The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, December 02, 1909, Image 8
GOVERNOR MAY CALL EXTRA SESSION LEGISLATURE Failure of Last Session to Enact Laws reason urged upon Executive. WILLIAM J. BRYAN URGES SUCH ACTION. Initiative- and Referendum Laws Urged which were Defeated last Winter. LINCOLN, Dec. l.-W. J. Nryan is urging upon the governor of the etftto that to call sn extra session of the legislature for the purpoHO of passing laws which the lust legisla ture either failed to consider, or after considering failed to pass. Charles V. Mrynn, brother of V. J. lirynn, called upon the governor at the latter'H request yesterday, and lifter talking the matter over, they decided to call upon Chairman liyrneB of the state democratic committee for u conference. Those who are anxious for the gov ernor to call the session arc pleading only for a law to be passeed in the interest of the initiative and referen dum. They figure that a law of this kind will settle the liquor question and that the democratic party will not he compelled to take it up. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. Ledger. NORRIS SAYS CANNONRIGHT Has Done Nothing But What Rules of Congress Permit. DOES NOT FAVOR ANTI-CANNON PETITION Thinks Sentiment in Her Favor too Strong lor Defeat. WASHINGTON, Dee. l.-Kcpre-tsentative Norm from Nebraska is changing his mind somewhat on some things, but is still very bitter against the speaker, though he accuses him of doing nothing but what the rules of the house permit him to do. He thinks that an attempt at this lime to sceire petitions asking the speaker to get out of the way would avail nothing, as he believes Mr. Can non too popular with the members to be dislodged. He says that while the rules allow the speaker to do all that he has done, he believes that the rules should be changed rather than the speaker, though he is heartily in favor of throw ing him over the transom if it can be done, for he is a mean, cruel, ungen erous, narrow minded, and undigni fied old thing, and he believes that he ought to be put out of the game. Gold Mine Shut Down. (. ), Roman has returned from Lead, S. I)., where he was working in the Hoiuestake mine, which is the largest gold plant in the world. The mine is closed down at present on account of a lock-out. He will spend a few weeks visiting hi parents. IMPORTANT NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to us In any sum are re quested to call and settle at once, either by cash payment or by ne gotiable notes. (I.") -41- Asemlssen & Kllnger. Miss Delia Applegatc was a visitor' in Lincoln yesterlmy. i Attorney C. L. Graves was attend- to some legal business in Council ' Blums Monday. j Miss Carrie Hanning made a visit with friends in Nebraska City Tuesday afternoon. W. I?. Banning was a Friday evening visitor to Plattsmouth, having some business to transact at the court house; Miss Klsie Taylor was a visitor in Omnha Monday evening. Miss Hattie Taylor was home from Lincoln to spend Thanksgiving. L. J. Hall spent the day yesterday with his sister, Miss Isadore,at Xc-hawka. Duke I'rans was a busuness visitor in Lincoln last Friday, going on the forenoon train. Miss Rebecca Haines was a passen ger to Plattsmouth on the Wednesday evening train. Herman Applcgate and Oscar Davis were Friday forenoon passengers to Ne braska City. Miss Margaret Applegatc w ent down to Wyoming Tuesday for a short visit with 1). C. West and wife. Mrs. Isaac Pollard returned to her home at Nehawka last Saturday even ing after having made a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Bamuni. Mrs. Fred Clugey of Plattsmouth made a visit with Union relatives and friends last Saturday, returning to her home on the afternoon train. Mrs. 0. A. Pearsley and Mrs. Kd. Midkiff, representing the Union lodge, and Mrs. Frank Rhoden of the Murray lodge, participated in a meeting of the Royal Neighbors of Plattsmouth, and they report a very fine meeting and and royal entertainment dy the PlatU-Neifhbors. QUITTING BUSINESS. j M. Fanger has been notified by ! the chief of police to tare vown the canvas advertising sign extending acrtbs the walk In front of his place of business. Mr. Fanger to announce that even If the sign does come down he Is still : continuing his closing out sale.) On arrnnnt nf the almost Imnic. I sable condition of the roads the 1 people from outside points have been unable to take advantage of the big sale as much as they would like and therefore the sale prom ises to be long drawn out. owing also to the fact that the stock Is so large. From now on there Is going to be something doing of an extraordinary nature at the de partment store. AH Wooltex suits and cloaks must go and another cut of a third off has taken place. This is the chance the ladles should avail themselves of, for they may never again be given such an opportunity to secure high grade goods for so little cash. 44- 03- M. FANGER. Fine candy, Weyrieh & Hadraba. Frank McElroy, the tailor, was a business visitor to Omaha Kednesday. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the county clerk at his office in the court house at Plattsmouth, Neb., up to 3 o'clock p. m. Monday, December 6, 1909, for the construction of wood and steel bridges for Cass county, Nebras ka, for the year 1910. All bids must be accompanied by a certified cheek for 8500. Plans and specifications now on file at the office of the county clerk, at Plattsn o lth, Neb. Bids will be opened December 7, 1909. County commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bills. W. E. Rosenerans, County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Xeb., November 8, 1909. 59-8 Prescriptions, Weyrieh & Hadraba. Burllnoton Time Tabic. . r.. o. 4. o. 112. o. UO. o. a. o. M. o. 30. o. 2(1. No. 2!). No. 15. No. 2. No. 33. KAST HOI.NI. f 'lilratto Fast Train. T.O!'al to 'liir-nno. . . Uii-Al to Paclllp Jet sum to I'licillc Jet . . Cliicut-'o fiist (ruin . . l-ocul from Omaha . ArrWos from lnilsvlllo.3 Stub from Omaha 4 WKST HOUND. Iiral from Cellar Crook ttnil Loulsvilln 7 Fast (ruin for Lincoln. . .8 l.ociil to Omaha I Hrhuyler 3 a. ni. a. in. I. in. i. in. p. in. p. m p. m. p. m. a. m a. m p. ni. p. ni V It "1 : JBlfiT ? Y ? f f ? T f f ? T ? t t t ? t ? t ? ? T ? ? t t ? ? T ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? r ? ? Hardware Sa. Ai 1 Y T Y ? Y At the Bio: Store Of Is attracting the attention of the entire county and the farmers are travel ing through the mud to get to it. Here are a few prices to show you how we are selling carpenter tools. Saws! Saws! Try Squares 85c now at.. $1.65 now lt .... 12 inch, 50c now at 10 inch, 40c now at $2 25 now at... , 59c $1.20 .$1.49 9incaht.3a:n.ow. 20c 30c 25c a great many other tools such as Augers, Chisels, Files, Squares and Ham mers, also garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades and Scoops. A Few Xmas Suggestions .k.1 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Former price from $1.00 to $4.50. Carving Sets $6.50, now jjjjj 49 $5.00, now 3 49 $2at' n0W $1.99 Ever Ready Flash Lights $1 flft at only. . ,)1,uu A big line of Pocket Knives, Razors and Shears at extra low prices. Table Cuttery, also Food Choppers and many useful articles at prices that will surprise you. Wood and Iron Stock Remember our stock of articles in Wood and Iron is the biggest in the county and is being sold at way down prices. ASEMISSEN & KLINGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. f I x x 1 x X Y Y 3 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? Y D. P. JACKSON A hig line f Sewing Machi-es. Style and durability of 11 Singer at half the pric. Come and see them. Bard mi Soil Coal Heaters. Big Bargains! COMPARE COMPARE COMPARE . Qualify Prices Now we have on disnluy the largest line of toys and Holiday Merchandise ever placed under one roof in Plattsmouth. It's here for your inspection. It'B here for your companion. It's here for less money than the fame article can be purchased in any other retnil establithmert. Xmas tree Candles, per box of 3G 10c Xmas tree Candle Holders, per doz 5c Xmas tree Ornaments, each 1 c to 1 0c Decorating SilverlTinsels, per doz. yds 1 5c Now it is impossible for us to r.ame the numerous different articles and prices here, but we a3sure you, you will find it worth your while to come and see the display and should you make any j urchase you will be more than satisfied. The Variety Store riattsrnouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of liank of Cass County. t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? Y ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? v t ? V f T ? ? 6 ni II o est I That is what our groceries Our Store is filled with are COCO GOCEBES not bargain counter stuff, and you 'would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delic-Licy. call us v,p by phone we Lave a full line ol them. V Soennichsen's I: I 3 A COUGH IS LIKE A MULE You've got to com it to get it to go. We hive a cold cure thai will ilart the most stubborn cough going and quickly make it disappear entirely. We have witnessed its effectiveness in hundreds of cue and guatanlee that it will stop youi cough. r COMPOUND CHERRY JUIC2 COUGH SYRUP IiiJflig(iiluleoiiSrur(..r.- :'-ly di.Trfrnt (torn Aot(, naumabna cough tnnJ!t. Its dJihriul flmic nukes ilvciv tv.lnl.! . and chil Jnn npxiallr uke il teadily. Itrdicvai couihi immnlutrlv and entn tore lltr.-.i.t and hotiieness. li il daetn'l stop ymir couth bring in Iwrl the cmpiy bottle and we'll .ctMrn yo.ii money. Tbrea populai suet, 25c., 60c. and $ 1.0O. - F. G. Fricke & Oo. Druggists. EXrERT PILL MIXERS. Old Papors For Salo at This Offico J, ? t ? ? ? t ? ? T ? ? ? f f ? ? T xx VJI V