The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 29, 1909, Image 7
A GOOD COUGH MIXTURE. Slmplo Home-Made Remedy That It Free from Opiates and Harm ful Drugs. An effective remedy that will usu. ally break up a cold in twenty-four hours, is easily made by mixing to gether In a largo bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounco of Virgin Oil of Tine compound puro and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mix ture will euro any cough that Is cur able, and is not expensive as It makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of I'ino com pound pure Is prepared only In the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, 0. Strictly Neutral. Among the humorous and human Btorics in Dr. T. L. Pennell's recent book, "Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier," is one of a British officer in the Kurram valley who inter rogated an Afrldl with regard to what was then considered a probable con flict. "Now tell me," said the officer, "If there were to bo war which God for bidbetween Russia nnd England, what pait would you and your people take? Whom would you sido with?" "Do you wish mo to tell you what would please you or to tell you the real truth?" was the naive reply. "I adjure you to tell me what is the white word.'" . "Then," said the old graybeard, "we would just sit up. here on our moun tain tops watching you both fight, un til we saw one or the other defeated. Then wo would come down and loot the vanquished till the last mule! God is gmit! What a time that would be for us!" Vtati of omo CtTT OF T0I.IDO, I LlCAS COL.NTT. . ( Prank J. Ciienft makes onlh that lie la sen tot partner of thi linn of K. J. Ciirsir A Co., doing business In tho City of Toledo, County and Htuta loniulil. nnd that ailil Arm will ray the euro of ONK HCNDHKIi IHil.l.AHS for each nd every cam nf t'ATAiimi that cannon bo cured by ttie m ul mix's Catakiiu Ct'HI. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to befnr m And luhai-rioed In my prcMnoa, till 6th day of December, A. L m. I I A. W. OI.EASOM. I NuTART PtDUO. Hall'i Catarrh Cure to takon Internally Slid sets directly upon the blood and muroua (urtaccs of las system, bend fur testimonial, free. I'. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo, a Bold by all Pnnurinu. 7:. lake Hall Family i'Uis for comtlpaUoo. Had an Object Lesson. Tho happy mother of a seven months-old-baby, whose chief business (.'cms to be making a iioiso in the world, was paying her sister a visit, nnd the other evening young Master Harry, aged seven years, was dele gated to care for the baby whilo his elders were at dinner. So he wheefed It back nnd forth, tho length of the library, giving vent to his sentiments by singing, much to the amusement of the family: Oe whiz! I'm clail I'm free, No wedding bells for me! Christmas Post Cards Free. Send 2c stamp for flve samples of cur very best Gold and"Silk Finish Christmas, Flower nnd Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest designs. Art Tost Card Club, 792 Jackson St., Topcka, Kan. Her Conservation. "Love," remarked the romantic young man, "Is said to brighten the eye." "I don't know about that," rejoined the practical maid, "but It has a ten dency to disarrange one's hair." Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c. Relieves tirod, congealed, inllamed ami ore eves, nwicklv Rtnns eve tidies. All druggists or Howard JJios., liulTulo, N. Y. The grandest time a man has Is de scribing to his wife exactly how an election is coming out and tho busiest explaining why it didn't. T5ie dancer from sliplit cuts or wounds is always bloed poisoning. The immedi ate application of llnmlins Wizard Oil makes blood poisoning impossible. The best preparation for the future Is the present well seen to, and the last duty well done. There are Imitation, don't be fooled. There is no substitute! Tell t he dealer you want Lewis' fciiiinln Hinder cigar. Good company nnd good discourses are the very sinews of virtue. Izaak Walton. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also Teller Dla tremtfrnm Diatenala.In digestion an'd Too Heart; Euiiiiir. a perfect rem edy for Dlziiuemi, Nau pa. DrowulneHR. Had Taste lu the MomU, Coikt ed Tonirtie, 1'aln In tlx Side, TOKI'lD LIVER Tbey regulate the Dowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, CARTER'S lEwnniwjiiilJ j CARTERS (flVEA JIpills. DCOM FAMOUS DANCE HALL Beloved Bal Bullier in Pari Is to Do Replaced by a Modern Building. Paris. There is mourning In t he Lat In juarter. for the beloved Hal Ilulller will soon cease to exist. One by one the old landmarks of this famous quarter, the home of tho students nnd the Intellectual center of Paris, are disappearing. Old resorts are being obliterated to make room tor the pretentious upstart, modern buildings that are now so apparent In tbis section of Paris, so dear to the i ne eal Bullier. hearts of tho artists for generations past. Old mansions with quaint and charming facades, old houses which are surrounded by happy memories of once noted men, fragments of his tory all are quietly vanishing from sight under tho stern hand of prog ress. The Bullier was above all others the ball of the students. Through Its vast doors passed many generations. Grave and dignified doc tors, famous lawyers, celebrated art ists uud inspired poets did not disdain to give themselves to the joyous en tertainments of this dancing hall dur ing their student days in Paris. Tho erratic and fastidious Whistler, Dou gereau, Constant, Thackeray and ond lers numbers of men whose works are llviriff monuments, have all partici pated In the gayeties that occurred weekly at this brilliant dancing hall, where tho little grlsettes, the pretty, taucy models and the dainty little sew ing girls created an atmosphere of light-hearted beauty and effervescent youth the period where dull care has no foothold. Tho' Hal noullier has outlived the fa mous little restaurant, the "Hole in the Wall," where these famous men, then unknown students, gathered for their evening repast. Then there was the other cafe on the Boulevard St. Michel the "Doul" Mich," In student parlance, that stuffy little place where Verlalne, the Bohemian poet, drank ftbslnlbc sitting at a table surrounded by boon companions and composing his masterpieces. The Dal Hulller was first called "Le Prado," and later "La Closerle des Lilas," nnd under these names Is often spoken of In tho romances of the 1S50-G0 period. It has outlived Its rival establishments, such as the fa mous Valentino and Mabllle. The In vasion of English and American fam ilies In this sacred domain of the "Four Arts" scattered the Bohemian stu dents. The long-haired, careless fel lows, so numerous a few years ago, oro now seldom seen. Tho pictur esque Is vanishing. The charm Is giv ing way to commonplace, everyday life. LAST OF WAR GOVERNORS William Sprague of Rhode Island It Sole Survivor of State Execu tives of '60s. ProvlJence, It. I. William Sprague of IthoQfc Island, by the death of ex Gov. Ficerick Holbrpok of Vermont, has bei'dine tho only survivor of the stato g.rt'ernors upon whom fell the brunt of preparation for tho civil war. ExGov. Sprague was 79 years old September 12. Elected governor early ( dil ) Mr. Sprague. In 1S60, he answered President Lin coln's first call for troops with a regiment of 1,500 men and a battery, which were equipped at an outlay of $100,000 by the firm of A. W. Sprague &. Co. He himself rode to the front nt the head of the outfit at the first battle of Bull Kun. The ex-governor married Miss Kate Chase, daughter of Lincoln's secretary cl state, In November, 18i'3, but was subsequently divorced and roniarrled In 1873 his firm failed for $17,000,000 with liabilities of $9,000,000. ifmltli GREAT LOVE STORIES 3 OF HISTORY By ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE Henry V and Catherine of France . tiuiijnuUI bjr A reckless, daredevil boy chanced to meet and to fall in love with a half starved, ill-dressed girl about live hun dred years ago. Because the boy hap pened to be a prince nnd the girl a princess that same love affair led to a series of terrible wars and to the con quering nnd final losing of a great na tion. The boy was "Mad Prime Hal," son of King Henry IV. of England. The girl was Princess Catherine, daughter of insane King Charles of France. I'nlike most royal mar riages, theirs was a genuin love match. Nor did "the course of true love" rim smooth. "Mad Prince Hals" wild pranks had led the English to tremble for their kingdom's welfare in the event of his coming to the throne. Yet when, In HI It, he succeeded bis father as king, he sobered down as by maRle and proved himself a wise, able ruler. Al most his first act after becoming King Henry V. was to ask the hand of Princess Catherine in mariiaee. He had seen but little of the princess; yet lie had learned to love her, and he sent for her at once to share his crown, lint by his counsellors' advice The Co:it of One Love Affair. lie also asked that he receive (as her dowervl the provinces in France Hint had in bygone years been captured by Eng land and that were now French terri tory once more. Tho French govern ment angrily refused to giant these terms. Not at all discouraged, Henry resolved to win tho princess and the provinces as well. So, declaring he had a hereditary right to the French throne, he declared war on France. and in 141.1 invaded that country. lie could not have chosen a better time for bis attack. The kinir nf Fiance was insane (playing cards are said to have been invented to amuse this crazy monarch), nnd the kingdom was rent by two waning factions. I rincess Catherine had been sadlv neglected and had had a wretched girl hood. Her father being Insane, the care of the girl and been left to her mother, an idle, wicked woman, .who did not give Catherine enoueh fnml nor clothing. Ragged, hungry. Ill- treated, the poor child was an obieet of pity until her father, in a lucid in terval, removed her from her mother's Henry VIII and A girl who was so beautiful that people overlooked the deformity of her having two thumbs on each hand changed the religion and history of England by means of a silly flirtation. The girl with the double set of thumbs was Anne Boleyn, daughter of a six teenth century politician. The man with whom she undertook to flirt was his (more or less) gracious majesty King Henry VIII. of England. Henry wns great grandson of Owen Tudor. He found England a third- rate European power. By his personal genius nnd statecraft he made it one of the foremost nntions of the earth. As a mere boy he had been married, for reasons of state, to his elder brother's willow, Catherine of Aragon. She was many years older than he, and was an Invalid and of a melancholy, pious nature. Henry was athletic, jolly nnd not much given to piety. There wns nothing about such a woman as Cath erine to interest him. Moreover, they had no living children except one sick ly daughter, Mary. And Henry longed for a son to carry on his fame. Yet he would probably have remained true to Catherine to the end of her days If he had not chanced to meet Anne Boleyn. A W'lv Anne was one of "Maid tf Honor." Cfnt,H;r,ne'B maJdH of honor. She managed to attract Henry's attention and started a violent flirtation with him. That she at first dared expect the affair to go further is doubtful. Hut Henry, who hitherto had paid lit tle heed to such temptntions, fell vio lently in love with her. She had the beauty, youth and gayety his wife lacked. Anno quite easily won him from the poor, gentle old queen. The latter had no charms wherewith to combat tho younger woman's art. As soon as she saw Henry was seri ously interested In her Anne set all her wits to work to make herself queen. The upshot of the matter was that Henry decided to get rid of Cath erine of Aragon. But this was not easily done. The Catholic church did not recognize divorce. Moreover, Catherine's nephew, Charles V. of Germany, was too powerful a sov ereign for the pope to offend. Henry solved the problem by wrenching Eng land away from Its Catholic allegiance and proclaiming himself the head of the English church. In this new ca pacity he arranged that tho marriage with his brother's widow be pro nounced null and void. Then, freed from Catherine, he at once married Anne. The wedding occurred early In 1333. Anne, who had earlier received from the king the title of countess of Pembroke, was solemnly crowned queen of England. Her ambition was at last gratified. She had turned Henry's heart from his faithful old wife nnd had raised herself to the highest position In the lund. Incidentally, she had changed Ui Auluur ) charge and sent her to a convent to he educated. It was largely on account of this 19-year-old glii that France, In lli:. was Invaded by an English army. Henry swept all before him. The French op posed him at Afiliicourt and are said to have outnumbered his army by ton (o one. Yet he won a great victor', crushing tho national pride of France. A second Invasion ended even moro triumphantly. The French, utterly overwhelmed, begged for pence. The terms HenryTtranted were unheard of In their exorbitance. First and fore most he demanded the hand of Cath erine. Then he compelled his beaten foes to agree that he should succeed crazy King Charles at the hitter's death as ruler of France. In tho meantime he was to govern the realm as regent. Ho married Catherine and took her back to England with him in triumph. Her fatherland's fall was the price of her hand. And her husband had brought about that fall. She and Henry were married, and early in 1421 she was crowned queen of Eng land. The next December the couple's A Q teen's only son (known to hlstorv ns Second Romance. Henry VI. ) wns horn. Few children have started life with such prospects. For he was heir to the combined thrones of France and England. A few mouths later Henry V. nnd Catherine went again to France. There, when only 35 years old, Henry died. Catherine brought her little son hack to England. There, on crazy King Charles' death, the boy was crowned, while still in his cradle, king of England and of France. But he lacked his father's genius nnd In herlled some of his grandfather's, old King Charles', Insanity. As a result, he was destined to lose both kingdoms and to die In prison. Catherine, though she had apparent ly returned her husband's adoring love, was quickly consoled for his death. She secretly married a Welsh man, Owen Tudor. Tho anger of the court over this marriage caused her. to pine away and die nt the age of 3(5. She and Owen Tudor had two sons. The elder of these (the earl of Rich mond) became later the father of Henry VII., who founded the Tudor line of kings In England. Anne Boleyn England's creed, nnd In so doing start ed an almost endless chnln of religious persecution, murders, executions,, etc. Not that this troubled her nt all. For three years she and Henry governed England together. They had one daughter, Elizabeth, who was destined one day to become her country's great est queen. Anne herself showed little gift for ruling. . At the end of three yenrs Henry's fickle fancy wandered from Anne to one of her young maids of honor, Jane Seymour. Here retribution set in. Anno was made to pay bitterly for her past misdeeds. As she, while maid of honor, had stolen Henry's love from his first wife, so now the younger, prettier Jane Seymour won Henry from Anne, and by much the same methods. Henry, infatuated with Jane, discovered he was heartily tired of Anne. Those double thumbs at last began to outweigh her good looks. He sought some plausible way to get rid of her. Courtiers helped- him nut liv trumping up accusations against Anne. Among other crimes she wns accused of treason. There is no renson for be lieving her guilty on nny of tho charges. But she w as condemned to death. Plmlrv tn One Queen's Punlrhment. the last, she wrote mockingly to the king, thanking him for all he had done for her, and ending with the words: "You made me a marchioness, then a quetn. And ns you can raise mo no hlgher-in the world,, you are now sending mo to bo a saint in heaven." Whether or not she was accurate In this prophecy ns to her destination, mkp was ueneaded on May 19, iSno. Henry took great credit to himself for mercifully allow ing her to he thus ex ecuted, Instead of burning her nt tho stake. The next day he married Jane Seymour. Jane did not live long to enjoy her triumph. After she died Henry mar ried in quick succession threo more wives. His good luck, his health, his personality some think even his 'san ity as well had deserted him from tho day ho cast aside Catherine of Ar agon to marry Anne Boleyn. Dr. Hale Abolished the Calendar. I doubt If he ever beennio quite con scious that ho wns an old man. What Lowell wrote of Emerson was em phatically true of Edward Everett Hale: "Ho has that privilege of soul which abolishes the calendar and presents him to us always the un wasted contemporary of his own prime." In 190fi, when he was over 84 years old, I said to him: "How Is your eye sight?" 'Good," ho replied; "I read as often without my glasses ns with them." William M. McElroy In Woman's Home Companion. Silence I The instinct o( modesty rtfttirnt to every woman la often a (rent hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases. Women shrink from the personal qaestions ol the local physician which seem indelicate. Tho thought ol examination is oh horrent to them, and so they endure in silence a condition Df disease which surely progresses from bad to worse. it has been Dr. Pierce's prMleia to core m treat many women who baro found a rtto$m tor modesty la bis offer ot FREE coaialta tloa by letter. Till comaaondeaca la heltt j ma sacredly contldcMtUl. addrast Dr. R. V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restore and regulates the womanly functious, abolishes pain and builds up and puts the finishing touch of health . on every weak woman who gives it fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept ttcrtt nostrum as a substitute fur this noo-alcoholio medicine op iMown composition. 7T Wear W. L. Douglas comfort flblccasy walking, common leenao shoos. i convince any Douglas shoos hold their shapo. fit bettor and wear I Jongor than They aro mado ' of the best leathers, by the ?i most fikillod I tho latest fashions, shoes In , Averv stvln And ...v.. ... w.t i.Hin0 v. HIV. nailTlnit IThiaflntnn1innA V T. li S.llll IIIIM I ji vnu i ivii i Douglas name and prico H stamped on bottom, which guarantees 1 full value and protocts the wearer aganm intra prices IMC IVU From Arctic A rBK Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing lieat for 9 hours solid hrass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours. Write (or Descriptive Circulai to the Nearest Agency oi the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) A Few Acres In California In one of the rich valleys along the line of the Union Pacific Southern Pacific mean a comfortable living, an as sured future and money in the bank. For complete and reliable information get our illustrated booklets on California land. Call on or address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Get More for Furs Onft ahlnrnflnt will unnrlnce vna (hnt ww l.t lli blvbp't prlros for for. from IS', to 4U mora la . nriiini nun iii.a any oiiipt fioai., VV ili not ptd our price lUt to tempt tl tmi per, but r.l wt akin luilie.tlr id pur the blgliMt prios. i:ijL Jpoibleon this b. rM Wo furiil.h trr uUJ. krt, n.U SDH otntr Hitnr tixl.f forlfrM VI iWV OsuIihi O sod Mark.tKopxrUi r t I ' e' tl oa twiluWilr fro ors.t noporu sua Un "Trspixtr'a OaUU." aontslol iixrlf JJ pat of tip oorsu. jAryo.1 la the world In our 11. our FsBitnBroi.iC, 143 Elm St., St. Louis, Mo, Ont snUiUlnaitiil tin AmuA lot tauMr. Fuciiwirif, t'uuiioul. u ! Is s cuiu In our boms u to. air lor s HI ol Una !tndil rutarai. All lor Horn. UbM lor H eiol II (HUM m .M ViMlinei PATENTS Wataaw R.rnl.mBB.TVuk. loiWn.O.C. hMk.fiM. Ua nsjsrsmsw. ttmi UftuM. KM iw.ii uwrut. A trial will one that W. L. other makes. upon honor. workmen. In nil chnnn tn milt V":i1 ana nuorior suooa. aUBBTI FUTEi to Tropics in Ten Minutes No ol! heater has a higher efficien cy or greater heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics In 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. Removed in an instant for cleaning. - Ono get it by highway menTen of thousands by Bad Bow!tNo dif ference. Constipation and dad liver make the whole eystem sick Every body knows tt-CASCtAETCregulate- cure Bowel and Liver trouble by limply doing nature' work until you get well--Millions us CASCARETS, life Saverl CASCARKT9 loc a bos for a week" treatment, sll druvs;tsts. Biggest seller la Uie world. Million boxes a month. Turlock Irrigation District of California OPPOrtTt'NrriKS rnaurpaesKl. A t land. ABUNDANT WATEIl nt low rate. Healthful ('Minnie. Ktfrjrthliiu Grows, blrawberrles ! Chrlktmas. No BUWler Ne-esrv fur stock on ADltilC. Writ for ItLL'STUAXEU HOOKUTt DssL U. TURLOCK I0AMD Of TUO(, TuiUst Cl