The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, November 29, 1909, Image 3

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w- -wtfcyj
"Have you read my last book, Mf.
"Well, no cr to tell the truth, mj
mother won't niinv
Fighting the Slave Trade.
'. Although slave-trading Is generally
supposed to be a thing of the past, the,
United States contributes annually
$100 as Its snare of the expense of
keeping up at Brussels an Institution
known as th International bureau for
the repression of the African slave
will cnm not nljr a fnsh cold, but oneof thciiattntvi
burn uouuhft lltai UMiulty hang on fur months. Oirq
I. m HUM UU I1UV ll HUIlUt iKJ, uw muu il.uw.
To consider anything Impossible;
that we cannot ourselves perform.
Mm. Wlmlow'a Roothln Rrno.
For cblldrtu testblns. anftrni the iuni. mducai fib
(UmmUoo,Ujrtnra,curuwlcacullu. 23cauotlle.
The greatest necessity In a woman's
life is love.
For Benefit of Women who.
buffer from Female Ills
.' Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a Treat
sunerer irom lemaie troubles which.
I caused ft WAalcnpM
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read s
h. rinkhain s Yeg
pbililn floirmminA
had done for other
suffering women I
felt sura it would
help me, and I must
say it cna neip iw
wonderfully. Mj
nm' no nil ljff. ma T
grew stronger, and within three months
A wus a iwiit'cuy veil woman.
"i want mis letter maue public to
Bnow the benefit women mav (IpHta
from Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable
iompounu jurs. j ohn ( . .Moldj n,
2115 Second St, North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of iinn1?rlfori
Ine testimonials like the above prove
ine emciencv of Lydia E. llnkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusivolv from roots anil liprhq
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
tllA ahllftv fit T.Vflil V IHrtlrtinrn'o
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If yon want special ndvico write
to Mrs. Pinkliam, at Lynn, Mass.
confidential. For 20 years she
iias ueen Helping pick women in
this way, free of charge. Don't
hesitate write at once.
For sore throat, sharp pain
in lungs, tightness across the
chest, hoarseness or cough,
lave the parts with Sloan's
Liniment. You don't need to
ruj), just lay it on lightly. It
penetrates instantly to the seat
of the trouble, relieves conges
tion and stops the pain.
Here's the Proof.
Mr. A.W. Price, Fredonia, Kans.,
ays: "We have used Sloan's Lini
ment for a year, and find it an excel
lent thing for sore throat, chest pains,
colds, and hay fever attacks. A few
drops taken on sugar stops cough
Ing and sneezing instantly."
is easier to use than porous
plasters, act3 quicker and does
not clog up the pores of the skin.
It u an excellent an
tiseptic remedy for
asthma, bronchitis,
and all inflammatory
disease of the
throat and chest ;
will break up the
deadly membrane In
an attack of croup,
nd will kill any kind
of neuralgia or rheu
matic pains.
All drngjrlats keep
Bloan'e LJnlraenU
Men f5c.,Mci$1.00.
arl 8. Sloan.
F W -fS '
"Please help a blind mnu," said a
fellow with green goggles, as he held
a tin cup toward the line of people Is
suing from the Union depot last eve
ning. '1 always help the blind," said
one of two young men who were pass
ing, and he stopped and took out a
five-dollar bill; "ean you get a quarter
out of this?" "I guess so," said tho
blind man, fishing out a handful of
change and counting out $t."j. "Well,
John," said the benevolent young
man's companion, as they walked on,
"you're a bigger fool than I took you
to be." "Am 1?" said John. "Yes. you
are; that fellow's no more blind than
I am. How could ho tell that was a
fivo-dollar bill?" "Manied If I know,"
Bald John, innocently; "but he must
be mighty near-sighted not to Bee that
It was a counterfeit."
A Natural Mistake.
"How la the foreign nobleman Ret
ting along whom you are teaching
"Fairly well, except that he always
misplaces his prepositions."
"How for Instance?"
"He told mo tho other day he in
tended . to marry the daughter of n
rich pork packer, and then after a
honeymoon trip in Europe they were
coming back to live with tho old
"That was right, wasn't it?"
"No; to be correct, he should have
said on the old man."
Still Knocking.
Mrs. Stubb Just to think. John. The
great polar explorer Btates that there
are spots up in tho far north where it
would be Impossible to open your
mouth without freezing to death.
Mr. Stubb Ah, now I understand.
Mrs. Stubb Understand what?
Mr. Stubb Why It Is that women
never try to discover the north pole.
A Hard Life.
Irritated Citizen Aren't you
ishnnied of yourself, going ubout with
ihat street organ, and leading such a
lazy life?
Street Organist Lazy life? Why,
?lr, life with me is one long dally
(Ik 4m
lie Talking about Shackleton. I
weally can't understand whal a feller
should go pottering about in such out
landish places. Al don't s'pose the
theaters and music halls are a bit
bettah there than they are licah
Our Wilbur.
Wilbur, llyliiK fastpst,
Turning quickest, will not halt
Till lie litis tmlix'il Ms n ropluno
To turn a BcimciHiiult.
Did His Best.
Passerby Hero, boy, your dog has
bitten me on tho ankle.
Dog Owner Well, that's as high n9
ie could reach. You wouldn't expect
i little pup like hlin to bite your neck,
would yer? Pearson's Weekly.
The Only Kind.
"It would bo a good Idea if brains
lould bo gone over and renovated now
and then."
"If that were possible, some brains
would have to bo renovated with a
vacuum cleaner."
When first I askivl her for a kiss
Slip w.ih u tiny Uttlu niln.
A lass uf live or go.
I knelt u ml tin! her Uulnty ahoe,
Amt then ihinaiuled riii my due
A kiss. Sim uiKwereil "No!"
CTwus nrtcun yi'ura ugo.)
Whon next I nskeil her for a kiss,
It llcl not seem nt all amiss
To spo thn niilily glow
That spreail across tier dimpled tae
A lul aililcil iloiihlr to her ftrnee,
lint tit 1 1 1 she answered "No!"
(That was live ytura ago.)
I.nst night once more I lagged a klsa
And pictured to myself the bliss,
And still she answered "No!"
Hut breathed (could I believe my ears?
One sentence that dispelled my feurs:
"h, dear! hut you are slow!"
(Thut was one nlnlit ago.)
-Sum 8. Stlnson, In New York Timet.
"Since Mabel has been In love her
head Is completely turned."
"Gracious, I hadn't noticed that she
has been bleaching."
At the Banquet.
He rose and told
Ills brightest Joke;
The pnpera said:
"Smith also spoke."
A Question of Taste.
"You are sure this was moonshine
whisky?" said the Investigator.
"Yes," answered the man from Ten
nessee. "Did you taste It?"
"Taste it? No. I swallowed a lit
tle. You don't taste It any more than
you'd tasto a hornet If you accidental
ly bit one. You just know It's there."
A Steady Job.
"Peculiar thing about women, Isn't
it?" said the benedict.
"What's peculiar about them?"
queried the Innocent bachelor.
vhy." explained the other, "after a
woman gets married she wonders
three times a day as long as she lives
wnat to get for the next meal."
Takina after Pa.
Stranger Gracious! What a queer
winy; it seems he'd rather bo under
the carriage than In It.
Nurse Yes. ma'am. You see. Ida
father is an automobile crank and tho
baby thinks he Is fixing a machine
when he crawls under the carriage.
How It Happened.
"I see where a Frenchman won an
automobile race by a neck."
"Shucks! You must be thinking
about a horse race."
"Nothing of the kind. The French
man was the only driver entered who
didn't break his neck."
Cautious Woman
Keeps Down
CAl'TIOl'S traveler, who hml ootintnl down her i-xnenses to
A I the minimum, ami could neither beg, borrow nor steal a
I at. .in,.,.. t. 1,..- .. .. f.
which were no longer tdMjrjry. These she had dyed nn incon
spicuous brown, after which she hound them with program
ribbon to match, ami she protests that they were not only n
perfect success, us far as her comfort was concerned, but were
much ndmircd.
The traveler who most enjovs her journeys has learned
to disregard njmeurancen, to some extent, and to consider com
fort beyond nil else. Now, "cheap red felt feet" do not sound alluring,
but they are not intended for exhibition and if your feet are the kind that
turn into Mocks of ice on ordinary dry land you will vulue these simple
foot warmers for the sen voyage.
Cut two large, Hat shoe-shaped pieces of scarlet felt, lace them to
gether with narrow red ribbons run through a very course needle. You
may best accomplish this with an overseain stitch. Now cut a row of per
pendicular slits around the ankles and run through them ties of inch-wide
red ribbon. When the boat rolls and the breezes blow your feet, clad in
their scarlet warmers, may prove your most cheerful companions.
The hist suggest ion of this most resourceful person was the pongee
bag of huge proportions to hang from a hook in the
stateroom. It was designed to hold nil her small pos
sessions, beginning with the rolling collar button and
continuing through tho list of small things she needed
$&Y' n dressing. '1 lie particular point of this bag was
m fsv"'1' p ''" W!H t''n'llmr cu a )'ar(l in. diameter, and
made, to draw up on two long ribbons, and to open
out into a Hat surface, showing its contents in most
convenient fashion. The man who fills the role of
solitary traveler could have no more useful present
than this commodious stateroom bag.
Tends to
Lofty Scorn.
"I suppose after giving Elsie n good
lecture on her outrageous flirting, you
found her a regular valley of humilia
tion." "Not much I didn't. She was more
In a state of mountainous pique."
A Recollection.
"Did It take you lunir t
- ,j
lollege yell?"
"No. Indeed. I yelled thn nr
- - ,bui
:he sophomores got me." .
Associated Profits.
"Ia he a good player?"
"Well, when ho handles poker, vnn
ust ought to see nim shovel in tho
Just as Well.
"Statistics show that Japan has two
arthquakes a day."
"Gee, a man might as well bo mar
led as to live In Japan!"
Rapid Work.
"Twister, the celebrated contortion-
Jt, has made a new record."
-What Is it?"
"Twenty knots an hour."
Nothing In It.
She I hear you contemplato be-
oining an aeronaut?
He You have been misinformed. 1
nteud to remain an aero cipher.
Cause and Effect.
"I don't believe that girl's 8m
omes from her heart."
It doesn't; It comes from her new
jold tooth."
The Suffragette An Is this my
Tho Election Judge Yes, ma'am;
that's it.
The Suffragette Where's the house
hold page and the comic supplement?
The Fate of Mary's Lamb.
Mnry bad a little lnmn,
Hut lieef went up mo high
She lind to Hiierlllee her pet
And live on mutton pic!
t ( The Kind to Expect.
the nHronnut yu wero telllnj
me About got Into trouble?"
"Yes; ho was In what you might
call soar straights."
Usually High.
Little Willie (reading) Sny, pa,
what does "peace at any price" mean?
Pa It Invariably means nenrn nt n
high price, my son.
The Secret Out.
"What." asked the dreamer, "is tb
easiest way to get money?"
"Inherit it," replied tho matter of-1
fact persou.
Although other causes have operated
to some extent, there is no reasonable doubt
that the principal cause of the general ad
vance in prices during the last decade is
the largo increase in the production of gold,
which has resulted and is resulting in a
continuous depreciation of our standard of
value. (!old is a commodity and subject
to variations in value governed by natural
forces in the same manner as copper or
wheat, and while its use as the standard of
value prevents the sudden or speculative
variation characteristic of many other
commodities, the same fundamental law of
supply and demand controls its value. The depreciation in the value of
gold will continue as long as the present large production continues, will
cease when a balance occurs between supply and demand, and if the re
cently developed gold deposits begin to give out and no new deposits arc
discovered, we shall enter upon a period of increase in the value of gold
and the resultant decrease in prices.
Assuming that gold has depreciated HO per cent, during the last 15
years, which is probably near the truth, gives the result that $1 to-day is
required to purchase the same amount that could he bought for 70 cents
15 years ago. If nil things immediately adjusted themselves to this
ihiinge as it progressed, and every decrease in the value of gold was imme
diately met by an eiial increase in the value of everything purchased, it
would make no diirerenee to any one. The mechanic' whose $;l per day
in 181)5 was increased to $1 per day in 110!) could afford to pay T5 cents
to $1 cr barrel more for flur, and
other things in proportion, without
being better or worse off.
Hours of
Labor for
Those engaged in industrial pursuits
will welcome the recently published edito
rials relating to safety devices upon ma
chinery and its approval of the law limit
ing the daily employment of women to 10
hours in mechanical establishments, fac
tories and laundries. Our legislature is
beginning to recognize that the state of
Illinois is concerned in the 6afety, the
health and the welfare of its workers, and
it is to be hoped that the cmrrts will per
ceive that the benefits of such laws to the
community will exceed an occasional case
of hardship that may arise under their
operation. The right to labor and to secure as large a wage as he ean
earn is valuable to every citizen, yet it is one that should be subject to
regulation and control the same as any other property right, where its
unrestricted use is detrimental to the general welfare.
It would require no argument to prove to any one familiar with work
ing conditions in tin? average factory or laundry that a limit of 10 hours'
daily employment is not nn unreasonable restriction upon females or even
upon men, had the legislature seen fit to go that far.
Poisons of
Teachers of classes in natural history
in the public schools should be careful in
their instructions to the pupils to explain
the appearance of poisonous flowers ami
Pupils plnnU.
A I 'l'l. :i . .1 i.i i - i , . ,i ,
j nc pupiiH siiouiu ue so instructed mat
they would recognize such plants at sight.
The necessity for this warning is dem
onstrated by the poisoning from weeds and
plants of members of the botany class at
the Salisbury high school, in England.
That there is real danger in such in
fect iou is shown by the blindness of one
of the affected pupils.
Personal instruction is generally the best and it would be wise, for
the local school teachers to accompany their pupils when trips, are made
into the. woods to secure llowers and plants as specimens for study..
The danger of poisojiing can only be avoided by knowledge of tha
dangerous growths. . -
Eating for Strength.
The greatest pleasure to bt de
rived from eating Is tbe pleasure one
gets In the knowledge that his food It
giving him greater strength and rt
Decause of this fact there Is a con
stant Increase In the consumption of
Quaker Oats; every time tbe strength
making qualities of Quaker OaU have
been tested by scientific Investigation
or by experiments in families It has
been found to be a food without aa
It builds the muscles and brain -without
taxing the digestive organs; It
costs so little anyone can afford It,
and It Is bo carefully prepared and
packed that It 1s absolutely pure and
clean. A Quaker Oats eating family
Is always a healthy family. 11
Quaker Oats Is packed In tegular
size packages and also In large size
family packages. The latter very con
venient for those not near the atore.
Sambo (to Dinah) Ton say yon
truthful. Yes, sure you be full of
truff, but you never let any out.
Backache, Paine In the Kidneys, Bloat
Ing, Etc., Overcome.
A nurso la expocted to know what
to do for common aliments, and worn
en who Buffer back
ache, constant Ian
guor, and other com
mon symptoms of
kidney complaint,
should be grateful to
Mrs. Minnie turner,
of E. D. St, Ana
darko, Okla,, for
pointing out the way
to find quick relief. Mrs. Turner uaed
Doan'B Kidney Pills for a run-down oon
Jltlon, backache, pains In the sides and
kidneys, bloated limbs, etc. "The waf
they have built me up Is simply mar'
veloua," says Mrs. Turner, who Is (
nurse. "My health Improved rapidly.
Five boxes did so much for me I Li
telling everybody about It"
Remember the name Doan's. Sol
by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Fostof
Ullburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Good Work Goes On.
During the year that has passed
since the International congress on tu
berculosis met at Washington, one In
stitution or organization for the treat
ment or prevention of tuberculosis has
been established every day, Sundays
and holidays Included, according to a
bulletin of the National Association
for the Study and Prevention of Tu
berculosis. Fifteen new beds In hos
pitals or sanltorla have been provided
also for every day of the year.
Not Expecting Too Much.
"I auppose your remarks In con
tress will be listened to with great In
terest?" "My friend," said the statesman, "In
congress a man Is lucky to get a
chance to make a speech without ex
pectlng people to listen to It"
6hake Into Your 8hoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder.
It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It
Is a certain cure for sweating, callous anil
hot, tired, aching feet. Always um It te
llreak In new shoes. Bold by all Druggist,
lie. Trial package mailed Free. Aridresa
Allen 8. Olmated, Leltoy, New York.
What has become of the old-fash
toned boy who would rather stay horn
and work than go to school?
Conttpat1on fmiw. aggravat many mrttmi
dlx-awti. ll ! Ibomiitfhly t-urxd bf lr. Plrot
I'leaaaot I'tileti, Xlw I arorlla taally Ukiauv.
To believe only what our finite
minds can grasp.
2 lb.
Read This.
3 lbs. Gas Roasted equals 4 lbs.
of the same coffee roasted any
other way. Because it is roasted
so much quicker and the strength
and flavor are not roasted out
Gas roasted means quickly
toasted in the flames and not
slowly baked as when roasted any
other way.
Your Grocer lias It.
Paxton'i Gas Roasted Coffee
. You Can Shave Yourself With
DATrMTR onTATwico or
fA I Erf 19 NO 1IAKUB MA Dal
dona krtrhfnrfr marrD and roport, alto Uolaa
Uuuk. a.r.BUSA U,WahlnjUiii,D.a
g afflleted with
aura ctm, km
1 Thompson's EyoWitor
W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 48-1909.