PATRICK RESIGNS py County Senator Sends In Ills Resignation. DOESN'T THINK SYSTEM A GOOD ONE An Interesting Letter full of In formation for the Governor. LINCOLN, Dee. 1. The governor lias received from Senator Patrick his resignation as a member of the board of trustees appointed to control the state school for the blind at Nebraska City, and with it a letter which makes interesting reading. It is as follows: "Dear Governor: In my judgment the present system of administering most of our state institutions is vicious in principle and abhorently wrong in fact, and that I may feel free to criti cise it as I sec fit, I respectfully request that you accept my resignation as member of the board of trustees for the schools for the deaf and blind. 'Io mv mind it is a sud reflection ui)on the intelligence of the people of this great state that they have thus long tolerated a condition which im poses upon the unfortunate and help less wards of the state the supervision of those selected because of their par tisan politics or political inflocnce, rather than on account of a peculiar fitness to discharge the duties, and capably meet the responsibilities of their respective trusts. Under pres ent conditions these conditions are but a part of the politicnrflmchine of the party in power, and it is but natural that in the selection of the numerous appointees preference be given to those whose past political service is thought worthy of reward at the expence of the state, whose political influence is desired in future political contests. With partisan politics eliminated fron the control of these public in stitutions their management would fall under the supervision of men and women of special qualifications and fitness for the positions., as there could be no great incentive for their selec tion. The permancy of their position would depend upou their efficiency and the standard of service rendered Siui a chance in conditions would doubtedly result in better care and is well in greater saving and profit to the taxpayers of the state. I sincerely hope that you will stren uously urge upon the next legislature the necessity of devorcing all state in stitutions entirely from partisan pol itics, truly yours, W. R. Patrick. K'ill"l"l"l"l"llll"l"i"l"l"llll'll"I"l"l"l"l"t"t"i"l - Cold Weather Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to f nd in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments whe n an extra chilly day comes. ii J. V. Egenberger C-f-IH'H"M"l"M"l"M"t . .i 'l'1 - - l - - l B. A. McEIwain JEWELER. Here are some interesting prices from our mammoth stock of Holiday Goods: O size 20 year filled case, open face or Hunting plain dn nn or engraved American Movement, special $1V Open face Chatelain watch American make, guaran- fl o aa teed 20 years, special $O.VU 16 S 20 year case, open face or Plain or j a aa Engraved Elgin WAV Perfect Diamond in Tiffany Mounting tr aa weighing 1-4 1-16 Kt Jia.VV Perfect Diamond in Tiffany Mounting Mr AA , weighing 1-4 to 3-64 Kt JOD.VV Fine Diamond in fancy Ring Mounting ja j QQ 1-8 1-32 Kt SoTrS;.Spoons....: 50c to $2.00 B. A. McEIwain JEWELER AND SILVERSMITH. ' "On the Sunny Side of Main Street." IIAVELOCK HILLING TO MEET ALLIANCE Shop Town Foot Ball Team Is not Afraid of Alliance. IIAYKLOCK, Dee. 1.-0. J. Hitch cock, manager of the shop football team, in answer to the challenge of the Alliance team says: "The Haveloek football team wishes to announce that a game at Grand Island or any other place will not square the deal handed them at Alli ance Thanksgiving, but if Alliance wants another game they can get one but it will be through the manager of the Haveloek game and not through the newspapers, as the Haveloek boys have nothing to square to the public." AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. Weeping Water Republican. Fred Gorder has purchased the brick building owned by Mrs. J. V. Thomas, paying $850 for it. Miss Mary Hungatc came down from Lincoln Friday to remain over Thanksgiving. Uncle James Colbert says he is grandpa again. It is a ten-pound boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert of Wabash. Dr. A. C. Welch, who purchased the office fixtures and leased the rooms of the late Dr. E. T. ltickard, is now a resident of our town. P. F. Austin of Bethany, the Union Central Life insurance agent, was in town last week and turned over to Mrs. Lydia Rickard a check for $1,000 on account of a policy carried by Dr. Rickard in his company. Mrs. S. W. Orton went to Omaha Saturday to visit her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Smith and Mr. Orton will go up and accompany her to Ashland to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rurrows. Talk all the eood things you can about your friends and don't recall nnvthinu that reflects against them. Talk good about your towm, your home paper and let the preaelier talk in vou some of the time. If a man lets and occasionally attends prayer meet ing.we will give him a written guar antee that when he lays down to give up the battle of life, the preacher will say a lot of good things about mm. M"! - ! - '!"!"!"! "H1 H-H-H-M-H-t- Comforts - - l''lM..l'.i..l..l--t--l'-t--l -l'-l""t"l-4-T--!-' GOVERNOR SELLS COWS Executive cf State Gets Fancy Price for Stock. BLUSHING BEAUTY SELLS FOR NEAT SUM OF $365 Did not want Trouble of Milking These Cold Mornings. LINCOLN, Dee. 1. Though the law provides that an officer of the state shall not sell property to the state, the governor disposed of four cows to the agricultural college recently. They bore names that were worth the price paid, though the cows may not have been up to date. Two of them "Rlushing Reauty" and "Lady Lon don," brought the neat sum of $;M.r) and SI120 respectively, while the oth ers which had only common scrub names brought $21." and $140. It is understood, however, that the critters were from the best of the gov ernor's very fine herd nnd will be a valuable addition to the agricultural farm school. Bull Frogglng The bull frogging tactics of the Journal in trying to make the public believe that this paper lias cast reflec tions upon the lighting company is not borne out by the evidence nor the statement appearing in the News to which the Journal takes exception. The News did not say that the light ing company could not furnish power to the Smtih factory. The News did not cast reflections upon Mr. Cla baugh and his assistants, neither at this time or' any other time as a pe rusal of the columns of the News will show. We cid state, however, that there had been trouble at the plant, and that the power people had worked hard all day Sunday to get the matter in shape. There was nothing what ever mentioned in the News deroga tory to the lighting company or any of its employes as' the News will show. Rut we did say that the com pany had succeeded in installing the power in a fairly satisfactory manner and the machines were it work. Our information came from a reliable source and from a man who is in close touch with conditions. It will take something more reliable than a state ment of our contemporary to convince the public that the Daily News is a knocker. We are using power from the lighting company for the running of our machines and the company itself knows whether we have been unreasonable or not. We leave it to them. Claims $3,300 Wages. A claim was filed today in the office of the clerk of the district court by Chas. E. Reckwith against the estate of Samuel S. Johnson. Reckwith makes claim for $3,300 wages due and earned during the past twelve years and eight months. He further claims that the deceased, Johnson, had prom ised to devise to him SO acres of land in Clay county. Entertained Miss Lewis. The Mcsdames Dunbar and Turner most delightfully entertnined Miss Caroiline Lewis, the contralto soloist with the Victor band, over night Miss Lewis rendered a fine program of songs and piano selections on the Fis chcr grand !piano which wa9 immense ly enjoyed. Laid to Rest. The funeral services over the body of Mrs. Herman Streitwieser, who passed away after a few hours' illness Sunday morning, were held Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. D. Close and Mrs. J. V. Wood and child arrived Tuesday moraine from Centerville. Iowa, and attended the funeral services of their mother. Wants Another Farm. S. Lindholm, who recently sold his farm, the old Senator Thomas place, departed this morning for Rlair. He is desirous of purchasing a small farm in this or some other locality, aa he has to give possession of his the first of next March. Coming to Nebraska. Asbury Jacks of Hamburg, has purchased the Fred Richardson farm one mile south of this city, and will remove here as soon as the roads become passable so that he can haul his goods to and from the depot Mr. Jacks is an old soldier and he and his family w ill be welcomed. Gone to Wisconsin. J. Fetzer the shoe man, left Wednes day for Manatowoe, Wis., to visit his Bister who is reported to be serious ly ill. He was accompanied by God fried Sehurimker, a son of the sick woman. JOHNNY BENDER WANTS THE JOB Former Nebraska Foot Ball Star Would Coach Nebraska. LINCOLN, Dec. 1. An applica tion from Johnnie Render for the posi tion of coach of the Nebraska Com huskcrs next season has set the ad herents of foot ball to talking and the sentiment seems to be considerably divided over the matter. Render has a great many friends in Lincoln, nnd for that matter all over the state, and the success which he has had with the Haskell Indians this season has made them feel that the authorities at the big school should give Render a chance to see what he can do. Many think that King Coal has lost his grip on the squad, and after a two years' trial in which the team has not come up to expectations, they per sist in saying that he should be let go and someone else given a chance. "Places Them In Bad Light." Does it pay to advertise That is the question that is bothering the hard ware firm of Asemissen & Klinger. When the question has reference to an advertisement in the Daily News or Weekly News-Herald, it is at once answered in the affirmative. Rut when it refers to the columns of our es teemed and veracious contemporary, then there is some doubt entertained. In last night's Journal the advertise ment of Asemissen & Klinger appear ed in a badly misleading condition, and "really it places the firm in a bad light." The Journal states that the hardware firm is selling saws for P5 cents, former price S.r cents. That the firm wants $1.00 for an Ever Ready flash light that formerly sold for $1.20. It is too bad that the firm's business should bo placed before the public in such a light, and the injury sustained cannot be estimated. Asemissen & Klinger are known to be square business men and are con ducting an honest closing out Bale. They are making a reduction on every article advertised, in fact a reduction is made on everything in their store and they are not charging more for saws or Ever Ready flash lights than before the sale commenced. This correction is made so that the public will not entertain an erroneous im pression of the business methods of the firm. Birthday Party. Miss Anna Wohlfarth was assisted by a large number of friends Monday evening m celebrating her 18th birth day anniversary at the home of her Grandmother Gorder m this city. The evening was spent in games and music. In a guessing contest Miss Leota Rartou won the first prize and Miss Lelia Kennard the "booby prize." Refreshments consisting of sandwiches, coffee, pickles, cake, cook ies and candy were served. Returned Home. H. R. Neitzel, the Murdock banker, returned to this city Monday from Murphey. Idaho, where Chas. F. Guthman has purchased a large bus iness. Roth are enthusiastic over the country and the promising outlook for business in the futur. The News joins his many friends in wishing Char ley unbounded success in his new ven ture. Mr. Neiztcl odepatrcd for his home yhis afternoon. A Former Teacher. . Gertrude Coon left Tuesday for Lincoln, where she is attending the university of Nebraska. Miss Coon formerly taught school in fhis city and is well and favorably known. Her home is in Red Cloud. Victor Band. The Royal Italian band, consisting of thirty-seven persons, passed through this city Monday from Kansas City to Malvern, Iowa, where they will give a concert. They hail from Venice, Italy. Chickens Wanted. Monday we will be at the depot and will pay the following prices: Hens 9C Springs gc ZUCKWLTLF.K & LUTZ. Majestic No More. The theatrical portion of the Majes tic is being torn out and the theater goers will have to seek moving pic tures elsewhere in the future. Electric Light. The steam fitters gang connected up the electric light engine in the local Rurlington shops yesterday and de parted for Lincoln this morning. Home Again. Mrs. H. A. Schneider, who with her son and daughter have been spending a few days at Sterling, Neb., returned home Sunday. They were accompa nied on their return by Miss Ethel Schneider, a neice of Lincoln. Want Column WANTED. WANTED-Woman to do laundry work. Good wages, apply at once at Hotel Riley. WANTED Young men and women to fill positions paying $900 to $2000 per annum. Big demand for stenograph ers in the Government service, as well as in private business life. Our new method of teaching shorthand by' mail insures as thorough and practical a training at your own home as is obtainable by personal attend ance at any business college in the country. We guarantee success. Complete course for small cash pay ment; balance to be paid when you secure a position. Trial lesson free. Central Rusinesa Institute, Central Building', Washington, D. C. FOR SALE CHEAP At Smith's barn, Flattsmouth, Neb., a new carringe. Lady owning same has quit keeping a horse. It must sell. sw-tf Will Trade. One of the best ranches in central Nebraska, 2,000 acres, highly im proved, cut 1,000 tons of hay, fenced and cross-fenced, well watered, has over 400 acres of good corn land, 12 miles from station, $22,000. Want a Cass county farm. 4S0 acres, in cultivation 150, fenced, has house and barn, 12 miles from de pot. A snap for cash at $12.50 per acre. R. B. Windham, 61-3x PlatUmouth, Neb. H"H i I I .H--H"fr-H"M"frH"l"H "f A. L. TIDD LAWYER References: . , Bank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Bank, Nehawka. Bank of Murdock. Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. II First Nat'l bank, Plattsmouth . H"l"l"H"H"M"l"l"l"l"l I I I I H' Important Notice. All persons knowing themselves to le indebted in anv amount to M. Fnnirpr fire reouested to call and settle O - i at once. All persons having bills t A against me are requested io present same and get their money. As is well known I am closing out mv business and am anxious to close up all outstanding accounts. In the nnHt I lmv never erowileu anv person for payment, but now it is absolutely neensunrv that all bills (lllC me be paid promptly. All bills remaining unpaid when my business has been clocstl out will be placed in the hands of a collection agency. 1 hat means ndditinmd costs and 1 hone 1 shall not be called upon to take tins means to collect what is due me. M. ranger. Sealed Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Hoard of County Commissioners of Cass coun ty. Nebraska for bonds for the severa' olficers of said county, said bids to be submitted before 9 o'clock in the morning of December 7th, 109. The amount of the bonds for the severa officirls may be lenrned by applying at the office of the county clerk. The Hoard reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. M. L. Freidrich, . Chairman Co. Hoard of Coin's. Dated at Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov 23. 1909. DO NOT TAKE NO OTHER CANT BE SEPARATED. Some Plattsmouth People Have Learned How to Get Rid of Both. Rackache and kidney ache are twin brothers. You can't separate them. And you can't get rid of the back ache until you cure the kidney ache. If the kidneys are well nnd strong, the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Donn's Kidney Rills make strong, healthy kidneys. Mrs. O. J. Gilson, Lincoln Ave., Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "We have used Donn's Kidney Pills in our family for lame back ami other kidney dis orders ahd they have brought the best results. My advice to anyone suffering from kidney complaint is to give this remedy a trial." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Ruffalo, New York, sole agent? for the United States. Remember the name Doan's anil take no other. G5-4 l.Ml Notk. Alvln KrrrU, iluft-mlunl, Kill Ink. iotle thtt on till' fourth (luy of AilKilKt, ItMHI. Adit r Mh, plHlnliir.llliil litir iM tlllmi In Hi" (llNtrlct ro irt of Caw county. NchniiU. mmltot thn dcfiid lit. the ulijivt ami iirnynf of whlrh In toolilsln m . I. ......... ,11., . . I ... in-...-.. hit. ti. ii iiiiiii in iiiwn ninny, ami fur tlm ciihIimIv of trnr rliildron, to wn : Kllit'l. Clair and Konm'tli. anil for iucIi uthi-r rt'lW'f an wittily mny riiirt. Vou art niinlml to miwir mid petition on or tM'font tlw 201 h day of Ifci'i'inlxT, ItKW. Aiia rrrrw. Ily her Attorney, M. An her Legal Notice. in iiit Milliter of the est u to of AUrgarPt M. WallltiK, dfCeaiuol. I o all permuM Interested You arc liereliv nniltled lint Die oieeutor or the ahovi etaU' liaa tiled In thin court, lii re port toKi'ther with a petition, praylnir, therein that will citato Iw net Ileal and the enviitnr h dlM'haruisl. and that Urn knui Iw dlstrllmUxl and awlned according to IIm- Nxm of tlm lant will and hutauii'nl of miiil demiMil. I hat a heuriiiK will ho htwl iiHin Maid report ml petition liefore thin rnin t. at I'lultsinonth. In Raid county. on the 2Wh day of Noveinher, IINHi. atllo clock a in . and (hat all ohJii'tiotM, If any, imiKt ho (lied on or lx!ore wtlil day and nour oi ncarniu. Wltnom my hand and the will of the county court of nalil county thin ih tiny of November, i wm. A'.i.rMN j, iikkniiin, ISl'Bl I I'omiLv JlldUII. Legal Notice. State of Nebraska, ss. In County Court. Caw County. n the mutter of the iwtu of Jacob F. 8 ten ner. drct'ONtyf: Notice In hereby iclvon that the creditor of unld doceiuMwl will meet the administratrix of mild estate, before me County JiiiIkh of ('ana County, Nehrmkft, at the (.ounty Court room in flat turnout h, In null! County, on the lltli day of Ueci'inlier. I Will, and on tlm 14th day of June, lino, at 0 o'clock a. in., each day for mo puriMMo of preiseiitlim their clulina for ex amination .udjuMtinenl anil allowance. Hlx month)) am allowed for the creditor of auld deceased to preocnl their claim, and one year lor the admin intra nettle naid estaU), from the 1 1th day of Dix-eniher, ItMlM. wiinctM my nunil and the Hem or nam Coun y Court, at I'latUnuiutlt. Nehraxka. thia 13th day of November, IWri). oi-n Allen J. Ileewin, (SEAL.) County Judge. SETfflLER'S EXCURSIONS i At Low Round Trip Rates On sale every flrat and third Tuesday in each month to every part of the Southwest. MISSOURI. ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, KANSAS AND COLORADO I Hugh Norton, Agent. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement Tclopraph or Write Robert Wilkinson, Dunbar, Nebr. Or call at the News Herald office and we will save you trouble and expense in getting dates and terms.' Good Service. Reasonable Rate. X Smoke an ACORN And be Happy BAILEY & MAC II THE DENTISTS lltltt AMllMCtt RljkGnil Oftltl try Itlllf MliPrkM. BfM-oultld 0'nHI Of f kt k IU MliMU West. M rest Pitoi mt .Ktk r.nmm, OMAHA, NEB. CHICHESTER S PILLS liatral A an ,n Urn t'kt-tkM-lort llttMni tills ! Hrd ln.1 il.lrf Mlcl ltll Hlu EW Ain'HI.C'iri!l.TrBi DIAMOND IIHANU I'll. I t f. . i . iner. iimf or toi klMin. X r w ynn kavwa to Hm, Salat, Alwavt KHlal.t iuinmusiuvEraiEU 1