The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 29, 1909, Image 8
t Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y t Y Y Y r. P. JACKSON Just received a big line of Sewing Machines. Style , and durability of a Singer. Come and see them. Hard and Soft Coal Healers. Big Bargains H , , , , l 1. 1, I "M-l"H-'H't1"H"l"H'1"l"l"l"l"H"l"H-'t Cold Weather Comforts - - n Our Coal is the best cool weather comfort that you will be able to find in town. These chilly fall winds will soon turn into winter and you will need the comfort that our coal will give you. Better order early to avoid disappointments when an extra chilly day comes. J. V. Egenberger f WH--H.-H-i"I..l........' a. Y The Best I That is what our groceries are. Our Store is filled with GOOD GROCERIES not bargain counter stuff, and you would do well if you would give us atrial. If you want some special delicacy, call us up by phone we have a full line olthem. ' s t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y V f Y Y Soennichsen's I V V Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets Corset style is noted in the extreme length of skirt. This completely en cases the figure, but is unboned and soft and absolutely comfortable, sitting, standing or walking. These new D rectorie Styles define the waist, but do not emphasize its curves; the emphasis is on length-the corsetted figure pre senting an appearance of long unbroken lines, as shown in this Warner Corset. These corsets are guaranteed to wear not to rust, break or tear. Warner's standard of quality is so high that this guarantee is almost superfluous. Security Rubber Button 11 cse Sup porters Httaclml Price, per pair 1.00 to 5.00. Every pair guaranteed. This Book and any 15c Pattern FREE for 20c. 1 L A. WURL STYLE BOOK Tbi Ladies MA- HOMEjOl'RNAl ' $ THEY FIXED THE-LAW A. B. Taj lor of York and Rslph Clark Responsible. PUT THE JOKER IN PASS LAW Action Practically Makes Anti-pass Law of No Value. ance or the use of a pass being unlaw ful. Under the change made by the bust legislature the accept anc is not unlawful but tl:.. ue is, therefore a rr.lroad can issue just us nuyy J pusses as it wishes, and it is up to the i authorities to prove the use of it. l nuer me oiu law a reeoru was made and turned over to the Mate of all passes issued, and if any of them were unlawfully issued, the railroads were responsible. Now it will be necessary to prove the use of the pass which is a very difficult matter. LINCOLN, Nov. 27. The publi cation of the records of the last leg islature discloses the fact that by the action of Taylor of York and Clark of Richardson, the anti-pass law passed by a previous legislature, has been practically put out of the game. In introducing amendments to the anti-pass law which was passed by the republican legislature of tho ses sion before, the democratic legis lature through these representatives amended the law by inserting the little word "and" in place of the other little word "or" which now makes it impossible to convict the railroads of an infringement of the law. The former law made it unlawful to "ac cept or use" a pass, either the accept- Notlce to Contractors. Scaled bids will be received by the county clerk at his office in the court bouse at Plattsmouth, Neb., up to 3 o'clock p. m. Monday, December 6, 1909, for the construction of wood and steel bridges for Cass county, Nebras ka, for the year 1910. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $500. Plans and specifications now on file at the office of the county clerk, at Plattsmouth, Neb. Bids will be opened December 7, 1909. County commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. , W. E. Roscncrans, County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Neb., November 8, 1909. 59-8 FISTULA Pay Whsn CURED Ail Keciai diseases cured without a surgica 1 operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other cen- eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE-TIME, examination pres. WRITE FOR DOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS PR. C R. TARRY, 224 B. Bulldtnc, Omaha. Nebraska Piles A. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y JJ. E. BASWSCgC DOVEY BLOCK REAL ESTATE. Town residence from $150 to $3,000. Don't pay rent any longer. You can own your own dwelling cheaper. Let me show you some good chances to acquire farms in Ne braska, South and North Dakota. Missouri or Texas. HUE INSURANCE written In six of the byt companies. SURETY BONDS. Get your bondi fro.n the American Surety Co. ACCIDENT INSURANCE. The risk of personal injury is -10 times as great as that of losing your property by fire. Se cure a policy of the London Gurantee and Accident Company and be sure of an income white vou Hre onable to work. Independent phone 4i. L Y v GOING OUT OF BUSINESS .Nix! Nine! No! We arc now daily receiving our lino of Toys and Xmas mtr chand: Hy the 6ih day of December we will have on display the largest and most complete line of Holiday Merchandise ever shown under one roof in the history of Plattsmouth. The prices will be lower than the same merchandise can be purchased any where else, regardless of close out sales, special sales, fake or misleading sales, we are here to stay. We own the building we occupy as well as the merchandise therein and its all paid for. We can and do undersell. Come and purchase any article you Wish, take it home or take it into'any other Store, compare it. then if you are not more than satisfied return it, and your money will be returned to you just as fast as it can be counted. We will quote prices in this space just as soon as the merchan dise is displayed for your inspection. The Variety Store Plattsmouth, Neb., 3rd Door Last of bank of Cass County. B3335 V v! f v A Land For New Homes Do you realize the excellent chances of future benefits bound to accure to you, if you make your new home in the Big Horn Basin of V.voming? You can homestead a Government Irrigated farm or buy ore outright from private corporations, in either case on very easy terms, and your farm will be located in a scenic country of splen did climate, protected by grand mountain ranges with coal, high grade oil, natural gas, timber, stone and cement material, all around you. Add to this the fact that the Burlington's new Wyo ming main line will traverse the heart of that country and you have not only a desirable place to live, an excellent market for your products, but an absolute certainty of greatly increased value to your lands. Does not the history of land values that has gone on under your own observation make this plain to you?. MONDELL 32f) I AMDS in Mnrrbumofom Wirrn'r. are going fast. The Government land offices in that locality are having an unprecedented rush of work receiving filings from homesteaders coming from all parts of the country, who realize the value of these lands and the excellent character of that coun try tor a nome. III! I perootmlly romlut't excursion on the first nml third Tues.luys of eui-U month to th llusin itml to these hinds. Write me freely. D. CLEM DEA.VER, General Agent, Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omana, Neb. 1004 Farnum St., Old Papers For Sale ai This Office y T ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? Y y f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? f ? ? t t ? T ? Y Y ? Y Y Y Y- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X mm V V 5 December 15 We Close Our Store and The Goods Must Go Commencing today and continuing until December 15th, there 'will be something doing all the time in the hardware business in Platts mouth. It is our intentention to discontinue business at this place and remove to Dakota, and it is not our desire to take a dollar's worth of our big stock with us. In order to close it out completely wc have slashed prices right and left as you will readily see by looking over a few of the quotations we present below. Remember that This Sale Will Continue Only 30 Days. Then all goods remaining unsold will be packed up and shipped. Run your eye over these prices and then get busy. It is your time to buy what you want at prices never before offered: Paint, was $.65, now per gallon SI 33 Paint, was 11.60, now per gallonn 1.25 Paint brushes, were $1.40, now 90 Paint brushes, were $1.00 now 69 Carborundrum stones, were $1.15, now 75 Carborundrum stones, were $1.00, now 65 No. 5 U. S. Cream Sepnrator, was $90, now 72.00 No. 7 U. S. Cream Separator, was $70, now 56.00 Remingto double barrel hannncrless shotgun was $32.50 .25.0 Stevens double barrel hammerlcss shotgun, was S20 13.5 German Heater heating stove, was $32, now 23.00 14-inch Splendid heater, was $14, jow 10.00 Moore's glass oven door range, was $58, now 46.00 (Juiek meal lS-iueh oven, was $50, now 40.50 Mounted grind stone, was $0.50, now 4.00 Snow Hall washer, was $0.50, now 4.98 Motor wash machine, was $10, now.., 7.50 Garden hose, was 12 l-2e, now 08 Rolled rimmed porcelain lined 5 1-2 foot bath tub, was $19. .13.25 This is a Cash Sale. Owing to the fact that wc are going out of business, wc cannot give credit. We want our friends to take advantage of the big bar gains offered. We have epioted but a few articles. We would sug gest that you call at our store and select what you want and wc wi 1 give you prices that will astonish you for their cheapness. Every ar tide in the big stock has been marked down to prices that should peal to you. Do You Want a Furnace? Wc have four of the very best made which will br'sold almost at your own price. The furnaces arc absolutely guaranteed and are fuel savers. Farmers, a Chance For You. to buy wire fencing and anything else you may need on the farm Come in and look us over and you will find that the trip has made you big money. t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y f Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ASEMISSEN & KLINGER PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. Y Y -V I .