909, Image 2

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The NcwsHcrald
(.'. l Tilll. I'V IIm- ll, ITI ! I I'O)
CCupyntilil Ly I.. I'riuli Hiuiiii & W. V.
Dorothy II veil III Willi Aunt I'm
and I'lu'ln lli-nry. A rvrlnii.i liln-l il.i'ir
Ikiiiic Into tlio iiir, liurutliy fiillniK nHlrip
umlilft tin- i'xi iti-nn nt. A iTimii n w al.i-ii"l
lu-r. Tho lituisi liinl l.iii'l'l In 11 ii'imliy
f mum-limn homily. i;nniH of mih-' r
llttlH -nili) nil.'.l lnr ! tln
Muni'likliiH. Tin- linns'' liml Mll'il their
em-iiiy, tin- wli-keil w ii Ii ef Kast. I';'i-
itllV tllllk tin Witrll'M mIviT HlllM'M. Mm
ntxrtnl rr Hi Kiihi.iM 'ilv t H1
Wizard cif Oz, wlm. t-1 1 . wns prninlHi l,
mlKlit dud a w.iv to winl Iht liuck to
Kiiiikiih. Ihimtliv r -Ii-hm-iI a Ki'iin-i row,
KivltiK hlin lite. Ill- wm iI'M I'iiim of ''
(liilrltiK liriiliii mi I sinrinl Willi Iht to
the Wl7itnl to Ki-t Hi. in. Tin!
told IiIm hlHtorv. Tin y ni' t u tin wood
man who longe d for a lu-iirl. I In "I"'
Joined thi-in. TIh-v r.uiif upon u trrrllilo
lion. Tlio linn i onfi mmi d In- Imd no i-our-BKe.
lli di Idrd to iii-roinpany thrni to
th" Wizard of I), to pet smiii'. The m-nri'-rrow
In pushing the raft Imtiiiiii1 tm-pnli-d
upon IiIh poll- In tin- middlo of tlin
river. Tlio kiiih-i iow wuh ri-sciicd ly a
frli-ndly Htoik. Tli.-v rril.r'd a pnppv
Held, which called liorolhy to fill
linliip. Tho wcriri'i row mid I in wimmIiiiiih
ro-inl Iht and ln-r iio; from tho deadly
tlowcrH. The linn fidl aslci-p mid liclni; too
hi-nvy to lift, wuh l.-ft. (In tho H'-ai'i h for
tlin rnnd of vcllow lull l which led to III
KniiTiilil C'lt'v thev mi t a wild cat find
Hold inlcn. Tho woodinan killed the wild
ml. Tho queen iiioiinc Imtiiiiii' friendly.
Blip sent thousand:) or her mice mit-t-tR
to druw tin1 Hon nw.-iy from the poppy
Held. Dorothy iiwnko from her loin?
Bleep. They nint-h-il nKiiln mi the I'nn r
Bld I'lty road. Thi-V came to a fence,
painted Kreeil. There were fintm-rn of
preen, hoiiKes of Kreen and penph- dn-Mned
In Rrecn. It wan the l.,m.l of oz. Tin y
flirt tho guardian of Hie nates. He rto
Berllicd tho power of tin- Wizard of )7..
All put nil Ki-eeii iipertiH le nn the bright
ness and (,'lory of KnuniM ("lly hllndcd
them. The wizard 1. i Ided to receive onn
of the parly each day. All were put In
Rreon rooma. I'oroihy went to Hie llirono
room. In a c-liulr Fpurkl'ns with emer
iiMb bIio lieheld an neriiioiiH head wllh
out liody, li-KM or arms, hinder than tho
hlBKcHt (jlant. "I am oz. the irn-nt and
terrible," paid Hie lo ad. . (old her that
when Rhn killed Hie wicked witch of thn
Kant hr would neml home. The ncar
row, ndmltti-d to tin- prcnence of a hcau
tlfnl ladv. who nald hIh- was the wizard.
wan promiHed hialiiM whi-n ho killed tho
witch. Tho woodman In-held n. terrlhlo
lioaHt with a head of a rhinoceros and
flvo oycR. The wizard MomlHed him u
lionrt If ho would flay tho witch. Tho
lion daw 11 hall of tire and a video from
Ihn ohject promised him courai;i! If ho
Hlow tho wltcii. -nie Fonrch coiumi-nceii
The witch Haw the party when It onter.-d
Imr domain and mimed a p ick of woho.i
to ntliick It. Tho woodiom killed tho
wolves. Blip font i rows w hich tho s'-aro-
rrnw Fonvcd and kllliil. ld-i-H wore d
PHtohrd next, hut the woodman iicclv
tho stlnps. l-'lnallv wlnnod ni nikeyH took
thorn prlHoner nod convey. -d them to
tho witchery, liorolhy threw water on
tho wicked witch, dcstruylmr her. lor
othy roHcucd the lion, woodman and
FPiiroornw. Bho found a charmed coldcn
nip and Btaited hack to Oz. Hhc ho-
came lost.
CHAPTER XIV. Continued.
Then Dorothy lost heart. Sho sat
down on the grass ami looked nt het
compnulons, and they s:it down and
looked nt her, and Toto found that fot
tho first time In his life he wast toe
tired to chase a bntlerlly that Hew
past his head; so he put nut hi
tongue and punted and looked at Dor
othy ns If to ask what they should dc
"Supposo we eall Hip Field Mire,'
fine suKKested. "They eoul l prohalilj
tell tis the way to the Knierahl City
"To be sure they could," cried the
Scarecrow; "why di.hft we think ol
thut before?"
Dorothy blew the little whistle she
had always carried about her neck
since the Queen of the Mice had Riven
It to her. In a few minutes they heard
tho pattering of tiny feet, and many ot
the small grny mice came runnip;; up
"Suppose We Call the Field Mice."
to her. Among them was the Queen
herself, who asked in her squeaky lit
tVe voice:
"What can I do for my friends?''
"Wo have lost our way," said Doro
thy. "Can you tell us where the Km
rrald City is?"
"Certainly," answered the Queen;
"hut It Is a great way n!T, for you
have had It at your backs all this
time." Then she noticed Dorothy's
golden cap, und said: "Why don't yoi;
use the charm of the rap, and call the
Wluged Monkeys to you? They wll,
carry you to the City of Oa In les.
than an hour."
"I didn't know there was a charm,'
answered Dorothy, In surprise
"What Is it?"
"It Is written inside the golden
cap," replied tho Queen of the Mice;
"but If you are goln to call the
Winged Monkeys we must run away
I jFe 1
By L. Frank Baum
for they nr full of mischief and think
It preat fun to plasuo us."
"Won't they hurt me?" asked the
Klrl. anxiously.
"Oh, no; they must obey (he wenrei
of tho cap. (Sootl by!" and she Beam
pered out of bluht, with all the ink
hurrying after her.
Doroihy looked Insido tho golden
cap and saw some words written upon
Mie lining. These, sho thought, must
be the charm, so sho read the tlirec
liens carefully and put the cap upon
her brad.
'Tp-po, p'PPC kiik-ke!" she said
standing on her left foot.
"What did you say?" asked the
Scarecrow, who did not know what
she was doing.
"Mil In, hol lo, hel lo!" Dorothy
went on. standing this time on het
right foot.
"Hello!" replied the Tin Woodman,
"Zizzy, zuz zy, zik!" said Dorothy,
who was now standing on both feet
This ended the saying of tho charm,
and they heard a great chattering and
ilapplng of wings uh the hand ol
Winged Monkeys Hew up to them.
The King bowed low before Dorothy,
ami asked:
"What is your command?"
"Wo wish to go to tho Kmerald
City," said the child, "and we have
lost our way."
"We will carry you," replied the
King, and no sooner had he spoken
than two of tho monkeys caught Doro
thy in their arms and Hew away with
her. Others look the Scarecrow und
the Woodman and tho Lion, and one
little monkey seized Tolo and Hew aft'
cr them, although tho dog tried hard
to bile him.
The Scarecrow and the Tin Wood
man were rather frightened at first
for they remembered how badly the
Winged Monkeys had treated them be
fore; but they snw that no harm was
Intended, so they rode through the air
quite cheerfully, and had a fine time
looking nt the pretty gardens and
woods far below them.
Dorothy found herself riding easily
between two of the biggest nionkoys,
one of them tho King himself. They
bad made a chair of their hands und
were curcful not to hurt her.
"Why do you have to obey the
eharm of the golden cap?" she asked
"That Is a long story," answered
the King, with n laugh; "but ns we
have a long Journey before us I will
pass the time by telling you about It
If you wish."
"I shall be glad to henr It," she re
"Once," began the lender, "we were
a free people, living happily In the
great forest, Hying from tree to tree,
eating nuts and fruit, and doing Just
ns we pleased without calling anybody
master. Perhaps some of us were
rather too full of mischief at times,
Hying down to pull the tails of the
:inlmr.Is that had no wings, chasing
birds, and throwing nuts nt tho people
who walked in the forest. Hut we
were careless and happy and full of
fun, and enjoyed every minute of the
lay. This was many years ago. long
before Oz came out of the clouds to
rule over this land.
"There lived here then, awny at the
north, a beautiful princess, who was
tlso a powerful sorceress. All her
magic was used to help the people,
nul she was never known to hurt nny
jne who was good. Iter name was
Hayelette, and sho lived In a hand
?ome palace built from great blocks of
ruby. Every one loved her. but her
greatest sorrow was that she co;ild
lind no one to love In return, slneo all
the men were much too stupid and
duly to mate with one so beautiful und
wise. At last, however, she found a
boy who was handsoio and manlv
md wise beyond his years. Gayelette
intle up ber mind that when he grew
o he a man she wouid make him her
.unhand, so she took hlin to her ruby
palace and used all her magic powers
o make him as strong and good and
n-cly as nny woman could wish.
Vhen be grew to manhood, Quelula,
s he was called, was said to be the
icft and wisest man In all the land,
.Mine ins manly beauty was so crcnt
tint Gayelette loved him dearly, and
listened to make everything ready for
lie wedding.
"My grandfather was at that time
bo king of the Winged Monkeys
MUcti lived in the forest near Gnve
ette's palace, and the old fellow loved
i Joke better than a good dinner. Ouc
lay, lust before the wedding, my
randfaiher was flying out with bis
land when ho saw Quelala walking
jesido tho river. Ho was dressed In
i rich costume of pink silk and purple
velvet, nnd my grandfather thought
ne would see what ho could do. At his
void the band flew down nnd BClzod
Quelala, carried him In their arms un
it they were the middle of the river,
ind then dropped him Into the water.
'Swim out, my fine fellow,' cried
ny grandfather, 'and see If tho water
das spotted your clothes.' Quelala was
much too wise not to swim, and he
was not In tho least spoiled by all his
iood fortune. He laughed, when he
?nnie to the top of the water, and
jwain In to shore. Hut when Gayelette
ame running out to him she found
his silks and velvet all ruined by the
Tho princess was very nngry, und
me kitfrw, of course, who did It. She
had all' the Winged Monkeys brought
before her, and she said at first that
Iheir wings should be tied and they
mould be treated ns they had treated
Quelala, and dropped in the river. Hut
my grandfather pleaded hard, for he
Miew the monkeys would drown in the
;ver with their wings tied, nnd
'uolala said a kind word for them
lso; so that Gayelette finally spared
hem, on condition that the Winged
Monkeys should ever after do three
lines the bidding of the owner of the
?olden caii. The cap had been made
for a wedding present to Quelala, and
It Is said to have cost the princess
half her kingdom. Of course my grand
father and all the other monkeys nt
Dnee agreed to the condition, and thut
Is how It happens that we ure three
times tho slaves of the owner of the
golden cap, whomsoever ho may be."
'And whnt became of them?" asked
Dorothy, who had been greatly Inter-1
csted In tho story.
'Quelala being the first owner of
the golden cap," replied the monkey,
"he was tho first to lay his wishes
upon us. As his bride could not bear
the sight of ns, he called us all to him
In tho forest after he had married her
and ordered us to always keep where
sho could never again set eyes on u
Winged Monkey, which we wi re glad
to do, for we were all afraid of her.
'This was all we ever had to do un
til the golden cap fell Into tho hands
uf the Wicked Witch of the West, who
made us enslave the Winkles, and ntt
erward drive Oz himself out of tho
Land of the West. Now the golden
rap is yours, nnd three times you have
the right to lay your wishes upon us."
As the Monkey King finished bis
story Dorothy looked down and saw
the green, shining walls of the Km
frald City before them. She wondered
at the tapld flight of the monkeys, but
was glad (he Journey was over. Tho
strange creatures set the travelers
down carefully before the gate of the
city, ihe King bowed low to Dorothy,
and then Hew swiftly away, followed
by all his band.
"That was a good ride," said the lit-
tto girl.
"Yes, nnd a quick wny out of our
troubles," replied the Lion. "How
lucky It wns yon brought uway that
wonderful cap!"
The Disco
The four travelers walked up to the
great gate of the Kmerald City and
rang the bell. After ringing several
times it was opened by the same
Guardian of the Gate they had met be
"What! are you back again?" he
asked, In surprise.
"Do you not see us?" answered the
"Hut I thought you had gone to violt
the Wicked Witch of the West."
"We did visit her," said tho Scare
"And she let you go again?" asked
the man, in wonder.
"She could not help it, for she is
melted," explained the Scarecrow.
"Melted! Well, that is good news,
indeed," said the mau. "Who melted
"It was Dorothy," said the Lion,
"Good gracious!" exclaimed the
man, and he bowed very low Indeed
before her.
Bishop Opposes Woman Suffrage.
Ulshop James A. Mcl'aul of the
Roman Catholic diocese of Trenton Is
another prelate who does not think
very highly of woman suffrage. In
discussing this interesting topic re
cently the bishop said: "Most women
today are opposed to departing from
their own domestic sphere nnd usurp
ing the place etccupied by men, and
men, ns a rule, have so much regard
nnd affection for their mothers, sis
ters nnd wives that they detest any
thing tending to bring women Into tho
rough struggle with men. Afler all
has been said in favor of woman suf
frage nnd against It .every true man
and woman realizes that the hand that
rocks the cradle rules the world."
But We May Yet See it.
A Frenchman named Hourdals, Rays
'he San Francisco Chronicle, has de
vised a floating city which will permit
persons who wish to cross the ocean
without running the risk of sea sick
ness to do so. It Is to be about three
thousand feet In length, with un appro
priate breadth, will hnve avenues
planted with trees, gardens, squares,
kiosks for music bands, a theater, ctr
rular railways, shops, etc. He does
not tell how be is going to propel it,
but ho is sure that It will be safer Rnd
more comfortable than other ships. At
latfBt accounts he wua gUU ut laro.
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Thrive In Nation's Capital in Greater
Number and More Dignity Than
Anywhere Else in the
Aside from legislation, adjudication
ind administration, the big colony of
government official!) and appurte
nances thereto In Washington Is main
ly engaged In publicity promotion.
Washington the beautiful may truly
be said to be the home of the pres3
agent, lie thrives there in greater
number and more estimable dignity
than on any other spot on the face
of the earth. Press agents there have
their trade reduced to a scientific
basis. Their glorious example for
emulation is none other than the
United States of America, one of the
firmest believers in printers' ink en
paged in modern development.
To be without a press agent in
Washington is almost as bad as be
ing without a two-gallon-top hat. A
man can get along without a top hat
by borrowing one from his neighbor
in the next hall room, but press .
agents are fixtures that cannot be bor-1
rowed. What press ngent could be re
lied lo tout another man's game?
The government goes in for tho
press agent strong. It hires him in
the highways and in the byways, and
when he once gets on the pay roll he
remains there for life. Congress raves
nnd caves about the press agent, but
he Is just ns hard to eradicate as the
boll weevil or the tick In cattle. He
Is not ns obnoxious a parasite, but
every congressman, and by tho way
they nil have nice young men, prefer
ably those with newspape-r training,
as secretaries, is against the govern
ment press agent.
This sentiment got ho strong not so
long ago that one Mr. Joseph Hucklin
llishop, Panama canal publicity pro
moter got "Hied" by law. Mr. Bishop
was hire d for $10,000 a year to keep
the newspapers Informed on the prog
ress on the Panama canal. Now, no
newspaper would have believed those
figures If they were not of public rec
ord. The figures were too high. Mr.
Hishop came in for a fine line of per
sonal publicity in the senate, and
when he was "fired" and made secre
tary of the Panama canal commission,
notice was served on all departments
to cut out the press agents. Did they
do it? Well, rather not.
The appropriation for the mainte
nance nnd operation of the govern
ment printing office this year was $3,
(I00.O00, with an additional $90,000 for
officials who draw salaries, not wages.
The government printing office turns
out thousands of tons of literature.
Some of it is of doubtful value, and
as a whole it cannot be compared with
the splendid literary products of the
bureau of engraving and printing,
where authors nre confined to $1, 2,
$.'),$ 10, $."0, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and
$10,000 bills, with acres and acres of
Vniied States, Philippine and Panama
bonds and postage stamps as a side
This great mass of literature pro
duced by the government printing of
fice Is circulated. Some congressmen
get us high as P.0,000 copies of such
publications as farm bulletins, dairy
reports and garden dissertations.
Ilourke Cochran, Herbert Parsons,
Nick Longworth and a few other con
gressional lights who live in cities
get exactly the same quota. They are
r.ot very useful to their constituencies,
but they do come in handy In persuad
ing a country congressman that he
ought to he for a certain bill in com
mittee, particularly If he needs nbout
10,000 copies of a treatise on the
chinch bug.
To produce this big crop of litera
ture the government pay roll is
weighted down with a few hundred
rapid nnd ready writers. The writers
for the most part are newspaper men
who prefer nine o'clock rising to fol
lowing the patrol wagons and meet
ing trains in search of Items for the
local papers.
One of the most Indefatlgnble of
this class of regenerated newspaper
men Is MaJ. John M. Carson, chief of
the bureau of manufactures. MnJ Cnr
son's bureau gets out the consular
bulletins. Information on every sub
ject under tho sun is sent out by the
ream all ready for use In tho pnper.
To encourage those writers who arc
. ...
not as adept with the tpyewriter as
with the scissors und paste pot, the
major puts out a newspaper edition,
printed on only one side with can be
clipped und sent out without much of
a struggle. MaJ. Carson's willing ad
junct is K. J. Gibson, a Philadelphia
newspaper man, who devotes much of
his time advertising the possibilities
for American trade in Patagonia and
MaJ. Carson's efforts are paled into
Insignificance by the energies of the
willing young workers surrounding
Gifford Pinchot, chief forester. Mr.
Plnchot believes the nation Is con
demned to the eternal bow-wows if
the forestry and waters be not con
served. Conserving them in great
glee are nbout fifteen able writers un
der the direction of Thomas It. Shipp,
secretary of the conservation commis
sion. Herbert A. Smith is the forest
service editor nnd Findlay Hums is
the chief of the bureau of publications.
Roy Pullman Is the scout in the field,
and everything from a cub reporter
to the old fellow who remembers
when horses were put to the town fire
truck are on the job.
The forestry service publicity I"?
timely and up to the minute. If there
is a forest fire L'ditor Shipp sees to
it that a forest fire reporter is equip
ped with a camera and notepaper and
sufficient mileage to tell the nation
what a crime it is to allow forests to
be burned up. Statistics on our nat
ural resources are found by the vol
ume in Shlpp's head and the outside
coat pockets of his willing band of
press agents.
The agricultural department is more
given to newspaper writing than any
of the branches of the government.
The bureau of plant industry takes
particular delight in making the lot
of the Washington writer and country
editor an unceasing frolic. Hinomic
Investigations of tropical and subtropi
cnl plants, taxonomlc investigations,
alkali and drought resistant plnnt in
vestlgatlons, pomologlcal dope and an
Infinite variety of equally Interesting
subjects are at tho finger tips of Set;
retary Wilson's able young truth tell
ers. George Pullman Hill Is the chief
of the bureau of publications. Law
rence Crandall's specialty Is good
roads. Macadamized roads and oiled
roads and all other roads save Rhodes
scholarships are given the widest pub
licity by Mr. Crandall.
Wind of 135 Miles an Hour Causes
Government to Hunt for a New
No anemometer could stand a pres
sure much greater than imposed on
the Instruments of tho Philippine
weather bureau In the typhoon which
swept over the islands recently, when
according to the cable Hdviees, the
wind leached a velocity of 135 miles
nn hour.
The record storm in the United
States was that which brought death
and destruction to Galveston, Septem
ber S, 1H00, nnd then after the
nnemometer had marked 135 miles an
hour, the Instrument was blown to
So Prof. Willis Moore, chief of the
weather bureau in Washington, has
turned his attention to the construc
tion of a machine em a new principle,
designed to withstand nny storm.
Prof. Marvin, who is in direct
charge of the Instrumental division of
the weather bureau. Is soon to be
charged with the conduct of an Inter
esting set of experiments at Mount
Weather, on top of the Hlue Ridge,
to ascertain the real error of the pres
ent form of anemometer; Its points of
wenkness and the best form of instru
ment to replace It. The weather
bureau already has the nucleus of a
good physical laboratory at this sta
tion and It is hoped thnt it will be pos
sible to evolve an nnemometer thnt
will withstand any gale, be accurate
and yet self-recording.
Washington's Oldest Woman.
Washington has nn oldest woman.
She Is Aunt Hetsy Smith, who went
to tho capital nt tho close of the war
ot the rebellion, She was 15 years old
at the time of tho outbreak of the
war In ISIS, and can remember many
incidents of that period. Sho has three
times changed hands ns wedding gift
to mother, daughter, nnd granddaugh
ter of her old mistress. She Is now
112 years old and though not able to
walk Is otherwlso pretty spry and l.
taken care of by her daughter, who
Is really almost as old as she ought
to be.
Mltsed From a Mangled Mill Bag,
They are Recovered From
Car Trucks.
It does not always follow that the
disappearance of registered mall
packages Indicate a robbery of the
mail. This was demonstrated on
The Overland Limited train No. 2
Friday, November 5th, when a pack
age of five registered letters from
Schuyler disappeared between that
point and Omaha.
The recovery of the lost package
was as strange as Its disappearance.
The Schuyler pouch Is picked up
from a crane by means of a pouch
catcher as the train passes. This
pouch catcher ia attached to the mail
tar and hooks onto the pouch sus
pended from the crane as the train
passes. In this particular Instance
the pouch catcher did not make a
good catch nnd the pouch fell under
the wheels of the train and was cut
In two. The mail was scattered along
the track for a considerable distance,
but tho five registered letters, which
were In a packet, could not be found
when the other mall was picked up.
The Impression at once prevailed that
the registered package had been found
and kept by some one and it was re
ported as lost.
Postofflce Inspector L. A. Thomp
son was started out to investigate. His
first visit was to Council Hluffs to
make Inquiries of the postal clerks
on the car, and scarcely had he
reached there when he received word
that the registered package had been
found by the car cleaner resting snug
ly on the trucks under the dining
ear, where It had been blown or
thrown when tho mail pouch was
flung under the wheels at Schuyler.
That the package was not injured
In the slightest, nor Jarred from Its
position on the trucks, is simply an
other tribute to the Union Pacific's
unsurpassed roadbed and perfect track.
Schools for Tuberculous Chlldrsn.
Special schools for tuberculous chil
dren have now been established in
Providence, Hoston, New York, Roches
ter, Washington, Hartford, Conn., Chi
cago nnd Pittsburg. New York has
three schools and Washington, D. C,
two. The board of education of New
York city is proposing to establish
three more, and similar Institutions
nre being planned In Detroit, Huffalo,
Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Newark,
N. J.
In cities like Provldenco, noston and
New York, w here outdoor schools have
been conducted for two years, the re
sults obtained from tho treatment of
children in special tuberculosis open
air schools seem to show tho great ad
vantage of this class of institutions.
This, coupled with tho experience of
open air schools In Germany and Eng
land, proves that children can be cured
of tuberculosis and keep up with their
school work, without any danger to
fellow pupils.
The Cost of Politics.
In his reminiscences of Grover
Cleveland George F. Parker tells a
story concerning prodigal expendi
tures In politics. A rich man who
bad been nibbling at the Democratic
nomination for governor of New York
asked William C. Whitney's advice.
This is the advice: "Of course, you
ought to run! Make your preliminary
canvass, and when you have put in
$200,000 you will have become so
much Interested in it that yon will
feel like going ahead and spending
seme money.
Refrigerated Staterooms.
Refrigerated staterooms are found
on three new ships engaged in tho
fruit service between New Orleans
and Colon. Each room is fitted with
a cooling "radiator" operated In con
nection with the refrigerating system
that has been installed for preserving
fruit In transit.
Lest One Should Fall.
It Is well to moor your bark with
two anchors. Publlus Syrus.
The Plan Upon Which Coffee Operates.
Coffee Is such a secret worker that
It is not suspected as the cause of sick
ness or disease, but there is a very
sure way to find out the truth.
A lady In Memphis gives an Inter
esting experience her husband had
with coffee. It seems that ho had been
using it for some tlmo and was an
The physician In charge shrewdly
suspected that coffee wa3 the "Worm
at the root of the tree," and ordered
It discontinued with Instructions to
use Tostum regularly in its place.
The wife says: "We found that was
the true remedy for his stomach and
heart trouble and we would have glad
ly paid a hundred times the amount
of the doctor's charge when we found
how wise his Judgment wns.
"Tho use of Postura Instead of cof
fee was begun about a year ago, and
t has made my husband a strong, well
man. He has gained thirty-five pounds
In that time and his stomach and heart
troubles bave all disappeared.
"The first time I prepared It I did
not boll It long enough and he said
there was something wrong with it.
Suro enough it did taste very flat, but
the next morning I followed directions
carefully, boiling it for fifteen minutes,
and he remarked 'this Is better than
any of tho old coffee.'
"We use Postum regularly and never
tire of telling our friends of the bene
fit we bave received from leaving oft
Look for the little book, "The Road to
ellvllle," In pkgs. "There's a Reason."
rend 4he nhnvr lrttrrf A npw
nn apprnra from tlm to limp. Thrr
ore Knula trua, aad full al hunuuk